Page 21 of Rock My Body

  “You’re quiet over there. Did I piss you off?” Xavier asks with what I assume is a tender tone but still has a touch of a natural growl to it.

  I chew on the corner of my lip. “No. You didn’t. I was just thinking.”

  “About…” he prods, and he glances down at my arm and zeroes on the spot where Father’s too tight hold left some marks.

  My hand instantly covers the small bruises, not wanting him to ask about them. Explaining how things got a little out of hand when I told my father I was leaving isn’t exactly something I want to discuss with a man who I don’t know.

  I fold my arms over my chest, careful to keep the spot hidden, and stare down at my stained outfit, wishing I hadn’t checked all my clothes. “Nothing you would want to hear about, I’m sure. No one likes to listen to a perfect stranger’s drama. Besides, I’m positive my life is boring compared to yours—there’s no autographs in my normalcy.” I add a little teasing at the end to lighten the mood.

  Xavier slides his index finger under my chin and then softly pinches it with his thumb, forcing me to look at him. “You’re frowning. Why?”

  His immediate concern for my happiness takes me aback, and I raise my eyebrows. I can’t very well spill my entire tragic life story to this man, even though the sincerity of his intentions shine in his gaze. I didn’t expect this type of reaction from him, so I’m thrown off balance for a moment, unsure of how to respond. “I, uh…”

  His eyes never leave mine as he says, “A frown doesn’t belong on a face like yours, beautiful. Ever. I’m just curious who put it there.”

  “No one put it there,” I whisper, trying to block out that fact that this slight touch from him is sending my body into overdrive.

  “Did your boyfriend upset you?”

  I should say I don’t have a boyfriend because I’m positive once Jorge discovers I left town with no intention of ever returning, he won’t want to see me again anyway. Technically I’m single, and I have the feeling this is exactly what Xavier wants to hear from me. Spending the next few hours in such close proximity to him, I’ll never be able to fend off his direct advances without eventually agreeing to have sex with him as soon as we land. If he knows I’m unattached, he’s the type who’ll never give up. No need to dangle a steak in front of a hungry lion.

  “He isn’t the problem. I’m fine, see.” I give him a small smile, hoping he stops prying before I get caught up in my own lie about being taken.

  “Not sure I’m buying that weak-ass smile.”

  His lips pull into a tight line, and I fully expect him to release me, but he doesn’t. Xavier’s fingers stay in place, burning into my skin. “It’s fine if you don’t want to say what’s on your mind. I get that. But no more frowning for the rest of this trip, or I might be forced to find other ways to make you smile just to piss your boyfriend the fuck off.”

  His finger traces down my neck and across my collarbone, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.

  My mouth drops open and I can’t stop myself from asking, “What kind of ways?”

  Damn my stupid curious brain. That just set him up for all kinds of dirty talk.

  He tries to fight back a smile, but it doesn’t work. It comes at me in full, glorious force. “More ways than that sweet brain of yours could ever imagine.”

  He leans into me, and I can’t do anything more than tense because his hand slides up the side of my neck in a very intimate gesture. He’s close enough that, if I pushed forward a couple of inches, our lips would meet in what I imagine would be an earth-altering kiss.

  “I could do things to your body that most women only dream about while reading their dirty romance novels, and I promise you’d fucking enjoy it.”

  I stare up at him speechless. Wow.


  I can’t believe he just said that to me.

  Xavier licks his plump lips. “No strings attached, and your boyfriend would never have to know.” He leans in and whispers in my ear, “I just want a little taste.”

  My breath hitches and I close my eyes. The thought of allowing this man to have his way with me is very tempting. So tempting in fact that, for a moment, I seriously consider agreeing. The opportunity to possibly have the best sex of your entire life doesn’t come along every day, and I can tell just by looking at Xavier Cold that his skill in the bedroom likely knows no bounds.

  He would be the perfect act of rebellion. Going against everything my life currently represents—a representation I’m desperate to break away from.

  I want to say yes to him, I really do, but no matter how hard I fight to break away from the good girl persona, I know random sex with a stranger will never be my kind of thing.

  I open my eyes and they instantly lock on his cool blue ones. I take a deep breath and whisper, “No.”

  His brows shoot up, like he can’t believe he’s just been turned down.


  My chest begins to heave. For some strange reason, turning him down is hard. It’s like my body is defying my brain and becoming aroused, even though my head is screaming for me to run as far away as I can.

  Xavier sucks in his bottom lip and slowly pulls it between his teeth. “You don’t seem so sure about that no, beautiful. You want to change your answer? I’ll be gentle with you, I swear. You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

  “I, uh…”

  I, uh…what? There’s nothing to even consider here. I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time giving him a firm no—one that sounds like I mean business. Even I realize I’m throwing him mixed signals by allowing him to touch me and whisper dirty promises in my ear.

  Desperate to get myself out of the intense mess I’ve allowed to go on too long, I push him back a bit and turn to the middle-aged, brunette lady sitting across the aisle from me. “Do you have any blank paper, please?”

  She nods and reaches under the seat in front of her to retrieve a bag. After digging around for a moment, she finds a small notebook and rips out a page. “This is all I have.”

  I return her smile with one of my own. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”

  I turn and redirect my attention to Xavier, who watches me with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “The only thing I would like from you is your autograph. Nothing more.”

  I lay the paper on his tray, but he doesn’t take his eyes off me. “That’s all, huh?”

  “That’s all,” I confirm.

  He adjusts the paper on his tray and then glances back up at me. “We’ll see.”

  This little game with him is exhausting. If we keep this up, by the end of the flight I’ll either want to kill him or screw his brains out, and neither of those things are on my scheduled to-do list on the path to starting my new life.

  I lean my head back and shut my eyes, and pray I can sleep my way through the rest of the flight. Ignoring the dangerously sexy man sitting only inches away from me is the only way I’ll stop my body from taking him up on his offer.

  A gentle nudge on my forearm startles me, and I’m quickly jerked back to reality. I’ve just fallen asleep while sitting next to a ridiculously delicious man. Quickly running my fingers around the corners of my mouth, I make sure I haven’t drooled all over my face.

  God, this is so embarrassing. I just pray I wasn’t snoring. I got very little sleep last night while I lay awake in my bed, dreading the thought of facing my father. The possible scenarios of what he would say when I told him I was leaving Portland to move across the country had played on a continuous loop through my mind, all of them ending with my father not supporting my choice and trying to stop me—which is exactly what happened. I’m just glad I knew enough ahead of time to make arrangements for my neighbor, Kayla, to wait outside my house with the motor running so I could make a quick getaway. Father had no intentions of allowing me to follow through with my plans, which is exactly why he left me no choice but to sneak out of my house and into Kayla’s car the moment he turned his back.

  Leaving hom
e was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I had to go. I couldn’t take being smothered any more.

  “The pilot just announced that we’ll be landing in approximately thirty minutes, so I thought you would like to know,” Xavier says. “You fell asleep so quickly I figured you were exhausted, so I didn’t bother you. I have to say, you’re different from most women I’ve met, Anna.”

  Curiosity gnaws at me as to what exactly he means by that, and I can’t help asking, “Different how? Because I refuse to sleep with random men who proposition me?”

  He shrugs. “No, not that. I just don’t recall that I’ve ever bored a woman to sleep before. You didn’t even seem the slightest bit fazed with me sitting next to you when you zonked-out. Matter of fact, you seem indifferent toward me, which is refreshing…in an odd way.”

  I laugh. “You prefer when people deny your requests?”

  The corner of his mouth turns up, revealing what I’m sure is his best panty-soaking smile. “No, but I admire how you stick to your principles and don’t back down. Most women aren’t like that.”

  I smile. “I do believe that’s a compliment, Xavier.”

  His grin gets even bigger. He’s clearly pleased with himself. I bet in that sex-crazed brain of his, he thinks he’s getting somewhere with me.

  “So, what’s in Detroit?”

  My mind stumbles, not ready for such a simple question. I was fully prepared for more sexy banter.

  “A fresh start.”

  His expression turns quizzical, so I explain. “I need to start over, I have family there. My cousin Quinn and Aunt Dee have offered to help me out.”

  Xavier glances back to coach, where his manager occupies my old seat. “I know the old man you were next to isn’t your boyfriend, and the woman on the other side of your assigned seat isn’t your girlfriend, so I’m thinking your boyfriend isn’t on this flight with you. He’s not a part of this fresh start?”

  I take a deep breath. Since we’re off this plane in a few minutes, and I’ll never see this man again, I may as well come clean. A little truth can’t hurt.

  “No, he’s not. No one I know from Portland is.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “The boyfriend isn’t going to come after you?”

  I shake my head. “I sort of ended things with him.”

  “Is that why you’re running away from Portland? Can’t face breaking some poor schmuck’s heart?” he asks with a playful tone.

  I fold my arms across my chest. “I assure you that I didn’t break Jorge’s heart.”

  He smirks. “You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? Jorge and I were never really in love. Our families are close, and us being together was expected.” If arranged marriages were still legal, that’s exactly what would’ve happened with Jorge and me. We were more like siblings than anything else. I loved him, but not in the way that made me know deep down he was “The One.”

  Recognition flashes across Xavier’s face. “So you’re escaping an overbearing family that tries to control your life. Aren’t you afraid that your aunt will try to push more things on you that you don’t want?”

  He’s good. He’s practically figured out my entire life story with just that little bit of information. I should shut my big mouth right now and not indulge him further, but it’s actually nice to talk to someone about this—especially since it seems like he understands how my family tries to push their beliefs on me. It’s like he can connect with me on some level.

  “Aunt Dee isn’t like that. She’s really cool. The exact the opposite of my father.”

  He nods. “I grew up like that myself—in an overly religious household. It’s rough living with people who are passionate over certain…beliefs.”

  Xavier pauses for a beat before he asks, “So how pissed is your dad that you took off without his consent?”

  My mouth drops open a little. “How did you know that?”

  He shrugs. “You’re a good girl who has a controlling father, it’s not hard to figure out. You want freedom. I can sense it on you from a mile away. I understand why you’re leaving.”

  “You do?” Surprise rings in my voice. No one other than Quinn and Aunt Dee have empathized with me before. Most people from back home will freak out and call me a fool once they figure out I left. People don’t understand that sometimes ideas of perfection in a family get carried a little too far. It’s nice that he seems to get it.

  “I do. Being trapped in a life that you didn’t choose is no fucking picnic, no matter how good it may appear to people outside of the situation. I’ve been there myself. So, yeah, I get it, and I don’t blame you. No one should be forced to live their life in any way other than how they choose.”

  I stare at him, amazed he knew exactly what I was thinking. He’s been where I’m at, and he doesn’t look down on me for running away from my life. For a moment it’s easy to forget he’s a sexy celebrity and not just a regular man—one I would like to get to know better.

  “It’s nice to hear someone agree with me for a change. I don’t like defying my father but I felt like if I didn’t get away, I was going to drown in a world full of ideas and beliefs that I don’t necessarily agree with.”

  “When you say beliefs, I’m going to assume you mean religion.”

  I sigh. “Yes. Not that I’m a non-believer, I just don’t like having it shoved down my throat all the time.”

  His blue eyes search my face. “You really are a sweet girl.” Before I can reply to that statement he continues. “I’m glad that you refused me. I’m no good for you.”

  With our gazes locked, I suddenly forget why I was so put off by his advances in the first place. Maybe my assumptions about him were wrong. He would make an excellent friend—if I weren’t so insanely attracted to him.

  “You don’t seem so bad to me. You’re easy to talk to.”

  He swallows hard. “That’s because you don’t know me. Believe me, beautiful, I’m bad fucking news. A nice girl like you should run away from me as quick as you can.”

  My chest heaves while the intensity radiates off him and wraps itself around me. Something about him pulls me in, and I can’t explain why I suddenly feel like we are kindred spirits, both running from something. I know he’s not good for me—he even said so himself—but I can’t stop my stupid body from being attracted to him.

  My eyes drift down to his lips, and the thought of what they would feel like on mine washes over me. I imagine they’re demanding yet gentle, all at the same time. Thinking like this is dangerous and will lead me down a road I’m not sure I’m ready for, but I can’t help doing it.

  “You can’t keep looking at me like that. I want you. If you give in to me, there’s no going back, and you’re not ready for someone like me. I don’t have the best self-control, and I’m a very selfish man.” His voice is tight, like he’s struggling between what he should do and what he wants to do.

  Just like I am.

  He leans in closer and runs his nose down the length of my jaw, pausing for a brief second to kiss the soft skin beneath my ear. My breath catches and I clench my thighs together to calm the ache he’s just created between my legs. It gives me some relief, but my damn naïve curiosity won’t let his last words go.

  “How am I looking at you?” I whisper.

  He tugs my earlobe lightly with his teeth. “Like you’re begging for my touch.” He inhales deeply through his nose and then growls, “I haven’t even kissed you yet, and I’m already fucking hard. Spend the night with me. Let me show you just how good I can make you feel.”

  I close my eyes. Even though his dark promises of passion are tempting, I can’t give in to him. I don’t willingly give my body over to complete strangers.

  “No,” I say again, so faintly that I barely hear it myself.

  His tongue teases the bare flesh on my neck. “I don’t typically beg, beautiful, but if begging gets me access between those creamy thighs, I will. Just give in to your desires.

  He’s right.

  And, damn it, I hate that he’s right. I do want him, more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life. He pulls back and stares into my eyes, searching my face for permission to pleasure me.

  Electricity zings between us, and every nerve ending in my body comes alive. My willpower falters a bit. How many times can I turn down something I really want? If I’m being honest, right now, my body craves nothing more than to experience sex with this powerful man, even though my logical mind knows it’s wrong, and I’ve always been more of a “follow your head, not your heart” kind of girl. I stare into his eyes, willing the word “no” to tumble from my lips again, but no sound comes out.

  The landing gear unlocking from the underside of the plane causes my pulse to race under my skin. I need to make a decision because I know the moment I step off this plane I’ll never see Xavier again.

  The plane jolts, and the tires screech against the runway, but Xavier’s eyes never stray from mine as he awaits my answer. While we wait to exit the plane our eyes remain locked, and a thousand scenarios run through my head. I don’t even realize that we haven’t said a word to one another for several moments. No words are needed to know what we are both thinking. It’s impossible for me not to sit here and stare at him, and not imagine his mouth on mine.

  The flight crew opens the door, and all the passengers around us stand and begin exiting the aircraft. I swallow hard as his eyes drop down to my lips and then back up to my eyes.

  “What’ll it be, Anna Cortez? Are you in, or are you out?”

  My heart bangs in my chest, but as much as I would like to experience what he’s offering, I have to stick to my guns.

  “I’m out.”

  I stand and turn to exit, but freeze when Xavier grabs my wrist, my skin igniting from his mere touch. My eyes snap down to my hand as he stuffs a paper into it. I flick my gaze back up to his and a grin plays along his lips. “Let me know when you change your mind.”