p. 285 ‘The failure of officers and commissars…’, TsAMO 48/486/13, p. 472

  p. 286 ‘These Russians…’, Einsiedel, Tagebuch der Versuchung,p. 110

  p. 286 ‘a tremendous education for victory…’, Zhukov, p. 151

  p. 286 ‘The morale of…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/101

  p. 287 ‘We were like gypsies…’, Glichov, conversation, 6 Nov. 1995

  p. 287 spotted ‘a white mug with a rose’, Glichov, conversation, 14 Nov. 1995

  p. 288 ‘When I killed…’, Lazarev, conversation, 13 Nov. 1995

  p. 288 ‘A soldier felt…’, Lazarev, conversation, 13 Nov. 1995

  p. 289 ‘very difficult’, Lazarev, conversation, 13 Nov. 1995

  p. 290 ‘Listen, Herr General…’, Strecker, quoted in Haller, p. 97

  p. 290 ‘Things seem…’, Groscurth, 3 Dec. 1942, p. 530


  p. 291 ‘I can’t remain…’, 11 Dec. 1942, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 212

  p. 292 captured pilot, Obergefreiter Paul German (sic), TsAMO 48/453/13, p. 261

  p. 293 ‘The trapped German forces…’, Zhukov, 29 Nov. 1942, p. 178

  p. 296 ‘cornerstone’, quoted Paulus, p. 235

  p. 296 ‘He described…’, Raus bequest, ÖStA-KA B/186: III

  p. 297 ‘Intention: Fourth…’, BA-MA, RH19 VI, p. 60

  p. 297 ‘Order for…’, General Raus, ÖStA-KA B/186: III

  p. 298 ‘Once a unit…’, Gilbert (ed.), p. 17

  p. 298 ‘a gigantic…’, Raus, ÖStA-KA B/186: III

  p. 300 ‘Around the runway…’, Rohden, p. 46

  p. 301 ‘Right down to…’, General Raus, ÖStA-KA B/186: III

  p. 302 ‘Yesterday and today…’, Kolya Batyuk, 18 Dec. 1942, AMPSB 488/7955(5)

  p. 303 ‘a steadily increasing…’, Wolfgang Eckart, ‘Von der Agonie einer missbrauchten Armee’, in Wette and Ueberschär (eds.), p. 109

  p. 304 ‘without having received…’, Professor Dr Hans Girgensohn, ‘Der Hungertod in Stalingrad: Die Geschichte seiner Entdeckung’, privately published, 1992

  p. 304 ‘The suspected causes…’, Girgensohn, ibid.

  p. 304 ‘a large-scale experiment…’, 6 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RH20-6/796

  p. 304 ‘luxurious’, Prof. Dr Hans Girgensohn, conversation, 22 Apr. 1996

  p. 306 ‘stress illness’, Girgensohn, conversation, 22 Apr. 1996

  p. 306 rats deprived of sleep, Dr Susan Greenfield in the Royal Institution Christmas Lecture, 28 Dec. 1994

  p. 306 ‘There’s little new…’, Lt W. M., 22 Dec. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 306 ‘Slowly, our brave…’, 30 Dec. 1942, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 307 ‘There stands a soldier…’, Sepp Wirrer, ‘Das Wolgalied’, Kamerad-schaft Stalingrad, Aug./Sept. 1983

  p. 307 German Communists, Korfes, undated ms. in MGFA-P; and Dyatlenko ms.

  p. 308 ‘crackling sound of the propaganda voice’, Hans Schmieder ms.

  p. 308 ‘the ones with the…’, 6 Dec. 1942, TsAMO 206/294/47, p. 102

  p. 308 ‘Soldiers eagerly…’, 16 Sept. 1942, TsAMO 48/453/13, p. 36

  p. 308 ‘“If German soldiers…”’, TsAMO 48/486/13, p. 488

  p. 308 ‘Can one serve two masters?’ Strecker, quoted in Haller, p. 97

  p. 309 ‘the chances of a…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 309 ‘We survivors…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 309 ‘a break-out…’, Beck, ÖStA-AdR 522

  p. 309 ‘Every step was exhausting,’ Behr conversation, 25 Oct. 1995


  p. 311 ‘just like at home’, Kurt Reuber, letter, 25 Dec. 1942, quoted in Bähr and Bähr, p. 195

  p. 312 ‘in the German way…’, 24 Dec. 1942, BA-MA, N395/12

  p. 313 ‘Odu fröhliche’, Kurt Reuber, letter, 25 Dec. 1942, Bähr and Bähr, Ρ· 195

  p. 313 ‘with husky voices’, Walter Kuber, ‘Von Weihnachten 1942 bis zumeiner Gefangennahme am 31.1.1943’, in Beck, p. 193

  p. 313 ‘It is a…’, Strecker, quoted in Haller, p. 102

  p. 313 ‘the divisional commander…’, Heinrich Simonmeier, Uffz., report, 29 July 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 313 ‘No supply flights…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/236

  p. 313 ‘If we do not receive…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/240

  p. 314 ‘In our hearts…’, Oberstabarzt Dr Carl Otto Marckstadt, quoted in Schneider-Janessen, p. 146

  p. 314 ‘Christmas naturally…’, letter, 28 Dec. 1942, quoted in Paulus, p. 89

  p. 314 ‘Darling!…’, Dmitry Venkutov to his wife, 24 Dec. 1942, AMPSB 11480

  p. 314 ‘Hello Mariya’, 24 Dec. 1942, AMPSB 739/13529

  p. 315 ‘After reflecting…’, Toepke, p. 83

  p. 315 ‘Thus a dozen…’, Hptm. d.R. Czygan, 8 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/v. 264, p. 205

  p. 315 ‘Bloody losses…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/237

  p. 316 ‘all the necessary…’, Adam, Der schwere Entschluss,p. 264

  p. 316 ‘that Hitler…’, Dohna-Schlobitten, conversation, 16 Oct. 1995

  p. 316 ‘372 tanks…’, BA-MA, RH19 VI/7, p. 59, and RH19 VI/8, p. 38

  p. 316 ‘The enemy used…’, Uffz. Hans Urban, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, pp. 88–91

  p. 317 ‘Our will for victory…’, 31 Dec. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/240, p. 119

  p. 317 ‘a powerful…’, Daniels to wife, 1 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, N395/12

  p. 318 ‘Celebrating the New Year…’, letter, 9 Jan. 1943, Shindel’, p. 45

  p. 318 ‘Dear Parents, I’m all right…’, AMPSB N45079A

  p. 318 ‘In the name of…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/236

  p.318 ‘Mein Führer! 1 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RH20-6/236

  p. 318 ‘We’re not…’; ‘We are maintaining…’; ‘The Führer knows…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 319 ‘New hope arises…’, Strecker, Haller, p. 102

  p. 319 ‘following radio…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/240, pp. 77, 86

  p. 319 ‘with Luftwaffe…’, Wallrawe, RH27-16/43

  p. 320 ‘I don’t like the…’, V. Barsov, letter of 9 Jan. 1943, Shindel’, p. 45

  p. 320 ‘The Russians began…’, Max Plakolb, ÖStA-KA B/1540

  p. 320 ‘Army starving and frozen…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/244D

  p. 320 ‘From the command post…’, Opolchentsy ν boyakh za Rodinu…,p. 15

  p. 321 ‘Whom shall we…’, Zhukov, Kakim my ego pomnim,p. 245

  p. 322 ‘You’ll be sitting…’, Marshal N. N. Voronov, ‘Operation “Ring” ‘, Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal, 5 & 6, 1962

  p. 322 ‘Why don’t the Russians…’, Martin Fiebig, 1 Jan. 1943, quoted in Kempowski (ed.), Das Echolot…, vol. i, p. 24

  p. 322 ‘German anti-fascists…’, Dyatlenko ms.

  p. 324 ‘Everyone knew about…’, TsAMO 226/335/7, p. 233

  p. 324 ‘for all the trousers…’, Dyatlenko ms.


  p. 333 ‘The misty cloud…’, Dibold, p. 9

  p. 334 ‘widely strewn…’, Wieder, p. 45

  p. 334 ‘Young and inexperienced…’, Morzik, p. 188

  p. 334 ‘Which ass…’, Toepke, p. 69

  p. 335 ‘My trust in…’, 12 Dec. 1942, Paulus, p. 259, 19 Dec. 1942, p. 260

  p. 335 ‘in honour of the heroes…’, quoted in Sereny, p. 364

  p. 335 ‘I hope that you’ll break…’, AMPSB, N677

  p. 336 ‘very soon…’, BA-MA, N395/13

  p. 336 ‘who like everybody else…’, Speer, quoted in Sereny, pp. 364–5

  p. 337 ‘the Russians have…’, Uffz. Hans Urban, 389th I.D., BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 89

  p. 337 ‘eaten two of his…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 93

  p. 338 ‘I received a quarter litre…’, AMPSB, uncatalogued

  p. 338 ‘We can only count…’, 26 Dec. 1942, AMPSB N677

  p. 339 ‘The only thing left…’, 27 Dec. 1942, AMPSB N45079A

  p. 339 ‘a light wound…’, Kuber, in Beck, p. 195

  p. 339 ‘I request permission…’, Strecker, quote
d in Haller, p. 104

  p. 339 ‘steering-wheel heroes’, Beck, p. 158

  p. 340 ‘One day…’, Plakolb, ÖStA-KA B/1540

  p. 340 ‘Every half-hour…’, Gefr. Joachim Grunow, Panzer Regt 2, report, 1 Aug. 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 340 ‘Only the…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 341 ‘deafening sound’, Hans Schmieder ms.

  p. 341 ‘could not gain…’, Siegfried Mühler, 44th I.D., ÖStA-KA B/1582

  p. 342 ‘I was a soldier…’, Gottfried von Bismarck, ms.

  p. 342 ‘I was deeply…’, Dohna-Schlobitten, p. 263

  p. 342 ‘to advise…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 343 ‘Give Hitler exactly…’, Behr, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 345 ‘in a coded manner’, letter from Winrich Behr to the author, 26 Feb. 1996

  p. 347 ‘Discussions about the…’, Manstein, 25 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RH19 VI/12

  p. 348 ‘Taking leave…’, Max Plakolb, ÖStA-KA B/1540

  p. 348 ‘Scarcely an earthly hope…’, Reuber, 7 Jan. 1943, Bähr and Bähr, p. 205

  p. 348 ‘to scribble…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 95

  p. 348 ‘The mood here…’, 13 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 121

  p. 348 ‘Perhaps this will…’, 13 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 119

  p. 348 ‘You are always…’, 13 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 100

  p. 349 ‘Fate has…’, Gefreiter, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 96

  p. 349 ‘fateful battle…’, 13 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 118

  p. 349 ‘This is a heroic struggle…’, 13 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 99

  p. 349 ‘we heard in…’, Voronov, p. 18

  p. 350 376th Infantry Division, Dyatlenko ms., and Voronov, p. 44

  p. 350 ‘Enemy No. 1 is…’ and ‘My dear parents…’, BA-MA, RW4/v. 264

  p. 350 Cannibalism, Oberstleutnant a.D. Pfeifer, conversation, 20 Oct. 1995, and anonymous

  p. 350 ‘In a gully…’, Weinert, p. 122

  p. 351 ‘left him completely…’, Girgensohn, conversation, 22 Apr. 1996


  p. 352 ‘the usual melody…’, Lt W. M., 15 Dec. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 352 ‘Just a little…’, 10 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 212

  p. 352 ‘one spoke about death…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 352 Ordinary soldiers, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 352 ‘that the relief force…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 63

  p. 353 ‘Help is close’, interrogation, 16 Jan. 1943, TsAMO 226/335/7, P.202

  p. 353 ‘Especially brave were…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 353 ‘who conducted themselves…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 61

  p. 353 ‘an incessant rolling…’, Voronov, p. 27

  p. 353 ‘There are only two…’, Eugene Dolmatowsky, 27 Jan. 1943, ‘The Ring closes in’, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 142

  p. 353 ‘very unpeaceful Sunday’, letter/diary to wife, 10 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, N395/12

  p. 354 ‘The enemy munition…’, Zank, p. 60

  p. 354 ‘Nobody came out’, Siegfried Mühler, ÖStA-KA B/1582

  p. 354 ‘For an hour…’, Stolberg, report, 17 Feb. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/v. 264, p. 160

  p. 354 ‘Some of them…’, Stalingradbund Österreich, August 1989

  p. 355 ‘From this day on…’, Wallrawe report, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 355 ‘If the enemy…’, TsAMO 206/294/18, p. 432

  p. 355 ‘Those pigs of Romanians…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 61

  p. 356 ‘Karpovka looks…’, Weinert, p. 34

  p. 357 ‘instead of digging…’, Strecker, quoted in Haller, p. 104

  p. 357 ‘resisted bitterly…’, Grams, p. 61

  p. 357 ‘Munitions coming…’, 13 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 357 ‘open fire only…’, Wallrawe, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 357 ‘soldiers with…’, Klaus, p. 66

  p. 358 ‘left to their fate’, Wallrawe, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 358 ‘Here was the greatest…’, Alois Dorner, ‘Meine Rettung aus dem Kessel von Stalingrad’, Kameradschaft Stalingrad, Aug./Sept. 1989

  p. 359 ‘376 Infantry Division…’, 14 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 359 ‘Hitler’s excuse…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 360 ‘missing presumed dead’, Speer, quoted in Sereny, p. 366

  p. 360 ‘one look at the actual…’, Morzik, p. 191

  p. 360 ‘It was senseless to run away’, TsAMO 206/294/47, p. 109

  p. 361 ‘unbearable conditions…’, interrogation, 2 Feb. 1943, TsAMO 226/335/7, p. 233

  p. 361 ‘Heavy one-way traffic…’, BA-MA, RL30/4

  p. 361 ‘It is severely cold’, Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/100

  p. 362 ‘Several commanders…’, Dr Günther Diez, Schneider-Janessen, Ρ·145

  p. 362 ‘Faced with so much…’, Schmieder MS.

  p. 363 ‘Cases of post-operative…’, Dr Günther Diez, Schneider-Janessen, Ρ·144

  p. 363 ‘the so-called hospital’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 363 ‘It was a form of hell’, Stolberg, report, 17 Feb. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/v. 264, p. 160

  p. 363 ‘Death king of Gumrak’, Seydlitz, p. 254

  p. 364 ‘I am proud…’, Hans Schmieder, ‘Ein Überlebender aus dem Kessel

  von Stalingrad berichtet’, Deutsches Soldatenjahrbuch, 1987

  p. 364 ‘an attack by twenty-eight…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 364 ‘I am thinking about…’, letter from unknown German soldier, AMPSB, quoted in Volgograd University history department project

  p. 364 ‘Why were no…’, BA-MA, RL30/5

  p. 364 ‘completely apathetic’, BA-MA, RL30/6

  p. 365 ‘the Army is no longer…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/796

  p. 365 ‘fed his dog with…’, Dr Günther Diez, Schneider-Janessen, p. 143

  p. 365 ‘On the codeword “Lion”…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 365 ‘consider ways…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 366 ‘trusted and energetic…’, BA-MA, RH19 VI/11, p. 50

  p. 366 ‘flown out of the…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 86

  p. 366 ‘The Führer decreed…’, Bradley and Schulze-Kossens, p. 42

  p. 367 ‘seemed absolutely bent…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 368 ‘Is it possible…’, BA-MA, RL30/6

  p. 369 ‘Those in the Fortress…’, 12.48, 18 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RL30/6

  p. 369 ‘The Stalingrad Kessel…’, quoted in Boelcke, p. 369

  p. 369 ‘only an immediate strike’, Waldersee, quoted in Groscurth, p. 95

  p. 369 ‘who soon will have no…’, Groscurth, p. 553

  p. 370 ‘There is not a single…’, BA-MA, RL30/6, p. 73

  p. 370 ‘Gumrak airfield…’, BA-MA, RL30/6, p. 80

  p. 370 ‘Whatever help…’, Maj. Maes, 22 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RL30/6, p. 83

  p. 370 ‘as if on a hare shoot’, and (p. 371) ‘Leave me!’, anonymous conversation

  p. 371 ‘abandoned cripples’, Weinert, p. 33

  p. 371 ‘water from snow…’, Böhme, p. 237

  p. 371 ‘As far as the eye…’, Hans Schmieder MS.

  p. 372 ‘Herr Major, sie kommen!’ Gebele, in Beck, p. 183

  p. 372 ‘It was bitterly cold…’, Kuber, in Beck, p. 194

  p. 372 ‘Surrender out of…’, 22 Jan. 1943, BA-MA, RH19 VI/12, p. 324


  p. 374 ‘With heavy hearts…’, Kuber, in Beck, p. 196

  p. 374 red parachutes, Winrich Behr, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 374 ‘German soldiers here’, BA-MA, RH19 VI/12, p. 451

  p. 375 ‘Exhausted wounded men…’, BA-MA, RW4/v. 264

  p. 375 ‘Moans, calls for help…’, Dr Hubert Haidinger, in Bund ehemaliger Stalingradkämpfer, Weihnachts Rundbrief, 1992, p. 9

  p. 375 ‘Abandon hope…’, Dr Hermann Achleitner, ‘Als Arzt in Stalingrad’, in Beck, p. 199

  p. 376 ‘Two Stalingrad women…’, Gebele, in Beck, p. 186

  p. 377 ‘Where are your regiments?’ Theodor Plievier broadcast, BA-MA, RW4/v. 264, p. 227

  p. 377 ‘The eyes of the hardened…’, Chuikov, p. 279

  p. 378 ‘more interesting’, Dyatlenko MS.

  p. 378 ‘Kessel-baby’, Dyatlenko MS.; see also ‘Das “Kesselkind” des Generals’ in Freiheit, 7 Apr. 1965, and BA-MA, N395/12

  p. 379 ‘the eyes and hand…’, Dyatlenko MS.

  p. 379 ‘To the Führer!…’, BA-MA, RL30/5

  p. 380 ‘Paulus is in a…’, 20 Jan. 1943, Groscurth, p. 533

  p. 380 ‘our own funeral speech’, Wieder, Stalingrad und die Verantwortung des Soldaten,p. 100

  p. 380 ‘macabre’, Gottfried von Bismarck MS.

  p. 380 ‘Turn it up!’ Dr Hubert Haidinger, op. cit., p. 7

  p. 380 ‘suicide of the Jews’, anonymous conversation

  p. 380 ‘The heroic…’, quoted in Domarus, vol. ii, p. 1979

  p. 381 ‘I have no intention…’, quoted in Beck, p. 207

  p. 381 ‘It looks like an invitation…’, Dyatlenko MS.

  p. 381 ‘What’s going on here?’ Dibold, pp. 24–5

  p. 382 ‘apocalyptic order’, Seydlitz, p. 250

  p. 382 ‘We fight to the last bullet…’, anonymous conversation

  p. 382 ‘The swastika…’, 30 Jan. 1943 at 19.50 hrs, BA-MA, RL30/5

  p. 382 ‘listening to the…’, BA-MA, RL30/5

  p. 382 ‘During that night…’, Schmieder MS.

  p. 383 ‘Russians at the…’, Sonderstab Milch, BA-MA, RL30/6, p. 83

  p. 383 ‘In Stalingrad the situation…’, BA-MA, RW4/v. 264

  p. 383 ‘like the ears…’, Grossman, Life and Fate, p. 801

  p. 384 ‘Kameraden, Krieg kaputt!’ Fritz Ecker, ‘Ein weiter Weg’, Stalin-gradbund Österreich, Jan. 1991

  p. 384 ‘Whoever’s capable…’, Dr Hubert Haidinger, op. cit., p. 8

  p. 384 ‘Fascist dogs’, Klavdia Sveridovna Ribaltshenko (sic), interrogation by Gruppe Geheime Feldpolizei 626, 21 July 1943, BZG-S

  p. 385 ‘Soviet soldiers…’, Beck, p. 189

  p. 385 ‘What shall we do with…’, anonymous conversation

  p. 387 ‘That’s how Berlin…’, Beck, p. 197

  p. 387 ‘rather good command of Russian’, C. M. Bogomolov MS.