Captain O'Brien and the rest of the leaders who took part in that fightwith the schooner, had plenty to do that night. Among other things theywere selecting the crew for their privateer, and they wanted to be surethat they got none but the best men. Zeke was ashore for an hour or twobefore he sent the cutter back, and then he did not come with it butsent Zeb Short to scull the boat. There were nine men in the party, andeach one brought with him a large bundle which contained some changes oflinen and his bedclothes.

  "Where is the mate?" asked Enoch, as the men threw their bundles aboardand then proceeded to climb aboard themselves.

  "The mate!" exclaimed Zeb Short, as if he did not catch the boy'smeaning.

  "Yes; Zeke told us to stay here until he came back."

  "Oh. Well, Zeke is ashore helping the captain; and he told me to informyou boys that if you want to ship on board this vessel you had better gohome and get some duds, for we are going to sail with the turn of thetide which takes place about four o'clock. Of course you boys aregoing?"

  "You wager we are," said Caleb.

  "Take your guns with you," continued Zeb. "We shall not want them anymore. When we board the next Britisher you will have a cutlass or pikein your hands."

  The boys clambered down into the boat with Zeb Short and were slowlysculled toward the shore. It looked to them as if they were in forfighting and nothing else. They did not stop to speak to the captain orany of the other men standing around but went straight for home as fastas they could go. There was one place where they were tempted to stopand exchange a few words with the inmates, and that was at JamesHoward's house. The boys were sitting on the porch and were talkingabout what they had seen at the wharf.

  "There go a couple of those rebels now," said James, as Enoch and Calebhurried by. "I hope I will be here to see them hung up."

  "Enoch, I have the best notion to go back and whip him in his owndooryard," said Caleb, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. "If youwill keep the other off me, I can punish James in two whacks."

  "Come on, now, and don't mind them," said Enoch, taking Caleb by thearm. "You may have some other fellows to fight some day, some that haveweapons in their hands, and you can take revenge upon James in that way.Come along."

  Caleb reluctantly allowed himself to be led away, and presently he wasdropped at his own gate. Enoch broke into a run and entered the kitchenwhere his mother was busy with her usual vocations. He seized a chair,moved it up under the hooks on which his flint-lock belonged, placed itthere with his bullet-pouch and powder-horn, and Mrs. Crosby looked athim with surprise.

  "What's to do, Enoch?" she said at length.

  "Mother, I want my bedclothes and a change of underwear to go out tosea," said Enoch. "You see----"

  Here the boy began and told his story in as few words as possible, andto his joy his mother did not say one word to oppose him.

  "There is one thing that does not look exactly right," he continued,"and that is I don't know what I am going to get for my trouble. I donot know that I am going to get a cent."

  "That is all in the future," said his mother. "Do your duty faithfullyand I will take care of myself."

  Enoch said no more, but somehow he could not help wishing that he hadsome of his mother's pluck. When the things had been bundled up hekissed his mother good-by and went out of the house, wondering if he wasever going inside of it again. He found Caleb at his gate with hisbundle on his shoulder, and in half an hour from that time they weresafe on board the schooner.

  "If no one has spoken for this bunk I guess I will put my things inhere," said Enoch, looking around upon the men who were busy at workmaking up their own beds.

  "There is a bunk for every man in the crew," said one. "Put your thingsin there and say nothing to nobody."

  "All below, there!" shouted Zeke. "Come on deck, everybody."

  "We are going to choose our officers the first thing we do," said ZebShort, who proved that he was a good sailor by leaving his bunk halfmade up and hurrying to obey the order. "My captain is O'Brien, everytime."

  The men hastened aft, and there stood O'Brien with his hat off. The crewremoved theirs out of respect, and the captain began a little speech tothem. He repeated at greater length what he had told them ashore--thatthey now took their lives in their own hands and were about to go out tosea to do battle with the flag they had that day hauled down, and thatif captured they could not expect but one thing, death at the yard-arm.If any of the men had time to think the matter over and wanted to backout--

  "We don't," shouted Zeke, in a voice that must have been heard on shore."There is no one in this crew that thinks of backing out."

  "Zeke speaks for all of us," said Zeb Short.

  "Then we will proceed to elect officers," said Captain O'Brien. "Youare, most of you, sailors, and I need not tell you that it is necessarythat you select good men and those whose orders you are willing toobey."

  It did not take over ten minutes for the crew to select the men who wereto command them. They had evidently made up their minds just whom theywanted, and each one proposed was accepted by acclamation. O'Brien waschosen captain; no one could do better than he did in the fight with theschooner, and the men were sure that he could do equally well in acontest with another vessel. Zeke was chosen first mate, Zeb Shortsecond, and Wheaton, who did not know the first thing about a ship, wasappointed captain's steward.

  "What will I have to do?" asked Wheaton; whereupon all the crew brokeout into a hearty laugh.

  "You will have to see that I get enough to eat," said the captain. "Iwill wager that I do not go hungry while you are in office."

  "Well, if it is all the same to you, Captain, I won't take it," saidWheaton. "Let me be a foremast hand. I shipped to fight----"

  "You will have all the fighting you want to do as steward," said CaptainO'Brien. "Everybody will be on deck then."

  After a little more argument Wheaton was induced to take the position,and the election of officers went on. The last one that was chosen wasthe man who had fed Enoch while he was a prisoner in the brig; EzraNorton was his name, and he was told to look out for the ammunition. Hehad served on board the schooner and knew pretty nearly where to go tofind the charges for the guns. After that the crew were divided intowatches, and in obedience to Zeke's order: "All you starbo'lins below!"went down to their bunks to sleep until twelve o'clock.

  Just at daylight the next morning--it was Enoch's watch on decknow--there was great commotion on the schooner, for the lookout who wassitting on the cross-trees shouted down two words that sent a thrill toevery heart. It did not create a hubbub or take the form of words, butit set them to scanning the horizon and exchanging whisperings with oneanother--

  "Sail ho!"

  "Where away?" shouted Zeke, who happened to be the only officer on deck.

  "Straight ahead," was the answer.

  "Can you make her out?"

  "I can see nothing but her top-hamper, but I think she is a schoonerbound for New York."

  Presently the hail came down again--another ship four points off the leebow, and headed the same way that the other one was. The captain, onbeing summoned, came on deck and mounted to the cross-trees with a glassin his hand. He stayed there an hour, and when he came down again thevessels were in sight.

  "I will wager my hat against yours that those are two of the boats thatwe want," said he to Zeke. "We will soon make them show their colorswhatever they are."

  "Wheaton, have you your flag here?" asked Zeb Short, turning to thesteward who at that moment came on deck.

  "No, no; don't try that," said the captain, hastily. "We will approachher without any flag. We will not attempt to make her think we arefriendly when we are not."

  The two vessels continued to approach each other, and finally thestranger, thinking that the schooner had some business with her, ran upthe very flag they wanted to see--the flag of England. In answer to thequestion, "What schooner is that?" s
he replied that she was theSpitfire, bound from Halifax for New York with a cargo of supplies forthe British government.

  "Now, Zeke, it all depends upon you," said the captain, jumping downfrom the rail on which he had stood while making his hail. "Crowd allthe men you can into a boat and go off and take possession of thatschooner. Send the officers to me and put the rest down below. Fill awayin my wake when I start for Watertown. But first I must capture thatother schooner."

  "I will send a boat aboard of you," said the captain, seeing that theSpitfire was not decreasing her pace.

  To man the boat did not take very long on the part of the schooner'screw, for every one knew just what he had to do. To seize cutlasses andpistols from the rack, buckle them on and tumble over the side was butthe work of a minute, and in hardly more time than we have taken todescribe it, they had boarded the Spitfire and a man was sent to herwheel. Zeke pulled down the flag and waved it over his head.

  Of course her officers were full of questions when they were broughtaboard the schooner, and could not understand the matter at all; but thecaptain did not stop to enlighten them until the other vessel wascaptured. He ordered them down into his cabin, and there they remainedwhile the schooner speeded on to make a prize of the other vessel whichwas found to be the Storm King, bound to the same port and loaded withsupplies. When the officers were all on board his vessel and prisonersin his cabin, the captain went down and explained matters to them. Theydid not know anything of the battle at Lexington, and when they heard ittheir surprise knew no bounds. They plainly saw that their cruise hadended, and with that they were obliged to be satisfied until they wereturned over to the authorities at Watertown.

  Captain O'Brien's bravery did not pass unrewarded. His appearance inWatertown with his prizes created a great commotion there, and he wasappointed captain in the marine of the colony and sent to sea to capturesome more vessels. His work in the Revolutionary War was just begun, andthose who went with him from Machias stayed by him to the end. ZekeLewis and Zeb Short were promoted to gunners, because it was necessarythat they should have better educated men for first and second officers;at any rate they received thirteen dollars in their new position whereasin their old, they received only eight.

  Enoch and Caleb were not forgotten. By strict attention to their dutiesthey received promotion one after the other, one to assistant sailmakerat twelve dollars a month and the other to yeoman at nine dollars. Theywere on every voyage with their beloved captain. When he receivedcommand of a privateer and had the whole ocean in which to search forhis prizes, the boys went with him and did their best to establish hisname.

  James and Emerson did not long remain in Machias. Things became toounpleasant for them, and one morning their houses were not open asusual. Of course their neighbors wanted to see what was the matter, andan investigation proved that the families had gone in the night-time toseek another haven of refuge. They brought up in New York and stayedthere until the place was evacuated by the British. Then they went toEngland, and it is to be hoped that they could talk their sentimentsthere without being threatened with a beating by a Yankee.

  During the course of the long and bloody struggle that followed therewas much depression in the provincial ranks. Even the great heart ofWashington was bowed down by sorrow, and when "famine was stalkingthrough the camp" and his enemies were hard at work to have a "new and abetter man" appointed in his place, the leader never lost sight of the"justice of her cause or the sincerity of his country." Read thefollowing incident related by a man who was there and saw it all. Itproves that General Washington, in the troubles with which he wassurrounded, found that there was a stronger arm than man's to leanupon.[7]

  [Footnote 7: Condensed from Lossing's Field Book.]

  Isaac Potts, at whose house Washington was quartered, relates that oneday while the Americans were encamped at Valley Forge, he strolled up acreek that was not far from his house and heard a solemn voice. Hewalked quietly in the direction of it and saw Washington's horse tied toa sapling. In a thicket near by he saw his beloved chief in prayer, andhis cheeks suffused with tears. Like Moses at the Bush, Isaac Potts feltthat he was treading upon holy ground and withdrew unobserved. He wasmuch agitated upon entering the room where his wife was, and he burstinto tears. On inquiring the cause he informed his wife of what he hadseen, and added:

  "If there is any one on this earth whom the Lord will listen to, it isGeorge Washington; and I feel a presentment that under such a commanderthere can be no doubt of our eventually establishing our independence,and that God in His providence has willed it so."

  "Oh, who shall know the might Of the words he uttered there? The fate of nations that was turn'd By the fervor of his prayer?

  "But would'st thou know his name Who wandered there alone? Go, read in Heaven's archives The prayer of Washington."


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