As Fazil parted from the wounded man, the scenes of the night, thehorrid truth regarding the treachery of his friend's father, the dangerwhich threatened both, and indeed the whole family, caused him manyan anxious thought. His worst suspicions had only been too deeplyverified, and even now there arose some struggle between duty andallegiance to his King, and affection for the Wuzeer's family, for thesake of his son. Bulwunt had again avoided the principal street, andthey were once more in the open ground beyond the houses. Fazil walkedon rapidly and silently; but at length, the oppression of his thoughtsfound vent in words. "Let him decide," he said aloud, in allusion tohis father; "wisdom abides with him; and in a matter like this hisadvice is precious."

  "And what think you of all this, Meah?" asked his companion, for aninstant slackening his pace; "what will the noble Khan Sahib say toit?--not indeed that he and the Wuzeer are very intimate friendseither. I tell thee, were not my heart turning to that devil TannajeeMaloosray, I should be lost in wonder at the Wuzeer's folly."

  "Even so," said Fazil, sighing; "a man in whom I would have placedconfidence as in my own father--one who ought to be honoured and lovedfor his faith--is but a poor knave, after all, Bulwunt--not better thanthat miserable Lalla whom we have just left--a thing for men to spitupon. Alas for the world's honesty, brother! A heap of gold, a fewempty titles, the smile of a woman,--and power--which does but makeits possessor miserable when he has gained it--turns right to wrong,justice to oppression, virtue to vice, honesty to knavery, faith totreachery. We look for it in the highest, but it flies from us; we seekit in the lowest, and turn from them but too often in despair. Shouldnot one sigh at depravity like this, which finds no echo in one's ownheart?"

  "True, Meah, and may it long be so with you," returned his companion;"but your experience of life is as yet small, and as it increases Ifear you will search in vain for the purity which your own heart nowpictures. Perhaps it may exist among women. Sree Swami knows, and youmay find it there. I have not, Meah; but in the world abroad, when youhave more to do with it, your sensitive spirit will become blunted bydegrees, and, though a serious matter like this will trouble it, youwill gradually learn to pass many a broad lie or rogue's trick whichnow vexes you, without notice beyond a passing curse or a hasty blow.Patience, Meah Sahib! thou hast much to learn yet; would it were good,and not evil!"

  "Ah, would it were, Bulwunt Rao! Your experience is from the crookedways and thoughts of your own people, of which men make proverbs; butfor a noble of the state to betray his salt in this base manner, makesme sick at heart. But this is no time, friend, to think of aught butthe work we have to do; and what more has to come of the night weknow not. Hark! the thunder growls again, and the storm is coming upfast--we had as well run on to shelter; and what more may follow, Allaknows!"

  So saying, they hastened as rapidly as the rough ground and increaseddarkness would admit, Bulwunt Rao guiding his young master throughnarrow lanes and over deserted spaces, till they again emerged into thenow nearly deserted bazar. It was just past midnight, for the trumpeterat the guard-house, taking up the signal from the fort gate, had blowna flourish, which was understood by the keepers of liquor-shops in thequarter. The booths were still open, as well as those of confectionersand bhung or opium sellers; but the lights were being extinguished, andthe groups which had been concealed within turned into the street.

  A wild company truly! Some staggering in the last stage of idioticdrunkenness from opium, others tossing their arms wildly in the air,while their obscene and fearful curses and imprecations mingled withthe low muttering of the thunder, which hardly ceased, and seemed togrow nearer every moment. Many forms lay prostrate in the street--somesleeping off the fumes of drink, or groaning in helpless intoxication;and they were often beset by women, whose loosened hair and disorderedgarments, and the wild leer of their glistening eyes, bespoke theirdepraved condition. But, casting those who were most importunateviolently aside, they at length gained the temple, which was close tothe drinking-shop we have before mentioned, and paused for a momentnear the gate, which was now shut, while all was silent within.

  "Let me look over thee, Meah," said his companion, "as we have a littlelight, and are free from those drunken wretches. Dost thou know, Meah,I have been like them sometimes, I fear; but this sight sickens andsobers me."

  "God grant it, friend, it is the only thing I have ever feared in you,"he replied warmly.

  "Yes, it will do," continued Bulwunt; "the disguise is complete.So--the chin scarf a little more over the end of the nose: there--noone would ever suspect you. Now, I have a plan in my head, which thouwilt say could only come of a Mahratta's brain--crooked and wilful. Itis this: I think, from bazar gossip, that Tannajee and Pahar Singh areone, and that they have met at Tooljapoor at the temple, or at thatold villain Bussunt Geer's, at whose Mutt Tannajee's people put up,or that they have corresponded with each other through him. It is notvery long since I was there--about two months ago, Meah. They were verybusy--so much so that the old fox would hardly let me stay; but I wascertain there was something going on; and now I have seen Pahar Singh,I am sure he came one day and held counsel with the old Gosai. Now, ifTannajee has not been there--as I will find out, if possible--I canpersonate Poorun Geer, the disciple of Bussunt Geer, and we may findout more of this plot. But be thou silent--a vow of silence for a year.I dread thy courtly speech breaking out even of our rough Mahrattatongue or a Mussulmani oath. Trust to me, Meah: I will not fail thee ifwe meet this fellow!"

  "I would we had brought the guard with us, Bulwunt," said Fazil.

  "Guard!" said his companion, laughing. "Look, there are his sentinels.That fellow," pointing to a figure seated at a little distance on theground, muffled in a black blanket, and hardly to be distinguished froman animal or a stone, "is one. I saw him shift his position so as towatch us; and I see three others in different directions, Meah; onewill cough, or sneeze, or make some signal when we move--and there isold Rama in the doorway, listening. Guard, Meah! no, no; we may killTannajee if we are lucky, but were a guard to approach, he would beoff into the deserted ground at the back, and who could find him? Now,come; and may the gods protect us!"

  It was but a few steps. As they moved past, a low cough proceeded fromthe sitting figure on the watch, and a light streamed from the doorwayas the publican, Rama, moved in.

  "Did you see that?" whispered Bulwunt--"is it not as I told you? Keepyour sword ready, Meah; but be not hasty, whatever you may see or hear."

  So saying, they stepped into the vestibule of the shop--an open space,around which were benches of raised earth or brick, neatly plasteredover. A counter with some brass measures and a large copper vase,brightly polished, containing spirit, stood at one side, and a lampburned in a niche.

  Bulwunt took one of the brass drinking-cups and rattled it againstanother as a signal; for, as he supposed, the owner of the place hadgone to an inside apartment. As he came forth, Bulwunt accosted him,and requested two hookas to be filled--one with tobacco, the other withganja, and was advancing to the inner apartment when the man stoppedhim.

  "There are no hookas to be had here to-night; it is past the hour,Babajee," he said, "and I am out of ganja till to-morrow. Nor can yougo in there, for the place is engaged; and they who are within will notbrook being disturbed."

  "Ha! then there is play going on, Rama; and that is what we came for--anew hand is always welcome. Go and tell them there are two _gentlemen_without who would join."

  "Play? No, truly," cried the man--"they have other work to do. But goyour way, both of ye, for I cannot admit either of you at this time ofnight, and have no hookas for you to smoke. Begone; there are plentyof mudud khanas in the street besides mine, where you can get all youwant. Begone, ere the rain increases."

  "Nay, be not inhospitable, good fellow," returned Bulwunt, soothingly;"and here is a trifle for thee--even for shelter. Hark to the thunder!"And as he spoke, another blinding flash of lightning illumined theinterior of the sh
op, while a crashing peal of thunder followed hardupon it. "We shall have more of that, Rama; and as to stirring out inthe rain,"--for it had come plashing down with the thunder--"whosedog am I that I should go out in it--I or my brother either? Is this anight to turn two votaries of Sree Mahadeo into the streets--strangers,too, who know no other place of shelter? And were we not told to cometo Rama's shop near the temple?" he added to Fazil; who, sitting down,nodded assent, and followed his example.

  "There is a Gosai's Mutt hard by, round the corner," returned the mandoggedly, "and a temple of Bhowani away yonder, in the plain at theback, among the tamarind trees. You will find your brethren in one, andshelter and water in the other, if ye need them. Begone, and trouble meno more. Get up; why sit ye there unbidden? Get up!"

  "Get up and go to a Mutt, indeed!" retorted Bulwunt, who did not move,but, on the contrary, settled himself more determinedly and doggedlyupon a seat. "Not I--in this rain! How, brother?" he added to Fazil,"shall we attempt to enter the Mutt at night through barred doors?--betaken for thieves, and be fired upon for our pains, perhaps?" Fazilshook his head. "No: we were told to come here to Rama's--is thy nameRama, friend?--and here we are."

  "Who told ye to come here?" asked the kullal.

  "It concerns thee not, good man," replied Bulwunt, "unless they callyou Rama."

  "That is my name; and what is your business with me?" he returnedsulkily.

  "That you will know by-and-by," replied Bulwunt. "Meanwhile, as to theMutt and the temple, who knows whether there is either the one or theother; and who can go to look in this storm? Wherefore, worthy sir,"he continued to the keeper of the place, "we are very comfortable, andintend to remain. We are not beasts to be turned out in rain like this.So, kindly bring the hookas, and when we have smoked we will rest afterour long travel to-day. As to those here before us, we are not likelyto molest them; and if they do not let us alone, we have weapons, andcan defend ourselves. Therefore, be reasonable." Bulwunt spoke loudly,that he might be heard by the men within.

  "What noise is that?" suddenly asked a strange voice from behind apartition close to which they were sitting. "Did I not tell thee, Rama,to admit no one?"

  "May I be your sacrifice, Rao Sahib," returned the kullal, joining hishands together, and advancing to the door of the room, "your slavedesired these two Gosais to depart civilly, but they will not move;they say they were told to come here, and ask for hookas. When I toldthem to be gone, one fellow talked about his weapons, and I believethey are drunk."

  "About weapons, did he, Rama? and who art thou, mad youth, whoventurest here into the privacy of gentlemen?" said a tall man, whonow advanced from behind the partition with a sword in his left hand,while, observing that Bulwunt Rao and Fazil were armed, his right handpassed to his sword-hilt, and rested there, with a determined action.

  How the stern tones of his voice thrilled to the heart of Bulwunt Rao,as he listened to them after an interval of many years. When he lastheard them he was a mere youth. Shrieks of women were ringing in hisears, and his enemy's fierce commands to kill and spare none--hurriedshouts, and the clash of steel. As he stood, the past recurred toBulwunt Rao so vividly that, though years had intervened, it seemedonly as if that night had gone, and morning had succeeded. There couldbe no doubt he was in Maloosray's presence. The same grave, determinedmanner--the same large black eye--as the proverb about him said,"Gentle as a fawn's, or fierce as a tiger's"--the same deep-tonedvoice. Time had hardly tinged his whiskers and moustaches with grey,but his face was weather-beaten and seared, as it were, by the sun, andhis large bony frame more developed, than when they had last met--theboy and the cruel fiery youth. The light from a rude lamp in a nicheof the wall threw a strong glare upon his face, which he did not seekto evade; while the features of Bulwunt Rao and his companion were ina great measure concealed by the shadow thrown upon them in the cornerwhere they sat.

  "A poor Gosai," answered Bulwunt in the Mahratta tongue, but in a toneas haughty as that in which he had been addressed, "who, with hisbrother, has sought shelter here and refreshment. Why shouldst thouinterfere?"

  "Ha! a proud speech, young sir; and your companion, why does he notanswer?" returned Maloosray.

  "He has a vow of silence for a year, made at the shrine of our Motherof Tooljapoor," returned Bulwunt, doggedly.

  "Enough," cried Maloosray, "begone in her name! There is a temple ofhers a gunshot from hence; begone to it."

  "We must know who it is that has the power to send us hence ere we stirfoot to depart," retorted Bulwunt, rising, and raising his really finefigure to its full height; and as Fazil Khan followed his example,both were ready to meet any sudden assault. "Who dares, I say, send usout in such rain? Are we men or dogs, to be put out with insult from apublic place in such weather?"

  Tannajee's sword was drawn in an instant, and flashed brightly in theflickering glare of the lamp. The others were as rapidly unsheathed;but both parties stood on the defensive,--neither struck.

  "For the love of Mahadeo, for the love of Bhowani, by your fathers'heads! no blood-shedding here, good sirs!" cried the keeper of thehouse imploringly, passing between them, and stretching out his handsdeprecatingly to each in turn. "I shall be ruined! fined!--they willhang me! Hold! there will be blood shed. Help! help!" he shrieked in afrantic manner, seeing Tannajee advance a step.

  Hearing his cries and the altercation, two men rushed from the innerapartment with drawn weapons, and would have attacked the others atonce, but Tannajee withheld them.

  "Peace!" he cried; "put down your weapons, friends. Peace, bold youth!"he continued to Bulwunt Rao; "you have run a fearful risk unmoved,which you do not know of. Who are you?" he asked rapidly.

  "A Gosai: I have said it already," replied the other.

  "A disciple of what teacher?"

  "How are you to know, even if I tell it truly, who my Gooroo is?"returned Bulwunt. "Is Bussunt Geer of Tooljapoor known to you?"

  "Ha! Bussunt Geer of Tooljapoor? but his cheyla is Poorun Geer, notthou?"

  "Maharaj, it is true; but I am the younger. Poorun Geer stays with theGooroo."

  "And your name?"


  "When were you made a cheyla?"

  "About a year ago; and I was at Bhaga Nugger and Golconda till lately;in the house there."

  "And what has brought you here?"

  "I do not answer questions except upon the Gooroo's business," repliedBulwunt haughtily.

  "Good, thou art discreet, O Babajee! And thy companion?"

  "He is a novitiate under a vow of silence for a year."

  "Good. Let there be peace between us for a while, till I prove theetrue or false."

  Bulwunt was about to make a passionate reply, when the imploring lookof Fazil met his eye. It seemed to say, Go on with this deception;and, after a moment's thought, Bulwunt Rao determined to do so, and torefrain from violence so long as it suited his purpose. Ready himselfto strike if needful, he might be able to throw Tannajee off his guard.

  "Listen," continued Tannajee; "by one question I shall know if thouart true or false. If true, well for thee, Baba; if false, by the holy'Mata!' hadst thou ten men's lives, and ten others to back thee, thoushouldst die like a dog."

  "That is easier to say than to do," returned Bulwunt in a contemptuoustone. "I have seen enough of bullies at Bhaga Nugger to fear bigwords. But speak; if I can answer your question, well; if not, what isin my hand may reply to anything further."

  Maloosray laughed aloud--a short bitter laugh, very grating to hear."How much ganja hast thou smoked, O Baba?" he asked with a sneer; "butstay, this is folly. If thou art Poorun Geer's cheyla, thou knowestPahar Singh?"

  "What Pahar Singh?--him of Itga?"

  "The same: we call him of Allund."

  "The Hazaree?"

  "Ay--Hazaree, robber, Gosai, murderer, if thou wilt. If he is known tothee, why ask? By Khundoba! I distrust this fellow," he added to thetwo others, who closed up to him; "why did he ask?"

  "I know him," said
Bulwunt doggedly, "he is here."


  "He was in the temple of Bhowani behind there less than half an hourago, for I spoke to him."

  "Thou? why?"

  "I had a message from the Gooroo for him."

  "And where is he now?"

  "Nay, how should I know? I saw him there with one Maun Singh, andanother, whom I knew not."

  "Strange that he should not have come," continued Maloosray, after apause. "Art thou sure of the man?"

  "As sure as that----" Bulwunt had nearly spoken his adversary's name,but a twitch from Fazil checked him. "As sure as that I see thee, OMaharaj."

  "And who am I?"

  "Nay, I know not, nor care. My message was to Pahar Singh, and it wasdelivered. I was told to come here to meet some others; ye may be they.Pahar Singh may be yet at the temple," observed Bulwunt, who trusted tohis ingenuity to get rid of one of the men. "Why not send for him?"

  "A good thought," said Maloosray; "go at once, Abajee," he observedto the smaller of the two men. "Here is my blanket--the rain will notsignify, and take one of the men with you."

  "And bring Pahar Singh here, Maharaj?" asked the man, sheathing hissword, and turning to look for his shoes, which were near a door theyhad not observed.

  "Yes. Tell him I am here with Bussunt Geer's cheyla, and that there isno fear. If he be gone, come away; we will await you."

  As Maloosray turned slightly to speak the last words, a look ofintelligence passed between Fazil and Bulwunt; but though the oddsagainst them had been withdrawn, Maloosray's suspicions had apparentlynot relaxed in the least, for he stood, his weapon ready for action,and his shield advanced before his body, so that Bulwunt had as yetno opportunity to strike as he desired. His account of himself wasplausible enough, but it did not apparently satisfy the wily Mahratta.

  "And Pahar Singh was there, Baba?" he asked; "know you for certain?What message had you to him?"

  "Nay, it was easy enough, Maharaj," returned Bulwunt; "all he told mewas, to meet Pahar Singh at the temple of Bhowani, near the kullal'squarter, this night, and afterwards to come to Rama's shop near thetemple, where I should find some Mahrattas who would give me a message.I have reached Beejapoor in four days, and must return to-morrow. Ifyou are the person I was to meet here, tell me what I am to say, and Iwill go; for we need a lodging for the night, and our horses are in thecity."

  "Where?" asked Maloosray.

  "At the Taj Bowree;[7] but I shall be away by early dawn."

  "But the fort gate will be shut, Baba."

  "I have a friend at the wicket who will let us in. Do not fear forthat, Maharaj!" replied Bulwunt confidently.

  Maloosray thought for a moment. "It must be true," he added. "Now,Baba, listen; if I trust thee, couldst thou help the cause Bussunt Geerhas at heart?"

  "I will be faithful to him; is he not my Gooroo?"

  "And thy companion?"

  "Surely, as myself. We are one."

  "Then listen," said Maloosray, for once thrown off his guard, andnow leaning upon his sword. "I believe this tale could not have beeninvented, for no one knows, but the Gooroo, why Pahar Singh wouldventure to Beejapoor, and what need he had to bring me here. I do notcare to see Pahar Singh, who is a stupid ruffian; but if thou wiltdeliver my message to Bussunt Geer in four days, it may save troubleto many people, and help what we have in hand. Tell him if he can getthe Lalla's papers, to keep them; if Pahar Singh has them, to makehim keep them till Khan Mahomed can redeem them. They will be worththousands--lakhs, perhaps, if they are what I think. Tell the Gooroothat Sivaji Bhoslay will not be unmindful of his care in this matter;say also that Pahar Singh has disappointed me, and it is better themessage went through thee; for who can trust one who has a double face,and who is with the King to-day, Sivaji the next, Alumgeer the dayafter--fickle and covetous, looking only after gold. Yet, if he pleaseto meet me, he knows the place and the time. Hast thou comprehended allthis?"

  "Fully; but thy name? Thou mayst be an impostor. Whom shall I tell himI met at this place, and whose message am I to believe?"

  "He did not tell thee? He was afraid, perhaps, my name should be heardin Beejapoor; but I laugh at such precautions. Say that the servant ofSivaji Bhoslay--one Tannajee Maloosray--bids thee say what I have toldthee."


  "Ay! Tannajee Maloosray. If thou art from Poona thou mayst chance tohave heard of it."

  "Maloosray of Rohela?"

  "The same; there is no other Tannajee Maloosray living----"

  "And I, villain and murderer! am Bulwunt Rao of Sewnee," he shouted,no longer able to control himself, and assaulting his hereditary enemywith all his force. "Upon them, Meah, in the name of the King! Hur,hur! Mahadeo!"

  It was well for Maloosray that the point of Bulwunt's sword caught aprojecting rafter of the low roof as it descended, else he had neverspoken more. Nevertheless it reached him; and though a steel chain hadbeen woven into his turban, which prevented a severe wound, the forceof the blow somewhat stunned him; and so fierce and unexpected was theassault, that for an instant his habitual presence of mind failed him.But for an instant only. Ere Bulwunt could repeat the blow, Maloosrayhad leaped aside, and began to press his impetuous adversary veryclosely. Fazil, in his turn, had attacked the companion of Maloosray,and found him a wary swordsman; and the place, confined as it was,afforded no room for rapid movement; while the light was dim andtreacherous. Blows were, however, rapidly exchanged. The quarrel couldnot continue long: for the shouts and cries of the keeper of the house,and of several of Maloosray's scouts, who were unarmed, aroused theguard, who rushed to the spot with loud exclamations and drawn weapons.

  Tannajee felt in an instant that he had no chance if they entered, andhe knew that if taken his execution would be immediate and certain.Just, therefore, as the dark figure of the foremost of the guard wasentering the shop behind Bulwunt, and by whose rapid tread and shoutshe was somewhat thrown off his guard, Tannajee gathered himself upfor a desperate blow, and delivered it with an abusive imprecation."Once I failed," he said--"not now!" As he spoke, the heavy weapondescended with all his great strength; Bulwunt tried to stop it, but itcaught the edge, not the face of the shield, and, though he partiallysucceeded, or he had never breathed more, glancing from the hard andpolished edge of the shield, it lighted upon Bulwunt's bare neck andshoulder, cutting down to the bone in a ghastly manner.

  Maloosray saw with exultation that the blood poured forth in a torrent,and, as Bulwunt staggered and fell back, he called to his companion tofollow him, and both darted through the back apartments into a courtleading into a narrow street beyond, and as they passed they closedboth the doors behind them.

  "Follow me!--a thousand rupees for Tannajee Maloosray's head!" criedFazil to the guard; and though they pursued him for a short distance,all chance of capturing him was hopeless in that murky darkness andheavy rain.


  [7] The Royal well, which is surrounded by cloisters and rooms, wheretravellers still put up.