Page 10 of Mister Moneybags

  “How can you think I would ever be able to trust you not to lie to me again?” I asked.

  “It’s a chance you’d be taking. It doesn’t matter how many times I promise, I know you won’t believe in me right now. I have to earn your trust, and that only comes with time. You have to decide if you want to explore things with me enough to take the risk.”

  His phone buzzed, and he chose to ignore it.

  “Who’s that?”

  “I don’t care,” he said dismissively.

  “If you have nothing to hide, show me.”

  Without hesitation, he handed me the phone.

  The jealousy monster took hold of me when I caught sight of four messages from the same person.

  Caroline: Why haven’t you been answering my texts?

  Caroline: I’m starting to get a complex.

  Caroline: I miss your beautiful cock inside of me.

  Caroline: Call me or I’m coming over there tonight.

  Burning up, I handed it back to him. “Caroline. This is your fuck buddy?”

  “I believe I’ve already divulged to you in our conversations that I’ve had casual relationships with women.”

  “Why haven’t you been calling her?”

  Dex leaned in and spoke over my lips. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  As mad as I was at him, I couldn’t stomach the thought of him going to be with another woman tonight. For the first time, I moved from my spot, making my way over to the window.

  He followed me. “Bianca, I haven’t been with anyone since the day you asked me to rub your balls in that elevator. You have completely consumed me, and I’m scared shitless that I’m gonna lose you because of one asinine decision that I made before I even really knew you.”

  “It was a pretty major bad decision, Dex. I just don’t know. I need some time to just absorb this.” Feeling suddenly emotional, I said, “Do you understand that I cared for that other person you portrayed? He was a part of my life, and he just…disappeared. I will never see Jay again. It’s a strange feeling, and it’s almost as if I still believe he actually exists.”

  “I understand. I loved the way you looked at him. Being Jay was the only way I could experience that. I’d give my right arm to get one ounce of that back right now.”

  My thoughts turned to the sweet greyhound I’d seen him take home. “Why did you adopt the dog? Was that a sick part of the joke, too?”

  His eyes widened. “How did you know that?”

  “That was how I found out about you. I saw you leaving with him. Went to the shelter and verified the name of the person who adopted him.”

  Dex scratched his chin and nodded in understanding. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “So…are you using him, too?”

  “I started volunteering there in the hopes of learning more about what you love. I knew that once I came clean to you, I was going to need all the help I could get. But soon after, I actually bonded with Bandit. It made me feel closer to you, but honestly, I fell for him pretty hard. The adoption happened because they were going to send him to some farm upstate. I worried for his safety, despite their assurances. I decided to take him home.”

  “So, he’s living with you now…”

  “Yes. He’s mine. He’s my dog.”

  “Well, that was very good of you.”

  “The pleasure has been mine, actually—aside from his breath. I need to do something about that.”

  I couldn’t help but crack a smile. Closing my eyes for a moment, I said, “I found these special treats. They help. I’ll message you the name.”

  “I’d like that.” Dex smiled, and it was a reminder that I really needed to distance myself tonight before I fell deep into the trap of his charm.

  “I need to go home. This has been too much for one night.”

  “Come home with me, Bianca. I promise I’ll make this right.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “At least let me drive you home, then.”

  I hesitated then said, “Okay. But take me straight there. No detours.”

  Riding in Dex’s luxurious car felt strange. It was a reminder of just how different this man’s life was compared to that of his defunct alter ego. You could practically smell the money mixed in with the scent of leather. Dex wouldn’t take his eyes off me, but he kept his distance. The weight of his stare alone made my entire body tingle. I was aching to be touched despite my anger.

  I broke the ice. “So, what are your plans after this? Going to Caroline’s to give her your ‘beautiful cock’?”

  He smiled impishly at my question. “Would that upset you?”

  “I don’t have any say in what you do.”

  “That’s not what I asked. I asked if it would upset you.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think the fact that your face is flushed right now proves that the thought of me fucking another woman does upset you, regardless of whether you admit it or not.” He reached over and placed his hand on my knee. The firm touch made the muscles between my legs pulsate. “I won’t be going to see Caroline tonight, Bianca. I’ll be going home to my house and curling up under my sheets with a four-legged beast who seems to think my bed is his. I will be praying to God that you find it in your heart to forgive me. And I’ll wake up tomorrow morning, seizing the new day and trying like hell to get you to give me a second chance.”

  When we arrived at my place, Dex came around to let me out. He softly caressed my cheek as I just stood there. I closed my eyes and tried to let it all sink in.

  Damn you, Dex. I just don’t know if I can ever fully trust you.

  Even though I wanted to say so much, the night had depleted my energy. I simply said, “Give me some time.”

  “Okay,” he whispered.

  As I headed toward my door, a thought occurred to me, prompting me to turn around.

  “Do you even really whittle?”

  He looked down briefly at his feet then up at me. “I tried. Those cuts were real.”

  I shook my head.

  Two hours later, my phone signaled that I’d received a new message. This night had been so eventful, I’d almost forgotten how early it still was. The clock showed 11PM on the dot.

  Dex: I know our meetings are supposed to be over, but I need to make sure you’re okay.

  After a few minutes of debating whether I should respond, I moved over to my laptop and typed.

  Bianca: I’m fine.

  Dex: You aren’t. But I don’t expect you to be. I’m just relieved you’re even answering me.

  Bianca: Did you call Caroline? Her text said if you didn’t call her, she was coming over there.

  Dex: I didn’t call her, but she did stop by.

  I angrily clicked on the keys.

  Bianca: Did you give her your “beautiful cock”?

  Dex: No. I told her I couldn’t see her anymore.

  Bianca: You shouldn’t have gotten rid of your backup plan.

  Dex: She was never a long-term plan. I don’t have feelings for her like I do for you.

  Bianca: How did she take it?

  Dex: She was pissed. But I can’t focus on that right now. My priority is you.

  Bianca: I bet she’s beautiful.

  Dex: I’m more attracted to you…in every way.

  Bianca: That’s unfortunate.

  Dex: Because I won’t get to have you?

  Bianca: I can’t answer that.

  Dex: Then, I’ll spend my nights imagining it, like I have every single evening since we met. I get more excited just thinking about you than actually being with anyone else. Care to see?

  A few seconds later, Dex sent a photo. It displayed the massive bulge in his gray boxers. The muscles between my legs began to contract. He looked like he was hiding a goddamn snake in there. My jaw dropped. I didn’t even know what to say.

  Dex: This is what you do to me, Bianca. I’m so hard that it’s painful.

  Bianca: Next time you send me a pseudo dick pic, you
may want to make sure Bandit’s paw isn’t in the shot. Kind of ruins the effect.

  Dex: You should go to sleep. You need to rest up for tomorrow.

  Bianca: What’s tomorrow?

  Dex: You’re meeting me at my office. I’ve hired a photographer to take as many photos as your heart desires for the feature. What I originally promised. I’m coming out.

  Josephine buzzed into my office. “Mr. Aster has arrived.”

  Looking at my watch for the tenth time in as many minutes, I blew out a frustrated breath. Hoping to get a few minutes alone with her, I’d told Bianca that the shoot was scheduled for 9:30, even though Josephine had scheduled the photographer to arrive at 10AM. Mr. Aster was fifteen minutes early, and Ms. George was fifteen minutes late. I was beginning to lose hope that Bianca was even going to show at all.

  “Tell him I’ll be with him in a few minutes, Josephine.”

  “Yes, Mr. Truitt.”

  I twiddled my thumbs at my desk for another ten minutes and then gave in and shot off a text to Bianca. “Since it appears you’re not coming, is there any specific pose you’d like for the article?”

  After another five minutes and no response, I begrudgingly went to meet Mr. Aster. He was flanked with a woman at each side.

  “Mr. Truitt. Joel Aster. It’s an honor to meet you. I was so excited when I received the phone call from your office yesterday.”

  I shook his hand. “Something’s come up, and I’m going to need to get this wrapped up quickly. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not. I know you’re a busy man.” He looked to the woman to his left and nodded. “Cheri can get you camera-ready with a little makeup while Breena sets up the lighting.”

  After showing them into my office, all three of them sprang into action. Joel and Breena started to rearrange office furniture and set up lights, while Cheri tucked a white paper bib into my collar. “I’m just going to put some moisturizer on you and then some matte foundation,” she said. “You really don’t need any work at all. Your bone structure is amazing, and the camera is going to love it.”

  As Cheri went to work, she spent a good deal of time standing in front of me with her tits right at my eye level. It was difficult not to get an eyeful with her low-cut blouse.

  “Will your wife be joining us for the shoot?”

  “I’m not married.”

  She leaned down to blot some shit on my chin and smiled. Taking in her face for the first time, I noticed she was very attractive. A mane of wild, blonde, curly hair framed her petite face. Cheri told me to look down so she could rub crap that wouldn’t reflect light on my eyelids, and I was pretty sure she positioned herself for a grand view down her shirt. While it was tempting, I shut my eyes.

  They were still closed after a few minutes as she went to town with powder on my face, so I tried in vain to use the moments to relax. Joel and Breena were making a lot of noise moving things around, so I hadn’t heard Josephine come in until she was standing on the other side of my desk.

  “Mr. Truitt. Ms. George has arrived. Shall I show her in?”

  I startled poor Cheri, ripping the white paper makeup bib from my face and standing. “I need to speak to her first. Is she in reception?”

  “She is.”

  My office was in the southeast corner of the thirty-third floor, and it was two long corridors to make my way to reception. There was a transparent glass door that led from the back office area to reception. My heart hammered inside my chest as I turned the corner and caught sight of Bianca sitting on a couch in the waiting area. She was looking down at her phone, so she didn’t see me until I was almost in front of her.

  “Bianca. I’m glad you decided to join us.”

  She stood. I knew immediately something was wrong from the look in her eyes.

  “What happened?”

  “My taxi had an accident. Some idiot hit us from behind, and when the crazy driver got out and started to yell at him, the guy backed up and slammed into our car a second time.”

  I started to pat her down, unsure of what the hell I expected to find. Holes somewhere, perhaps? “Are you okay?”

  She laughed. “I’m fine. But I’m pretty late.”

  “Who gives a fuck? You’re sure you’re alright? Does anything hurt?”

  “My neck is a little stiff. But it’s nothing. Probably just the jerk from the impact.”

  “We should get you to the hospital to get checked out.”

  “I’m fine. I’m fine. Really.”

  I cupped her face and looked into her eyes. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Without thinking, I pulled Bianca against me, wrapping her in my arms tight and inhaled deeply, allowing a fresh breath of calm to finally exhale out. I’d been trying to relax all morning and this…this…is what I needed to make it happen. I kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad you’re alright.”

  There was no fucking way I was ready to let go of her. But she seemed uncomfortable and whispered, “Dex. Your receptionist is staring at us.”

  “Let her fucking stare.”

  “No, really. I’m fine. We should…we should get down to business.”

  I felt her body stiffen in my arms and reluctantly released her. Clearing my throat, I said, “The photographer and his crew are in my office setting up. Come. I’ll show you around quick before taking you to my office.”

  My father was a natural braggart. I tended to feel uncomfortable displaying my wealth, but I was desperate when it came to Bianca. I’d do whatever it took to impress her. Before heading to my office, I walked her around the floor and showed her all of the different departments, introducing her to people as I walked. If I was being honest, my presence probably jolted more than a few. It had been at least a year since I’d stopped into some of the areas. Most days, I was buried beneath stacks of prospectuses in my office or off at some meeting.

  “It’s much bigger than I thought it would be,” Bianca said as we left the analyst area.

  I arched a brow. “I hope you’re referring to Montague and not the photo I sent you last night.”

  Her beautiful skin blushed. “I’d like to keep this professional, Mr. Truitt.”

  I stopped in place a few doors down from my office. Bianca stopped a few paces after me when she realized I was no longer moving. “Mr. Truitt?” I questioned.

  “I’m trying to keep it professional.”

  I closed the two-foot gap between us and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Then you might want to try calling me something else. Because hearing you call me Mr. Truitt makes me hard as a rock. I’ve developed a rather large, visual role-play catalog over the weeks we’ve spent corresponding, Ms. George. And hearing Mr. Truitt from your lips is one of my favorite scenes to recall.”

  When I pulled my face back to look at hers, her eyes were dilated, and I watched as her throat worked to swallow. I was certain I still had an effect on Bianca George physically—that wasn’t our issue. It was her trust that I needed to win back.

  “Come on, I’ll introduce you to Joel Aster.”

  I allowed Joel and his team to do whatever they wanted for the better part of an hour. Bianca stayed in the background, and at one point, I saw her chatting with Cheri, Miss Big Tits. I tried to make out what the two of them were saying as I posed for shot after shot, but it was damn near impossible. Although, I could have sworn there was tenseness in Bianca’s jaw that hadn’t been there before. Eventually, I called for a break.

  Pulling Bianca aside, I said. “Are you feeling alright?”

  “Just peachy.”

  That doesn’t sound good. “What’s the matter?”

  She shrugged. “Nothing. I was thinking I’d take off now. The shoot seems to be almost done, and Cheri is more than happy to take care of anything you might need.”

  I went with my hunch. “Actually, I do need you. We’re almost done here, but I thought the magazine should probably get an exclusive look at where I live.”

nbsp; “Where you live?”

  I turned to the photographer who was adjusting his camera lens. “Joel. How would you like to take some shots in my apartment on Central Park West?”

  He nearly salivated. “That would be great. I think we got enough good photos here at the office. Some shots of where you live would really give the people an insight into the real Dexter Truitt.”

  That’s exactly what I’m banking on.

  “Great. I’ll call my driver. There’s plenty of natural light in my apartment. I think it’s safe we won’t be needing the services of a makeup or lighting artist.” I turned to look at Bianca. “Ms. George can let us know what she would like to see inside my apartment.”

  “Smart dog,” I mumbled under my breath. Bandit had met us at the door, came to me for a quick pat, and went right to Bianca. She bent down and he buried his head in her chest, nearly knocking her over. No wonder we get along so well. You’re my new wingman, Bandit. Warm her up, but save me some of that, will ya, buddy?

  “Bandit. Let Bianca at least come inside.”

  “Your dog really seems to like her. He barely even noticed that we were here,” Joel said.

  “Do you blame him?”

  Inside, I gave Joel a quick tour of the kitchen and living room. While he was taking in the view of Central Park, I returned to the front door where Bandit was still mauling Bianca. Taking his collar, I gave him a slight tug. “Come on, buddy. I’ll bribe you with a treat.”

  That bought off my wingman when he took the biscuit and trotted off to my bedroom in the back. He seemed to have commandeered that space as his place to hide his prized possessions.

  Bianca was dusting off tiny, grey dog hairs from her black skirt, and I noticed her deep green blouse had a circle of wet over her left breast. “My dog seems to have left his mark on you.” My turn.