Page 4 of Sebastian/Aristide

  A full minute passed before a hidden panel silently slid open, allowing Sebastian to enter the house.

  A part of him wished he could lower Reny to her feet and escort her through the large rooms with the molded ceilings and sweeping staircases that captured the airy, graceful beauty of the old South. She deserved to be treated as a treasured guest, not a prisoner. But until he could convince her that he was only trying to help her, he didn’t have the luxury.

  Regaining her breath, Reny loosened her grip on his waist and gave him another thump on the back.

  “What the hell is this place?”

  “A safe house for Pantera,” he said, using the servants’ stairs to reach the second floor.

  “Why would you bring me here?”

  Sebastian entered the first bedroom. With two long strides he had her dumped on the wide, ivory-canopied bed and had turned to head back out the door.

  “Wait here.”


  He shut the door on her furious protest, touching the small lever that would trigger the lock.

  The knowledge that he was damaging her trust in him was like a knife through his heart, but he grimly hurried down the stairs and toward the front of the house where he could sense one of his brothers.

  Opening the door to what had once been the library, Sebastian stepped into a room that had been stripped of its original furnishings and fitted with the sort of high-tech equipment that could rival the Pentagon.

  Pantera might be creatures who’d been born of mist and magic, but they lived in the modern world.

  A dark-haired Hunter with whiskey-gold eyes turned away from the line of computer screens he’d been monitoring and rose to his feet.

  Lian looked his typical badass self in a pair of faded black jeans and Metallica T-shirt, his long hair pulled into a braid that hung down to his waist.


  “Here.” Sebastian moved forward to shove a long strand of hair into the startled Pantera’s hand. “Have this sent to the closest lab and tested.”

  Lian frowned. “For what?”

  “DNA. I want to know what family this comes from.”

  The Hunter lifted his brows in surprise. “Okay. Anything else?”

  “A full background check on Agent Reny Smith, FBI,” Sebastian said.

  Lian turned to open a desk drawer, pulling out a small baggie to store the hair in. There were several Pantera who worked undercover in the local labs and could expedite the necessary tests.

  “It will take at least twenty-four hours for the DNA. I can start the background check now.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Contact me as soon as you have something.”

  “You got it.”

  Confident that he could trust Lian to take care of the search into Reny’s past, Sebastian retraced his steps, his body tensing as he reached to push open the door.

  God. Damn.

  He could physically feel the pulse of Reny’s arousal. It was like a fire in his gut.

  But slipping into the room, concern was his overriding emotion.

  Closing the door, he leaned against it as Reny launched herself at him, her face flushed and tendrils of dark curls that escaped her ponytail pasted to her damp skin.

  “You rat bastard,” she snarled, slamming her fists against his chest.

  Thankful she hadn’t shot him the minute he’d opened the door, Sebastian wrapped his arms around her trembling form, pulling her tight against him.

  “Shh.” He lowered his head, brushing his lips over her temple. The mating heat shouldn’t be this intense. It was like a violent force that was pummeling the two of them, instead of the gentle temptation that used to be common among Pantera. “I have you.”

  “God.” She collapsed against his chest, her breath a loud gasp. “What’s happening?”

  His lips skimmed down her cheek, nuzzling the edge of her mouth. “It’s the mating heat.”

  She pulled back her head to study him in confusion. “You’re in heat?”

  “Not me.” His hand ran a soothing path up and down her back. “You.”

  “Dammit.” Her brows snapped together. “I don’t have to listen to this.”

  “You don’t.” His fingers cupped the back of her nape, his thumb stroking the pulse that beat at the base of her throat. “But denying the truth isn’t going to help either of us. You can feel it, sugar.” He peered deep into her gaze, glimpsing the frustrated cat who prowled just below the surface. “Burning deep inside you.”

  She gave a choked sound. “This has to be a trick.”

  “No trick.” He fiercely held her gaze. The time for games was over. “Your cat has decided to take command.”

  “I’m not…” She halted to lick her lips, a fear that she could no longer hide tightening her face. “I can’t be.”

  He ignored her ridiculous protests. “You can have your identity crisis later,” he assured her. “For now, we need to deal with your discomfort.”

  “And how do you intend to do that?”

  “I can ease you.”

  She gave a humorless laugh. “Yeah, I bet you can.”

  His thumb stroked the line of her jaw. “Or I can take you to the Wildlands.”

  “Why?” she snapped. “So some other puma can ease me?”

  A blinding fury raced through him at the mere thought of another man touching this female.

  Hell, he’d rip apart anyone stupid enough to get near her.

  “Never,” he snarled, grimacing as she winced at his feral expression. Sucking in a deep breath, he attempted to calm the beast inside. “Damn. The need shouldn’t be this overwhelming,” he confessed.

  She glared at him, as if it was his fault. “Then why is it?”

  “It could be a result of your cat being shackled for too long,” he said, his voice a rough growl as he pressed her lower body against his swelling cock. “Or it could be the result of our returning magic. It’s been a very long time since we’ve had a female in heat.”

  She shook her head, unconsciously curling her fingers into his chest as if she had claws. “Stop saying that.”

  He bent down until he was pressing his forehead against hers, his nose flaring to capture her deepening musk.

  “Tell me what you want, sugar.”

  “Sanity,” she muttered.

  No shit. Sebastian could use a hefty dose of that himself.

  But it wasn’t happening.

  Not until the heat was eased.

  “Answer me, Reny, before I take the decision out of your hands,” he commanded, the edge in his voice warning he was at the point of snapping. “Do we stay, or go to the Wildlands where the Healers might be able discover some pharmaceutical way to lessen your need?”

  She trembled, her human mind no doubt urging her to demand to be medically cured of her ache. But it was the cat who was currently in charge, and the too-long suppressed feline wasn’t at all confused about what it wanted.

  “Stay,” she whispered, her eyes glowing. “We stay.”

  Arousal slammed into him with the force of a cement truck, making it difficult to think as her hand boldly stroked over his chest.

  He grasped her wrist, hissing as pleasure poured through him.

  “You’re sure?”

  She answered the strained question by lifting her free hand to continue his torture with bold, searching fingers.

  “I don’t know what’s happening to me, but right now all I want is to wrap myself around you.”

  Sebastian cursed, his body swiftly threatening to explode. “Be careful what you say to me, sugar. I prefer to be a tender lover, but my cat is ready to devour you.”

  She didn’t look nearly as frightened as she should. “You speak of your cat as a separate being.”

  “We are one in spirit, but he’s far more…primitive. Life is simpler when I’m in my cat form. Life. Death. Hunger.” He tangled his fingers into the thick satin of her hair, loosening it from the ponytail so it could spill over her sho
ulders. His heart skipped a beat as the overhead light shimmered in the fire hidden in the dark satin of her hair. “The thrill of the hunt.”

  His acute hearing picked up the sudden leap of her heart.

  Ah. She liked the idea of being on the prowl.

  “Don’t think you can hunt me.” Leaning forward, she trailed her lips along the curve of his throat. An instinctive provocation that was more Pantera than human. “I’ll never be your prey.”

  Sebastian’s fingers loosened on her wrist, his thumb brushing the rapid beat of her pulse. Foolish female. Challenging a Pantera male was a certain way to provoke his most primal instincts.

  Strong females were as potent as the finest aphrodisiac to the animal inside him.

  Sliding his hand to the front of her neck, his fingers circled her throat, holding her in a gesture of pure possession.

  “If I decide you’re mine,” he murmured softly. “I will hunt you to the end of the earth.”

  “Is that a threat?” she demanded, her tone distracted as her fingers began to unbutton his shirt.

  He gave a low growl, tugging her tight against his hard body.

  “It’s a promise, sugar,” he rasped, his senses inflamed to the point of pain.

  “This is madness.” She pulled open his shirt, trailing her tongue down the bronzed skin she’d just revealed. “Complete lunacy.”

  His soft groan rumbled in his chest as he moved to cup her ass, compulsively pressing her to his rock hard cock.

  “You won’t get an argument from me,” he muttered, for the first time fully appreciating the power of the mating heat.

  Her hunger was a savage ache that clenched his body, the temptation of her spicy scent drowning him in need.

  His cock throbbed in concert with every beat of her heart.

  “Have you ever done this?”

  He gave a startled laugh. “Had sex?”

  She arched back to meet his searching gaze, an unexpected hint of vulnerability in her eyes.

  “Have you been with many females in my…condition?”

  Unable to resist the sight of that slender neck arched in open invitation, Sebastian lowered his head.

  “No,” he murmured, his voice a husky growl. “Never.”

  She gave a low groan as his tongue ran a searing path along the line of her throat.

  “Then how do you know this will put an end to it?” Her fingers dug into his upper arms, as if her knees had suddenly become too weak to support her.

  He nipped her earlobe, wryly acknowledging that the mating heat was only an excuse to give in to his desire.

  He would have done everything in his power to get her in the nearest bed without the heat driving him.

  “There’s only one way to find out.”

  Before she could even guess his intention, Sebastian was easing her out of her jacket and unbuckling her holster to set aside her gun before swiftly dealing with the white cotton shirt. Then, reaching the end of his patience, he rid her of the lacy white bra with one sharp tug.

  Sebastian made a sound of appreciation, his hands moving to cup her breasts with a reverent care.

  Damn. He’d suspected she’d be beautiful beneath all that starch, but she was…perfect.

  His thumbs teased the pink tips of her nipples, rumbling in pleasure as they hardened with excitement.

  “Do you like that?” he demanded.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  His head lowered, his lips closing over the sensitive nipple. “And this?”

  Her head dropped back, a low purr vibrating in her chest.

  “Oh…hell, yes.”

  Softly chuckling at her eager response, Sebastian leashed his urge to pounce. Falling on her like a rabid puma probably wasn’t the best idea. Not for their first time.

  Continuing to tease her nipple with his tongue, Sebastian deftly slid down the zipper of her slacks, eager to feel her naked body pressed against his. When there was no protest from Reny, he slowly began to peel them downward, lowering himself to his knees as he efficiently tugged off her sensible shoes before he finished stripping her.

  Then, still kneeling, he allowed himself to drink in her beauty.

  She was long and slender, but had the firm muscles of a Pantera rippling beneath her smooth skin.

  Excitement scorched through him as his attention lingered on the tiny triangle of silk that was all that covered her. Well…it didn’t actually cover much.

  Who would have suspected that beneath all that starch Reny Smith, FBI agent, was a woman who wore a bright red thong?

  His cat snarled, urging him to rethink that whole ‘no pouncing’ decision.

  Once again, however, he restrained his primitive impulse.

  Instead, he skimmed his lips up the flat plane of her stomach, the valley between her breasts, at last halting at the pulse that beat wildly at the base of her neck.

  She made a sound of impatience, her lips parting willingly as he at last claimed her mouth in a kiss of sheer possession.

  “Sebastian,” she moaned.

  “If you have any intention of changing your mind, it’d better be quick, sugar,” he warned. “My control is about to snap.”

  “Let it snap,” she whispered against his lips.

  “Last chance,” he offered, his hands clenching the gentle swell of her hips.

  He knew once he had a taste of her it would not be enough.

  Because this is way more than the mating heat.

  This woman belongs in my arms.

  The unnerving words seared through his mind before he could halt them.

  “My last chance ended when I arrived in New Orleans,” she retorted, shivering as his tongue swiped between her lips in a very feline gesture. “I should never have left New York.”

  “I would have found you, Reny Smith,” he said, grasping her hand to gently place it against his pulsing arousal. “This moment was fated from the day we were born.”

  She held his gaze as her fingers traced his hard cock that strained against his zipper, her eyes glowing with the power of her cat.

  Hunger clawed deep within him. Okay, maybe no pouncing, but a raw, pagan night of sex was becoming far more likely.

  As if deliberately attempting to drive Sebastian out of his mind, Reny tugged down the zipper of his slacks, releasing the heavy thrust of his erection.

  “And I’ve never been so damned happy with destiny in my entire life,” Sebastian managed to croak, shuddering at the hot surge of pleasure.

  Heat spiked the air as she lightly skimmed her fingers down his thick length.

  “I don’t believe in that mumbo-jumbo,” she muttered.

  “You should. Fate brought you to me,” he growled, his hands tightening on her hips as he sought to leash his eager cat.

  “No, I control my own life,” she stubbornly insisted, her hand moving steadily lower.

  “Reny…” He muttered a curse, his eyes clenching shut. How the hell was he supposed to argue when he was one stroke away from a climax? “Are you deliberately trying to torture me?”

  She discovered his tender sack and lightly squeezed. “Would I do that?”

  “Yes,” he choked, grasping her wrist to halt the exquisite torment. “No more.”

  “Why not?”

  Forcing his eyes open, he met the glowing moss green eyes. “Because just your touch is about to make me explode.”

  The spicy scent of her arousal spiked at his blunt words. “And that’s a bad thing?”

  “Not bad,” he husked. “But I want to be buried deep inside you when I come.”

  She shivered, responding to the stark need in his voice. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Good question.

  Granted, he wasn’t like many of his people. He was calm, calculated. Capable of considering a situation from multiple viewpoints.

  That’s what made him such a successful Diplomat. He didn’t allow his instincts to rule him.

  But now…

  Now he wanted
to plunge into the incandescent pleasure that was heating his blood to a fever pitch. He wanted to forget the danger that continued to threaten the Wildlands. And the knowledge that Raphael was depending on him to bring an end to the humans’ mounting fear.

  He just wanted to become lost in his hunger for a woman who was stirring emotions that should have terrified the hell out of him.

  With a slow, sensuous gesture, Sebastian loosened his grip on her wrist at the same moment he captured her lips with a blazing kiss. She opened her mouth to invite the invasion of his tongue, her hand moving down his cock with a stroke that made his back arch in pure bliss.

  Gliding his lips over the flushed skin of her cheeks, he discovered the sensitive spot just below her ear. She shivered in response, her heart pounding so loudly that Sebastian didn’t need to be Pantera to hear it.

  He used her soft sighs to guide his growingly insistent caresses, focused on her pleasure even as his hips began to pump in rhythm with her forceful strokes.


  This wasn’t how he expected this to play out, but it felt so fucking good.

  Reaching that surprising thong, Sebastian ripped it away with one firm tug. Screw subtle.

  He had one goal in mind, and nothing was allowed to stand in his way.

  Skimming his hand over the curve of her thigh, Sebastian gently urged her legs to part, giving his fingers access to her most tender flesh.

  A low growl rumbled in his throat as he parted her folds to discover that she was already damp and eager for his touch.

  “Christ,” she muttered, her hand unwittingly clenching on his cock as he pressed a finger into her body.

  Not that he protested. Hell, no. He was all about muttering soft words of encouragement as he caressed her with a growing urgency.

  His cat growled in frustration, wanting to possess the female in a far more intimate way, but Sebastian ignored the burning need to press her against the wall and fuck her until she screamed in pleasure.

  Reny wasn’t used to having sex with a Pantera male.

  He needed to blunt the savage edge of his need.

  Besides, the blissful pressure clenching his lower body was swiftly reaching the point of no return. He was fiercely determined to ensure her pleasure before claiming his own.