When the Children were not going on an expedition, they played aboutin the Realms of Light; and this was a great treat for them, for thegardens and the country around the temple were as wonderful as thehalls and galleries of silver and gold.

  The leaves of some of the plants were so broad and strong that theywere able to lie down on them; and, when a breath of wind stirred theleaves, the Children swung as in a hammock. It was always summer thereand never a moment was darkened by the night; but the hours were knownby their different colours; there were pink, white, blue, lilac, greenand yellow hours; and, according to their hues, the flowers, thefruits, the birds, the butterflies and the scents changed, causingTyltyl and Mytyl a constant surprise. They had all the toys that theycould wish for. When they were tired of playing, they stretchedthemselves out on the backs of the lizards, which were as long andwide as little boats, and quickly, quickly raced round thegarden-paths, over the sand which was as white and as good to eat assugar. When they were thirsty, Water shook her tresses into the cup ofthe enormous flowers; and the Children drank straight out of thelilies, tulips and morning-glories. If they were hungry, they pickedradiant fruits which revealed the taste of Light to them and which hadjuice that shone like the rays of the sun.

  There was also, in a clump of bushes, a white marble pond whichpossessed a magic power: its clear waters reflected not the faces, butthe souls of those who looked into it.

  "It's a ridiculous invention," said the Cat, who steadily refused togo near the pond.

  You, my dear little readers, who know her thoughts as well as I do,will not be surprised at her refusal. And you will also understand whyour faithful Tylo was not afraid to go and quench his thirst there: heneed not fear to reveal his thoughts, for he was the only creaturewhose soul never altered. The dear Dog had no feelings but those oflove and kindness and devotion.

  When Tyltyl bent over the magic mirror, he almost always saw thepicture of a splendid Blue Bird, for the constant wish to find himfilled his mind entirely. Then he would run to Light and entreat her:

  "Tell me where he is!... You know everything: tell me where to findhim!"

  But she replied, in a tone of mystery:

  "I cannot tell you anything. You must find him for yourself." And,kissing him, she added, "Cheer up; you are getting nearer to him ateach trial."

  Now there came a day on which she said to him:

  "I have received a message from the Fairy Berylune telling me that theBlue Bird is probably hidden in the graveyard.... It appears that oneof the Dead in the graveyard is keeping him in his tomb...."

  "What shall we do?" asked Tyltyl.

  "It is very simple: at midnight you will turn the diamond and youshall see the Dead come out of the ground."

  At these words, Milk, Water, Bread and Sugar began to yell and screamand chatter their teeth.

  "Don't mind them," said Light to Tyltyl, in a whisper. "They areafraid of the Dead."

  "I'm not afraid of them!" said Fire, frisking about. "Time was when Iused to burn them; that was much more amusing than nowadays."

  "Oh, I feel I am going to turn," wailed Milk.

  "I'm not afraid," said the Dog, trembling in every limb, "but if yourun away.... I shall run away too ... and with the greatestpleasure...."

  The Cat sat pulling at her whiskers:

  "I know what's what," she said, in her usual mysterious way.

  "Be quiet," said Light. "The Fairy gave strict orders. You are all tostay with me, at the gate of the graveyard; the Children are to go inalone."

  Tyltyl felt anything but pleased. He asked:

  "Aren't you coming with us?"

  "No," said Light. "The time for that has not arrived. Light cannot yetenter among the Dead. Besides, there is nothing to fear. I shall notbe far away; and those who love me and whom I love always find meagain...."

  She had not finished speaking, when everything around the Childrenchanged. The wonderful temple, the dazzling flowers, the splendidgardens vanished to make way for a poor little country cemetery, whichlay in the soft moonlight. Near the Children were a number of graves,grassy mounds, wooden crosses and tombstones. Tyltyl and Mytyl wereseized with terror and hugged each other:

  "I am frightened!" said Mytyl.

  "I am never frightened," stammered Tyltyl, who was shaking with fear,but did not like to say so.

  "I say," asked Mytyl, "are the Dead wicked?"

  "Why, no," said Tyltyl, "they're not alive!..."

  "Have you ever seen one?"

  "Yes, once, long ago, when I was very young...."

  "What was it like?"

  "Quite white, very still and very cold; and it didn't talk...."

  "Are we going to see them?"

  Tyltyl shuddered at this question and made an unsuccessful effort tosteady his voice as he answered:

  "Why, of course, Light said so!"

  "Where are the Dead?" asked Mytyl.

  Tyltyl cast a frightened look around him, for the Children had notdared to stir since they were alone:

  "The Dead are here," he said, "under the grass or under those bigstones."

  "Are those the doors of their houses?" asked Mytyl, pointing to thetombstones.


  "Do they go out when it's fine?"

  "They can only go out at night."


  "Because they are in their night-shirts."

  "Do they go out also when it rains?"

  "When it rains, they stay at home."

  "Is it nice in their homes?"

  "They say it's very cramped."

  "Have they any little children?"

  "Why, yes, they have all those who die."

  "And what do they live on?"

  Tyltyl stopped to think, before answering. As Mytyl's big brother, hefelt it his duty to know everything; but her questions often puzzledhim. Then he reflected that, as the Dead live under ground, they canhardly eat anything that is above it; and so he answered verypositively:

  "They eat roots!"

  Mytyl was quite satisfied and returned to the great question that wasoccupying her little mind:

  "Shall we see them?" she asked.

  "Of course," said Tyltyl, "we see everything when I turn the diamond."

  "And what will they say?"

  Tyltyl began to grow impatient:

  "They will say nothing, as they don't talk."

  "Why don't they talk?" asked Mytyl.

  "Because they have nothing to say," said Tyltyl, more cross andperplexed than ever.

  "Why have they nothing to say?"

  This time, the little big brother lost all patience. He shrugged hisshoulders, gave Mytyl a push and shouted angrily:

  "You're a nuisance!..."

  Mytyl was greatly upset and confused. She sucked her thumb andresolved to hold her tongue for ever after, as she had been so badlytreated! But a breath of wind made the leaves of the trees whisper andsuddenly recalled the Children to their fears and their sense ofloneliness. They hugged each other tight and began to talk again, soas not to hear the horrible silence:

  "When will you turn the diamond?" asked Mytyl.

  "You heard Light say that I was to wait until midnight, because thatdisturbs them less; it is when they come out to take the air...."

  "Isn't it midnight yet...."

  Tyltyl turned round, saw the church clock and hardly had the strengthto answer, for the hands were just upon the hour:

  "Listen," he stammered, "listen.... It is just going to strike....There!... Do you hear?..."

  And the clock struck twelve.

  Then Mytyl, frightened out of her life, began to stamp her feet andutter piercing screams:

  "I want to go away!... I want to go away!..."

  Tyltyl, though stiff with fright, was able to say:

  "Not now.... I am going to turn the diamond...."

  "No, no, no!" cried Mytyl. "I am so frightened, little brother!...Don't do it!... I want to g
o away!..."

  Tyltyl vainly tried to lift his hand: he could not reach the diamondwith Mytyl clinging to him, hanging with all her weight on herbrother's arm and screaming at the top of her voice:

  "I don't want to see the Dead!... They will be awful!... I can'tpossibly!... I am much too frightened!..."

  Poor Tyltyl was quite as much terrified as Mytyl, but at each trial,his will and courage were becoming greater; he was learning to masterhimself; and nothing could induce him to fail in his mission. Theeleventh stroke rang out.

  "The hour is passing!" he exclaimed. "It is time!"

  And releasing himself resolutely from Mytyl's arms, he turned thediamond....

  A moment of terrible silence followed for the poor little children.Then they saw the crosses totter, the mounds open, the slabs riseup....

  Mytyl hid her face against Tyltyl's chest:

  "They're coming out!" she cried. "They're there!... They'rethere!..."

  The agony was more than the plucky little fellow could endure. He shuthis eyes and only kept himself from fainting by leaning against a treebeside him. He remained like that for a minute that seemed to him likea century, not daring to move, not daring to breathe. Then he heardbirds singing; a warm and scented breeze fanned his face; and, on hishands, on his neck, he felt the soft heat of the balmy summer sun. Nowquite reassured, but unable to believe in so great a miracle, heopened his eyes and at once began to shout with happiness andadmiration.

  From all the open tombs came thousands of splendid flowers. Theyspread everywhere, on the paths, on the trees, on the grass; and theywent up and up until it seemed that they would touch the sky. Theywere great full-blown roses, showing their hearts, wonderful goldenhearts from which came the hot, bright rays which had wrapped Tyltylin that summer warmth. Round the roses, birds sang and bees buzzedgaily.

  "I can't believe it! It's not possible!" said Tyltyl. "What has becomeof the tombs and the stone crosses?"

  Dazzled and bewildered, the two children walked hand in hand throughthe graveyard, of which not a trace remained, for there was nothingbut a wonderful garden on every side. They were as glad and happy ascould be, after their terrible fright. They had thought that uglyskeletons would rise from the earth and run after them, pulling horridfaces; they had imagined all sorts of awful things. And now, in thepresence of the truth, they saw that all that they had been told was agreat big story and that Death does not exist. They saw that there areno Dead and that Life goes on always, always, but under fresh forms.The fading rose sheds its pollen, which gives birth to other roses,and its scattered petals scent the air. The fruits come when theblossoms fall from the trees; and the dingy, hairy caterpillar turnsinto a brilliant butterfly. Nothing perishes ... there are onlychanges....

  Beautiful birds circled all round Tyltyl and Mytyl. There were no blueones among them, but the two Children were so glad of their discoverythat they asked for nothing more. Astonished and delighted, they kepton repeating:

  "There are no Dead!... There are no Dead!..."

Maurice Maeterlinck and Georgette Leblanc's Novels