Page 15 of Reclamation

  Chapter 17

  Cade pressed his finger against his mouth and gestured toward the mountain lion that had roamed into our path. Apprehension trickled through me at the same time that the electrical pulses in my brain fired with excitement and disbelief. He couldn't possibly be planning to go after that animal; it weighed almost as much as he did. Not only that, its claws alone could carve a man open with just one swipe. It was a lot different from the deer he'd shown me how to catch and take down an hour ago before allowing it to go free.

  'Stay,' he mouthed to me before slipping into the woods. The movement of the red and orange leaves was the only indication that he'd been there at all. No matter how many years I knew him, I knew I would never get over how fast and soundlessly he could move. I was just turning away from the place where he'd been when he launched himself from the woods and onto the animal.

  The lion let out a guttural cry as Cade wrapped his arms around its neck and wrestled it to the ground as if it weighed no more than a house cat. He straddled the animal as he pressed its neck into the ground and sat on its shoulders. "You can come out," he called to me.

  He was stroking the creature's neck and talking reassuringly to it as I hesitatingly approached from the forest. I watched in amazement as the large animal's legs stopped kicking and it began to relax beneath him. "What? Are you the lion whisperer now?" I asked in a hushed voice.

  A small smile curved his full mouth as his eyes twinkled in the sunlight streaming through the trees. "We're just predators that have a mutual understanding of each other."

  Predator, that's what I was now, but then I supposed that's what I'd been all along, I'd just never had to hunt for my food before. "Don't be afraid," Cade urged.

  How could I not be a little afraid, he was sitting on a hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle? The cat's eyes rolled toward me but it remained calm beneath Cade. "Come," he said with a wave of his hand.

  Despite my trepidation I was irresistibly drawn forth by him. He took hold of my hand and moved me away from the massive claws extended from a paw that was bigger than my hand. "It's beautiful," I whispered as he pulled me close to its side.

  Its nostrils flared and its eyes rolled toward me. My muscles quivered, I waited for it to knock Cade free and pounce on me. It remained relatively calm beneath him though as he placed a hand against its neck and began to rub it. "How are you doing that?" I asked.

  "Years of practice," he answered flippantly.


  "It's not mind control or anything like that. We simply have a way of calming things, it helps when we are hunting our prey. Perhaps it is our touch or maybe our voices that they enjoy so much." I could see that, as both his touch and voice had a way of making me do things too. I was certain the massive animal wasn't going to be as enthralled by my voice or touch though.

  He took hold of my hand and pressed it to the corded muscles of the animal's neck. Admiration filled me as I stroked the lion's coarse coat and thick muscles. Its upper lip curled back to reveal canine's that I was certain would have made a sabre tooth proud. A loud snort escaped it as its snarl fell away and its eyes closed briefly.

  I couldn't get enough of the animal as my hands roamed over its body. A smile spread across my lips as I lifted my head to look at Cade. The smile that curved his mouth wasn't as rare as it had once been, but it still melted my heart.

  The cat snorted beneath him and my attention was drawn back to it as it yawned loudly and kicked one of its legs. "I'm going to let it up, do you think you can do what I did?"

  My eyes flew to his; I inhaled sharply as I took in the massive animal. "I'm not strong enough..."

  "You don't know that, not yet, and we have to learn just what it is that you might be capable of Bethany. I'll be right here and I won't let it attack you."

  I believed him, but even so the thought of trying to wrestle down the massive animal was enough to make my bladder tighten and my head spin, but I was also curious to find out if I could do it and surprised by the fact that the curiosity appeared to be winning. This was a lot different than a deer; this animal could get me before I even had a chance to blink.

  "Are you ready?" he inquired.

  I studied the animal before finally forcing myself to nod. "I'm ready."

  I wasn't but if I thought about it, I wouldn't do it at all. Cade hesitated before releasing the animal's powerful neck and launching himself to his feet. The cat was almost as quick as Cade was as corded muscles hunched and it shoved itself to its feet in one mighty push.

  There is no place for fear here, I told myself. I became completely still as I allowed my mind and body to focus inward in search of the power that flowed through me like Cade had instructed me to. The world around me became completely still, the sounds of the birds and the insects within the woods faded away to nothing as an almost complete deafness took me over.

  It was strange and a little unnerving to have the sudden calm of Cade's DNA asserting itself over my body. Maybe it was because he had given me more of his blood last night, but I found it far easier to focus on that part of myself than I had anticipated. My fingers tingled as something within me, something that he had given to me, came to life.

  I could hear the animal's heartbeat and feel the air particles as they drifted around me in the hushed world. The animal shook its head as I raced forward and grabbed hold of it. I felt the shudder that rocked the lion as I wrapped my arms around its thick neck and flung myself to the side as Cade had.

  The formidable animal rolled with me but I knew immediately that I wasn't going to win as thick muscles bunched beneath my hand and my grip was effortlessly torn free of it. I barely dodged the massive paw that swiped at my face as I bounced across the ground. A startled cry escaped me as teeth filled my vision and the mountain lion came at me with every intention of ripping me open and feasting on my insides.

  I was certain I was about to die when Cade threw himself in front of me and caught the animal in mid leap. Struggling to my feet, I braced myself to help him, but he already had the wild creature shoved away from him and his arms open as he stood before me.

  The massive cat's tail twitched in annoyance as it licked its lips, but it didn't come at me again. Obviously while I looked like an easy, tasty treat, Cade was a lot more off putting as the creature slinked back into the woods. Cade waited a moment, his head turned as he followed the cat's progress through the woods.

  He glanced at me over his shoulder. "Are you ok?"

  I wiped at the dirt smeared across my ass as I took stock of my body. I was a little sore but all my insides were still intact and I was standing so that was a good thing. "Pride's a little bruised, but otherwise I'm fine."

  There it was again, that smile that used to be so rare but could light up a room and melt my heart. I couldn't help but return it as he lowered his arms to his sides and turned to face me. "We'll stick to deer from now on," he assured me.

  I didn't exactly relish the idea of taking down Bambi on a consistent basis, but it was far more preferable than trying to take down a mountain lion again. Something I wasn't about to try a second time. "I may be different, but I'm not as strong or as quick as you."

  "No, you're not" he agreed.

  "That means that maybe my blood could be used to help others."

  He groaned as he slid his hand into mine. "We'll see what Bishop has to say on it and if there's any way he can take a look at your blood again."

  With unerring ease he led the way through the woods. "Where are we going?" I asked.

  "To find Bishop and the others."

  "How do you know they're this way?"

  He flashed a grin at me as he touched his nose. "I can smell them."

  "Well that's an interesting little talent."

  He pulled me against his side and kissed the top of my head. "You have much to learn little grasshopper."

  I couldn't help but laugh as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel the solid ridges of his abdomen as it f
lexed and bunched with each step that he took. Reaching out, he pushed aside a tree branch to reveal the backyards of a neighborhood I hadn't known was there. "What are they doing here?" I asked.

  "Bishop's looking for something that he can make to use on the ship."

  "Cade, do you really intend to go on that ship?"

  He stopped walking and turned to face me. "If it means keeping you alive than yes, I do."

  "And what about you?" I asked in a choked voice.

  "I'll be fine."

  He went to turn away but I grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him back. "I'm going with you."

  The old Cade returned in an instant as his face became as hard as granite. "No."

  He may be acting a little more human but he had no idea how infuriating he could be when that alien side took over again. "I'm stronger now Cade, faster..."

  "And you're still human. No matter the changes Bethany I can still smell the humanity on you and they'll be able to also. The second you step foot on that ship they'll know you're there, they will find us and they will destroy us."

  My breath rushed out of me as my protest died on my lips. I longed to ask what I would do without him, how I would possibly survive if he was gone, again, but I remained silent. There was a haunted look in his eyes that made it impossible for me to lay such a guilt trip on him. It didn't have to be him that went, but even as I thought that I knew it did have to be him.

  "You would have been one of the leaders of your people, here on earth?" I asked.

  His shoulders slumped in relief as he realized I wasn't going to pursue my plea to have him stay here, with me. "That was what was intended, yes. My parents are the most powerful and therefore I would have been looked to as our representative here on earth if they hadn't returned in our lifetime."

  "They'll still look to you as their leader?"

  "Yes." He pulled me against his chest and wrapped me in a firm embrace. "I'll keep you safe, always."

  "I want you to be safe," I whispered.

  His lips curled into a cocky grin as he pulled back to look at me. "There's no stopping me."

  "Har har," I muttered as I leaned forward to press a kiss against the bottom of his chin.

  We both knew if he was discovered on that ship he was as good as dead. "It may not even be a definite thing yet. There is still a lot to discuss. Come on let's find the others."

  He took hold of my hand again and led me through some of the backyards before we came across Bishop, Aiden, Lloyd and Jenna in a small backyard. Bishop and Jenna were filling a pillowcase full of the little red berries from a yew; Aiden was cutting snips from the bush while Lloyd stood guard by the back gate. Lloyd's gun turned toward us as Cade stepped through the open gate but he quickly brought it back to his side.

  "I almost shot you," Lloyd muttered.

  "You could have tried, but you would have failed," Cade told him.

  Even my eyebrows shot up at that one as the others stopped in the act of filling their cases. Cade didn't seem to notice their astonishment though as he strode toward Bishop. "What are you doing?" he inquired.

  Bishop managed to close his mouth as he stepped away from the bush. "Yews are poisonous, especially the seeds of the berries."

  Cade frowned as he stared at the bushes. "I don't know if that would be enough or if it would even affect us."

  "I thought of that." Bishop stepped away from the bush and walked over to a set of trashcans sitting next to the back gate. "There are some wisteria clippings and seedpods that I'm hoping have some seeds left as they're highly poisonous. We've also gathered some Rhododendron and Azalea clippings. I've found a few hydrangea flowers and I'm going to try and locate some deadly nightshade next. It should still be alive this time of year but it might be tricky to uncover. By the time I'm done this is going to be the most lethal combination of poisonous plants we've ever come across. Each plant will have a different effect so if one plant doesn't work hopefully the next one will. But just to be on the safe side we've also gathered some rat poison from a few of the homes."

  Cade nodded as he looked over the assortment of pillowcases. "That kind of combination should work."

  "Want to be the guinea pig?" Lloyd asked.

  I shot him a ferocious look but Cade simply chuckled, "Not today."

  Aiden offered me another pillowcase and a pair of scissors. "Give me a hand with this, Killer," he added from the corner of his mouth.

  "You're funny," I muttered as he began to fill my bag and Cade retreated to keep watch with Lloyd.

  "He'll be fine," Aiden assured me.

  "Will he? He plans to go on that ship."

  Aiden turned to survey them. "I know, but he'll come back. That alien has nine lives."


  He squeezed my hand and dropped another handful of yew branches into the bag. "He'll come back."

  I could only pray that he was right as I held my bag open for the next handful of clippings. My heart swelled as I looked over at Cade, but no matter what I would stay strong. I wouldn't make him feel bad for going; I wouldn't cry and beg for him to stay even if it was the only thing I wanted to do. There was no reason to make him feel bad for something he was going to do no matter what.

  Chapter 18


  "So if you can get us on through here, we could make it to the Hallowed room within an hour."

  Jessica lifted her head to look at me. Her brown eyes shimmered in the dim light of the lanterns as she gave a brisk nod. The subtle aroma of our species wafted from her. There was nothing on earth that our scent quite compared to but I supposed the closest thing would be the scent of a fresh spring rain. The many rivers that had once flowed through our planet seemed to still be engrained within our essence somehow.

  "If all goes well," she confirmed.

  I leaned back to survey the people in the room. Rosemary stood at the head of the table with the lamp to the right of her. Greg's face was pale and drawn as he glanced between the plans and Rosemary. "We should be allowed to come," he asserted.

  "You'd be discovered in a heartbeat, but don't worry because Rosemary's not going either," I informed him bluntly.

  Rosemary did a double take. "What!? Why!? I can be of use."

  "You could have been," I admitted. "But there are too many changes in you, I can see them, even the humans can see them. There's too much of a risk that you could alert The Ancients to our presence on that ship."

  She looked about to protest further but then her face fell and she looked helplessly toward Greg who couldn't contain the smile that curved his mouth. "What about you? Won't they be able to pick up on changes in you too?" Bethany demanded.

  I'd been avoiding her gaze. I couldn't stand the sadness I knew would be reflected back at me in her amethyst eyes. "There are fewer changes in us." And even less in me, I added silently.

  Bethany's face remained immobile but I could sense the thoughts rapidly running through her mind. She gave a subtle shake of her head and dropped her eyes to the floor. I wanted to go to her, but I remained where I was as, Cory, one of the Tintagelians Rosemary had brought in to help, took a step forward. Despite his Tintagelian heritage, Cory's hair was so light that it was nearly blond and his eyes were almost honey in hue. I'd heard that there were a few fairer ones amongst us now that had exhibited signs of their DNA already beginning to adjust to life away from the three suns of our planet, but Cory was the first one I'd ever seen.

  "There is far less in us," Cory agreed. "We should be able to fly under the radar, but not you Rosemary. Maybe one day we'll be where you are as we're all steadily becoming more human in some ways, but we're not there yet."

  My gaze ran over Betty, Craig and Steve, the other three Tintagelians that Rosemary had thought would be best to go with us. I had to agree with her choices. Over the past week I'd met everyone within the camp and though Rosemary had been highly affected by Greg's soul, there were others that had been even more so. These were the four least affected and most powe
rful within the camp.

  "We can take more," Jessica suggested.

  I was greatly tempted too but more of us on that ship just felt like begging to be caught. "No, I think six of us will be enough."

  I felt my gaze slide to Bethany. She remained immobile, her shoulders thrust back and her gaze focused on the wall behind me. I'd never known fear before I'd met her. Never known what it was like to worry for someone or care about them. I'd never known anything except for an emptiness so complete that it had been like a black hole within my body. I don't know if this was the way that all of my kind felt, or if it was only those of us that had someone out there waiting for them that felt as if there was absolutely nothing within ourselves before we found them.

  Then I'd seen her standing there all those years ago with her freckles, skinned knees and pigtails and I'd known fear, almost instantaneously. I'd also known a hunger the likes of which I'd never experienced before and that hadn't even come close to being sated until I'd finally tasted her soul. And what a soul it was, even now I could see the golden edges of it surrounding her and tempting me as it called to me in the way that only she could.

  I could still taste the sweetness of it, still feel it filling me, seeping within my body and warming me in a way that no deer, bear, cougar or other human could. I'd loved her and been troubled about her from the second I'd first seen her, but now, I found myself beginning to like Aiden, Abby, Bishop and the others too. And not only because Bethany loved them but because I found myself beginning to care and worry for them too. I was even beginning to be able to stand Bret better now, though I couldn't acknowledge the fact that he had once hugged and kissed her too. I'd driven her into that relationship, I'd done nothing to stop it from forming, but then there was nothing I could have done without risking her life.

  No, I'd never known fear before her, but it had been a constant part of me since I'd first laid eyes on her. I'd been convinced she would reject me for what I was, that she would hate me, but I'd been even more afraid that she wouldn't. That she would love me as much as I loved her and her life would be a never ending battle of misery and death.