Page 20 of Night Terrors

  Dante crouches down and massages my back. His touch sends fizzing bolts through my body and my eyes darken. He cups my face and gazes into my eyes. ‘You should disapparate. You need rest.’

  I smile. ‘Only someone like me needs to wake up to get some real rest and relaxation.’

  ‘It’s the lot of a Traveller.’

  ‘I guess.’

  He brushes away a loose tendril of hair and leans in towards me. When his lips touch mine, my senses swirl and I forget about the nagging pain in my spine. I hear the thud of his heartbeat matching mine almost perfectly.

  ‘We were meant to meet,’ he breathes. ‘We were meant to know each other.’

  He sounds so sure of himself. I draw back and scan his face.

  ‘You’re still holding part of yourself back. You’re still afraid.’ His tone is not accusatory; it’s matter-of-fact as if he’s talking to himself more than me.

  ‘I can’t help it,’ I whisper.

  ‘You can trust me.’ He smiles. ‘Even if I can’t trust you.’

  I thump him on the arm. ‘What do you mean? Of course you can trust me!’

  ‘Remember when we freed the mares?’ I nod. ‘You pretended you were going to leave and then you stayed behind to risk your own safety.’

  ‘They were being tortured,’ I protest.

  He places an index finger against my lips. ‘You have no regard for your own safety,’ he continues. ‘You ski down dangerous mountains. You take on dragons and monsters and Sandmen.’

  ‘I’m pretty sure there’s only one Sandman.’

  He looks at me, amused. ‘And if you’re determined to stay here then I have no doubt that we’ll take him down.’

  ‘And the Department?’

  Something flickers in his eyes. ‘It’s very powerful. It has its hooks into all aspects of the Dreamlands.’

  ‘Can we beat it?’

  He runs a hand through his hair. ‘I don’t know.’

  I nibble on my bottom lip. ‘Esme said that there were leaders in every zone, just like the Mayor.’

  Dante presses a trail of hot kisses against my neck. I can’t help myself, I moan slightly and clutch at him. ‘There are but they’re all equal. No one leader is superior to the others.’

  My thoughts are befuddled and cloudy. Dante’s fingers reach down and cup my breast. ‘There are lots of Department people here now though. None of them seem to be in charge. There has to be one person they all answer to.’

  ‘I’ve never heard of one.’ His thumb grazes my nipple. I feel almost dizzy.

  ‘Dante.’ He kisses me again. I murmur and try to focus. ‘Dante…’

  ‘What is it?’

  I move back. ‘Do you want me or do you want the dreamweaver?’

  The silver in his eyes grows molten with heat. ‘I want you.’

  I stop thinking about it. I tilt my head and kiss him and he returns my kiss with fervour. I tug at his T-shirt, pulling it upwards. Dante grins and helps, yanking it over his head in one swift movement. I gape at his broad chest.

  He raises his eyebrows. ‘You like what you see?’

  I seem to have lost the power of speech so I just nod.

  He grins, fully aware of the effect he’s having on me. It’s been a while but somehow I don’t think it makes a difference. There’s something about him; he’s like a drug that I can’t get enough of. I match his movements and unfasten my blouse, reach behind and unclasp my bra. I flush slightly as I expose myself to his hot gaze but he licks his lips slowly, his own desire obvious.

  ‘Are you sure about this, Zoe?’ Yes. God, yes. ‘I don’t want to hurt you. Your back…’

  ‘It’s fine,’ I tell him. ‘I’ll just have to be on top.’

  His grin changes slightly, taking on a wicked tinge. ‘You can be on top of me any time.’

  I don’t need any further encouragement.


  We lie entwined on the floor. ‘You know someone could come in at any moment. This is Esme’s shop after all.’

  ‘She’s looking after Ashley,’ Dante reminds me. ‘She’ll be busy for some time yet.’

  I sigh. ‘Ashley could have died.’

  ‘She didn’t.’ His voice changes. ‘Maybe the Department isn’t all bad.’

  I stiffen and sit up. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘They didn’t really hurt her.’ He traces a figure of eight on my skin. ‘I’m worried that they’ll go after her again.’

  ‘We have to stop them.’

  He’s silent for a moment. ‘You asked me before if we could beat the Department. Maybe we can’t. Perhaps we need to think differently.’

  I frown at him. ‘Differently how?’

  He shrugs and drops his gaze. ‘I don’t know. You’re smarter than I am. You’ll figure it out.’

  There’s something he’s not saying and I’m tempted to call him on it. Instead I sigh and reach for my clothes. Just now there are other things to worry about than the Department. My confrontation with the Sandman won’t have helped matters. He might be stepping up his invasion; he’ll think I’m vulnerable and suffering, so he’ll take advantage. I can’t let that happen.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘I have to go.’

  Dante sits up like a shot. ‘Go where?’ I meet his eyes but I don’t speak and he curses. ‘It’s too dangerous. At least wait until your back is healed.’

  ‘If I wait it might be too late.’

  ‘You can’t get hurt.’

  ‘I’ll be careful.’

  ‘At least let me come with you.’

  ‘No.’ I shake my head. ‘It’ll be easier on my own.’

  There’s a hardness behind Dante’s expression which troubles me. ‘Take twenty-four hours,’ he says. ‘Please. It’ll give you time to recover.’

  I get the feeling he’s not going to let this go. If I insist on going, he’ll come with me. He’s not a dreamweaver and we have no idea what the Badlands are going to be like. If it’s anything like the Bubble, then Dante will be able to do nothing more than watch – and get himself killed in the process. The thought is unbearable. I’m not sure I can cope if that happens. He still can’t appreciate that this is my responsibility; I might not want it but I have it and I have to deal with it. Alone. I can’t let him stop me.

  ‘Okay,’ I say, praying that lie isn’t visible on my face and hoping that he’ll forgive me when he realises the truth.

  His relief is palpable. ‘Thank you.’

  I get dressed and run my fingers through my hair. Grimacing, I glance down at Dante. He’s still watching me and I can’t help blushing. Damn it. He’s already seen everything so my reaction is daft.

  I let out a shaky laugh. ‘I really need a shower.’

  ‘You should disapparate. I’ll stay here to keep an eye on Ashley. Get Rawlins to take you back to the hotel for a shower.’

  ‘Rawlins will be worried. It’ll be good to let her know everything’s alright.’

  ‘Mmm. She’ll have to get back to work soon.’

  He’s right; I can’t keep her with me forever, even if having a member of the police by my side is incredibly comforting.

  He drops his gaze. ‘Zoe, are you sure you can trust her?’

  ‘She’s a good person. And she’s a policewoman, for goodness’ sake.’

  His expression is grim. ‘You know as well as I do that doesn’t mean anything.’

  I reach up and brush my fingers against his rough cheek. ‘She’s not even a Traveller,’ I say simply. ‘But she’s still helping us.’

  ‘Then I’ll trust your judgement.’ His hand moves to my hip and rests there for a moment before edging round the curve of my belly. His fingers graze my skin, dropping lower and lower. I catch my breath. ‘You know, Zoe,’ Dante breathes, ‘now that you’re au fait with all your dreamweaving skills, and now that Ashley is safe, this might be the time to declare yourself to the Department. You know you used your dreamweaving powers to save her. The Department’s a forc
e for good. You’re a force for good.’

  I draw back, surprised. He’s changed his tune. ‘What happened to hiding out and keeping myself safe?’ I enquire.

  A smile plays round his mouth. ‘Maybe it’s time the Department found out what it’s dealing with.’

  ‘If you think it’s a good idea…’

  ‘I do.’

  I gaze into his eyes. ‘Then as soon as everything’s wrapped up here, I’ll do it.’ I pause. ‘Do you think the hotel will be safe?’

  ‘The police aren’t going to let Ashley’s kidnappers get away.’ His eyes gleam. ‘Bad publicity.’

  True. ‘Okay then.’ I bend over to kiss him on the cheek. He turns his head at the last moment so I’m kissing his mouth instead. His arms curve round my waist, drawing me in until I’m lost for breath. ‘Go on,’ he whispers. ‘I’ll see you back there later.’

  ‘We’ll have to leave you in the car,’ I warn. ‘I don’t think either Rawlins or I will be able to carry you.’

  Dante laughs. ‘I’ll manage.’

  We share a smile filled with the memory of what’s just passed between us and the promise of more to come. Then I disapparate and open my eyes to the sight of Rawlins’ white knuckles gripping the steering wheel as she stares at the busy police station.

  ‘Hey,’ I say softly.

  She jerks and spins round, then sees me and relaxes slightly. ‘Bloody hell, you gave me a fright.’ She looks at me suspiciously. ‘There was a great deal of moaning this time. I thought about trying to wake you again.’ She glances at Dante. ‘Then he started moaning too.’

  The blush makes a violent return. It feels like my damn cheeks are on fire. To avoid Rawlins’ knowing expression, I look at Dante as he sleeps. His face is more relaxed than normal. It’s strange seeing him like this and knowing that he’s off in the Dreamlands right now. I run my eyes down his body. He’s mine, I think to myself in disbelief. How on earth did that happen? How did I manage to nab someone like him?

  Rawlins clears her throat. ‘I hope I’m not stepping out of line here…’


  ‘But how well do you really know him?’

  I almost laugh. She’s as suspicious of him as he is of her. Once they get to know each other, they’ll probably make great friends.

  ‘He’s the first person I met in the Dreamlands.’ I think of Esme and Ashley and Bron and my smile disappears. ‘And the only one who’s still friendly towards me.’

  ‘He said he was a lawyer,’ Rawlins says. ‘And now he says he’s a bounty hunter.’ There’s no denying her scepticism. ‘You don’t think that’s strange?’

  ‘That bounty hunters exist? In the UK?’ I grin. ‘Of course.’

  Sensing her looking at me, I turn to her. She scratches her nose. ‘Where was he before? I mean, why has he only shown up now?’

  ‘He was in America,’ I explain. ‘He wanted me to go with him but I had a panic attack on my way to the airport.’


  I feel a flicker of irritation. ‘I don’t know. I thought I was over all that but I guess travelling internationally was a step too far. You saw what I was like driving down here.’

  ‘No,’ she says, ‘I mean why go to America? Was it a holiday?’

  ‘He has a contact there. We were going to find out more about how the Department operates in other zones.’

  ‘And what did he find out?’

  I shrug. He hadn’t said much about it. ‘We’ve not really had a chance to talk.’

  Rawlins nods. ‘If I understand things correctly, if you’d gone with him, you wouldn’t be able to … What’s the word? Appear?’


  ‘Right. You wouldn’t be able to apparate into the Dreamlands here.’

  I shrug. ‘It’s a time-zone thing. What are you getting at? That I can’t trust him?’

  She sighs. ‘I’m just saying that there’s more to him than meets the eye.’

  I study her expression. She looks genuinely concerned. Dante’s been nothing but helpful, even if I did have misgivings about him the first few times we met. ‘He’s a good guy,’ I say softly.

  Rawlins doesn’t appear convinced but she gives me a nod anyway. ‘If you say so.’

  ‘I do.’ I meet her eyes. ‘Can you drive back to the hotel? I’ve got in a crick in my neck from sleeping here and I’d rather use the bed.’

  ‘What? You’re going back again? You only just woke up!’

  I wince. ‘Sorry. I know this is kind of dull for you. I woke myself up because as much as I trust Dante, I don’t want him to know where I’m going. He’ll try to stop me or worse, come with me. I have to sort this out.’

  ‘Sort what out?’

  ‘The Badlands,’ I murmur. ‘I’m the only person who can do it.’

  There’s a moment of silence. ‘Good luck,’ she says finally.

  I nod, satisfied. She knows as much as anyone how terrifying the sleep paralysis and the bad dreams are. She’s not going to stop me. I cast a quick glance back at Dante’s relaxed features. He’ll understand too. I hope.


  Esme freaks out at my sudden appearance, leaping backwards and brandishing a large stick at me. I hold up my palms. Ashley is sitting up and watching me with wide eyes. At least she looks more alert than last time, even if her face is still too pale.

  ‘Whoa! Careful there. It’s just me.’

  Esme doesn’t drop the stick. ‘Are you alone?’ she demands.

  ‘Yes. I always apparate here. It’s a pain in the arse but I don’t seem to be able to control it.’ I glance at Ashley. ‘How are you doing?’

  ‘Fine,’ she mutters. At least she’s talking, I suppose.

  ‘I’m not staying,’ I tell them briskly. ‘You’ll have your peace.’

  ‘Good.’ Unfortunately, the expression on Esme’s face belies her words. Her eyes dart all over the place, as if she’s expecting someone to appear.

  ‘What’s going on?’


  I blow air out through my pursed lips. ‘You’re in the middle of the forest. There’s no one here apart from Lilith, who was half dead last time I saw her, and the mares. I know they can be scary but I’d have thought that after all that business with the Mayor…’

  ‘I’m not afraid of the mares.’

  ‘Then what is it?’

  ‘I told you. Nothing.’

  I cock my head. Something has made her skittish but I can’t work out what. Considering that Ashley already looks slightly better and I was with Rawlins, I know all is clear back in the real world. I’m not going to find out what the problem is unless one of them tells me. Judging by the expressions on their faces, that’s not very likely. I shrug.

  ‘Suit yourself.’ I give them a wave. ‘I’ll see you later.’ Hopefully.

  I spin round, deafened by the silence, and begin following my trail through the woods. I try not to feel disappointed that neither Esme nor Ashley seem grateful for my rescue efforts. Fair enough, it wasn’t actually me who did the heroic part and I didn’t do it to receive gratitude, but I’m hurt that my actions haven’t repaired our relationship. I think of the way Esme refused to drop the stick and frown. If anything, things seem to be worse than they were before.

  Forcing them out of my mind, I focus on the matter in hand. I can exit at the far end, where I’ll be closer to the Badlands. For now it suits me to jog through the area that I know. Besides, I’m hoping to catch Lilith; I have an idea that might just help both her and me.

  I find her leaning against a large oak. Even though there’s no sunlight trickling down from the canopy of leaves, her face is dappled in shivering dark shadows. She follows my approach but doesn’t seem any happier about my presence than Esme or Ashley were.

  ‘How are you doing?’ I ask, trying to keep my tone friendly.


  ‘I’m sorry. I might be able to fix things. I’m going to the Badlands to confront the Sandman. He’s behind all this
. You were trying to tell me that before and I didn’t listen. I’m sorry.’

  She raises a delicate shoulder in a movement that suggests she no longer cares what I do. Lilith is all sneers and opinions; for her to be so apathetic proves that she’s fading fast.

  ‘Listen,’ I say. ‘I know someone you can visit.’ I bite my lip and hope I’m doing the right thing. ‘Someone you can feed from, who’s not being affected by bad dreams or sleep paralysis.’

  Lilith shakes her head slowly. ‘It doesn’t work like that, Zoe from the quiet lands,’ she sighs. ‘I need someone virile. Someone with the right kind of dreams to tap into. Not the sort of person you know.’

  Do I really come across as such a prude? ‘You’d be surprised. I can give you his name or the coordinates to his door in the Bubble. He’s having a few, er, wet dreams. You’ll fit right in.’

  Something flickers behind her eyes. Interest. ‘By the time I get there, it’ll probably be too late.’

  ‘Hey,’ I snap, ‘what’s the alternative? Hanging around here and wasting away? You’ve got nothing to lose. He’s dreaming of sex. Go and feed from him.’ And stop him dreaming of having sex with me, I add silently.

  My sharp tone must give her pause for thought because she struggles to her feet and peers at me. ‘You are sure of this?’

  I nod. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Can I trust you?’

  I throw my hands up in the air. Bloody hell. Trust appears to be the theme of the day. ‘Yes!’

  ‘Okay. What’s his name?’

  ‘Adam,’ I start to say, ‘Adam Mc…’

  Lilith reaches out and cups my face. It takes everything I have to stand my ground and not recoil from her icy touch. Her thumbs press into temples.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I ask nervously.

  Her scarlet lips curve into a smile. ‘I’ve found him.’ Her eyebrows raise. ‘Well, well, well. Maybe you do know some interesting people after all.’

  I yank myself away. ‘Did you just look inside my head?’ I feel tense ‒ and oddly violated.

  ‘To find him, yes.’ Her smile grows into something predatory and hungry. Maybe this was a mistake. ‘Now I can reach him on my own. Thank you.’