Things were rather quiet for the rest of the day, much to Max'sdisgust, though at his father's bidding he tried to forget thedisappointment in study.

  Toward evening Captain Raymond learned something of the Admiral'splans. Two of the vessels were to take possession of a part of the bayset off as a harbour, the others to blockade the entrance.

  In reporting the matter to his passengers, "Now," he said, "thepreparations will take them two or three days, and the question is,shall we stay to see it all, or turn about and seek entertainmentelsewhere? Let us have the opinion of all the older people, beginningwith Grandpa Dinsmore," looking pleasantly at the old gentleman as hespoke.

  "My preference would be rather for going at once," replied Mr.Dinsmore; "yet I am entirely willing to have the matter decided byyour younger people. I shall be quite content to stay on if it seemsdesirable to the rest of the company."

  The vote of the ladies and gentlemen was then taken, when it appearedthat the majority were in favour of immediate departure; and thechildren, though at first disappointed, grew quite reconciled when alittle time had been spent in considering what might be seen and donein other quarters.

  "I think, Ned," Zoe said to her husband, "that we would better go backto our cottage, because Laurie and Lily are growing fretful,--tired ofthe sea, I think."

  "Very well, my dear, we will do so if you wish it," was thegood-natured reply. "Strange as it may seem, I too am quite desirousto make our twin babies as comfortable as possible," he added, with apleasant laugh.

  "I am sorry you should miss the sight of further operations here,Cousin Donald," remarked Grandma Elsie, turning to her kinsman.

  "Thank you, Cousin Elsie," he replied; "but though that would be aninteresting sight to me, I expect to find almost if not equal enjoymentin a run out to sea or along shore with my friend Raymond in command ofthe vessel."

  "Oh, I think that'll be just splendid," exclaimed Max, "and that beforewe get back, Cousin Donald, you'll be ready to own up that the navy isa more desirable place to be in than the army."

  "Perhaps he wouldn't own up even if he thought so," remarked Rosie,with a merry look at her cousin; "I don't believe I should if I were inhis place."

  "Possibly I might," he returned, laughingly, "but I certainly do notexpect to fall quite so deeply in love with a 'life on the ocean wave,'though I hope to be always willing and anxious to serve my countrywherever and whenever I may be needed. I think both army and navyalways have been, and always will be, ready to defend her on land orsea."

  "Yes, sir, I believe that's so," said Max. "And if ever we should haveanother war, I hope I'll be able to help defend her."

  "I hope so, my boy," the Captain said, regarding the lad with anexpression of fatherly pride and affection.

  An hour later the "Dolphin" was sailing out of the bay, all herpassengers gathered on deck, taking a farewell look at the vesselsbelonging to the squadron, and on awaking in the morning they foundthemselves lying at anchor in Newport harbour.

  They returned to their cottages for a day or two; then the Raymonds,Grandma Elsie, with the youngest two of her children, and Donald Keith,again set sail in the "Dolphin."

  The weather was all that could be desired, every one well and in thebest of spirits.

  Max was required to devote a part of each day to study, and recitationto his father, but did not grumble over that, and took great delight inthe lessons in practical navigation given him daily by the Captain.

  "Papa," he asked one day, "what's the need of a boy going to the NavalAcademy when he can learn everything he needs to know on shipboard witha father like you?"

  "But he can't," replied the Captain; "how to sail a ship is by no meansall he needs to know to fit him to be an officer in the navy."

  "Why, what else is necessary, sir?" asked Max, with a look of surprise.

  "A number of things which you saw done at Newport and at Gardiner's Bayare quite necessary. He must know how to fight a battle, take charge ofan ordnance foundry, and conduct an astronomical observatory; must havea good knowledge of history, be an able jurist and linguist, and a goodhistorian,--besides knowing how to manage a ship in calm or storm."

  "Whew! what a lot of things to cram into one head!" laughed Max, with aslightly troubled look on his bright young face.

  "Isn't yours big enough to hold it all?" asked his father, with anamused smile.

  "I dare say it is, sir," replied Max, "but the difficulty is to pack itall in right. I presume the teachers will help me to do that, though."

  "Certainly; and if you follow their directions carefully you will haveno need to fear failure."

  "Thank you, sir. That's very encouraging," said Max; "and I am fullydetermined to try my very best, Papa, if it was only not to disgrace myfather."

  "My dear son," the Captain said, a trifle huskily, and taking the boy'shand in a warm clasp, "I don't doubt that you intend to do as you havesaid; but never forget that your only safety is in keeping close to Himwho has said, 'In Me is thine help.'"

  It was Saturday evening,--the first that had found them on the broadocean, out of sight of land. They were all on deck, enjoying thedelicious evening breeze and a most brilliant sunset.

  "Papa," Gracie said, breaking a momentary silence, "what are we goingto do about keeping the Lord's Day to-morrow? We can't go to church,you know, unless you can sail the 'Dolphin' back to land in the night."

  "I cannot do that, daughter," he answered; "but I can conduct a servicehere on the deck. How will that do, do you think?"

  "I don't know, Papa," she replied, with some hesitation, blushing andlooking fearful of hurting his feelings; "I s'pose you couldn't preacha sermon?"

  "Why not?" he asked, smiling a little at her evident embarrassment.

  "Because you're not a minister, Papa."

  "Why, Gracie! Papa's as good as any minister, I'm sure," exclaimedLulu, half reproachfully, half indignantly.

  "Of course he is; I didn't mean that!" returned Gracie, just ready toburst into tears; "I didn't mean he wasn't as good as anybody in thiswhole world,--for of course he is,--but I thought it was only ministersthat preach."

  "But I can read a sermon, my pet," the Captain said, "or preach one ifI choose; there is no law against it. And we can pray and sing hymnstogether; and if we put our hearts into it all, our heavenly Fatherwill be as ready to listen to us as to other worshippers in the finestchurches on the land."

  "That is a very comforting truth," remarked Grandma Elsie; "it is verysweet to reflect that God is as near to us out on the wide and deep seaas to any of his worshippers on the dry land."

  "You will hold your service in the morning, I suppose, Captain?" Mr.Keith said inquiringly.

  "That is what I had thought of doing, sir," was the reply. "Have youany suggestions to make?"

  "Only that we might have a Bible class later in the day."

  "Yes, sir; that was a part of my programme,--at least I had thought ofteaching my own children, as is customary with me at home; but if thesuggestion meets with favour, we will resolve ourselves into a Bibleclass, each one able to read taking part. What do you all say to theproposition?"

  "I highly approve," said Grandma Elsie; "I am sure the day could not bebetter spent than in the study of God's Holy Word."

  "Nor more delightfully," said Violet.

  "I think we would all like it, Captain," Evelyn remarked in her quietway.

  "I'm sure I shall," said Lulu; "Papa always makes Bible lessons veryinteresting."

  "That's so," said Max; "I was never taught by any minister orSunday-school teacher that made them half so interesting."

  "It is quite possible that your near relationship to your teacher mayhave made a good deal of difference, my children," the Captain saidgravely, though not unkindly. "But who shall act as teacher on thisoccasion is a question still to be decided. I propose Grandma Elsie, asthe eldest of those present, and probably the best qualified."

  "All in favour of that mot
ion please say ay," added Violet, playfully."I am sure no better teacher could be found than Mamma, though Iincline to the opinion that my husband would do equally well."

  "Much better, I think," Grandma Elsie said; "and I would greatlyprefer to be one of his pupils."

  "I can hardly consider myself wise enough to teach my mother," said theCaptain, colouring and laughing lightly, "even though she is far tooyoung to be own mother to a man of my age."

  "But you may lead a Bible class of which she forms a part, may younot?" queried Donald Keith.

  "I suppose that might be possible," the Captain replied, with ahumourous look and smile.

  "I'm sure you can and will, since such is your mother's wish," GrandmaElsie said in a sportive tone, "and so we may consider that mattersettled."

  "And Mamma's word having always been law to her children, we willconsider it so," Violet said. "Shall we not, Levis?"

  "As good and dutiful children I suppose we must, my dear," he returnedin the playful tone she particularly liked.

  Sunday morning dawned clear and beautiful, a delicious breeze fillingthe sails and wafting the vessel swiftly onward over the sparklingwater.

  An hour or so after breakfast, captain, passengers, and crew,except the man at the helm, gathered on deck, every one in neat andappropriate dress. The ladies, gentlemen, and children sat on one side,the crew on the other, Captain Raymond standing between. A Bible and apile of hymn-books lay on a stand before him, and Max was directed todistribute the latter. They were a part of the supplies Captain Raymondhad laid in for the voyage.

  A melodeon also stood near the stand, and Violet, seating herselfbefore it, led the singing with which the service opened.

  The Captain then offered a short prayer, read a portion of Scripture, asecond hymn was sung; then he gave them a short discourse on the text,"They hated Me without a cause."

  With much feeling and in simple language that the youngest and mostignorant of his hearers could readily understand, he described thelovely character and beneficent life of Christ upon earth,--alwaysabout His Father's business, doing good to the souls and bodies ofmen,--and the bitter enmity of the scribes and Pharisees, who "hatedHim without a cause." Then he went on to tell of the agony in thegarden, the betrayal by Judas,--"one of the twelve,"--the mockery of atrial, the scourging and the crown of thorns, the carrying of the crossand the dreadful death upon it.

  "All this He bore for you and for me," he concluded in tones tremulouswith emotion; "constrained by His great love for us, He died thatdreadful death that we might live. And shall we not love Him in return?Shall we not give ourselves to Him, and serve Him with all our powers?It is a reasonable service, a glad service,--a service that gives restto the soul. He says to each one of us, 'Take My yoke upon you, andlearn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find restunto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.'

  "Ah, do not refuse or neglect His invitation, for the only choice isbetween His service and that of Satan,--that malignant spirit whosefierce desire and effort is to drag all souls down to his own depths ofsin and misery; and Jesus only can save you from falling into his cruelhands. But He--the Lord of Life and Glory--invites us all to come andbe saved, and 'now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation.'Delay is most dangerous; life is very uncertain. We are sure of no timebut now."

  He closed the Bible and sat down; and Violet, again seating herselfbefore the melodeon, softly touched the keys and sang in sweet,low tones, but so distinctly that every word reached the farthestlistener,--

  "Come to Jesus, come to Jesus; Come to Jesus just now, just now; Come to Jesus, come to Jesus just now."

  Then, at a sign from the Captain, Mr. Keith followed with an earnestprayer; and with another hymn in which all united, the services closed.

  Among the crew was one young man in whom the Captain and GrandmaElsie had both come to feel a peculiar interest. He was evidently anAmerican, and possessed of more intelligence and education than theaverage sailor before the mast. He had listened with close attentionto the Captain's discourse, and with a troubled countenance, as Mrs.Travilla had noticed.

  "The Holy Spirit is striving with him, I have little doubt," she saidto herself. "Ah, if I could but help him to find Jesus, and to know thesweetness of His love!"

  It was not long before the desired opportunity offered. The young manwas at the wheel and no one near, while she paced the deck slowly andalone. Gradually she approached, and when close at his side made somepleasant remark about the vessel and the course they were steering.

  He responded in a polite and respectful manner.

  Then she spoke of the service of the morning, said she had noticed theattention he paid to the Captain's short sermon, and asked in kindestwords and tones if he, like herself, was one who loved Jesus, andtrusted in Him for salvation from sin and eternal death.

  He sighed deeply, then said with emotion, "No, madam, but--I wish Iwere."

  "But what is to hinder, my friend, since He says, 'Him that cometh tome I will in no wise cast out'?" she asked gently, feelingly.

  He was silent for a moment, evidently from emotion, then said, ratheras if thinking aloud than addressing her, "If I only knew just how!"

  "He is very near, and His omniscient eye reads the heart," she said lowand feelingly. "Speak to Him just as if you could see Him,--as if youwere kneeling at His feet,--and He will hear.

  "The Bible says. 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just toforgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' Doyou want that cleansing, my friend?"

  He bowed a silent assent.

  "Then go to Jesus for it," she said. "He, and He alone, can give it.He shed His blood for us that 'God may be just and the justifier ofhim that believeth in Jesus;' for 'the blood of Jesus Christ His Soncleanseth us from all sin.'"

  There was a moment's silence; then, "I'd like to be a Christian,ma'am," he said, "such as I see you and the Captain are, but--"

  The sentence was left unfinished; and after a moment's pause. "I shouldlike you to be a better one than I am," she said, "but Jesus only canmake you such. The work is too difficult for any human creature; butJesus is all-powerful,--'able to save them to the uttermost that comeunto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.'Is not that a precious assurance?"

  "It is indeed, ma'am, if--if I only knew it meant me."

  "You certainly will be one of those of whom it speaks if you 'come untoGod by Him;' and He invites you to come: 'Come unto Me all ye thatlabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'"

  "Could you tell me just how, ma'am,--as if you were pointing out theright road to a traveller, for instance?"

  "I will try," she said. "You must remember that He is alwaysnear,--close to us, though we cannot see Him; and you may speak to Himas readily, and with as much assurance that you will be heard, as youhave been speaking to me.

  "He is full of love and compassion,--love so infinite, compassion sogreat that He was willing to endure all the agony of death upon thecross, and the far greater suffering caused by the burden of the sinsof the world and the consequent hiding of His Father's face; thereforeHe will not cast you out, will not turn away from you, if you come intrue penitence and faith.

  "Make confession of your sins and plead for pardon and acceptance asyou would if you could see Him while kneeling at His feet; and He willgrant it, will forgive all your transgressions and adopt you into Hisfamily to be His own child forever."

  But others of the passengers were now drawing near, and he had onlytime to thank her for her kindly interest in him, and promise to thinkof what she had been saying, before Walter and Max were at her side,calling her attention to a passing vessel.

  A very interesting Bible lesson filled up most of the afternoon, bothadults and children taking part; and in the evening hymns were sung andconversation held such as was suited to the sacredness of the day.