Page 42 of Graevale

  He sent her a small but confident smile and said, “I’m ready when you are.”

  And with a deep breath and a purposeful stride forward, together they stepped through the doorway and ventured into the great unknown of what lay ahead.


  (In Alphabetical Order)


  Astophe Dalmarta: AS-toff Dal-MAR-tuh

  Aven Dalmarta: AY-ven Dal-MAR-tuh

  Cykor Raedon: SY-kor RAY-don

  Eanraka Quoris: EE-an-RUH-kuh KOR-is

  Faluh: FAL-luh

  Gaiel Varsae: Guy-EL Var-SAY

  Kosett Raedon: Koss-ETT RAY-don

  Kyia Tarennia: KY-yuh Tar-EN-ee-uh

  Mayra Raedon: MAY-ruh RAY-don

  Naelin Tarennia: NAY-lin Tar-EN-ee-uh

  Niida Dalmarta: NY-duh Dal-MAR-tuh

  Niyx Raedon: Nykes RAY-don

  Riza Fraelorn: REE-zuh FRAY-lorn

  Roathus Lorenn: ROW-thus Loh-REN

  Roka Dalmarta: ROW-kuh Dal-MAR-tuh

  Skraegon: SKRAY-gon

  Tohro: TOR-row

  Vaera Varsae: VAY-ruh Var-SAY

  Zain Erraeya: Zane Eh-RAY-uh


  Ayva: AY-vuh

  Eefi: EE-fee

  Glyn: Glin

  Neiko: NEE-ko

  Tork: Tork


  Mareek: Mar-EEK

  Mietta: Mee-ET-tuh

  Taka: TUH-kuh

  Tibbs: Tibbs


  Azalia Shaw: Az-UH-lee-uh Shaw

  Caspar Lennox: CAS-par LEN-nox

  Radek Ganare: RAD-eck Guh-NARE

  Saber Karn: SAY-buh Karn

  Shirez Ganare: She-REZ Guh-NARE

  Trell Roven: Trell ROW-ven


  Kaysia: KAY-see-uh

  Lidael: Lid-AY-ell

  Xayder: ZAY-duh


  A’enara: AY-eh-NAR-ruh

  Vae’varka: VAY-eh-VAR-kuh


  Kriidon: CRY-don

  Vesaphina: Veh-suh-FEE-nuh

  Xiraxus/Xira: Zeer-AX-us/ZEER-uh

  Zaronia: Zuh-ROW-nee-uh


  Akarnae: Uh-KAR-nay

  Draekora: Dray-KOR-uh

  Durungan Ranges: Due-RUN-gan Ranges

  Graevale: GRAY-vale

  Mardenia: Mar-DEN-ee-uh

  Maroo: Mar-OO

  Meya: MAY-uh

  Mount Paedris: Mount PAY-ed-riss

  Nialas: Nee-UH-lass

  Raelia: RAY-lee-uh

  Tia Auras: TEE-uh OR-iss

  Tryllin: TRILL-in

  Alex’s journey will conclude in the final book of



  Want to learn more about Alex’s closest friends?

  Join D.C., Jordan and Bear in


  Coming September 2018!


  From beginning to end, Graevale was an absolute rollercoaster to write. Alex guided me through the highs and the lows of her journey, shredding my emotions in the process. I’m so unbelievably grateful to everyone who supported and encouraged me throughout it all, especially God, my family and friends, who continue to stick with me on this crazy ride and tolerate my tendencies to, at times, care more about fictional characters than real people. (#SorryNotSorry)

  To the entire team at Pantera Press—thank you for believing in this series and also just for being genuinely wonderful people. Ali, thanks for being my shameless self-appointed wingwoman, for giving me more Netflix recommendations than I can watch in a lifetime, and for confidently stating that waterfalls are more afraid of me than I am of them—I’m trusting you on that one, so don’t let me down. Also, massive hugs and copious amounts of cheese and crackers to my publicist, Madeleine Konstantinidis—from the moment I met you I just knew we were going to have an absolute blast together. I wasn’t wrong, and I seriously can’t wait for all that’s next, since I’m certain the best is yet to come!

  Endless gratitude goes to my editor, James Read, for having oodles of passion for this series and wanting the absolute best for Alex and her friends (and enemies), and to my meticulous proofreader, Desanka Vukelich, for continuing to spot everything. Thanks also the talented designers at XOU Creative for yet another stunning cover (!!) and to Jodie Mazoué, for stepping in at the last possible second to design the map of Medora—aka a visual masterpiece of epic amazingness!!

  To my magic-working agent, Victoria Wells Arms, thank you for doing all the scary stuff so I can focus on the fun stuff (you are the BEST!!).

  Thanks also to Sarah J. Maas, for being an incredible friend and encouraging me through every aspect of this journey; to Sifu Alan Baxter, Kung Fu Master and author extraordinaire, for being my go-to resource when it comes to all things combat-y; to Maria Lewis, for being sparkly always and having an enviable talent for conversing entirely in gifs; to Paige Belfield, for all the hot chocolates (and being the best future assistant ever); to Ineke Prochazka, for making me laugh and humouring my Disney Princess excitability; to Google, for answering my weird and downright alarming questions; and to supermarkets everywhere, for faithfully stocking liberal amounts of chocolate. (Let’s face it, certain events in this book definitely require comfort food. *Sobs for eternity*)

  I’d be lost without my critique readers, so huge thanks to Dana Summer, Frannie Panglossa, Catriona Feeney and Emily Davison for your invaluable feedback, as well as to Alison Elzayed for catching any last-minute slips. Special mention also to Krystal Gagen and Jenna Harper, for your OTT obsession with the characters and their individual stories (which I totally love you for). Krystal, I’m endlessly amazed by the depth of your critiques (THANK YOUUUUU!!!), and Jenna, your emotional outbursts never fail to make me laugh—and cry. You (all) totally rock.

  I can’t emphasise enough how grateful I am to book bloggers, booktubers, bookstagramers and book reviewers everywhere, for your overwhelming response to this series and your willingness to share about it across your social media channels. Unending hugs to all of you—seriously, unending—and I hope you know how much I adore you all.

  Lastly, to all the readers who have stayed with Alex this far, I would say ‘thank you’, but that doesn’t adequately express all that I feel. I’m constantly humbled and awed by just how beloved Alex and her friends are—such knowledge fills my heart with warmth (and my eyes with tears). Here’s hoping you’ll continue on this rollercoaster ride with me as together we #EmbraceTheWonder of all that’s to come and venture with Alex into the final book of The Medoran Chronicles.

  Until then, in honour of Lady Mystique—

  Don’t fear the shadows. Make the shadows fear you.

  Lynette Noni grew up on a farm in outback Australia until she moved to the beautiful Sunshine Coast and swapped her mud-stained boots for sand-splashed flip-flops. She has always been an avid reader and most of her childhood was spent lost in daydreams of far-off places and magical worlds. She was devastated when her Hogwarts letter didn’t arrive, but she consoled herself by looking inside every wardrobe she could find, and she’s still determined to find her way to Narnia one day. While waiting for that to happen, she creates her own fantasy worlds and enjoys spending time with the characters she meets along the way.

  Graevale is the fourth of five books in Lynette’s YA fantasy series, The Medoran Chronicles.

  Lynette loves to chat with her readers—connect with her online:



  Lynette Noni, Graevale

  (Series: The Medoran Chronicles # 4)




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