Grace awoke the next morning with the weight of a disagreeable dutyhanging over her. She had given Jean Brent until after Thanksgiving todecide upon her course of action. Jean's disregard for her wishes hadalready placed the freshman in an unenviable prominence in college.Conscientious to a fault, Grace believed herself to be partly to blamefor what had occurred during her week-end absence from Harlowe House.She should have insisted, in the beginning, on absolute frankness on thepart of Jean. She had respected the girl's secret and invested her withan honor which she did not possess. It now looked as though she, as wellas Jean, might already be in a position to reap the folly of such acourse.

  With Miss Wilder as dean, Grace knew that Jean's indiscretion would betreated with leniency, but she was by no means sure of what MissWharton's attitude might be should the story reach her ears. Grace hopeddevoutly that it would not. But whatever happened Jean Brent must impartto her what she had hitherto kept a secret. Grace was resolved uponthat much, at least. She could not decide as to the wisest course topursue until she had heard Jean's story. She decided to wait until thegirls were at luncheon, then ask Jean to come to her office thatafternoon before dinner. At luncheon, however, greatly to her surprise,Jean walked directly up to her table and said in a low tone, "I havedecided to tell you my secret, Miss Harlowe. When may I talk with you?"

  "I shall be in my office when you come from your classes this afternoon,or I can wait for you in my room, if you prefer." A great wave of reliefswept over Grace as she answered the girl. She had feared that Jeanwould prove stubborn in her determination to keep her secret.

  "Thank you. I will come to your office." Jean turned away abruptly.

  Emma Dean had noted Jean's unusually meek manner. She had endeavored notto hear what was not intended for her ears, but low as were Jean'stones, the words reached her. She made no comment, after Jean had takenher place at one of the other tables, until Grace remarked, "Emma, youcould hardly help hearing what Miss Brent said to me."

  "Yes, I heard what she said," responded Emma unemotionally.

  "I am so glad she has decided to trust me."

  "It might be better for all concerned if she had trusted you in thebeginning," was Emma's dry retort. "I can't help feeling a trifle out ofpatience with that girl, Grace. She had no business to commit an act, nomatter how trivial, that would lay you open to criticism."

  "Have you heard any one in particular criticizing me?" asked Grace withquick anxiety.

  Emma did not answer for a moment. Grace watched her, her gray eyestroubled.

  "I'll tell you precisely what I heard this morning. Before I leftOverton Hall to come here for luncheon I stopped for a moment to seeMiss Duncan. Miss Arthur, that new teacher of oratory, was with her. Iwalked into the room just in time to hear Miss Duncan say 'I canscarcely credit it. I am surprised that Miss Harlowe--' then she saw me,turned red and stopped short. Miss Arthur looked rather sheepishly atme. I pretended that I had heard nothing, asked the question I intendedto ask, and went on my way, much perturbed in spirit. I can't bear tohear you criticized in the smallest degree, Grace," was Emma's vehementcry. "I am sure it was about this sale they were talking. It's all verywell for Miss Brent to take the stand that she has the privilege ofdoing as she pleases with her own clothing, but there is somethingabout the very idea of a sale of wearing apparel that quite upsetsOverton traditions and causes Harlowe House to lose dignity. One can'timagine an enterprising clothes merchant living at Holland or MortonHouse or even at Wayne Hall. The students should have had the good tasteto discourage it, but, from what I hear, Miss Palmer had expatiated onthe glories of Miss Brent's wardrobe to the clique of girls she chumswith, and they gathered like flies about a honey pot. You'll usuallyfind the girls with the largest allowances are always eager to obtainmuch for the smallest possible outlay. I think, too, that Miss Palmer'sinfluence is not wholesome. It led to Evelyn Ward's folly last year.Evelyn hasn't been unduly friendly with her so far this year. I'venoticed that."

  "I can't believe Evelyn had anything to do with this sale," assertedGrace. "She may have known of it, but she never sanctioned it."

  "At least she didn't attend it," commented Emma, "but, come to think ofit, neither did Althea Parker. Don't you remember, I mentioned to youthat I met Evelyn on the campus that fateful Saturday and she said shewas going to spend the afternoon with Miss Parker?"

  "Then if Miss Parker was ringleader in the affair, why didn't she havethe courage to attend the sale?" was Grace's quick question.

  "For further information inquire of Miss Brent," advised Emma, shruggingher shoulders.

  "I will," sighed Grace. "I seem fated to puzzle over hard questions,don't I?"

  It was half-past four o'clock when Jean Brent entered the office whereGrace sat idly turning the leaves of a magazine.

  "Sit down, Miss Brent," invited Grace. Then in her usual direct fashion,"I am ready to listen to anything you wish to say."

  Jean Brent flushed, then the color receded from her fair skin, leavingher very pale. In a low tone she began a recital that caused GraceHarlowe's eyes to become riveted on her in intense surprise, mingledwith consternation. An expression of lively sympathy sprang into herface, however, as the story proceeded, and when Jean had finished with ahalf sob, Grace stretched out her hands impulsively with, "You poorlittle girl."

  Jean clasped the outstretched hands and murmured, "You don't blame me somuch, then, do you, Miss Harlowe?"

  "No, I can't," Grace made honest answer, "but I am so sorry that you didnot come to me with this in the beginning. I could have helped youarrange your affairs nicely. You could have borrowed money from theSemper Fidelis Fund and later, if you were desirous of selling yourwardrobe you could have disposed of it in New York City for fully asmuch as you have received for it here. A dear friend of mine in New Yorkwho is an actress has often told me that the women of the varioustheatrical companies who play minor parts are only too glad to purchaseattractive wearing apparel which society women sell after one wearing."

  "I didn't know. I am sorry I didn't tell you long ago." Jean wasthoroughly penitent. "Will it make so very much difference now?"

  "I hope not. It is hard to say. Unfortunately the news of the sale hasreached the ears of several members of the faculty. Not only you, but I,as well, have been criticized. We can do nothing except wait for thegossip about it to die a natural death." Grace's quiet acceptance of theunpleasantness which Jean's rash act had forced upon her stung thefreshman far more sharply than reproof.

  "I can go to the dean and tell her what I have told you," faltered Jean.

  Grace shook her head. "No, I should not advise it. This affair belongsentirely to Harlowe House and should be settled here. I will write toMiss Lipton to-night. If Miss Wilder were here I should not hesitate toplace matters before her, but I am not so sure of Miss Wharton, thewoman who is filling Miss Wilder's position. For the present, at least,silence will be best. If Miss Wharton hears of it and sends for you,then you had better be frank and conceal nothing."

  "Do you mean that you intend to keep my secret, Miss Harlowe; that youwill let me stay on at Harlowe House and finish my freshman year?"

  "Yes; not only the freshman year, but your sophomore, junior and senioryears as well, provided Miss Lipton approves and advises it. I shallwrite to her exactly what has occurred. She is nearest to you andtherefore to her belongs the decision. But, while I am endeavoring towork for your interest I wish you to work for it, too. I would like tosee you more self-reliant. You have been brought up in luxury, but youmust forget that. As matters now stand you will one day be obliged toearn your own living. You must build your foundation for a useful lifeduring your freshman year."

  Grace's voice vibrated with an earnestness that visibly moved herlistener.

  "I will try. I _will_ try," she declared fervently. "It is wonderful inyou to care so much about me, when I have been so

  "We won't think of that any longer," smiled Grace. "However, there isone question which I must ask you. Did Miss Ward know of the sale?"

  "No," admitted Jean, looking ashamed. "I kept it a secret from her. MissParker purposely invited her to luncheon that afternoon. She picked outthe things she wanted to buy beforehand and took them out afterward.Evelyn was very angry. We quarreled, and have not spoken to each othersince. It was my fault."

  "Then, to please me, will you try to be friends with Miss Ward again?"


  "You must tell no one else what you have told me," stipulated Gracefurther. "It must be a secret between us."

  "I will tell no one," promised Jean.

  The ringing of the door bell and the entrance of the maid with a card,brought the confidential talk to an end. Grace rose and held out herhand. "I must go," she said. "I will talk with you again when I hearfrom Miss Lipton."

  "Thank you over and over again, Miss Harlowe." Jean's eyes were lit witha strength of purpose rarely seen in them. As she left the office andthoughtfully climbed the stairs to her room she resolved anew to beworthy of Grace Harlowe's approval and respect.