p. 195 ‘I cannot understand…’, Herbert Pabst, 18 Oct. 1942, Bähr and Bähr, p. 188

  p. 196 ‘hundreds of wounded…’, Chuikov, p. 203

  p. 197 ‘exceptional cowardice’, Koshcheev to Shcherbakov, 9 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 117

  p. 198 ‘Communist-infected circles’, Boelcke, p. 384

  p. 199 ‘Hello, Shura!’ RGALI 1284/2/3466

  p. 199 ‘I’m getting along…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 199 ‘we are constantly…’, 12 Oct. 1942, AMPSB 7555/13530

  p. 199 ‘Mariya…’, 23 Oct. 1942, AMPSB 7555/13530

  p. 200 ‘People might reproach me…’, AMPSB, quoted in Volgograd University history department project

  p. 200 ‘I often ask myself…’, Leutnant Otten, AMPSB, quoted in Volgograd University history department project

  p. 200 ‘I can’t stop worrying…’, to Josef Joffner from his wife in Nuremberg, AMPSB N45079A

  p. 200 ‘Aunt Lyuba…’, 11 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 139

  p. 200 ‘the wounded caught…’, 7 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 117

  p. 201 ‘In 62nd Army alone…’, 11 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 138–9

  p. 201 ‘In the occupied…’, 11 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 151

  p. 202 ‘absolutely incorrect attitude’ and ‘unnecessary appendix’, 14 Nov. 1942, Koshcheev to Shcherbakov, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 179

  p. 202 ‘Without my permission…’, Koshcheev to Shcherbakov, 21 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 262

  p. 202 ‘because now that they…’, 14 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 179–80

  p. 202 ‘a counter-revolutionary statement’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 18 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 249

  p. 202 ‘They’ve invented the Orders…’, Dobronin to Shcherbakov, 15 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 162

  p. 202 ‘criminal carelessness’, 15 Oct. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/24, p. 344

  p. 202 medal in vodka, Lazarev, conversation, 13 Nov. 1995

  p. 203 ‘a new wave of…’, 4 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 176–7

  p. 203 ‘noble sniper’, 10 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 122

  p. 204 ‘Rus, komm, komm!’ 6 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 76–7

  p. 204 ‘Fascists should know…’, 4 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 58

  p. 204 ‘learned the dark sides of life’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 205 Manenkov, 17 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 216

  p. 205 ‘still the best…’, 12 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 144

  p. 205 ‘In war…’, Grossman papers, RGALI, 1710/1/100

  p. 206 ‘formerly workers…’, 4 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 52

  p. 206 ‘so close to the…’, Hptm. Kempter, quoted in Hauck, pp. 74–5

  p. 206 ‘the dogs fight…’, Gefr. H. S., 389th I.D., 5 Nov. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 207 ‘We felt at home in the dark’, Chuikov, p. 211

  p. 207 ‘Father…’, Gefreiter Gelman to his family, AMPSB, quoted in Volgograd University history department project

  p. 207 ‘Don’t worry…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/100

  p. 207 ‘Here a saying…’, Sold. K. H. 113th I.D., 27 Oct. 1942, BZG-S


  p. 208 Munich Oktoberfest, BA-MA, N395/9

  p. 208 ‘It’s not an…’, Sold. K. H., 113th I.D., 27 Oct. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 208 ‘We really need…’, Uffz. H. D., 295th I.D., 6 Nov. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 209 ‘a highly active defence’, 14 Oct. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/220

  p. 209 How to Construct…, BA-MA, RH20-6/238, p. 197

  p. 209 ‘The Führer has…’, 7 Nov. 1942, Groscurth, p. 529

  p. 209 ‘rises and falls…’, Uffz. W. B. 371st I.D., 26 Oct. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 209 ‘Here one must…’, Uffz. A. R., 60th I.D. (mot.), 19 Nov. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 209 ‘most beautiful festival…’, Uffz. H. B., 371st I.D., 28 Oct. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 209 ‘requirements for…’, 3 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, RH27-24/3

  p. 210 ‘who have been in the…’, AOK 6, 29 Oct. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/220

  p. 210 ‘It’s a typically German affair…’, Pabst, p. 121

  p. 210 ‘For the time being…’, Uffz. A. R., 60th I.D. (mot.), 19 Nov. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 210 ‘Jaundice especially…’, Klaus, p. 21

  p. 211 ‘Fieberkurve’ and ‘the troops’ reduced…’, Dr Dormanns, 28 Jan. 1943, quoted in Schneider-Janessen, p. 132

  p. 211 ‘fearless commander…’, Koshcheev to Shcherbakov, 4 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 61–2

  p. 211 ‘The effect of massed…’, KTB AOK 6, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 212 ‘In the last two days…’, 6 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25,

  p. 69 p. 212 ‘to install…’, 7 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 101

  p. 212 ‘heavy enemy night bombing…’, Sixth Army war diary, 1 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 212 ‘Along the whole…’, 7 Nov. 1942, Groscurth, p. 529

  p. 212 ‘exceeding…’, 6 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 70

  p. 212 ‘out of 1,697 Komsomol…’, TsAMO 48/486/10, p. 275

  p. 212 ‘got drunk’, report of 11 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 142

  p. 213 ‘anti-chemical liquids’, 23 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 291–3

  p. 213 ‘I wanted to reach…’, quoted in Domarus, vol. ii, pp. 1937–8

  p. 214 ‘Hitler refused outright…’, Below, p. 322

  p. 214 ‘The ice floes collide…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 214 Volga steamers, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/12/21

  p. 215 347th Rifle Regt, 7 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 101

  p. 215 signal flares, 10 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 122

  p. 215 ‘Rus! Don’t shoot!’, 7 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 115

  p. 215 ‘it was noticed…’, 10 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 122

  p. 216 ‘army conventionality’, Richthofen diary, 1 Nov. 1942, Paulus, p. 190

  p. 217 ‘hurricane of fire’, and ‘Begin shelling…’, 15 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 197–8

  p.217 ‘If they can’t…’, Richthofen diary, 16 Nov. 1942, in Paulus, p. 191

  p. 218 ‘Hitler was obsessed…’, Behr, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 218 ‘42 percent of his battalions…’, Philippi and Heim, p. 177

  p. 218 ‘all the trials…’, Seydlitz, p. 164

  p. 218 ‘These were different…’, Glichov, conversation, 6 Nov. 1995

  p. 219 ‘not in the air, but at the Germans’, 13 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 155


  p. 220 ‘And what…’, Zhukov, p. 140; Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad, p. 389

  p. 221 ‘shift the strategic…’, Zhukov, p. 140

  p. 221 ‘deep operations’, Erickson, ‘The development of Soviet military doctrine’, p. 5

  p. 222 ‘a regime of the strictest secrecy’, Vasilevsky, p. 189

  p. 223 ‘but Zhukov was Zhukov’, Glichov, conversation, 6 Nov. 1995

  p. 223 Soviet tank production figures, Erickson, The Road to Stalingrad,Ρ 375

  p. 224 ‘fighters in overalls’, quoted in John Erickson, ‘Soviet women at war’, in Garrard and Garrard, p. 50

  p. 224 ‘What was Your Help to the Front?’, TsMVS

  p. 224 ‘For the death of enemies…’ and ‘4,363…’, Ehrenburg papers, RGALI 1204/2/3453

  p. 225 ‘within fifteen miles…’, RTsKhIDNI 17/43/1773

  p. 227 ‘greatest feat was…’, Glantz, Soviet Military Deception in the Second World War,p. 113

  p. 227 ‘My dear friend…’, Behr, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 230 ‘the Third Romanian…’, Sixth Army war diary, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 230 ‘On the Don…’, Richthofen diary, 12 Nov. 1942, Paulus, p. 191

  p. 230 ‘Weather…’, Richthofen diary, 14 Nov. 1942, Paulus, p. 191

  p. 230 Khrushchev and Yeremenko at Svetly-Yar, 18 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p.230

sp; p. 231 ‘on a wild-goose chase’, Metelmann, conversation, 12 Apr. 1996

  p. 231 ‘Hitler was misinformed…’, Below, p. 322

  p. 232 On receiving…’, Sixth Army war diary, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 232 81st Cavalry Division, 10 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 123, and 21 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 279

  p. 232 ‘In the next few days…’, 10 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 129

  p. 233 ‘We could tell…’, Zhukov, p. 169

  p. 233 ‘defeatism and…’, Koshcheev to Shcherbakov, 28 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, pp. 355–6

  p. 234 ‘knew something was…’, Glichov, 6 Nov. 1995

  p. 234 I am well aware of the…’, RTsKhIDNI 17/125/96

  p. 235 119 field hospitals, Schneider-Janessen, p. 135

  p. 235 ‘as a physician would…’, Lt-Gen. A. Rodin, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 109

  p. 235 ‘Along the whole…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 235 ‘2,053 miles from the German…’, Golovchanski, p. 133


  p. 239 ‘According to the statement…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 239 ‘as thick as milk’, Lt-Gen. A. Rodin, in USSR, Stalingrad,p. 110

  p. 240 ‘I have the impression…’, Behr, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 240 ‘because the ground…’, Dr Hans Heinz Schrömbgens, quoted in Schneider-Janessen, p. 135

  p. 240 ‘I don’t know’, Glichov, conversation, 6 Nov. 1995

  p. 240 ‘there will be a holiday…’, quoted in Chuikov, p. 235

  p. 241 ‘The attack…’, Hptm. Krauss, BA-MA, RH19 VI/11, p. 251

  p. 241 ‘Sappers, jump off!’, Smirnov, conversation, 22 Nov. 1995

  p. 244 ‘Once again…’, Richthofen diary, 19 Nov. 1942, quoted in Paulus, p. 192

  p. 244 ‘up to now…’, Sixth Army war diary, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 244 ‘an enemy…’, 11.30, 19 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 244 ‘boxes of files’, Krauss, report, BA-MA, RH19 VI/11, p. 251

  p. 246 ‘It is not even possible…’, Richthofen diary, 19 Nov. 1942, quoted in Paulus, p. 192

  p. 247 ‘Hopefully…’, General von Richthofen diary, 19 Nov. 1942, Paulus, p. 192

  p. 247 ‘Change of situation…’, 22.00, 19 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/221

  p. 247 ‘in whose ranks…’, BA-MA, RH27-16/42

  p. 247 ‘move out’, Gefr. Joachim Grunow, Pz. Regt 2, report, 1 Aug. 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 248 ‘no particular…’, quoted in Beck, pp. 169–70

  p. 248 ‘masses of…’, Gebele, quoted in Beck, p. 170

  p. 249 13th Tank Brigade, 64th Army, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 303

  p. 249 ‘The Romanians…’, Gebele, quoted in Beck, p. 170

  p. 249 157th Rifle Division, 23 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 290

  p. 249 64th Army wounded, 25 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 303

  p.249 ‘that the long-awaited…’, 20 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/28, p. 275

  p. 249 ‘happiest day of the whole war’, Lazarev, conversation, 7 Nov. 1995

  p. 249 ‘panzer-fright’, quoted in Kehrig, p. 148

  p. 250 ‘Antonescu kaputt!’ 23 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 287

  p. 250 ‘cases of chaos…’, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 287

  p. 251 ‘fleeing wildly…’, report of Hptm. Gürtler, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 85

  p. 251 ‘much material…’, report, Lt Graf Stolberg, 17 Feb. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 157

  p. 251 ‘The catastrophic…’, 22 Nov. 1942, 24th Pz. Div., RH27-24/5

  p. 252 ‘the road is strewn…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 618/2/108

  p. 252 ‘staff papers scattered…’, USSR, Stalingrad,p. 112

  p. 253 ‘a not unfavourable…’, Kehrig, p. 160

  p. 253 ‘Paulus and Schmidt had…’, Behr, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 254 ‘for him an…’, Richthofen diary, 23 Nov. 1942, Paulus, p. 225

  p. 254 ‘Sixth Army stand…’, 15.25, 21 Nov. 1942, Kehrig, p. 163

  p. 255 ‘The first news…’, report of Hptm. Wassermann, 16th Pz. Div., 2 Aug. 1943, RH27-16/43

  p. 256 ‘We’re surrounded!’ Grams, p. 58

  p. 256 ‘A sombre Totensonntag…’, letter, 3 Dec. 1942, Bàhr and Bähr, p. 189

  p.256 ‘We became very much…’, Freytag-Loringhoven, conversation, 23 Oct. 1995

  p. 256 ‘We will continue to fight…’, quoted in Axworthy, p. 96

  p. 257 ‘… is the offensive…’, (original German), Ehrenburg papers, RGALI 1207/2/3477

  p. 257 ‘as if it were 1870’, Stolberg, 17 Feb. 1943, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 157

  p. 257 ‘When the retreat started…’, TsAMO 206/294/47, p. 147

  p. 257 ‘Only two out of…’, Werth, The Year of Stalingrad,p. 369

  p. 258 ‘extraordinarily rapid’, BA-MA, N395/11

  p. 259 ‘The numerous Romanians’, Dohna-Schlobitten, p. 256

  p. 259 ‘especially the frantic…’, Lt Walter Öhme, Pz. Regt 2, report, 28 July 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 260 ‘Here everything’s…’, Uffz. Römer, report, 23 May 1943, BA-MA,


  p. 261 ‘Right on towards the Don’ (original German), Ehrenburg papers,

  RGALI 1207/2/3477

  p. 261 ‘A number of tanks…’, Gefr. Joachim Grunow, Panzer Regt 2, report, I Aug. 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 261 ‘last resort’, Dohna-Schlobitten, p. 253

  p.262 ‘Everyone was running…’, Uffz. Römer, report, 23 May 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 262 ‘all items…’, Dohna-Schlobitten, p. 255

  p. 262 ‘the very same bridge…’, II./Pz. Gren. Rgt 64, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 262 ‘very proud’, report, Oberfeldwebel Wallrawe, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 262 ‘I feel much better…’, Dmitry Venkutov, 26 Nov. 1942, AMPSB 11480

  p. 263 ‘The battles are strong…’, AMPSB 602/10343

  p. 263 ‘old women’s kerchiefs…’, Grossman papers, RGALI 1710/1/101

  p. 263 450 collaborators, VOTsDNI 113/14/306, p. 94, quoted in Epifanov, p. 142

  p. 264 ‘in a serious condition…’, 25 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 304

  p. 264 ‘owing to…’, Dohna-Schlobitten, p. 258


  p. 266 ‘I’ve got them!’ Albert Speer, quoted in Sereny, p. 207

  p. 266 ‘alarming news…’, 19 Nov. 1942, KTB-OKW, vol. ii, 1942, p. 988

  p. 267 ‘alterations to…’, Bradley and Schulze-Kossens (eds.), p. 22

  p. 267 ‘temporary encirclement’, BA-MA, RH20-6/241

  p. 267 ‘It’s impossible…’, General von Richthofen diary, Paulus, p. 224

  p. 267 ‘We have nothing…’, BA-MA, N601/v. 4, p. 3

  p. 268 ‘Decision with reasons, please!’ BA-MA, N6oI/v. 3, pp. 12, 13. This conversation was reconstructed and agreed by both Schmidt and Pickert, working together on 7 Jan. 1963, after they had consulted all the available documents to refresh their memories.

  p. 269 wine and champagne, conversation, Behr, and BA-MA, N395/12

  p. 269 ‘They all shared…’, Schmidt, BA-MA, N601/v. 4, p. 7

  p. 269 ‘Army surrounded’, quoted in Kehrig, pp. 559–60

  p. 269 ‘The Sixth Army is…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/238

  p. 270 ‘We’ve found…’, Zeitzler, Kehrig, p. 196

  p. 270 ‘whatever the circumstances’, Kehrig, p. 562

  p. 270 ‘highly paid NCOs’, 25 Nov. 1942, Paulus, p. 227

  p. 271 ‘completely unthinkable’, Seydlitz, p. 193

  p. 271 ‘Already the minor…’, 25 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, N372/12, p. 2

  p. 271 ‘In thousands of…’, Toepke, p. 44

  p. 272 ‘Now that you have…’, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 272 ‘According to a Führer decree…’, Sixth Army, 6 Dec. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/239, p. 135

  p. 272 propaganda leaflets, 23 Nov. 1942, TsAMO 48/486/25, p. 277

  p. 272 ‘The Führer ordered…’, Bradley and Schulze-Kossens, p. 26

  p. 272 ‘the grateful army…’, letter, 15 Nov. 1942, Groscurth, p. 530

  p. 274 ‘And be warned…’, Stahlberg, p. 212 p. 274 ‘When we entered…’, Stahlberg, p. 217

  p. 275 ‘the troops in the area…’, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 275 ‘The whole Sixth Army…’, Henry Holze, in Kruse, p. 14

  p. 275 ‘Yesterday and today…’, 26 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264

  p. 275 ‘the most difficult question…’, Strecker, quoted in Haller, p. 96

  p. 276 ‘Such an action…’, BA-MA, N601/v. 4, p. 13

  p. 276 ‘I know that…’, Paulus, p. 83

  p. 276 ‘Prussian field marshals…’, Rudolph-Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff, Soldat im Untergang: Lebensbilder,p. 134

  p. 276 ‘march out…’, Behr, conversation, 25 Oct. 1995

  p. 276 ‘Hold on…’, Paulus, order, 27 Nov. 1942, BA-MA, RH20-6/238

  p. 276 Schmidt denial, BA-MA N601/v. 10, p. 12

  p. 277 ‘We’re never going…’, Klaus, p. 35


  p. 278 ‘A systematic withdrawal…’, Wallrawe, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 278 ‘artillery and infantry…’, TsAMO 48/486/13, p. 472

  p. 279 ‘The bolsheviks…’, Stolberg, report, BA-MA, RW4/V. 264, p. 159

  p. 279 ‘It is said…’, TsAMO 206/294/47, Ρ·108

  p. 279 ‘doubts about…’, Oblt. v.d. Sode, 16th Panzer Division, report, 12 Aug. 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 280 ‘Since the…’, Sold. K. P., 376th I.D., 14 Dec. 1942, BZG-S

  p. 280 ‘Rations cut…’, BA-MA, RH20-6/237

  p. 280 ‘It was defeatism…’, anonymous conversation

  p. 281 ‘But surely it doesn’t matter…’, anonymous conversation

  p. 281 forty-two air raids, Romer, report, 23 May 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 283 ‘The commanding officer…’, Kurt Reuber, letter, 18 Dec. 1942, Bähr and Bähr, p. 192

  p. 284 ‘Miserably frozen…’ (original German), Ehrenburg papers, RGALI, 1207/2/3477

  p. 284 ‘We squat…’, Reuber, letter, 3 Dec. 1942, quoted in Bähr and Bähr, p. 190

  p. 284 ‘The plague of lice…’, report, OGefr. Heinrich, Pz. Regt 2, 28 July 1943, BA-MA, RH27-16/43

  p. 284 ‘Underneath the lantern…’ (original German), TsAMO 206/294/48, Ρ. 452

  p. 285 ‘Because of bad communications…’, TsAMO 48/486/13, p. 472