of your delights.
9.For with you is the fountain of life.
In your light we see light.
Divine one, your love is omnipresent.
Nothing could exist without it.
We are immersed in your grace,
though sometimes it seems like you are far away.
That cannot be;
for you are both the still, unmoving center;
and the moving creative energy of the universe.
In spite of every seeming circumstance;
In spite of every form of pain and loss;
You are also at the center of our grief
There is nowhere that you are not.
We put our trust in you, Emanuel, God with us.
You are not separate from whatever circumstance life brings.
How precious is your steadfast love O Lord
All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
In you there is no scarcity.
You created an abundant universe where all the needs
of every creature are supplied.
Those who believe in your abundance will feel no lack.
But those who believe in scarcity will never feel fulfilled;
for you are the river of life and they would build a dam.
Those who flow with your currents are carried by your grace.
They will develop inner knowing and be guided by your light.
They feast on the abundance of your house,
and you give them drink from the river of your delights.
All life comes from you, Divine One;
for you are the source of all manifest things.
When we find the kingdom within us,
and live from that center of peace and love;
there will be no darkness
and all conditions and circumstances
which thrive in darkness
will be dissolved.
For a room is no longer dark
when the light is turned on
and all shadows that seemed to frighten
are dissolved in light .
For with you is the fountain of life.
In your light we see light.
salm 37
1. Do not fret because of the wicked;
do not be envious of wrong doers,
2. for they will soon fade like the grass,
and wither like the green herb.
3. Trust in the Lord and do good;
so you will live in the land and enjoy security.
Never think that the wicked are rewarded;
or that those who are ruthless prosper.
Those who do wrong are working against life.
They are paddling a canoe up a waterfall.
Soon they will run out of energy
and be carried away by the current.
They may seem to be rich.
They may seem to have everything;
but they are only running from the emptiness inside.
Those who choose love are fulfilled from within.
Those who follow the laws of the Divine cannot lose.
Do not fret because of the wicked;
do not be envious of wrong doers.
Those who work against life cannot prevail.
They have disconnected themselves from the source of true power.
They will dry up without the life source to feed them.
like grass that withers and dies without rain.
They have no center and thus no access to the eternal fountain.
They cannot be constantly refreshed and replenished
like those who live by the word.
For they will soon fade like the grass,
and wither like the green herb.
Those who know they are innocent
feel no need to attack.
Those who are sure of their inner worth
feel no need to accumulate.
They place their trust in their Creator
and humbly do his will.
Those who know their worth is established by God
do not have to strive or fight.
They live in love's abundance and purity.
Trust in the Lord and do good;
so you will live in the land and enjoy security.
salm 39
4. Lord let me know my end,
and what is the measure of my days;
Let me know how fleeting my life is.
5. You have made my days a few handbreadths
and my life is as nothing in your sight.
Surely everyone stands as a mere breath.
6. Surely everyone goes about as a shadow
Surely for nothing they are in turmoil;
They heap up , and do not know who will gather.
When I think of death I am afraid
and I count the meaning of my life.
There is nothing I can hold on to.
Not even a moment.
Every tick of the clock
brings me closer to the grave.
There is no thing or circumstance
That does not change in time.
The only still point is you, eternal one.
How poignant, how temporary the body is.
Lord let me know my end
and what is the measure of my days.
Let me know how fleeting my life is.
It seems we live in shadows and in dreams
believing they are real.
We walk as through a house of mirrors
A maze of distorted images confuse our sight.
We forget that our bodies are not permanent
and that our home is elsewhere.
All physical things are transformed by death.
You have made my days a few handbreadths
and my lifetime is as nothing in Your sight.
Surely everyone stands as a mere breath.
Help me to use the time I have
to establish myself in eternity now;
to turn my soul to you in every moment.
In every breath let me recall your name.
Let me recognize that no circumstance
can separate me from you.
Let me invest in my identity with you.
Let me be immovable in my faith.
For you are my salvation
To every problem you are the answer.
Surely everyone goes about as a shadow
Surely for nothing they are in turmoil;
They heap up and do not know who will gather.
salm 40
7. Sacrifice and burnt offering you do not desire.
but you have given me an open ear.
Burnt offering and sin offering
you have not required.
8. Then I said, “Here I am;
In the scroll of the book it is written of me.”
9. I delight to do your will, O my God;
your law is written on my heart.
Sacrifice does not delight you
and guilt does not make you draw near.
I cannot hear your voice,
above the voice of my self -condemnation.
But you know only my innocence
and speak to your likeness in me.
I need do nothing to prove my worth,
for you established my worth before time began.
Though sacrifice in the world of illusion is admired;
Sacrifice and burnt offering you do not desire;
but you have given me an open ear.
Burnt offering and sin offering
you have not required.
My true Self has been with you from the beginning
and will be home with you at the end.
That Self is as you are, eternally alive.
You have written my name in your book.
It cannot be erased.
That we are one is your decree
Then I said, “Here I am;
In the scroll of the book it is written of me.”
To do your will, which is my own true will,
is my greatest happiness;
for only you know what is best for me.
You lead me easily as down a garden path.
You lead me toward my perfect fulfillment.
Therefore, obedience to your law is my joy.
On your path of love and truth there is no lack.
From your company I can never depart.
I delight to do your will, O my God;
your law is written on my heart.
salm 46
1. God is our refuge and strength
a very present help in trouble.
2. Therefore we will not fear though
the earth should change,
though the mountains shake
in the heart of the sea.
3. Though the waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble
with its tumult..
When all is in turmoil we turn to you.
We center ourselves in the peace
you have placed at the center of our being.
We trust in you unchanging one.
You are our refuge that will be forever.
We call on the Divine One,
who is the eye in the hurricane and also
peace and a guide through the turmoil.
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
When we are faced with the terrifying power of nature,
When all is confusion, we turn to you.
Though earth is our home now,
we will not live forever in these bodies;
for they belong to her, our mother earth.
But we understand that she is also mortal and so
we place our trust our immortal home
and take refuge in the spirit that is eternity.
Therefore we will not fear
though the earth should change,
though the mountains shake
in the heart of the sea.
This physical world is always changing.
We must walk through many dangers.
Our lives are yours to guide.
There is no safety in the body.
Therefore, we will identify with our immortal spirit.
Though we seem to wander;
in spirit we have never left the home we share with you.
We abide in your strength and love.
In your grace we are humbled.
Though it’s waters soar and foam,
though the mountains tremble
with it’s tumult.
salm 51
15. O lord open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16.For you have no delight in sacrifice;
if I were to give a burnt offering,
you would not be pleased.
17.The sacrifice acceptable to God
is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God ,you will not despise.
O Lord inspire me.
When I open my mouth
let it be your words that flow out.
When I take up my pen,
let your truth fill the page.
O Lord open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
You desire only my happiness
and all happiness comes from doing your will.
At first when I heard your guidance I was afraid.
I was afraid I would suffer loss.
But when I acted on your guidance
I found I only gained.
I have learned that you want only my greatest good;
that which I cannot discern myself.
You are an unfailing internal compass.
Therefore I am glad to do your will.
You have shown me the way to walk in sunlight,
for this is the way to praise you.
All my guilt you would release.
For you have no delight in sacrifice;
if I were to give a burnt offering,
you would not be pleased.
This world is made to disillusion,
to break the heart so it will open.
It teaches us to seek the truly valuable.
Wealth and honours are only temporary.
The teachings of the world
lead us on a never ending quest;
which eventually ends in disillusionment.
And when all the world has to offer
has failed to being us happiness;
we come to you.
Let us no longer seek to compromise
The sacrifice acceptable to God
is a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart,
O God you will not despise
salm 61
2. From the end of the earth
I call to you.
When my heart is faint
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
3. For you are my refuge,
a strong tower against the enemy.
4. Let me abide in your tent
forever, find refuge under the shelter
of your wings.
When I am afraid
help me to remember you,
my higher Self,
my solid foundation,
who goes with me wherever I go.
You cannot abandon me;
for you are my peaceful center.
Though fear may shut my ears to your voice,
you always hear my cry.
From the end of the earth
I call to you.
When my heart is faint,
lead me to the rock
that is higher than I.
My fears are all illusions
which seem to be real.
When I align myself with you,
they disappear like smoke and dreams.
Though at times it’s hard to remember,
when chaos surrounds me;
you are my fortress and my strength.
Remind me of your power
which exists in the moment of eternity.
For you are my refuge,
a strong tower against the enemy.
I will not stray from the protection of your consciousness;
for in that state is peace and joy.
Let the mind that is in you be mine forever.
You are my internal mother and I am your child;
obedient to your law and your will.
I place you on my inner alter
to be honoured above all material things.
Let me abide in your tent forever,
find refuge under the shelter
of your wings.
salm 62
7.On God rests my deliverance and my honour;
my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.
8.Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him.
God is a refuge for us.
9.Those of low estate are but a breath
those of high estate are a delusion,
in the balance they go up
they are altogether lighter than a breath.
I am totally dependent on the Divine;
my refuge and the source of my strength.
Of myself I can do nothing,
I am part of the life force energy
which enlivens all things.
My fate is not separate from the fate of the universe.
I surrender to that flow of intelligence,
I must move with it and not against it;
for it is the deepest part of me.
To act against it
would be to act against life.
It would be like rowing up a waterfall,
exhausting and un
Therefore I will follow the will of God.
I am totally dependent on God
On God rests my deliverance
and my honour;
my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.
I wish that everyone knew
that they could place their trust in the Creator.
I wish that others could find
the comfort I have found.
I wish that people would confide
all their joys and sorrows to the One.
I wish they could find the healing release that I have found;
for the Divine One has earned my complete trust.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him
God is a refuge for us.
The ups and downs of life are whimsical.
The life of everyday activity has no solidity.
The wealthy become poor.
The honoured become despised.
The happy become sad.
The things and affairs of the world are transitory.
Circumstance is always changing.
Therefore let us invest in what does not change.
Let us experience true happiness in the eternal moment.
Let us live in heaven here on earth.
Let us awake before bodily death.
Those of low estate are but a breath
those of high estate are a delusion,
in the balance they go up
they are altogether lighter than a breath.
salm 65
11. You crown the year with your bounty;
Your wagon tracks overflow with riches.
12. The pastures of the wilderness overflow.
The hills gird themselves with; joy,
13. The meadows clothe themselves with flocks,
The valleys deck themselves with grain,
They shout and sing together for joy.
Creator God we are thankful for your abundance.
When we see the beauty of your Garden
we are filled with gratitude;
for you have given us the fruits of the trees,
and all manner of vegetables and grains
to sustain our wellness.
You crown the year with your bounty;
your wagon tracks overflow with riches.
You clothe the trees in red and gold.
All the earth seems dressed for celebration.
You provide sustenance for our bodies
and beauty for our souls to feast on.
Let us celebrate this time of plenty.
Let us take pleasure and enjoy.
The pastures of the wilderness overflow,
the hills gird themselves with joy.