They reached the parade-ground just in time to see the battalionforming under arms, and Max and Lulu watched every movement withintense interest and delight,--the long skirmish lines firingin advance or retreat, picking off distant imaginary leaders ofa pretended enemy in reply to the ringing skirmish calls of thekey-bugles, deploying at the run, rallying at the reserves and aroundthe colours.

  That last seemed to delight Lulu more than anything else. "Oh," sheexclaimed, "isn't it lovely! Wouldn't they all fight for the dear oldflag if an enemy should come and try to tear it down!"

  "I'm inclined to think they would," returned Mr. Keith, smiling at herenthusiasm. "Now look at the flag waving from the top of the staffyonder."

  The words had scarcely left his lips when there came the sudden bang ofthe sunset gun, and the flag quickly fluttered to the earth.

  Then followed the march of the cadets to their supper, and our littleparty turned about and went in search of theirs.

  On leaving the table they went out upon the hotel porch and seatedthemselves where the view was particularly fine, the gentlemenconversing, Max and Lulu listening, both tired enough to be quitewilling to sit still.

  The talk, which was principally of ordnance and various mattersconnected with army and navy, had greater interest for the boy than forhis sister, and Lulu soon laid her head on her father's shoulder, andwas presently in the land of dreams.

  "My poor, tired, little girl!" he said, low and tenderly, softlysmoothing the hair from her forehead as he spoke.

  At that she roused, and lifting her head, said coaxingly, "Please don'tsend me to bed yet, Papa! I'm wide awake now."

  "Are you, indeed?" he laughed. "I think those eyes look rather heavy;but you may sit up now if you will agree to sleep in the morning whenMax and I will probably be going out to see the cadets begin their day.Would you like to go, Max?"

  "Yes, indeed, sir!" answered Max, in eager tones; "it's about fiveo'clock we have to start,--isn't it?"

  "Yes, Max. Lieutenant Keith has kindly offered to call us in season,and become our escort to the camp."

  "Oh, Papa, mayn't I go too?" pleaded Lulu, in the most coaxing tones."I won't give you the least bit of trouble."

  "You never do, daughter, in regard to such matters; you are alwaysprompt, and ready in good season."

  "Then do you say I may go, Papa?"

  "Yes, if you will go to bed at once, in order to secure enough sleep byfive o'clock in the morning."

  "Oh, thank you, sir! Yes, indeed, I will," she said, hastily rising toher feet, and bidding good-night to Mr. Keith.

  "I too," said Max, following her example.

  "Good children," said their father; then noticing the longing look inLulu's eyes, he excused himself to his friend, saying he would join himagain presently, and went with them.

  "That is a beautiful, bright, engaging, little girl of yours,Raymond,--one that any father might be proud of," remarked Keith whenthe Captain had resumed the seat by his side.

  "She seems all that to me; but I have sometimes thought it might bethe blindness of parental affection that makes the child so lovely andengaging in her father's eyes," returned the Captain, in tones thatspoke much gratification.

  "I think, indeed I am sure, not," returned Keith. "About how old isshe?"

  "Thirteen. Actually, she'll be a woman before I know it!" was the addedexclamation in a tone of dismay. "I don't like the thought of losingmy little girl even in that way."

  "Ah, you'll be likely to lose her in another before many years!"laughed his friend. "She'll make a lovely woman, Raymond!"

  "I think you are right," answered the father; "and I confess that thethought of another gaining the first place in her heart--which I knowis mine now--is far from pleasant to me. Well, it cannot be for someyears yet, and I shall try not to think of it. Perhaps she may nevercare to leave her father."

  "I don't believe she will if she is wise. You are a fortunate man,Raymond! Your son--the image of his father--is not less attractive thanhis sister, and evidently a remarkably intelligent lad. He will makehis mark in the navy; and I dare say we shall have the pleasure ofseeing him an admiral by the time we--you and I--are gray-headed, oldveterans."

  "Perhaps so," returned the Captain, with a pleased smile; "butpromotion is slow in the navy in these days of peace."

  "Quite true; and as true of the army as of the navy. But even that isto be preferred to war,--eh, Raymond?"

  "Most decidedly," was the emphatic reply.

  "You leave for home to-morrow evening, I think you said?" was Keith'snext remark, made in an inquiring tone.

  "That is my plan at present," replied the Captain, "though I would staya little longer rather than have the children disappointed in theirhope of seeing everything about here that has any connection with theRevolution."

  "They seem to be ardent young patriots," said Keith. "It does one goodto see their pride and delight in the flag. How their eyes shone at thesight of the rally round the colours."

  "Yes; and they feel an intense interest in everything that has anyconnection with the Revolutionary struggle. They get it in the blood;and it has been their father's earnest endeavour to cultivate in theman ardent love of country."

  "In which he has evidently been remarkably successful," returned Keith."I am much mistaken if that boy does not do you great credit while inthe Naval Academy, and, as I remarked a moment since, after fairlyentering the service."

  "A kind and pleasant prediction, Keith," the Captain said, giving hisfriend a gratified look.

  "How many children have you, Raymond?" was the next question.

  "Only five," the Captain said, with a happy laugh,--"five treasuresthat should, it seems to me, make any man feel rich; also, a sweet,beautiful, young wife, who is to her husband worth far more than herweight in gold. 'Her price is above rubies.' And you, Keith,--you havenot told me whether you have yet found your mate."

  "No, not yet. I sometimes think I never shall, but shall soon become aconfirmed old bachelor," Keith replied. Then, after an instant's pause,"I wonder if Lulu's father would give her to me should I wait patientlytill she is old enough to know her own mind in such matters, and thensucceed in winning her heart?"

  "Ah, Keith, is that a serious thought or a mere idle jest?" queried theCaptain, turning a surprised and not altogether pleased look upon hisfriend.

  "A sort of mixture of the two, I believe, Raymond," was the laughingreply; "but I haven't the least idea of putting any such mischief intoyour daughter's head,--at least, not at present. But if I ask yourpermission half a dozen years hence to pay my court to her, I hope itwill not be refused."

  "Well, Keith," the Captain said, after a moment's silence, "I shouldbe very loath to stand in the way of your happiness,--still more ofthat of my dear daughter; but the time is so far off that we need notdiscuss the question now. My little girl seems still the merest child,with no thought of the cares, pleasures, and duties of womanhood;and I wish to keep her so as long as I can. That is one reason whyI rejoice in being able to educate her myself in our own home; andthus far the loves of the dear ones in it have seemed all-sufficientfor her happiness. And I own to being particularly pleased with heroft-repeated assurance that she loves Papa better than she does any oneelse in all the wide world."

  "Ah, I do not wonder that she does, for her father is altogether worthyof all the love she can give him!" Keith said, with a half-sigh,thinking of the loneliness of his lot compared with that of the Captain.

  "Keith," the Captain said, after a moment's silence, "you tell me yourfurlough will not expire for some weeks yet. Can you not spend themwith us at the sea-shore?"

  Donald demurred a little at first, saying he had made other plans; andbesides, his going might interfere with his cousins' arrangements.

  "Not the slightest danger of that," the Captain averred; "and I amcertain that one and all will be delighted to see you."

  "And I own to being fairly hungry for a sight of them," la
ughed Donald."So, Raymond, your invitation is accepted, and on your own head be theconsequences."

  "No objection to that; I'm delighted to have you on any terms,reasonable or otherwise," the Captain said, with his pleasant smile.

  Max and Lulu had an hour or more of good refreshing sleep before thetwo gentlemen separated for the night.

  Captain Raymond went very softly into Lulu's room, and stood for amoment by the bedside looking fondly down into the rosy, sleeping face,then, bending over her, kissed her tenderly on cheek and lip and brow.

  Her eyes opened wide and looked up into his, while a glad smile brokeover her face.

  "You dear, good Papa, to come in and kiss me again!" she said, puttingher arm round his neck and returning his caresses. "Oh, I do think Ihave just the very dearest, kindest, best father in the whole wideworld!"

  "That's rather strong, isn't it?" he returned, laughing, but at thesame time gathering her up in his arms for a moment's petting andfondling. Then, laying her down again, "I did not mean to wake you,"he said; "and I want you now to go to sleep again as fast as you can,because, though to-morrow will, I hope, be a very enjoyable day to youand Max, it is probable you will find it quite fatiguing also."

  "Yes, sir; but I don't mean to think about it now, else I'd be wideawake presently, and maybe not sleep any more to-night," Lulu answereddrowsily, her eyes closing while she spoke.

  He was turning away, when she roused sufficiently to ask anotherquestion. "Papa, will you please wake me when the time comes to getup?"

  "Yes, daughter," he replied. "Do not let the fear of not waking inseason rob you of a moment's sleep. I think you may safely trust toyour father to attend to that for you."

  It seemed to Lulu that but a few moments had passed when her father'svoice spoke again close to her side.

  "Wake up now, little daughter, if you want to go with Papa and Max tosee what the cadets will be doing in their camp for the next hour orso."

  "Oh, yes, indeed, I do!" she cried, wide awake in an instant."Good-morning; and thank you ever so much for calling me, dear Papa!"and with the words her arms were round his neck, her kisses on hischeek.

  He gave her a hearty embrace in turn; and then, with a "Now, mydarling, you must make haste, we have only ten minutes; but Ishall bring you back to rearrange your toilet before going down tobreakfast," he released her and went back to his own room.

  Lulu made quick work of her dressing, and when her father tapped at herdoor to say it was time to go, was quite ready.

  They found Mr. Keith waiting on the porch, exchanged a pleasant"good-morning" with him, and at once started for the camp.

  Max and Lulu were in gayest spirits, and were allowed to laugh and talktill the little party drew near the camp, when their father bade thembe quiet, and amuse themselves for the present by looking and listening.

  He spoke in a kind, pleasant tone, and they obeyed at once.

  Down by the guard-tents they could see a dim, drowsy gleam, as of alantern; the gas-jets along the way seemed to burn dimly, too, as thedaylight grew stronger, and up about the hill-tops on the farther sideof the river the sky was growing rosy and bright with the coming day.But all was so quiet, so still, where the tents were that it seemedas if everybody there must be still wrapped in slumber; and Lulu wasbeginning to think Mr. Keith must have called for them a little earlierthan necessary, when a sudden gleam and rattle among the trees almostmade her jump, so startled was she, while at the same instant a stern,boyish voice called out, "Who comes there?" and a sentry stood beforethem wrapped in an overcoat,--for the morning was very cool up thereamong the mountains,--and with the dew dripping from his cap.

  "Friends, with the countersign," replied Mr. Keith.

  "Halt, friends! Advance one with the countersign," commanded thesentry; and while the Captain and his children stood still where theywere, Mr. Keith stepped up to the levelled bayonet and whispered aword or two in the ear of the young sentinel which at once caused achange in his attitude toward our party,--respectful attention takingthe place of the fierce suspicion. "Advance, friends!" he said,bringing his heels together and his rifle to the carry, then stood likea statue while they passed on into the camp he guarded.

  Max and Lulu, remembering their father's order to them to keep quiet,said nothing, but were careful to make the very best use of their eyes.

  Down by the tents, on the south and east sides, they could see sentriespacing their rounds, but there was as yet no sound or movement amongthe occupants.

  Some drummer-boys were hurrying over the plain toward the camp, while acorporal and two cadets were silently crossing to the northeast corner,where stood a field-piece dripping with dew.

  Max motioned to Lulu to notice what they were doing, and as he did sothey had reached the gun, and there was a dull thud as they rammed hometheir cartridge.

  The drummer-boys were chattering together in low tones, glancing nowand again at the clock in the "Academic" tower over on the other sideof the plain. Suddenly a mellow stroke began to tell the hour, butthe next was drowned in the roar of the gun as it belched forth fireand smoke, while at the same instant drum and fife broke forth in thestirring strains of the reveille.

  Lulu almost danced with delight, looking up into her father's facewith eyes shining with pleasure. His answering smile was both fond andindulgent as he took the small white hand in his with a loving clasp;but it was no time for words amid the thunder of the drums playingtheir march in and about the camp.

  Lulu could see the tent-flaps raised, drowsy heads peering out, thendozens of erect, slender lads, in white trousers and tight-fittingcoatees, coming out with buckets, and hurrying away to the water-tanksand back again.

  Presently the drums and fifes ceased their music; there was a briefinterval of silence, while the streets of the camp filled up with grayand white coated figures. Then came another rattle of the drums like asharp, quick, imperative call.

  "Fall in!" ordered the sergeants; and like a flash each company spranginto two long columns.

  "Left face!" ordered each first sergeant, while the second sergeant,answering to his own name, was watching with eagle eye a delinquent whocame hurrying on, and took his place in the ranks too late by a fullhalf-second.

  "Ah," exclaimed Keith, "that poor lad will be reported as too late atreveille!"

  Lulu gave him a look of surprise. "Dear me," she said to herself, "ifPapa was that strict with his children what ever would become of me?"

  But the first sergeant was calling the roll, and she listened withfresh astonishment as he rattled off the seventy or eighty nameswithout so much as an instant's pause, using no list, and seeming torecognize each lad as he answered "Here."

  It took scarcely a minute; then at a single word the ranks scattered,the lads hurrying away to their tents, while the first sergeant made abrief report to the captain, who stood near, then the captain to theofficer of the day.

  Our little party had now seated themselves where a good view of thecamp might be obtained, and Max and Lulu watched with great interestwhat was going on there. They could see the lads pull off their graycoats, raise their tent-walls to give free circulation through them tothe sweet morning air, pile up their bedding, and sweep their floors.

  Lulu gave her father an inquiring look, and he said, "What is it,daughter? You may talk now, if you wish."

  "I was just wondering if you had to do such work as that at Annapolis,"she said in reply.

  "I did," he responded, with a smile, "and thought you had heard mespeak of it."

  "Maybe I have," she said, with a tone and look as if trying to recallsomething in the past. "Oh, yes, I do remember it now! And I supposethat's the reason you have always been so particular with us aboutkeeping our rooms nice and neat."

  "Partly, I believe," he returned, softly patting the hand she had laidon his knee; "but my mother was very neat and orderly, and from myearliest childhood tried to teach me to be the same."

  "And I think I'll find it easier because of your teachi
ngs, sir,"remarked Max.

  "I hope so," the Captain said; "you'll find you have enough to learn,my boy, without that."

  "A good father is a great blessing, Max, as I have found in my ownexperience," said Mr. Keith.

  But the roll of the drums began again, now playing "Pease upon aTrencher;" again the ranks were formed, rolls called; the sergeantsmarched their companies to the colour line, officers took theirstations; first captain ordered attention, swung the battalion intocolumn of platoons to the left, ordered "Forward, guide right, march!"and away they went, to the stirring music of the fifes and drums, awayacross the plain till the main road was reached, down the shaded lanebetween the old "Academic" and the chapel, past the new quarters, andthe grassy terrace beyond. Then each platoon wheeled in succession tothe right, mounted the broad stone steps, and disappeared beneath theportals of the mess hall.

  Our party, who had followed at so slight a distance as to be able tokeep the cadets in sight to the door of entrance, did not attemptto look in upon them at their meal, but hurried on to the hotel togive attention to their own breakfasts,--the keen morning air and theexercise of walking having bestowed upon each one an excellent appetite.

  Max and Lulu were very eager to "get back in time to see everything,"as they expressed it, so began eating in great haste.

  Their father gently admonished them to be more deliberate.

  "You must not forget," he said, "that food must be thoroughlymasticated in order to digest properly; and those who indulge ineating at such a rapid rate will be very likely soon to suffer fromindigestion."

  "And we may as well take our time," added Mr. Keith, "for it will be anhour or more before anything of special interest will be going on amongthe cadets."

  "What do they do next, sir?" asked Max.

  "Morning drill, which is not very interesting, comes next; then thetents are put in order."

  "That must take a good while," remarked Lulu.

  "From three to five minutes, perhaps."

  "Oh!" she cried in surprise; "how can they do it so quickly? I'm sure Icouldn't put my room at home in good order in less than ten minutes."

  "But, then, you're not a boy, you know," laughed Max.

  "I'm quite as smart as if I were," she returned promptly. "Isn't thatso, Papa?"

  "I have known some boys who were not particularly bright," he answered,with an amused look. "Perhaps you might compare quite favourably withthem."

  "Oh, Papa!" she exclaimed; "is that the best you can say about me?"

  "I can say that my daughter seems to me to have as much brain as myson, and of as good quality," he replied kindly, refilling her plateas he spoke; "and I very much doubt his ability to put a room in ordermore rapidly than she can, and at the same time equally well," heconcluded.

  "Well, it's a sort of womanish work anyhow,--isn't it, Papa?" queriedMax, giving Lulu another laughing look.

  "I don't see it so," replied his father. "I would be sorry to admit,or to think, that women have a monopoly of the good qualities of orderand cleanliness."

  "I, too, sir," said Max; "and I'm quite resolved to do my father creditin that line as well as others, at the academy and elsewhere."

  "Are we going at once, Papa?" Lulu asked as they left the table.

  "No; but probably in ten or fifteen minutes. Can you wait so long asthat?" he asked, with a humorous smile, and softly smoothing her hairas she stood by his side.

  "Oh, yes, sir!" she answered brightly. "I hope I'm not quite soimpatient as I used to be; and I feel quite sure you'll not let Max orme miss anything very interesting or important."

  "Not if I can well help it, daughter," he said. "I want you and Maxto see and hear all that I think will be instructive, or give youpleasure."

  A few moments later they set out; and they had just reached the groveup by the guard-tents, and seated themselves comfortably, when the drumtapped for morning parade, and the cadets were seen issuing from theirtents, buttoned to the throat in faultlessly fitting uniforms, theircollars, cuffs, gloves, belts, and trousers of spotless white, theirrifles, and every bit of metal about them gleaming with polish.

  "How fine the fellows do look, Lu!" remarked Max, in an undertone.

  "Yes," she replied; "they couldn't be neater if they were girls."

  "No, I should think not," he returned, with a laugh. "Oh, see! yondercomes the band. Now we'll soon have some music."

  "And there come some officers," said Lulu; and as she spoke the sentryon No. 1 rattled his piece, with a shout that re-echoed from the hills,"Turn out the guard, Commandant of Cadets!" and instantly the membersof the guard were seen hastily to snatch their rifles from the racks,form ranks, and present arms.

  "Oh, Maxie, isn't that fine!" whispered Lulu, ecstatically. "Wouldn'tyou like to be that officer?"

  "I'd ten times rather be captain of a good ship," returned Max.

  "I believe I'd rather be in the navy, too, if I were a boy," she said;"but I'd like the army next best."

  "Yes, so would I."

  But the drum again tapped sharply, the cadets in each street resolvedthemselves into two long parallel lines, elbow to elbow, and at thelast tap faced suddenly outward, while the glistening rifles sprang upto "support arms;" every first sergeant called off his roll, every manas he answered to his name snapping down his piece to the "carry" and"order."

  That done, the sergeant faced his captain, saluting in soldierlyfashion, and took his post; the captain whipped out his shining sword;the lieutenants stepped to their posts.

  "This is the morning inspection," Mr. Keith said in reply to aninquiring look from Max and Lulu.

  "Are they very particular, sir?" queried Max.

  "Very; should a speck of rust be found on a cadet's rifle, a singlebutton missing from his clothing, or unfastened, a spot on histrousers, a rip or tear in his gloves, or dust on his shoes, itis likely to be noted on the company delinquency-book to-day, andpublished to the battalion to-morrow evening."

  "I wonder if they're as strict and hard on a fellow as that atAnnapolis," thought Max to himself. "I mean to ask Papa about it."

  The inspection was soon over.

  "Now," said Mr. Keith, "there'll be a moment's breathing spell, thenmore music by the band while the cadets go through some of theirexercises, which I think you will find well worth looking at."

  They did enjoy it extremely,--the music, the manoeuvres of the cadetsunder the orders now of the adjutant, and again of the officer incommand.

  There followed a half-hour of rest, in which Mr. Keith introduced hisfriend, Captain Raymond, to some of the other officers, and they allhad a little chat together.

  But as the clock struck nine the cadets were again in ranks.

  "What are they going to do now, Mr. Keith?" asked Lulu.

  "This is the hour for battery drill," was the reply.

  "Ah, I'm glad we're going to see that!" said Max. "I'd rather see itthan anything else."

  "The cadets are dividing and going in different directions," said Lulu."Some of them seem to be going down by the river."

  "Yes; some members of the senior class. They are going to what iscalled the 'sea-coast battery' at the water's edge, and presently youwill hear the thunder of great guns coming from there."

  "Oh, can we go and look at them?" asked Lulu, excitedly. "May we,Papa?" turning to him.

  "I think we shall have a finer sight up here," he replied. "Am I notright, Mr. Keith?"

  "Yes; I think we would better remain where we are. I would like youto see what daring horsemen these youngsters are. See yonder are theseniors in riding-dress, with gauntlets and cavalry sabres. Watch howeasily they mount, and how perfectly at home they are upon theirsteeds."

  With intense interest and no little excitement Max and Lulu watched andlistened to all that followed,--the rapid movements of column, line,and battery, the flash of sabres, the belching of flame and smoke,accompanied by the thundering roar of the great guns, the stirringbugle blasts, the rearing of the horses when bro
ught to a suddenhalt. Even the gentlemen showed unmistakable symptoms of interest andexcitement.

  The hour of battery drill passed very quickly. When it was over theCaptain called a carriage, and he, Mr. Keith, Max, and Lulu drove fromone point of interest to another, occupying in this way the time tillthe hour for the boat from Albany to touch at the point. They tookpassage on it to New York City, where they left it to board a Soundsteamer,--a few hours' journey in which would take them to that partof the sea-coast of Rhode Island which had been selected as the summerresort of the family connection.