Page 1 of Phoenix Rising

  Phoenix Rising

  Erica Stevens

  Copyright 2013 Erica Stevens

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  Also from the author

  The Captive Series

  Captured (Book 1)

  Renegade (Book2)

  Refugee (Book 3)

  Salvation (Book 4)

  The Kindred Series

  Kindred (Book 1)

  Ashes (Book 2)

  Kindled (Book 3)

  Inferno (Book 4)

  Phoenix Rising (Book 5)

  The Ravening Series

  Ravenous (Book 1)

  Taken Over (Book 2)

  The Survivor Chronicles

  Book 1: The Upheaval


  To my husband for all his continued understanding and support,

  My mom for always being so strong,

  My dad for always finding so much joy in life,

  Megan for years of laughter, long walks, daydreams and trouble,

  Hayley for never failing to amaze me,

  Mike for being a great big brother,

  Janet for putting up with everyone,

  Leslie for all of her continued hard editing work,

  And to all the fans that have supported me and made me smile and laugh when I needed it most!

  Table of Contents

  Other Works By The Author

  Special Thanks

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  Where To Find The Author

  About The Author


  "We have to think of something, we have too," Annabelle muttered. "Devon cannot know yet, if he finds out he'll kill us all."

  Chris was shaking so bad that his muscles throbbed and his teeth chattered. He managed to brace his hands against the floor even though his arms shook so intensely that he almost fell over again. He struggled to raise his head an inch off the ground as he slowly regained control of himself.

  "We have to get back out there, we can't leave them alone," Annabelle continued. "We'll figure it out later, somehow."

  Gathering his strength, Chris finally managed to pull a deep breath into his tortured lungs, was finally able to get words past his constricted throat and clenched teeth. "He already knows."

  A sad look of resignation settled over Julian's face. "No." Annabelle's gaze darted to the covered window. "Oh yes, he does. I would feel it immediately if something happened to Liam," she breathed.

  Chris bent over again, his forehead touched the ground. A bellow rent the night with enough force that it rattled the windows and shook the walls. Chris couldn't breathe anymore; he could barely think straight, there was nothing left to him as the force of Devon's rage and grief shattered him. Julian cursed loudly as he stormed across the store. With a quick flick of his wrist he ripped one of the boards from a window.

  "He's going to kill them all. Including us," Julian muttered.

  "Liam." Annabelle hurried to Julian's side; she was shaking as she pulled the curtain back. "What do we do?"

  Chris couldn't see out the window, he couldn't even get his head off the floor to look out at the battle taking place outside the store. "My God!" Annabelle gasped. Whatever she saw caused her voice to shake as she took a small step away from the window.

  "There is no God here," Julian remarked coldly, his voice still hoarse with unshed tears. "If there was..." his words trailed off as his eyes briefly settled on Cassie's lifeless body.

  "We have to get out there, we have to stop him," Annabelle said urgently.


  "I don't know Julian, but we have to get out there. Liam, he'll kill Liam."

  Chris could hear the tears in her voice but he couldn't feel her emotions through the swirling, nonstop pulse of Devon's grief. Knowing Devon would kill him if he lingered much longer, Chris managed to lift his head back up and slowly began the torturous process of pushing himself off of the floor. Cassie would want them all to survive, including Devon.

  Chris staggered forward and almost fell over before he grasped hold of one of the counters. His vision blurred from unshed tears as emotional distress pulsed and pounded over him.

  Annabelle was suddenly at his side; her small hand upon his arm as she peered up at him apprehensively. "Are you ok?"

  He wished that he could tell her he was fine but he couldn't seem to find the strength to open his mouth. "Go," he finally managed to croak out. "I'll be fine, go. Stop him before he destroys us all. Stop him please, for Cassie's sake."

  Annabelle's face swam briefly, his head felt as if it were about to explode. "We're going to need you," Julian said briskly. His eyes were as cold as ice as he stalked across the store and grabbed hold of Chris's arm. Chris tried to shake him off but Julian wouldn't release him. "We're going to need as many people as possible to try and get through to him, to stop him from killing us all."

  "There is no him anymore," Chris breathed. "That's what you have to understand. There is no Devon anymore."

  "I promised her," Julian growled. "I couldn't save her life but I'm damn well going to make sure I save his."

  Chris couldn't stop shaking his head. Julian should understand what he was saying, Julian was touching him. He knew what Chris was going through, but he seemed determined to ignore everything Chris was experiencing in favor of fierce denial. Julian was determined to believe that they could somehow connect with Devon again. He was unflinchingly determined to believe that he could somehow uphold his promise to Cassie but Chris knew it was impossible.

  "I'm sorry. Cassie was my best friend, I loved her deeply, and Devon is... was my friend. But they're gone, they're both gone," Chris stammered.

  "We'll get him back."

  "No," Chris whispered. "There is no getting him back. There is nothing to get back Julian. There is no man in there anymore." He grabbed hold of Julian's arm as he swayed on his feet. He forced himself to focus on the vampire, to make Julian acknowledge that what Chris was saying was true. "There is nothing but a monster left."

  Julian's gaze moved deliberately to Chris's hand on his arm. Chris became acutely awar
e of the fact that this was the first time he had ever touched Julian. Julian could now see any aspect of his life, but Chris didn't care. Julian finally seemed to register what Chris was experiencing, what Chris felt and understood. There was only pure evil and hatred within Devon now.

  "Oh." Julian's eyes were wide with horror and pain as they met Chris's.

  "He's gone Julian."

  Julian stood still as he gazed at Chris. "Maybe not forever though."


  "I'm not giving up," he insisted. "Not yet anyway. I promised her. Now, we are going to need your help, can I count on you?"

  Chris swallowed heavily. He tried to seize hold of Julian's determination but he couldn't escape the crushing sense of doom that was suffocating him. "Yes," he whispered.

  Julian turned away, but before he did Chris caught the brief glimpse of defeat in Julian's eyes. Annabelle's eyes were as round as baseballs as she gaped at him. "Chris..."

  "It's that bad," he said softly.

  "I have to get to Liam," Annabelle insisted. Chris nodded his agreement. They had already lost Cassie and Devon today; they couldn't afford to lose Annabelle and Liam too.

  "No," Julian said.

  "No? What do you mean no?" Annabelle demanded.

  Julian wasn't looking at either one of them though; his gaze was focused on Cassie's prone figure. "No, not yet."

  "Julian. Julian!" Annabelle hissed as he turned away from the window and approached Cassie's body. Chris didn't understand what he was doing until he bit into his wrist. "What are you doing?" Annabelle demanded as Julian knelt beside her.

  "She's closer to a vampire than any Hunter before her, she has my blood in her still; she has Devon's blood in her. Do you truly believe all hope is lost? There may already be changes going on within her, there may still be a chance we can bring her back if she has enough blood."

  "Julian you can't do this!" All the color had drained from Annabelle's face. "You don't know what you could be bringing back. You don't know what she could become, or what will happen if Devon finds out you did this."

  "I know what will happen if I don't do this!" he snarled as he nodded toward the window. "The only thing that will stop him is her. If I don't do this then we will lose them both. Do you have a better idea Annabelle?"

  Even if she did have a better idea, she wasn't going to get the chance to say it as Julian tilted Cassie's head back and pressed his bleeding wrist into her mouth. "Julian," Annabelle breathed. "She could kill us all."

  "We're dead no matter what, from either Devon or The Elders. She may very well be our only hope and that's a chance I am willing to take. Get over here Chris!" Julian commanded.

  Annabelle looked back at Chris with watery eyes and a trembling lower lip. He focused on Cassie again, his heart shredded into a million pieces at the sight of her unseeing eyes. She was his best friend, the person that had been closer than a sister ever could have been to him. They'd been together their entire lives; they'd fought and survived together, until now.

  Now she was gone and Julian was trying to bring back something that may never be what Cassie had always been to him. His heart clenched, his insides felt as if they were being flayed open. Julian needed his help, he just wasn't sure he was willing to give it. Another ferocious bellow ripped through the night and shook the windows. Chris felt hollow as he turned toward the windows, he couldn't see Devon out there, but he didn't have to see him to know that it was bad. It was taking everything he had to keep himself separated from the fury radiating from the creature outside.

  "Chris!" Julian barked.

  Blinking back his tears, his head bowed as for a moment his own grief swelled over Devon's wrath. His hands were shaking, his heart thumped heavily in his chest. Devon was as good as dead without her, he knew that, but was he willing to unleash a monster on this earth in order to save him? Was he willing to help turn Cassie into a creature that could destroy them all?

  Or she could save them all, and though Chris was frightened about what might happen; he also had a lot more faith in his friend than she'd ever had in herself. She harbored darkness inside her, he knew that, but he also knew that she was inherently good and she was in love with Devon. He and Devon may have become friends over the past few months, Julian and Devon may share a bond, and Devon may love Annabelle, but those relationships were nothing compared to his relationship with Cassie. The Devon he'd become friends with would have despised himself if he had hurt them, but there was nothing left of that Devon.

  This could be the worst decision of his life, but he honestly didn't see what choice he had. He could only pray that if this worked, his best friend wouldn't rise up and drain him dry shortly thereafter. One way or another, things would be resolved tonight, and he was fearful that he wouldn't survive to see the end of it.

  He didn't know how he felt about that. He wasn't ready to die, but a part of him had always suspected that his time would come far sooner than he hoped it would. He'd always denied it, especially to Cassie as he'd sensed her anxiety and resentment over the knowledge of what they were, and he'd tried to be strong for her. Ultimately Cassie had been right, a fact that had just been hammered home with her untimely, vile death. It was probably his fate now too. He didn't know how they would escape The Elders, the monster Halflings hunting them, and Devon. It seemed an impossible feat.

  Julian and Annabelle were both staring at him. In the moonlight their eyes were unblinking and as hostile as a hungry coyote. Chris couldn't help the shudder that raced through him. They looked so primitive, untamed, and lethal. But they were nowhere near as lethal as Devon, they could never compare to him in the state that he was in, and he had Cassie's powerful Hunter blood fueling him.

  He briefly contemplated running. He didn't. If there was even a glimmer of hope that they could get through to Devon, then he was determined to try. For Cassie. Julian's eyes were those of a predator as Chris hesitatingly approached them.

  Dropping down by Cassie's side, Chris ignored the blood coating her body as he took hold of her hand. It was smooth and still warm in his grasp. It was difficult to believe that she was gone, that she would no longer laugh and talk with him. No longer smile and fight and play with him. Tears burned his eyes; he swallowed the lump that had formed in his chest.

  He squeezed her hand as he enveloped it in both of his. "I love you." He focused his attention on Julian. "What do I have to do?"

  "If this works, she'll require blood, fresh blood." Chris hid the shudder of revulsion that slid through him but he couldn't stop the cold chill that crept up his spine. Julian's eyes relentlessly held his, Chris finally broke the stare as he nodded and turned away. He tried not to focus on the gash in her midsection, but his gaze was irresistibly drawn back to it. There was no fixing that, no matter what Julian believed. But Chris found himself hoping that he was right, that Julian's blood would somehow magically fix the damage that had been done to her.

  He couldn't stand the spectacle of her unblinking eyes anymore, they should be closed. She should be at peace, she deserved that much. He was leaning forward, his fingers just mere inches from her eyelids when her eyes snapped open. Chris fell back; a startled yelp escaped him at the same time that a scream tore from Cassie.


  Julian burst into motion as Cassie bolted upright and knocked Chris back with her swinging fists. She opened her mouth to scream again but he slid his hand over her mouth to cover the sounds. She shook her head vehemently as she fought to break free of his grasp. She shrieked against his hand as she kicked and swung her arms against his hold. Wrapping his arm around her ribcage, Julian pulled her against his chest and held her firmly. Her slender body bucked against his, her fingers clawed at his hand as her body convulsed.

  Blood spilled from the deep gashes she ripped into his arm but he didn't care. It was the most exquisite thing he'd ever felt as it meant she was alive, or if not alive in the human sense, at least she was with them again. He was seized with the urge to cry a
s he held her against him. At one time he'd been concerned about what she might become; he couldn't seem to find that concern now. He didn't ever want to let her go, but she wasn't his to keep, she never had been. She was his to see through this though, and he was determined to make sure she survived.

  "Annabelle!" he called.

  Annabelle was frozen by the window, but his barked command propelled her into action as she raced across the store to them. "What is going on?" Chris demanded. His eyes were locked on Cassie as she continued to buck and convulse against him. Annabelle grasped hold of Cassie's legs and pinned them to the ground as her cries increased in intensity. "Is this normal!?"

  "The change is agonizing," Annabelle whispered.

  "But this painful?" Chris demanded.

  Annabelle shook her head. "Chris this isn't a change that's ever been attempted before. She's a Hunter and its two Elders bringing her back."

  "So the answer is no. That was all you had to say, just no."

  "I don't know Chris!" she cried.

  "She'll be fine." Julian grated through clenched teeth. Cassie's fingers curled around his arm and clenched down. Julian grit his teeth as she thrashed against him. "She'll be fine."

  Though it had been centuries ago, Julian clearly recalled the torture of his transition. The pain that had clenched his muscles, twisted his insides into knots, and broke the bones in his lower back from the force of his spasms. Though it had only lasted for forty minutes, at the time it felt like an eternity.