The _Vagabond_ lay anchored close to shore, her nose pointing upstreamand shaded by the drooping branch of a willow tree. Beside her, tugginggently at the painter, was the tender. On the cabin roof, stretched outat full length in a patch of hot sunshine, lay Barry. No other life wasvisible, and had it not been that the tender was tied to an awningstanchion and that the cabin door and hatch were wide open those on the_Sylph_ would have concluded that the person who had run away with the_Vagabond_ had rifled her of money and other valuables and abandoned herhere. But at least a dozen yards separated her from the land and it wasnot likely that the thief would have swam ashore while there was atender handy. "No, it was evident to the party on the _Sylph_ thatwhoever had taken the _Vagabond_ from the wharf at New London was stillon board, and when they had approached to within a hundred yards Nelsonslowed down the engine, resolved to get as near as possible to the_Vagabond_ without detection. Bob and Tom silently peeled off theircoats, and Nelson followed suit, cinching in his leather belt in abusinesslike way.

  "It's funny about Barry," said Nelson softly. "You'd think they'd havegot rid of him."

  "Oh, he probably made friends," answered Bob. "I'm glad he did. Theymight have thrown him overboard."

  "How many do you suppose there are?" asked Nelson as he opened theswitch, shut off the gasoline and allowed the _Sylph_ to glide silentlytoward the enemy. Bob shook his head. Tom wanted to talk but realizedthat in his present excited state it would be idle to make the attempt."I don't believe there are more than two," continued Nelson. "If therewere, one of them would be sure to be up on deck."

  "Suppose they'll show fight?" asked Bob.

  "I hope they do," answered Nelson earnestly, "I just hope they do!"

  "Well, but I don't want any pistols flashed on me," muttered Bob. "Getready, Tommy. I'll go forward and make fast. If we can sneak on boardquietly and shut the doors and lock them maybe we can make terms."

  "Good scheme," whispered Nelson. "You and Tom keep her from bumping andI'll make a stab at it."

  The _Sylph_ was scarcely more than moving now and for a moment or two itlooked as though she would not reach the other boat without having herengine started again. All three kept very still, their eyes fixedintently on the nine oval port lights. They were all open and everymoment Tom expected to see a revolver spring into glittering viewthrough one of them. But they all remained empty and the two boats wereless than three yards apart when their plan to maintain silence wasfrustrated by Barry.

  Once as they approached he had raised his head lazily and viewed themwith calm indifference, promptly returning to his slumber orday-dreaming. But now he suddenly sprang to his feet and gave the alarmin the form of a challenging bark that was half a growl. Bob raised awarning hand.

  "Barry!" he whispered hoarsely. "Shut up, sir!"

  The terrier recognized them then, but he didn't shut up. Instead he wentquite crazy with delight and ran barking joyously along the edge of thecabin roof, Nelson, Bob, and Tom entreating and threatening him withbated breath. Then Bob and Tom brought the two boats softly together andNelson made a flying jump on to the _Vagabond_ and scrambled noiselesslydown to the cockpit, Barry leaping ecstatically at him.

  It was the work of an instant to close the doors, and then, in the actof drawing the hatch shut, Nelson peered quickly into the engine room.It was empty and the door into the stateroom beyond was closed. Nelsonhesitated a moment. There was a bolt on each side of this door and if hecould reach the door without alarming the occupants of the stateroom andslip the bolt on his side he would not only make them prisoners but beable to run the engine and so get back quickly to New London. Openingthe doors again, he stepped softly down into the engine room and acrossthe floor. There was no sound from beyond the door. Noiselessly heslipped the bolt into place and hurried back to the deck.

  Bob and Tom had pulled the _Sylph_ toward the stern of the larger boatout of range of the port lights and were making her fast. Nelsonexplained what he had done.

  "That's good," said Bob. "Although, of course, we could have towed herback with the _Sylph_."

  "And been plugged full of holes, maybe, from one of the forward ports,"added Nelson. "No, thank you! I don't see, though, why they haven'theard us if there's really anyone down there!"

  "Let's find out if there is anyone on board," said Bob. "I'll creep upand look."

  So very softly he made his way along the side until he reached the firstport in the stateroom. Then he stooped and peered down into the dimcabin. The opposite bunks were both empty. It was impossible to see theones below him from where he was, so he silently crept back and aroundto the corresponding port on the other side of the boat, Nelson and Tomwatching anxiously from the stern.

  In a moment he was crawling back, one finger up-raised.

  "There's only one there," he said softly, "and he's fast asleep in Dan'sberth. It's too dark to make out anything about him, and he's got hisface toward the wall, but he looks like a pretty husky chap. Now whatshall we do?"

  "Get the anchor up, take the tender back of the _Sylph_ and make herfast there and go home."

  "Can we tow the _Sylph_ and the tender too?" questioned Bob.

  "Sure. We'll keep as quiet as we can about it, but I don't think itmatters whether the chap down there wakes up or not. He won't be a matchfor the three of us, I guess. I'll stay below and if he tries to breakthrough the door I'll lay him out with a wrench. You and Tom get theanchor up and the other boats fixed. Don't give the _Sylph_ much rope;about four feet will do; we don't want to get it wound around thepropeller. For the love of Mike, Barry, get out from under my feet! Yes,I'm awfully glad to see you, of course, but I'll tell you about itlater." And Nelson crept back to the engine room.

  Presently Bob put his head down and whispered that all was ready.Nelson, listening for sounds from beyond the door and hearing none,prepared to start the engine. Bob took the wheel and Tom was stationedat the stern to keep the _Sylph_ from bumping as they turned. Bobwaited. So did Tom. Then Nelson's head appeared at the door.

  "No wonder he stayed here," he said angrily. "The blamed idiot went andballed the vaporizer all up! Had it screwed around so she wasn't gettingany gasoline! I'd like to break his head!"

  "Can't you fix it?" asked Bob anxiously.

  "I have fixed it," was the reply, "but I'm going to tell him what Ithink of him before he gets away. It's bad enough to swipe the boat, Ishould think, without trying to queer the engine!" And Nelson went backstill muttering vengefully. Bob and Tom exchanged grins. Then the_Vagabond_, which had been slipping downstream for several minutes,turned her nose toward the middle of the Thames and swung about to thetune of her chugging engine, the _Sylph_ and the tender following behindin single file. Presently Nelson wiped his hands on a bunch of waste andseated himself on the middle step where he could at once keep his eye onthe engine, watch the stateroom door, and converse with Bob and Tom.

  "Don't see why he don't wake up now," said Bob, when they were makingfor New London. "Maybe he's dead."

  "Ku-ku-killed by ru-ru-remorse," suggested Tom.

  "Steal around and have a peep at him, Tommy," said Nelson. Tommy lookeddoubtful.

  "Du-du-do you think he's got a gu-gu-gu-gun?" he asked.

  "No, and, anyway, he's asleep, isn't he?" answered Nelson.

  "That's what I du-du-don't know," replied Tom.

  "Well, go and see," laughed Bob. "You don't have to climb through theport; just take a peek."

  So Tom obeyed, not overanxiously, and displayed splendid caution in thematter of approach. For fully half a minute he leaned over the port.Then he came back, looking excited.

  "He's still asleep! And wh-wh-wh-what do you th-th-think?"

  "I don't think," answered Bob. "Out with it, and don't drop too manystitches or he will wake up and murder us all before you've unburdenedyourself of your fearful secret."

  "He was all ready to su-su-skip out," said To
m. "There's a suit case onthe floor by the du-du-door and I'll bet it's all packed with ourthings. And he's got on a pu-pu-pu-pair of Dan's trousers!"

  "How do you know?" asked Nelson.

  "Saw them; those woolly, grayish, checked ones."

  "Sorry to queer your little yarn, Tommy," said Bob, "but you're lettingyour imagination run away with you. Dan wore those trousers to New Yorkyesterday."

  "Du-du-du-did he, Nel?" appealed Tom. Nelson nodded.

  "Well, they look like those. Anyway, I'll bet he's got all our money andthings in that su-su-su-su-su----"

  "Suit case, Tommy," said Nelson. "You're welcome."

  "Well, it won't do him any good now," said Bob. "He won't get it offthis boat except over my dead body."

  "What became of that cheese and the crackers and things?" asked Tomsuddenly.

  "By Jove, that's so!" exclaimed Bob. "We haven't fed!"

  "Well, we don't need to eat crackers and cheese unless we want to," saidNelson. "There's real grub in the ice box. What do you say, _Chef_? Dowe get anything cooked?"

  "I don't mind cooking if you'll stay there and see that he doesn't jumpout and scalp me," answered Tom.

  Nelson promised faithfully and presently there was a subdued bustle inthe "galley." Beyond the bolted door all remained as silent as a tomb.The _Vagabond_ and her tows were by this time within sight of thebridge.

  "Coffee or tea?" asked Tom softly.

  The verdict was coffee and Tom's fork got busy in the bottom of a cupwith half an egg.

  "Don't make such a silly lot of noise," whispered Nelson.

  "It isn't me," replied Tom, "it's the egg cackling."

  "Where are we, Bob?" asked Nelson.

  "Just passed the Navy Yard," was the answer. "Hadn't you better slow herdown a bit?" Nelson followed the suggestion.

  "We'll be at the wharf before you get that luncheon ready, Tommy, if youdon't hurry," said Nelson. Whereupon Tom flew around quite fast for himand the cheering aroma of coffee began to pervade the launch. And withit presently mingled the agreeable odor of corned-beef hash.

  Suddenly from the other side of the door came the sound of a loud yawnand Tom dropped the spoon from his hand. Nelson got up from the step andstood ready. They listened intently. For a moment silence held. Thencame the thud of boots on the floor and the creak of the berth as itsoccupant sat up. Nelson pointed over his shoulder and Tom streaked tothe stairs and warned Bob, returning to take his place at Nelson's side.Another yawn followed. Then the door was tried. There was a mutteredword from beyond it and it creaked as the person in the stateroom puthis shoulder against it. Nelson reached down and possessed himself ofthe biggest wrench in the tool kit. Then----

  "That door's bolted," he called. "You stay where you are. If you maketrouble it'll be bad for you. We're three to one and you'd better giveup!" There was a long silence. Evidently the fellow in the stateroom waspondering the advice. At last, however----

  "What yer goin' ter do with me?" asked a deep, gruff voice in whichNelson thought he caught a tremor.

  "We're almost at New London and when we get there we're going to giveyou up to the police and let you explain, if you can, why you ran offwith our boat."

  "Did yer say there was three of yer?" asked the other.


  "I give up then. Lemme out."

  "No, you'll stay where you are," answered Nelson.

  "I give yer my word I won't do nothin' if yer'll lemme out," pleaded theprisoner. "Hope ter die!"

  "Will you hand over your revolver?"

  There was just a moment of hesitation.

  "Yes," was the answer.

  "Very well," said Nelson. "Reach it through the nearest port and lay iton the deck. Understand?"


  "You go and fetch it, Tommy." Nelson whispered. In a moment Tom was backwith the revolver in his hand.

  "It isn't loaded," he whispered, "and it lu-lu-lu-looks like Bob's."

  "It is Bob's," said Nelson, examining it.

  "Bob su-su-says to stop the engine so as he cu-cu-can leave the wheel."

  Nelson obeyed and Bob tumbled impatiently down into the engine room.

  "Are you going to let him out?" he asked.

  "I don't know. Would you?"

  "Yes, we can manage him. And he can't get away unless he swims. First,though, tell him to hand out the cartridges."

  Nelson followed the suggestion and Tom brought down Bob's box ofcartridges. Bob grimly loaded the revolver. When he was through henodded to Nelson. The latter went to the door.

  "I'm going to let you out on the understanding that you give yourself upand make no attempt to escape. Understand that?"

  "Yes," growled the prisoner.

  "All right," said Nelson. "Get out of the way, Barry." The terrier forseveral minutes had been sniffing at the door and wagging his stump of atail. Nelson shot back the bolt and stepped aside.

  "Come out," he commanded sternly.

  Slowly the door opened, and then three jaws dropped simultaneously andthree faces were overspread with amazement.

  Out walked Dan!