Efan-gog was a giant warrior of the Outlands, he roamed the land killing Rimar with one blow of his mighty fist, his thirst was such that he could drain a lake in one draft and when he shouted the ground shook and all ran from him in fear. Then one day he came upon a young Nomad boy and seeing the weak child he spoke.

  “Why do you cross my path, do you not know who I am?”

  Thinking quickly the boy looked about him as if searching for something, “did someone speak, is someone there?”

  Angry the giant pounded his huge foot upon the ground, “foolish child it is I Efan-gog the strongest of all!”

  Once again, the boy looked around still searching, “has there been a Landquack, did the ground shake?”

  Angrier than before the Giant shouted in rage, “look at me, hear me, I am the most powerful of all”.

  The boy shook his head, “I see the mountains and I hear the wind, what is stronger than that?”

  And leaving the giant to think over his words the wise boy went his way unharmed.

  Old Nomad story.