The street before the German Embassy was thronged with motor-cars andcarriages; the windows sparkled with lights; lines of police sharplydirected traffic and saw to it that the space before the building waskept open.

  It was perhaps eleven o'clock when Ashton-Kirk, accompanied by Fuller,arrived. The latter gazed about the glittering rooms, astonished.

  "I'm not sure which it most resembles," he said, "a masked ball withoutthe masks, or an ensemble number in a musical comedy."

  The women were magnificent; their gowns shone, their shoulders and armsgleamed under the many lights. The officers attached to the variousembassies made a dashing picture in their gorgeous uniforms; theofficial dress of the diplomats was stately and picturesque. Here was awhite-haired old Austrian, his chest aglitter with crosses and orders,engaged with the Turkish envoy; the Chinese minister, his flowing silkenrobes tucked in about him, sat placidly in the midst of a group ofadmiring ladies; the flaming scarlet and gold lace of one South Americanrepublic contrasted strongly with the white and silver of another;Mexico vied with Russia in splendor, while less spectacular states ranfrom sober greens and grays to the plain black of conventional dress.

  Plants and lights were everywhere; from the ballroom came the strains ofa German waltz; the dancers floated about upon the shining floor.

  The handsome Baroness Von Stunnenberg greeted the secret agent and hisaide; the ambassador, who was a massive man with a snowy, up-twistedmoustache and the stride of a Prussian cavalryman, stood near by.

  "I was informed of your coming," he said to Ashton-Kirk. "And although Ido not quite understand, still I am pleased to see you."

  The secret agent had replied, and Von Stunnenberg was turning away whena delighted voice exclaimed:

  "Kirk, old chap, I'm astonished! Here, of all places in the world."

  Ashton-Kirk turned and came face to face with a brilliantly beautifulwoman, and a young man with a vastly contented look.

  "Mrs. Pendleton," said the secret agent, as he took the outstretchedhand, "I can only repeat your husband's exclamation, 'Here, of allplaces in the world.'"

  "But what does it mean?" demanded Jimmie Pendleton, as he, too, grippedhis friend by the hand. "Here you are--you whom I have heard discourseso wisely about such affairs as this--the folly and the vanity of it,and the----" but he paused, snapped his fingers and turned to his wife."I know what it is! He's here on business."

  Mrs. Pendleton gestured her dismay.

  "Not that, surely," she said. "There can scarcely be anything here toattract your talents," laughingly to the secret agent. "Ambassadors arethe frankest of men, and their doings are open to every one."

  "The Baroness and Edyth are cronies," Pendleton informed the other, ashis wife turned to the hostess. The latter's expression as Mrs.Pendleton spoke to her in a low tone changed formal politeness to one ofinterest.

  "Oh!" she said; "my dear, I'm afraid of him. And so," smiling toAshton-Kirk, "you are the remarkable person of whom Mrs. Pendleton hasspoken so often? Well, if I ever become involved in a mystery, I promiseto call in no one but you."

  "I shall be flattered by your confidence," said Ashton-Kirk in the samelight tone. "But, I warn you, Mrs. Pendleton is scarcely to be dependedupon as regards my work. She allowed herself to be dazzled by a triflingdexterity, so to speak, and makes a very wonderful performance ofsomething that was not at all remarkable."

  "Oh, these modest men," sighed the Baroness. "The world is so full ofthem." In turn she spoke a few words to her husband. His big German headreared, and he curled the upstanding points of his moustache.

  "I have heard of you, sir," and his blue eyes searched the secret agentfrom head to foot.

  "The old boy seems somewhat miffed," whispered Pendleton to Fuller; "Iwonder what's wrong?"

  "He probably does not fancy being interfered with," said Fuller, and heshrugged his shoulders wisely.

  "Why," and Pendleton looked astonished, "you don't mean to say thathe----" here he paused and his glance was full of inquiry.

  "No, nothing directly," answered Fuller. "Just a little affair thatseems to have been put up to him, that's all."

  There was a brief, low-pitched conversation between Ashton-Kirk and VonStunnenberg. The latter's manner was one of massive dignity; and notonce while he spoke did he take his light-colored eyes from the face ofthe secret agent. But if he expected to read anything there, he wasdisappointed. Ashton-Kirk was smilingly candid, genially open. But hesaid nothing that would throw light upon his errand there that night.The Baron had served under Bismark, and his methods were identical withthose of the great chancellor--the sappers worked constantly under coverof a blunt manner and pointed speech.

  But in this case the blunt manner pounded vainly against an impregnablewall of practised assurance; and the pointed speeches met with aflashing defense. Impatiently the old diplomat twisted his whitemoustache; and rather angrily he drew off his sappers, for they wereuseless except under cover of their more obvious brethren.

  "I thank you, sir," said he, with a bow. "To have seen you is apleasure. And now you will pardon me, I know."

  A little later Ashton-Kirk sat with Mrs. Pendleton in a secluded corner.

  "Now," she said, holding up one finger, "tell me all about it. Don't tryto deceive me. I know the Baron Von Stunnenberg very well, and havenever seen him assume that manner of a few moments ago unless there wassomething of much importance going forward."

  "The Baron flatters me by his manner," smiled Ashton-Kirk. "It puts mein quite a glow to think that I am so noticed in high places."

  She laughed musically; but her eyes were not without their gravity.

  "I know you of old," she said; "you will tell nothing until you areready. That characteristic made me afraid of you once; but in the midstof the fear there was a good deal of admiration," she confessed with anod of her stately head. "If you impress every one as you impressedme--that is, every one you are working against--I don't wonder youalways succeed. Even while I planned, I knew that I could not hide fromyou that which you wished to know."

  "You were clever," he said; "and you were resourceful. You lacked onlyexperience." While he spoke his eyes went about from place to place asthough seeking some one. "Are you acquainted with many here to-night?"he asked.

  "Not many," was the answer. She noticed the roving of the singular eyes,and her interest quickened. "Did you expect to see some one?" sheinquired.

  He nodded.

  "I wonder if I know who it is?" She paused for an answer, but he seemednot to hear, and so she went on: "Some one who has done something amiss.Poor thing! Do you know, I feel sorry for him." Then, after a pause: "Aman, of course."

  He shook his head.

  "It's a woman!" Her voice lifted. "It's a woman!" she repeated. "Oh,poor creature!"

  She turned upon him two fine eyes filled with concern.

  "Perhaps it's a girl," she said. "A girl much like I was--one who canconfide in no one, or has no one whom she can trust. Tell me, what isher----"

  Just then, in the midst of a group which was about separating,Ashton-Kirk caught sight of Stella Corbin. Mrs. Pendleton noted hisexpression; her eyes followed the direction of his own. And when theyrested upon the slight, girlish figure and saw the eager, frightenedlook, she turned upon him.

  "For shame," she said, reproachfully. "Oh, for shame!"

  "You know her then?" said he quietly.

  "I only know that she is an English girl and came here with MadameSteinmetz. But," and her brilliant, challenging glance met his ownsquarely, "I know that she has done nothing. A girl who looks like that_could_ not do anything very wrong."

  "It is not always well to judge by appearances," said he, quietly."Physiognomists place great confidence in their power to read faces; buttheirs is scarcely an exact science."

  She sat regarding him steadfastly; then nodded and said:

  "That is mere evasion. I recognize the ruse, for I
have met it once ortwice before. You draw upon generalities when questioned in a specificinstance; and if your questioner takes that as a direct answer, you donot trouble yourself to put him or her right."

  He smiled.

  "I said that you needed only experience," he remarked.

  Just then a sleek little form came rolling into view; the rosy face,shining bald head and the decoration were familiar to the secret agent.

  "Mrs. Pendleton," said the German, and he nodded and waved his hand, "Iam given much pleasure to see you."

  "How do you do, Colonel Stelzner?" she replied. Then inquiringly: "Youhave met Mr. Ashton-Kirk?"

  "I have met him, yes, but I have not before caught the name." ColonelStelzner bowed until his gleaming scalp was fully in view. "It gratifiesme, sir, to know so famous a person," he concluded.

  "Ah, you, too, have _heard_ of him?" Mrs. Pendleton smiled,mischievously. The little German again waved his hand.

  "Who has not?" he demanded. "Every one," authoritatively, "on both sidesof the ocean. That is," and the hand was held up as though begging amoment's delay in her judgment, "every one who is interested suchmatters in."

  Here Pendleton came up with some friends to whom he presented thesecret agent; a few moments later a man-servant approached the latterand said something to him. Ashton-Kirk asked to be pardoned and followedthe servant out of the room. But Mrs. Pendleton took no notice of allthis; she gave all her attention to the little German. He polished hisglittering scalp and chuckled.

  "Most _secret_ agents," he went on, "are unknown to the public. Theycherish the fancy that they are also unknown to the diplomatic corps;but it is _only_ fancy. Those who are unknown personally are recognizedby their methods. _Ach ja!_ They are as open as the day. A man who noeyes has could see it! But he"--and he indicated the spot whereAshton-Kirk had stood with one plump forefinger--"there is one who isnot like the others. No, no," he shook his head and his chuckle grewmore pronounced, "he is much different."

  Ashton-Kirk returned in a few moments, and was soon talking generallywith Pendleton's friends, who were mostly young people who laughed agreat deal. And while he did not miss a word of what was said, neitherdid he once take his eyes from that point where Stella Corbin still sat.With her was a small, vivacious, pretty woman, undoubtedly French, whosegestures were most eloquent and the play of whose eyes alone was almostsufficient to tell a close observer what she was saying. Some littledistance away was a heavy jowled man with thick black brows and a slowway of turning his small head; in close conversation with him was aslighter man, blond, and with a short, pointed beard. And, for all theirapparent occupation in each other's words, their glances kept constantlygoing toward Miss Corbin and her companion; each movement made by themseemed a matter of intense interest.

  And in this they were not alone. Behind where the girl sat ran a massivemarble staircase which led to a sort of balcony, palm-lined and used asa resting-place by tired dancers, and a point of vantage by those whomerely desired to look on. At the top of the staircase, seated beneath awide-spreading and flowering plant, were Matsadi, and--yes, it was Okiu!

  Fuller caught sight of this latter pair much about the same time as hisemployer. The secret agent nodded in answer to the young man's low,surprised whisper.

  "Yes, I just noticed them," he said.

  Fuller turned his glance from Okiu to Stella Corbin; that he was puzzledwas frankly shown.

  "This is a rather queer situation," he said, in a low, careful tone toAshton-Kirk. "Japan wanted that paper in the worst way; and this Corbingirl stood in with Okiu in an effort to gain possession of it for thatgovernment. And now, with the document in their possession, they begin aflirtation, so to speak, with the Germans."

  But the secret agent made no reply to this except to give his helper awarning look; then he plunged into the conversation which the otherswere carrying on animatedly.

  The eyes of the beautiful Mrs. Pendleton had kept Stella Corbin wellwithin range; both the girl and her companion seemed to interest hergreatly.

  "And so," she said to Colonel Stelzner, "you think Mr. Ashton-Kirk verydifferent from the other government agents?"

  He gestured with both hands.

  "As different as the sun from the stars," declared he. "The mastery ofhis art has been to him given. Every one knows him by sight; every oneknows him for what he is. And yet he works in such a way that his handis not noticed until it has closed," here he pantomimed expansively,"and what he has been seeking is in its grasp."

  The dance music came to them in swaying, stirring strains; the lowlaughter and sound of gliding feet came with it.

  "Madame Von Steinmetz," spoke Mrs. Pendleton, after a few moments, "is aremarkably expressive woman."

  The eyes of the little German went to the lady who was conversing withStella Corbin. His shoulders shrugged and his hands opened wide.

  "It is her race," he said. "The French are mostly so. There is herhusband, now," and his gaze singled out the man with the pointed blondbeard; "he is German, and has little of the characteristics which markher."

  "How long have they been married?" asked Mrs. Pendleton.

  "About ten years, I believe."

  "So long as that!" She seemed greatly surprised. "I thought that men didnot remain in love with their wives for so great a length of time. Andyet he is much in love with her. See, he can't keep his eyes from her."

  Colonel Stelzner's little round body shook as probably it had nevershaken before. He chuckled and gasped; the tears stood in his eyes.

  "Oh, you ladies!" he said at last. "Oh, you ladies, you see everything!Nothing escapes you." Again he shook and chuckled and gasped. Butfinally he recovered, wiped his eyes and went on: "Ah, yes, I supposeVon Steinmetz is desperately in love with madame. And why not? She ischarming."

  "Who is that with Von Steinmetz?" she asked.

  "That? Oh," and the round little colonel nodded his head knowingly,"that is Hoffer."

  Her eyes lingered upon the large-jowled man for a moment. She had heardof him.

  "I trust," she smiled, "that Herr Hoffer is not also in love with MadameVon Steinmetz."

  Stelzner chuckled.

  "It is not possible that you think he might be," he protested.

  "Well, he seems inclined to pay her as much attention as her husband.His eyes never move from her."

  "Oh," gasped Colonel Stelzner, "you will be the death of me, Mrs.Pendleton; you really will!" And when he had recovered from the fit oflaughter into which her observation had thrown him, he added: "Butconsider, Madame von Steinmetz is not alone. Could it not be possiblethat Hoffer is interested in the English girl?"

  Her fine eyes were fixed directly upon his face, as she said:

  "Ah, that is it."

  There was something in her tone which drove the laugh from his face; heanswered soberly enough.

  "I ask if it were not possible; that is all."

  People who talk too much upon subjects regarding which it is best thatthey be silent often get glimpses of their weakness. And ColonelStelzner had such a flash of inner vision just then. And while he was,more or less dismayed, thinking it over, Mrs. Pendleton discoveredMatsadi and Okiu at the head of the staircase.

  The interest which they displayed in the two women immediately attractedher; and once more she turned to the little colonel.

  "The two Japanese now, which of the ladies attracts them--the English orthe French?"

  The usually rosy face of Stelzner was rather gray as he replied, and thechuckle so habitual to him had given place to a wan smile.

  "The Japanese?" said he. "Oh, yes, those two up there, of course. I havefound," with the air of a man speaking more or less at random, "that theOccidental types of women interest Orientals. Oh, yes; it is much so. Ihave known Japanese to admire---- Ah, Hoffer, how do you do?"

  The heavy man, accompanied by Von Steinmetz, was moving by, and Stelznergrasped at their passing as a shipwrecked seaman might grasp at a spar.Reluctantly, so it seemed, the two men pa
used; and the beautiful Mrs.Pendleton smiled as she bent her head to the salutation of VonSteinmetz.

  "Your wife," she said, "is lovely to-night. We have just been admiringher."

  The husband seemed none too pleased at this; he fingered his short,light-colored beard and his small blue eyes went to the lady inquestion.

  "It occurred to me also," he said, "that she looked well. But then," andhe smiled a little, "I think she usually looks so."

  "You are a good husband," and Mrs. Pendleton laughed lightly. "Madameshould be proud of you. But," and she arched her brows in wonder, "whatan exceedingly interesting girl Miss Corbin must be. See how she holdsmadame's attention! Even the slightest gesture seems loaded withmeaning."

  The slim fingers of Von Steinmetz tugged at the pointed beard; Hofferturned his head with his peculiarly slow motion toward the speaker andhis eyes searched her face. But there was nothing there but smiles andbright looks and admiration for what she apparently considered a markedtalent.

  That Madame Von Steinmetz seemed greatly interested in what StellaCorbin said was plain enough; her eloquent hands were still; her eyeshad ceased their byplay and centered themselves upon the girl's face.This latter was even paler than usual, and her face seemed a trifle set;her attitude was one that told of suppressed excitement.

  In a throaty German which was sharply distressing, Hoffer began relatinga heavy anecdote. Both Von Steinmetz and Stelzner gave it muchattention, but Mrs. Pendleton, while she listened, never took her eyesfrom Stella Corbin and her companion.

  For the girl had ceased speaking and leaned back in her chair as thoughexhausted; Madame Von Steinmetz, her vivacious countenance illumined,was carefully outlining something for the girl's benefit. Hofferfinished the anecdote and his two friends laughed eagerly; Mrs.Pendleton smiled and nodded her appreciation though it is doubtful ifshe had heard much of it. To Von Steinmetz she said:

  "How wonderfully expressive your wife's manner is! See, it is almost asif we could hear what she is saying!"

  That Von Steinmetz would have vastly preferred his lady's manner to havebeen less wonderful was evident; his blue eyes were cold withdisapproval; the pointed beard was twisted and tugged painfully.

  And while she was manifesting this interest in Miss Corbin and theFrench woman, Mrs. Pendleton did not altogether lose sight ofAshton-Kirk. She noted that, in a few minutes, he drew away from thegroup of which her husband made one; and also she noted that his eyes,though they did not seem to do so, never lost a movement made by StellaCorbin.

  The two Japanese, as though they had caught sight of some one orsomething upon the lower floor, had suddenly arisen and descended thestaircase.

  "The Senora Maselli," murmured Mrs. Pendleton, as she saw Matsadi speakto a beautiful, dark-eyed woman, evidently an Italian. "He is asking herto sing."

  And that Senora Maselli was willing to do so was apparent; for she tookMatsadi's arm and they crossed to a room, the door of which was only afew feet from where Miss Corbin and Madame Von Steinmetz sat. Okiu,however, remained behind; and as Matsadi was passing through the door,he turned to look over his shoulder toward his countryman which, to aclose observer, seemed full of significance.

  Madame Von Steinmetz still talked, eagerly, with her hands, eyes andtongue. It were as though, as Mrs. Pendleton thought, the English girlhad pictured some dilemma in which she stood and the French woman waspointing the way out. More than once Miss Corbin's hands had gone towardthe bag which hung from her arm; but each time they left it unopened, asthough she were not altogether persuaded.

  "But," Mrs. Pendleton told herself with conviction, "she will do it inthe end. When one is anxious to take advice, one usually does so."

  The dance music had stopped some little time before; now came the notesof a piano, almost immediately followed by the rush and ring of a humanvoice. Heads were turned, laughter stopped, voices ceased. Then therewas a stir.

  "It is Maselli," ran the whisper.

  A movement began toward the room from which the singing proceeded. In amoment Mrs. Pendleton's view of Stella Corbin was cut off by the eagerand somewhat undignified scamper; through the press she saw the sleek,black head of Okiu and, at no great distance, caught a glimpse ofAshton-Kirk.

  A sort of fluttering assailed her ear-drums; it were as though the airwere charged with an impending, unseen something. A feeling of suspensefilled her; she was astonished to feel herself possessed by an almostirresistible desire to cry out a warning to some indefinite person. Andapparently she was not alone in her impression, for now she saw Hoffer,his great jaws rigid, almost thrusting his way forward among the guests;Von Steinmetz and Stelzner were also on the move, and from differentdirections.

  Suddenly there was a pistol shot; startled cries rang out; the throngsplit as though divided by a great knife. And as it fell asunder therearose another cry, higher and in a different key. The first had been theoutcry of those who felt harm impending; the second was that of a singleperson, and one upon whom the harm had fallen.

  It was Miss Corbin; Mrs. Pendleton could see her as she stood white andstartled, staring at the silken bag which she held in her hands. Uponone side of her stood Madame Von Steinmetz, aghast, trembling withshock; upon the other stood Ashton-Kirk, imperturbable and keen eyed.

  For an instant the affrighted guests swayed upon the verge of panic;then like oil upon troubled waters, soothing words were spoken andexplanations suavely proffered. A young man, who looked very red andfoolish, had dropped and exploded a chamber of a newly inventedrevolver, which he had brought to exhibit to an influential officialwhom he expected to meet. And in the ensuing excitement, Miss Corbin hadlost a cherished trifle which would no doubt be found shortly.

  Startled people are always anxious to be convinced that there is nooccasion for their alarm; and so, more or less satisfied, VonStunnenberg's guests broke into laughter and relieved chatter.

  Passing through little groups, all absorbed in the enjoyment of relatingtheir mutual sensations, Ashton-Kirk made his way toward the hall. Hisstep was unhurried, his manner nonchalant; he spoke lightly to a numberof people as he went by.

  As he turned into the hall, Mrs. Pendleton followed; she saw himdisappear into the coat room, and reappear a moment later, his overcoaton and his hat in his hand. And at the same instant she saw himconfronted by the burly forms of Hoffer and the Baron Von Stunnenberg.