Chapter XXIII.Through The Golden Gate.

  "Well, this is certainly a remarkable letter," said the reporter, ashe handed it back to Dodger. "I am at a loss to understand theinterest which this man appears to feel in you."

  "I look upon him as my enemy," said Dodger. "But an enemy doesn'tspend so much money upon another as he has."

  "Unless he has object in it," amended Leslie, shrewdly. "Do you knowof any connection this man has with you?"

  "No; I never heard of him until I entered his house," and Dodgerflushed as he thought that his entrance into the mansion on MadisonAvenue had been as a burglar.

  "It seems to me that he knows more about you than you do about him. Italso seems to me that he is anxious to get you out of New York, thefarther the better."

  "But what harm could I do him in New York?" asked Dodger, puzzled.

  "That is the question which I cannot answer. You say he wasinstrumental in getting his Cousin Florence out of the house?"

  "Yes; he wanted to marry her."

  "And she would not consent?"

  "No; I think she hates him."

  "How old is she?"


  "And he?"

  "He looks about thirty-five."

  "The difference in years isn't great enough to constitute an obstacle,provided she loved him. I am thirty years old."

  "I am sure Florence would prefer you to Curtis Waring."

  "Don't flatter me. I am vain enough already. The time may come when Imay ask your good offices with Miss Linden. What I was about to askwas: Is Miss Linden also entitled to a share in her uncle's estate?"

  "She is just as nearly related to him as Mr. Waring."

  "Then I can understand his wishing to get rid of her. I don't know whyhe should want to send you to a distance. I suppose there can't be anyrelationship?"

  "Is it likely that I--a poor street boy--should be related to a richman like Mr. Linden?"

  "It doesn't seem likely, I admit," said Leslie, musingly. "Well, Isuppose," he continued, after a pause, "there is no use in speculatingabout the matter now. The important point is, what are we to do withourselves during the four or five months we must spend on shipboard?"

  "I don't know what I can do," said Dodger. "I can't sell papers, and Ican't smash baggage."

  "And there appears to be no need of your doing either, as you areprovided with board and lodging till we reach shore."

  "That seems strange to me, for I've always had to hustle for aliving."

  "I was about to make a proposal to you. But first let me ask you aboutyour education. I suppose you are not an accomplished scholar?"

  "I'm about as ignorant as they make 'em," answered Dodger, drolly."Tim was afraid to send me to college, for fear I'd get to know toomuch for my business."

  "Tending bar does not require an acquaintance with Latin and Greek.Would you like to know more?"

  "I wish I did. Florence was teaching me nights when I was in New York.Now I've got to give up all that."

  "Not necessarily. Listen to me, Arthur. Before I came to New York togo into journalism, I taught school for two years; and I believe I maysay that I was tolerably successful. Suppose I take you as a scholar?"

  "I should like it very much, Mr. Leslie, but I'm afraid I haven't gotmoney enough to pay you."

  "That is true. You will need all the money you have when you land inCalifornia. Twenty-five dollars won't go far--still you have all themoney that is necessary, for I do not intend to charge you anything."

  "You are very kind to me, Mr. Leslie, considerin' you don't know me,"said Dodger, gratefully.

  "On the contrary, I think I know you very well. But about the kindness--my motives are somewhat mixed. I should like to do you a service,but I should also like to find employment for myself that will makethe days less monotonous. I have a collection of books in my trunk,enough for our needs, and if you will agree we will commence ourstudies to-morrow."

  "I should like it very much. I'd like to show Florence, when I seeher, that I have improved. Till I saw her I didn't care much, but whenI talk with her I feel awfully ignorant."

  "In four months a great deal can be accomplished. I don't know howquick you are to learn. After we have had one or two lessons I canjudge better."

  Two days later Mr. Leslie pronounced his opinion, and a favorable one.

  "You have not exaggerated your ignorance," he said to Dodger. "Youhave a great deal to learn, but on the other hand you are quick, havea retentive memory, and are very anxious to learn. I shall makesomething of you."

  "I learn faster with you than with Florence," said Dodger.

  "Probably she would succeed better with girls, but I hold that a maleteacher is better for boys. How long are you willing to study everyday?"

  "As long as you think best."

  "Then we will say from two to three hours. I think you have talent forarithmetic. I don't expect to make you fit for a bookkeeper, but Ihope to make you equal to most office boys by the time we reach SanFrancisco. What do you intend to do in California?"

  "I don't know. I should like to go back to New York, but I shall nothave money enough."

  "No; twenty-five dollars would go but a little way toward the passage.Evidently Mr. Waring did not intend to have you return, or he wouldhave provided you with more."

  "That is just why I should like to go back. I am afraid he will dosome harm to Florence."

  "And you would like to be on hand to protect her?"


  Randolph Leslie smiled.

  "You seem to take a great deal of interest in Florence, if I may makeas free with her name as you do."

  "Yes; I do, Mr. Leslie."

  "If you were only a little older I might suspect the nature of thatinterest."

  "I am older than she is."

  "In years, yes. But a young lady of seventeen, brought up as she hasbeen, is older by years than a boy of eighteen. I don't think you needapprehend any harm to Miss Linden, except that Mr. Waring may cheather out of her rightful share of the inheritance. Is her uncle in goodhealth?"

  "No, sir; he is a very feeble man."

  "Is he an old man?"

  "Not so very old. I don't believe he is over sixty."

  Really Mr. Linden was but fifty-four, but, being a confirmed invalid,he looked older.

  "Should you say that he was likely to live very long?"

  "No," answered Dodger. "He looks as if you could knock him over with afeather. Besides, I've heard Florence say that she was afraid heruncle could not live long."

  "Probably Curtis Waring is counting upon this. If he can keep Florenceand her uncle apart for a few months, Mr. Linden will die, and he willinherit the whole estate. What is this will he speaks of in the letteryou showed me?"

  "I don't know, sir."

  "Whatever the provisions are, it is evident that he thinks itimportant to get it into his possession. If favorable to him, he willkeep it carefully. If unfavorable, I think a man like him would nothesitate to suppress it."

  "No doubt you are right, sir. I don't know much about wills," saidDodger.

  "No; I suppose not. You never made any, I suppose," remarked thereporter, with a smile.

  "I never had nothing to leave," said Dodger.

  "Anything would be a better expression. As your tutor I feel itincumbent upon me to correct your grammar."

  "I wish you would, Mr. Leslie. What do you mean to do when you get toSan Francisco?"

  "I shall seek employment on one of the San Farncisco daily papers. Sixmonths or a year so spent will restore my health, and enable me tolive without drawing upon my moderate savings."

  "I expect I shall have to work, too, to get money to take me back toNew York."

  And now we must ask the reader to imagine four months and one weekpassed.

  There had been favorable weather on the whole, and the voyage wasunusually short.

  Dodger and the reporter stood on deck, and with eager interest watchedthe passage through the Gold
en Gate. A little later and the queen cityof the Pacific came in sight, crowning the hill on which a part of thecity is built, with the vast Palace Hotel a conspicuous object in theforeground.