Grim presentiments. Grim questions. And no answers.

  Sunlight danced among the pillars on the plain. The Howler wailed. The wizard’s groans echoed through the fortress.

  It was closing in.

  He had to capture Senjak. She was the keystone. Her head held the keys to power. She knew the Names. She knew the Truths. She contained secrets that could be hammered into weapons capable of stemming even that dark tide waiting to break out of the plain.

  But first, the wizard. Before all else, Smoke. Smoke would give him Taglios and maybe Senjak.

  He returned to the room where the little man battled his terror and pain. “There will be an end to this foolish resistance. Now. I have lost patience. Now I will find what you fear and feed you to it.”


  Blade’s army moved in twenty-mile stages. He scouted heavily, used his cavalry exhaustively. Sindhu’s men, who had hurried ahead to discover what had become of the Deceivers watching Dejagore, reported finding no sign of those men.

  Blade took the news to Mather. “What do you think?”

  Mather shook his head. “Probably killed or captured.”

  Swan and Mather had their own scouts out, farther south. Swan said, “Word we have is the Shadowlanders really did get whipped bad. Our guys got past their pickets and checked their camp. There’s only two-thirds as many of them as there should be. Half of those are dinged up. That character Mogaba keeps hitting them with sorties, too. They never get to relax.”

  “Are they watching us? Do they know we’re coming?”

  Mather said, “You have to assume they do. Shadowspinner is a sorcerer. They don’t call him a Shadowmaster for nothing. And there’s the bats. Croaker thought they controlled the bats. There have been plenty of those around lately.”

  “Then we should be very careful. How many effectives can they field if they decide to meet us?”

  “Listen to this guy, Cordy,” Swan said. “He’s starting to sound like a pro. Effectives. My, oh my. She’s going to turn him into a real ass-kicking warlord.”

  Blade chuckled.

  “Too many of them if you ask me,” Swan continued. “If they sneak them away without Mogaba noticing they probably could put eight or ten thousand veterans in our way.”

  “With the Shadowmaster?”

  Mather said, “I doubt he would leave. That would be an invitation to disaster.”

  “Then the thing to do is advance cautiously, scout thoroughly, try to know as much about them as they know about us. Right?”

  Mather chuckled. “That’s what the book would say. We have one factor in our favor. Their scouts don’t move during daylight. And the days are long now.”

  Blade grunted thoughtfully.

  * * *

  Blade halted thirty miles north of Dejagore. Scouts brought word that Shadowspinner had moved troops into the hills ahead, at night, when the city’s defenders could not see them go. The men who had stayed behind were making a show of preparing another assault.

  “Where are they?” Blade asked. The scouts could not tell him. Somewhere along the road as it snaked through the hills. Waiting. Only four thousand, apparently, but that was enough against this mob.

  “You going to mess with them?” Swan asked. “Or just hang around and keep some of them off Mogaba?”

  “That would make sense,” Mather suggested. “Keep some tied up while Mogaba does the fighting. If we could get a message to him…”

  “I’ve tried,” Blade said. “There’s no way. They have the city sealed up. Sitting down there in the middle of that bowl like that…”

  “Well?” Swan asked. “What do we do?”

  Blade assembled his cavalry officers. He sent them to find the enemy. When they encountered no immediate resistance he moved his army ten miles southward and camped. Next morning, as soon as the bats went away, he formed line of battle but did nothing else. His scouts worked the hills carefully. He repeated that the next day and the day following. Late that afternoon a rider came in from the north. His news put a smile on Blade’s face. He did not tell Swan or Mather immediately.

  The fourth morning his battle line advanced. He entered the hills slowly, made sure his formations stayed integrated. There was no hurry. The cavalry stayed out front.

  Contact came shortly before noon. Blade did not push. He let his men skirmish but avoided a general engagement. His cavalry harassed the enemy with missiles. The Shadowlanders were not inclined to attack them.

  The sun dropped westward. Blade let the skirmishes grow.

  The enemy commander gave the order to attack.

  Blade’s own officers had orders to stage a fighting withdrawal as soon as the enemy came out to play. They were to stop retreating only if the enemy stopped coming. If he did that they were to start harassing him again.

  That game went on till the Shadowlanders lost all patience.


  I halted the column, gathered Narayan and Ram and those men who passed for officers. “This is the place. On the back of the swale. We put me and the standard on the road, spread the men out to either side.”

  Narayan and the others looked puzzled. Nobody knew what was going on. It seemed wise to keep it that way till it was too late for anybody to worry.

  I set it up, practically having to show each squad leader where I wanted him. Narayan finally figured it out. “It won’t work,” he decided. He had been on a negative kick since the grove. He did not believe anything was going to go right ever again.

  “Why not? I doubt they know we’re here. I was able to confuse their bats and shadows.”

  I hoped.

  Once I had everybody in place I got into my armor, got Ram fixed up, led him and Narayan to where we could see what lay beyond the crest.

  I saw what I expected to see, a lot of dust headed my way. “They’re coming. Narayan, go tell the men that in less than an hour they’ll get their chance to drink Shadowlander blood. Tell them as soon as Blade’s men slip through the aisles in the formation they’re to plug those up.”

  The dust came closer fast. I watched Narayan off to spring the surprise. I watched the nervousness spread among the men. I was especially interested in the small troops of horsemen on the wings. If they followed Jah’s old example I was in for another disaster.

  Blade’s men were almost upon me. I took my position, set witchfires burning on my armor. Ram came up beside me, impressive in the Widowmaker armor I’d had made for him. I put fires upon him but could do nothing about giving him the crows that always attached themselves to Croaker’s shoulders when he turned into Widowmaker. I doubted the Shadowlanders would notice.

  Blade’s men poured over the crest. There was a lot of confusion till they realized we were on their side. Willow Swan galloped up, hair flying, laughing like the demented. “Right on time, sweetheart. Right on time.”

  “Go get your men under control. Cavalry to the wings. Move it!”

  He went.

  There were Shadowlanders among the men coming now. Chaos held court. They tried to stop but their comrades behind forced them forward. They tried hard to stay away from Ram and me.

  Where was Blade? Where was his cavalry?

  The Shadowlanders pelted my line in no order, like hail, then turned to flee. Once they had their backs to us the outcome was not in doubt. I signalled for the cavalry to advance. I made no effort to keep my men in formation. I let them chase the enemy.

  When I crested the rise I saw Blade and his cavalry. He had had them flee to the flanks, distancing the footbound Shadowlanders, then had brought them back behind our enemies, scattered so they could cut down fugitives. My own cavalry had the Shadowlanders cut off on the flanks.

  Only a few got away.

  It was over before darkness fell.


  Swan could not get over it. “Our man Blade’s done turned into a real live general. You had it figured all the way, didn’t you?”

  Blade nodded.

  I believed him. He mig
ht actually make a commander—unless he’d had a once in a lifetime stroke of genius.

  Swan chuckled. “Old Spinner ought to have the word by now. Bet he’s foaming at the mouth.”

  “Very likely,” I said. “And he might take steps. I want a strong guard posted. The night still belongs to the Shadowmasters.”

  “What can he do, hey?” Swan demanded.

  “I don’t know. I’d rather not find out the hard way.”

  Blade said, “Calm down, Swan. We didn’t win the war.”

  You would have thought so from the celebrating. I told Blade, “Tell me more about this other Widowmaker and Lifetaker.”

  “You know as much as I do. Shadowspinner attacked and should have taken the city. But they rode out of the hills. Lifetaker kept him fighting for his life. Widowmaker rode around killing his men. They couldn’t touch him. They rode away after our men drove the attackers out of the city. Mogaba tried a sortie. They didn’t help. He took heavy casualties.”

  I checked a crow in a nearby bush, careful not to be obvious. “I see. We can’t do anything about it. Let’s ignore it and get on with plans for tomorrow.”

  “Is that wise, Mistress?” Narayan asked. “The night does belong to the Shadowmasters.” Meaning there were shadows among us, listening, and bats whisking overhead.

  “There are tools available.” I could take care of the bats—and the crows—but I could not get rid of the shadows. To do anything more than confuse them was beyond my limited powers. “But does it matter? He knows we’re here. He knows we’ll come there. He just has to sit and wait. Or run away, if that suits him.”

  I had no hope Shadowspinner would elect that option. He retained the preponderance of force—if not in numbers, certainly in power. The stunt I had pulled was the limit. I would not send these men into a maelstrom of sorcery.

  The victory would increase their confidence but could lead to trouble if I overvalued it. That was partly why Croaker lost his last battle. He got lucky several times and began to count on it. Luck has its way of running out.

  “You have a point, Narayan. No need to ask for trouble. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Pass the word. We’ll make an early start. Rest. We may have to do it again.” The men had to be reminded: there were battles yet to come.

  The others went, leaving Ram, Blade, and me. I looked at Blade. “Well done, Blade. Very well done.”

  He nodded. He knew that.

  “How are your friends taking it?” Swan and Mather were off with their band of Radisha’s Guards.

  He shrugged. “Taking the long view.”


  “Taglios will be there after the Black Company goes. They’ve set down roots there.”

  “Understandable. Will they be trouble?”

  Blade chuckled. “They don’t even want to trouble Shadowspinner. If there was any way, they’d be running their tavern and staying out of everybody’s way.”

  “But they take their pledge to the Radisha seriously?”

  “As seriously as you take your contract.”

  “Then it behooves me to make sure there’s no tension.”

  He grunted. “Shadows don’t need ideas.”

  “True. Tomorrow, then.”

  He rose, went.

  “Ram, let’s take a ride.”

  Ram groaned. In about a hundred years, maybe, he would make a horseman.

  We were both in armor still, uncomfortable as that was. I touched up the glamors. We rode among the men. Had to keep their minds fixed on me. I paused to thank men who had been pointed out as having done well. When the show was over I returned to my own place in the camp, indistinguishable from any other, and gave myself up to night’s dreams.

  * * *

  I was sick again. Ram did his best to keep it from the men. I noticed Narayan whispering with Sindhu about it. I did not care at the moment. Sindhu glided away, presumably to tell Blade. Narayan came over. “Perhaps you ought to consult a physician.”

  “You have one handy?”

  His grin was a shadow of itself. “No. There isn’t one here.”

  Which meant some of the wounded would die needlessly, often as not victims of their own home remedies. Medical discipline had been something Croaker had started pounding into his men when they were learning to keep in step. And he’d been right.

  I have dealt with a great many soldiers and armies. Infection and disease are deadlier enemies than foreign arms. Determined health discipline had been one of the strengths of the Company before Croaker’s passing.

  Pain. Damn me. It still hurt. I had never grieved over anybody before.

  It was light enough to drive away bats and shadows. “Narayan. Are they fed?” Damn the sickness. “Let’s get them moving.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Get Blade. I’ll explain.”

  He got Blade. I explained. I rode out with the cavalry, leaving Blade to bring the rest. I headed east ten miles, turned into the hills. Crows followed. I was not concerned about crows. They were not reporting to the Shadowmasters.

  Ten miles into the hills I halted. I could see part of the plain. “Dismount. Rest. Keep the noise down. Cold food. Ram, come with me.” I moved forward. “Quiet. There may be pickets.”

  We did not encounter any before I could see the whole panorama.

  There had been changes. When we had come before the hills had been green with farms and orchards. Now they were spotted brown, especially to the south. The canals were not delivering water as they should.

  “Ram, get those two red rumel men, Abda and whatever his name is.”

  He went. I studied the prospect.

  Shadowspinner’s camps and siegeworks surrounded the city. Near the north gate the besiegers had raised an earthen ramp to the top of the wall, no mean achievement. Dejagore squatted atop a high mound, behind walls forty feet high. The ramp had been damaged badly. Men were hauling earth up to repair it.

  Presumably that had been the point of attack the night whatever had happened had happened.

  The besiegers looked ragged. The condition of their camps suggested low morale. Could I take advantage? Had word of yesterday’s misadventure reached the line troops? Knowing that, knowing a large force could hammer them against the anvil of the city, they ought to be ripe for a rout.

  I could not place Shadowspinner. Maybe he was holed up in the remnants of the permanent camp south of the city. It had its own rampart and ditch. If not, he was careful not to stand out. Maybe Mogaba had a habit of picking on him.

  Ram returned with Abda and the other man. I said, “I want to find a way to get down there unseen. Spread out, try to find one. Watch for pickets. If we can get down there we can give them a nasty surprise tonight.”

  They nodded and slipped away, Ram with his customary worried look. He still did not believe I could take care of myself.

  Sometimes I wondered.

  I gave them a head start, then moved westward. I had a surprise for the Shadowmasters—if my limited talent was up to it.

  It took longer than I hoped but it looked workable, “it” being a bat trap that would call and kill like a candle does moths. I’d been thinking about versions since we’d left Taglios. It should work on crows, too, with adjustments.

  Which left only the shadows.

  We had not encountered it but rumors of old, out of the Shadowlands in the days of conquest, said those shadows could be assassins as well as spies. Captains and kings had died too opportunely, with no other explanation. Maybe the deaths of two Shadowmasters had taken that weapon away. Maybe a killing took a combined effort. I hoped so but did not count on it.

  I set the trap working and hurried back to where I had parted with Ram. The others were there waiting. Ram scolded me. I suffered it. I’d grown fond of him in a sisterly way. It had been a long time since anyone had been concerned about me. It felt good.

  When Ram finished, Abda interjected, “We’ve found two routes down. Neither one is ideal. The better one might be
used by the horsemen. We cleared the pickets. I sent a few men down in case there’s a changing of the guard.”

  That could be a problem.

  Blade materialized, dogged by Narayan and Sindhu. “You made good time,” I told him.

  He grunted, studied the city. I explained what I wanted to do. “I don’t expect to accomplish much. The point is to harass Shadowspinner, demoralize his men, and let ours inside know there’s an army out here.”

  Blade glanced at the westering sun, grunted again.

  Swan and Mather joined us. I said, “Get some men moving. Abda, explain the routes. Mr. Mather, take charge of the infantry. Sindhu, you take the horsemen. Swan, Blade, Narayan, Ram, come with me. I want to talk.”

  Mather and Sindhu got things moving. We got out of their way. I asked Swan, “Swan, your men brought home the news about the row down here. Run through what you know.”

  He did. I entered questions, did not get half the information I wanted. Not that I expected to.

  Swan said, “Some third party is playing his own game.”

  “Yes.” There were crows nearby. I could not mention names. “The attackers definitely masqueraded as Lifetaker and Widowmaker?”


  “Then those men down there should panic if they see them again. Get the armor, Ram.”

  Narayan prowled restlessly while we talked, putting in nothing, keeping one eye on the city. He said, “They’re starting to move around.”

  “We’ve been discovered?”

  “I don’t think so. They don’t act like they expect trouble.”

  I went and looked. After watching awhile I hazarded a guess. “The news is out. They’re shook. Their officers are trying to keep them busy.”

  “You really going to take a whack?” Swan asked.

  “A little one. Just big enough to let Mogaba know he has friends on the outside.”

  The day was getting on. I passed orders for the men to eat cold and keep moving. Ram showed up with our armor and animals. “Two hours of light. We ought to do something while they can see us.”