Page 3 of Unseen

  He put the bottle down. I mirrored him, without stopping the slow caress of my fingers across his cheek, down the warm, damp column of his neck, the harsh rasp on his chin, the startlingly soft skin of his lips. They parted under my fingers, cool from the beer. "Hey, Cass?" he asked, and his voice had taken on shadows, weight, deeper registers. "Are you sure you know what the hell you're doing?"

  "No," I said, with complete honesty. "I trust you to tell me when I do it wrong."

  "Jesus," he whispered, with an odd expression of utter concentration. "Seriously. You know what you're not exactly talking about, here? Because I'm not sure you do."

  I stared straight into his rich brown eyes and said, "I want to make love with you. Is that not what you want, as well?"

  "Oh," he said, after a second's stunned silence. "I guess you do know what you weren't talking about. Sorry. Just didn't want to get that wrong, and madre, Cass, I still don't know if you--"

  I stood, turned, and straddled his lap as he sat on the couch, kneeling on the cushions to either side. At that distance, there was no possibility of barriers or mistakes for either of us. And I kissed him.

  There was something so astonishingly sweet to the taste of him, sweet and spicy together, heady and overwhelming and powerful in ways that I could only dimly grasp. Kissing him seemed to temporarily still a howling hunger inside me, but it only moved to a different place to set up new, strange aches. While our lips were sliding together, damp and striving, I couldn't feel the pressure of the world around us, the weight of all that responsibility and fate and desperation.

  All I felt was light, and silence, and a trembling, silvery sliver of breathless anticipation.

  I pulled back just far enough to breathe into his open mouth, "Is that clear enough?"

  "Claro," he whispered back. He put a finger to my lips and said, "We can't do this here, querida. Ibby. Come with me."

  I nodded, and followed him to the bathroom--not the one in the hall, which was close to Ibby's room, but the one in the master bedroom. He closed the door after me and turned the lock, as I stripped away my white leather jacket. It would need repairs later, a simple enough matter when I had energy to spare, but for now it simply looked grubby and battered. I began to unbutton the soft pink shirt beneath, but Luis reached out and stilled my fingers. "No," he said. "Wait. I know you already made it pretty clear, but--I just want to put it out there. You sure you want to do this? All the way?"

  "I already said that I did."

  "Cass--" He shook his head. "Okay. Then slow the hell down, will you? It ain't a race to the finish line."

  He took his time at it, slowly slipping each button through its anchoring hole, and tracing warm fingers down over the revealed pale flesh. Three buttons down he uncovered the pale pink of the satin bra I wore, and I felt his heartbeat move just a bit faster. Mine was well ahead of his, heating my flesh to warm ivory, pounding in my temples and veins, pooling heat like sunlight into the lower part of my body. Preparing me, I realized.

  He slipped the blouse from my shoulders, and I shivered, though the air in the bedroom was warm enough. The shivers intensified as he trailed his fingertips over my bare skin. He bent very close and put his lips to my ear. "Turn around," he murmured. I did, not moving any farther away from his body than the movement required. He unhooked the clasp of my bra and slipped the silky straps down my arms. The fragile thing fell to the floor, next to my shirt. Then he reached around my waist and unsnapped the leather pants, then unzipped them and slid them slowly down my bare legs. I found myself leaning back against him, mesmerized by the simple, catastrophic explosions of feeling in my body as he slipped his hand inside the thin underwear ...

  I gasped and bit my lip as an entirely new sensation fired through me, and found myself pressing against his fingers. A sound escaped me, completely beyond my control. I had no idea what was guiding me, but it must have been something coded deep into the human form. I'd always thought that Djinn who grew fond of wearing skin were somehow flawed, but now--now I understood. There were delights in a Djinn's natural form, of course, but nothing quite so ... intense.

  "Easy, girl. We've got a long way to go," Luis said, still in that low murmur that somehow only intensified the pleasure I was taking from his touch. "Let's get these off of you first."

  He pulled his hand away, which made me almost cry out in protest, and slipped the underwear down my legs. I realized that I was naked, but I didn't feel exposed or vulnerable. Quite the opposite. I felt ... powerful. Clothed in trust.

  I turned to face Luis, breathing hard, and found that he was still dressed. I helped him pull his charred, ragged shirt over his head, and before it hit the carpet I had my hands on him. I'd seen him without his shirt before, but that had been like looking through an obscuring filter. Now, in this moment, I saw how beautiful he really was. The light and shadow of his muscles as they tensed and relaxed; the smooth, velvety skin, the deeper brown of his tightened nipples. The dark hair that drew a line straight down beneath his waistband, and tickled my fingers as I unfastened the riveted button. It yielded with a soft snap, and I unzipped his pants and hesitated, not sure what he wanted of me. Luis gave me no signals. He watched me with intense, opaque brown eyes. I could feel the emotions roiling inside of him, and when I looked at him in Oversight, overlaying the aetheric world native to the Djinn with that of the human reality, I saw him glowing in incandescent, intense colors--colors of passion, of need, of life itself. Breathtaking, and overwhelming.

  I looked into his eyes as I carefully slid his pants down his legs and left him in his underwear--tight, defining a growing tribute to our attraction. Then I took a deep breath and pulled those down as well.

  Then, with nothing between us, and before I could allow any sensible objections to overcome me, I stepped forward, pressed my body against his, and kissed him.

  Power flowed out in a torrent from him at that first touch of our lips, thick as melted amber, drenched with the essence of all living things, the slow pulse beat of Mother Earth herself. I felt my skin scrubbed clean, and my hair blew back in an invisible wind. I felt ... reborn. New. Perfect.

  His lips warmed to fever heat against mine, damp and urgent and sweet to taste, and I shuddered against him as his hands traveled down my spine to the small of my back, then caressed the swell of my hips. His lips parted, and I felt the soft stroke of his tongue against mine. My blood felt on fire now, and my heart pounded hard. I didn't know how much of what I felt came from his use of Earth power, and I didn't care. It was intense and beautiful and utterly involving.

  I couldn't believe I had avoided it for so long, being daily in his company. I'd yearned for it, and yet I hadn't even known why.

  An odd sensation--the areas of the flame tattoos on his arms felt different. The flame tattoos seemed warmer, as if the dark borders banked in actual fire instead of only ink.

  Luis broke off the kiss and buried his face in the hollow of my neck, breathing hard. His breath pistoned hot against my skin and fluttered my pale hair. "Slow down," he finally said. "You're going to get me off too soon. Relax. I told you, it's not a race."

  "Then what is it?" I asked. "Because my body seems to want to rush to the finish."

  He laughed. "Stop feeding back my energy and I'll show you. Shower first, though."

  "We're clean." Thanks to that initial burst of power from him, which had scrubbed our skin and hair and left us deliciously fresh.

  "That's not why we take the shower," he said. "You trust me?"

  "Yes." I always had, at a very deep level. This was not different ... and yet, it was. This was a physical kind of trust that I found hard to imagine outside of this moment, and yet here and now it seemed perfectly inevitable, and perfectly right. "Of course I do."

  He slipped his hand down to grip mine. "Then come on. Get wet with me, girl."

  Somehow, that phrase had connotations I had never really considered ... ones shadowy and exciting, a sudden burst of spice on the tongue. It mad
e my breath quicken, and my pulse beat faster.

  I allowed Luis to pull me along to the bathroom. That door, too, he shut behind us, and locked with a quick snap of his wrist. He sensed me watching him, and raised his brows. "Only so Ibby--look, I don't want you to think I'm trying to push you into anything. Is that what you think? Because you can stop this anytime you want."

  I smiled. "Do you believe you could force me to do this if I didn't want it?"

  "Ah, good point. You'd hurt me so bad."

  "At the very least," I said, and put my pale hands on his darker shoulders. "And I hope I am not driving you to do anything beyond what you wish."

  He laughed. "Chica, you don't know guys very well." He took a second to sweep his gaze down my body, and then let out a slow breath. "Their loss, too. You are so beautiful." He moved his focus back to my focus. "You don't believe that, though, do you?"

  I didn't, in truth; to me human beauty was a very different thing--a thing of weakness, of vanity, of misdirected goals. I was strong, tall, perfectly serviceable in form, but I had never felt any need to be beautiful.

  Now, suddenly, I did. For him, I did.

  "I believe you believe it," I said in a very low voice, and kissed him again. This time, I kept myself from reaching out to the core of his power, and this was merely flesh, warming and responding, perfect and natural. He backed me against the wall, and I gasped at the cold lick of tile on my skin, but the mild sting was quickly forgotten in the blur of the moment. Luis broke away to lean into the shower and turn on the controls, and as the water began to spray he pulled out towels from a cabinet and put them at the ready. In a moment steam was billowing inside the shower's glass cubicle, and I saw moisture beading on my skin.

  We stepped under the hot spray together, sealed so close together the water had a difficult time finding entrance between our bodies. The sensations overlapped, melted, blurred into a blood-warm, pulsing tide. I couldn't distinguish between the heat of his hands, and the spray of the equally hot water. It was like being caressed everywhere, all at once, and as Luis's fingers slipped again between my legs I put my arms around his neck for support.

  What he was doing to me sparked miniature explosions inside of me, tremors that signaled something much, much greater on the approach. I found myself arching against his body, head back, lip caught between my teeth. That seemed to please him as much as it did me, a mysterious alchemy of feelings that I had never truly imagined was possible among humans. He didn't speak. The water pounded down on us, hot as blood, and at last, at last, he lifted me by the waist, strong arms flexing and shedding water in bright silver streams, and braced my back against the warm, damp tile wall.

  "Ready?" he asked me. I didn't know what he was asking, but I nodded. I knew in principle, of course, but knowing and feeling were proving to be completely different things. "I'll go slow."

  I had expected pleasure, not a searing, startling flash of razor-edged pain, and cried out more in panic than delight, putting my hands flat against his chest in protest. Luis froze, shocked, and held himself very still as I regulated my breathing again. In the next instant the pain wasn't as great, but the surprise remained. I felt betrayed by my body, which had led me to suppose this would be nothing but sweet sensation.

  Luis seemed just as astonished. After a few long seconds, he said, "Jesus, Cass, you didn't tell me you were a virgin. I didn't think ..." He pulled in a deep breath, and I saw he was angry at himself. "Stupid. Of course you're a virgin. You came straight into human flesh--you haven't been with anybody--"

  He was right. I hadn't been in this compromising, exceptionally intimate and vulnerable position with anyone else since my rebirth in human skin. I was, in many ways, more virginal than any human woman or girl, and yet I felt--not at all ignorant or unready.

  Just betrayed by my own biology.

  "It's all right," I said, and kept my voice low and steady, staring into Luis's warm, cinnamon-colored eyes. "I'm all right."

  "No, I hurt you. I didn't mean--"

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and slowly, inexorably pulled him closer. Farther into my body, until we were completely joined. Then I fitted my hands around his face and smiled. "Since taking human form, I've had a great deal of pain," I said. "That was a ... momentary discomfort. It's done. Now help me forget it."

  He made a groaning sound low in his throat and dropped his head forward, into the warm space between my shoulder and neck. I felt his legs trembling, and then, by slow, gentle increments, he began to move.

  "Tell me if I--" He was, even now, struggling to be gentle with me. With me, a being so old and powerful that even fellow Djinn had always treated me with caution. It made me laugh, and it made me warm with sweetness toward him. I solved his hesitancy by showing him my own urgent need, a furious bonfire of lust and heat, passion and delight.

  No one had ever described what it felt like, to be consumed in that fire together, in an all-consuming, mind-destroying blur of hands and mouths, thrusts and silky caresses.

  There were no words, and no real equivalent in the Djinn world. It was a humbling realization, one that made me understand, finally, why so many of my kind found solace in human form.

  The world broke apart into sounds, and lights, and colors, frantic racing hearts and sweating skin, and then a slow, featherlight spiraling descent from an aetheric height I hadn't known humans could scale. When Luis finally let me slip away, we stayed in the sheltering heat of the pounding water until it turned cool on our skin.

  He shut it off, and we looked at each through the fog of steam still in the air.

  Luis smiled. It was a beautiful, unguarded expression, and I saw in that moment that he truly had loved me for some time now--months, perhaps. I felt the same tide of emotion inside my own body, and felt a similar wild, uncontrolled smile bend my lips. I ached in odd places, felt strangely warm in others, and a lassitude had settled in that made me want to curl up on the damp tile floor and sleep. All that stopped me was the knowledge that there was a warm, waiting bed just a few steps away.

  Luis dried us both with a burst of power, and I followed him to the wide, clean bed, draped in dark red silk, that was his place of rest. I'd never touched it before, but now I sank without hesitation onto the soft mattress, beneath the weight of the covers, and then burrowed through the cool sheets to meet him in the middle. We were both still warm, and a little damp, and our lips met in slow, dreamlike kisses as we twined together, again.

  Luis eventually chuckled, a rumble deep in his chest, and I pulled back to regard him questioningly.

  "I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop," he said. "You know?"

  "I'm fairly certain our shoes--"

  "No, I mean we get interrupted a lot by people trying to kill the hell out of us. Seems like every time we get anywhere near doing this, someone comes along and tries to ruin our good time." He looked around. "Nothing yet. I think that might be a good sign."

  I kissed him again, savoring the sweet spice of his mouth. "Yes," I agreed. "I think it's a very good sign."

  Nothing disturbed us for hours, and hours, except when we fell asleep at last curled together in delicious, delirious exhaustion.

  Chapter 2

  BEFORE DAWN, there was a knock at the front door.

  Luis woke up fast, sliding out of my arms and out of the bed before I'd finished opening my eyes. He had a pair of blue jeans draped at the end of the bed, and pulled them on with hardly a pause, still zipping and buttoning as he moved to unlock the bedroom door and go down the hall.

  I found a thick black robe hanging on the back of the closet door, and belted it as I followed him. He'd already reached the door and was reaching for the knob as the knock came again--an official kind of summons, fast and confident.

  "Yeah?" he yelled through the wood, and motioned me off to the side. "Who is it?"

  "Police, Mr. Rocha," said a male voice from the other side. "Open up, please."

  "Let's see a badge first," Luis said,
and cracked the door just enough. I glimpsed something that glittered brass in the porch light, and Luis nodded and stepped back. A uniformed officer came inside, noticed me in the next instant, and I found myself being summed up in a quick, head-to-toe glance that held no trace of emotion--just analysis.

  There was a strong tingle of power from him, and a quick look on the aetheric assured me that he was, in fact, a Warden. One of the few who had assumed a mainstream occupation ... but I supposed that there were considerable advantages to having Earth powers, as a police officer. Strength, and speed, and the ability to bring down a fleeing suspect with knots of grass and the flailing limbs of trees, to begin with--and I hadn't considered how useful Earth powers might be for tracing a suspect, or evaluating clues left behind. Theoretically, an Earth Warden could be a walking laboratory, much like a Djinn, within those close confines of the limitations of his power.

  If he was at all pleased to meet us, I couldn't see any trace of it in his manner, which was cool and businesslike. "Warden Rocha," he said, and held out his hand, palm out. The Warden's stylized sun symbol glittered there briefly, fired by a tiny burst of power--another form of a badge of authority, and one I didn't have, though I could have easily enough. He transferred his cold, guarded gaze to me. "Cassiel. I'm Lieutenant Cardenas."

  I supposed that I didn't merit the title of Warden, even though I certainly did the work. Interesting. That offended me a little. "And which organization are you representing at the moment? The Albuquerque Police Department or the Wardens?"

  "Warden Bearheart sent me," he said, which was answer enough. "She wants you two to bring the girl with you and come to meet her people for handover."

  "Handover," Luis repeated, in a voice that wasn't anything like friendly. "What the hell do you mean, handover?"

  Cardenas shrugged. "As in, you bring her, you hand her over, you drive away. That kind of handover. Didn't think there was anything unclear about that."