A Scattered School

  IT seemed too bad for such a delightful day to end sorrowfully, butthe evening paper certainly brought disquieting news. It stated thatthe School Board hoped to provide, within a very few days, suitableschoolrooms for all the pupils. And, in another item, the unfeelingeditor complimented the Board on its enterprise.

  "I'd like that Board a whole lot better," said Marjory, "if it weren'tso enterprising. I s'posed we were going to have at least a month toplay in."

  "Just before Christmas, too," grumbled Mabel. "They might at least havewaited until I'd finished Father's shoe-bag. And what do you think?Mother says I'd better give that Janitor a Christmas present!"

  "Perhaps the paper is mistaken," soothed Jean. "You know it always isabout the weather reports. If it says 'Fair,' it's sure to rain; andwhen it says 'Colder,' it's quite certain to be warm. Besides, thereisn't a place in town big enough for all that school."

  But this time it was Jean and not the paper that was mistaken. In justa few days the School Board announced that its hopes were realized.It had found "suitable quarters" for all the classes. Two grades wentinto the basement of the Baptist Church. The underground portion ofthe Methodist edifice accommodated two more. The A. O. U. W. Hallopened its doors to three others. A benevolent private citizen tookin the kindergarten. A downtown store hastily transformed itself froman unsuccessful harness shop into nearly as unsuccessful a haven fortwo other grades. The City Hall gave up its Council Chamber to theSeniors, and the Masons loaned their dining-room to the Juniors,without, however, providing any refreshment. The enterprising Boardhad telegraphed for desks the very day of the fire; and as soon asthat dreadfully prompt furniture arrived, it was remorselessly screwedinto place. The Stationer, too, had speedily ordered books. They, too,traveled with unseemly haste from New York to Lakeville. By Thursday,less than a week after the fire, there were desks and seats and booksfor everybody; and would you believe it, they even kept school onSaturday, that week!

  And now, an utterly unforeseen thing happened. Hitherto Jean, who wasusually the first to be ready, had stopped for Marjory and Bettie. Allthree had stopped to finish dressing Mabel, who always needed a greatdeal of assistance, and then all four had walked merrily to schooltogether. But now this happy scheme was entirely ruined, for here wasJean doing algebra under the Baptist roof, Bettie struggling withgrammar in the Methodist basement, Marjory climbing two long flightsof stairs to the A. O. U. W. Hall and Mabel passing six saloons toreach her desk in the made-over harness shop.

  "It isn't just what we'd choose," apologized the School Board, "but itwon't last forever. We'll build just as soon as we can."

  Except for the inconvenience of having to go to school separately thechildren were rather pleased with the novelty of moving into suchunusual quarters as the Board had provided; but the mothers were not atall satisfied.

  "That Baptist cellar is damp and Jean's throat is delicate," complainedMrs. Mapes. "I know she'll be sick half the winter; but of courseshe'll have to go to school there as long as there's no better place."

  "That Methodist Church is no place for children," declared Mrs. Tucker."Its brick walls were condemned seven years ago and it's likely to falldown at any moment, even if they did brace it up with iron bands. ButBettie's too far behind now for me to take her out of school, so Isuppose she'll just have to risk having that church tumble in on her."

  "It's a shame," sputtered Aunty Jane, "for Marjory to climb all thosestairs twice a day. It's all very well for the Ancient Order of UnitedWorkmen to climb two flights with grown-up legs, but it isn't right fordelicate girls. However, there's no help for it just now, and I can'tsay I blame the child for sliding down the banisters, though of courseI do scold her for it."

  "There are saloons on both sides of that harness shop," said Mrs.Bennett, "and six more this side of it, besides a livery stable that isalways full of loafers and bad language. Mabel has never been allowedto go to that part of town alone, and now I have to send a maid withher twice a day. But of course she has to go, even if the maid _is_more timid than Mabel is."

  "By next year," consoled the Board, "we'll have a bigger and betterschoolhouse than the old one. In the meantime we must all havepatience."

  Except that Mabel, without the others to get her started, was alwayslate and that Bettie, without Marjory to coach her on the way, found itdifficult to learn her lessons, school life went on very much as usual,for matters soon settled down as things always do and Lakeville turnedits attention to fresher problems.

  Poor Bettie, indeed, was busier than ever because Miss Rossitor, theDomestic Science teacher, whose classes were temporarily housed in theMethodist kitchen, discovered that Bettie could draw. Every day or twoshe asked Bettie to remain after school to copy needed illustrations onthe blackboard. One day, Miss Rossitor demanded a cow. She needed it,she explained, to show her class the different cuts of meat.

  "A side view of a plain cow," said she.

  "I think," said Bettie, reflectively nibbling the fresh stick of chalk,"that I could do the outside of that cow, but I know I couldn't get hisveal cutlets in the proper spot."

  "I'll give you a diagram," smiled Miss Rossitor, "for I see veryplainly, that it wouldn't be safe not to."

  "Perhaps Miss Bettie thinks," ventured a belated pupil, a pink-cheekedgirl with an impertinent nose, "that one cow is a whole butcher shop."

  "Well," returned Miss Rossitor, meaningly, "it isn't a great whilesince some other folks were of the same opinion. But, since you arenow so very much wiser, you may label the parts after Bettie has drawnthem."

  The girl made such a comical face that Bettie's gravity was in saddanger, but she accepted the chalk. On the cow's shoulder she printed"Pork sausages," on the flank, "Mutton chops," on the backbone,"Oysters on the half-shell," on the breast, "buttons."

  Bettie looked puzzled and doubtful but Miss Rossitor laughed outright.

  "Henrietta Bedford," she said, "you're a complete humbug. If you don'tsettle down to business you won't get home to-night."

  "I'm going to walk home with Bettie," returned Henrietta, quicklysubstituting the proper labels. "I can easily write out that luncheonmenu while she's putting feathers on the cow's tail."

  And the new girl did walk home with Bettie, and teased her so merrilyall the long way that Bettie didn't know whether to like her or not.

  Near the Cottage they met Jean, Marjory and Mabel just starting out tolook for belated Bettie.

  "This," said Bettie introducing her new acquaintance, "isHenrietta--Henrietta----"

  "Plantagenet," assisted Henrietta Bedford, smoothly. "I am really aDuchess in disguise, but I've left all my retainers in Ohio and I'msimply dying for friends. This is my day for collecting them--I alwayscollect friends on Tuesdays. You are indeed fortunate to have happenedupon me on Tuesday. But, Elizabeth, why not finish your introductions?"

  "This," obeyed overwhelmed Bettie, "is Jean, this is Marjory and thisis Mabel Bennett."

  "What! The Damsel of the Dust-chute! I am indeed honored."

  Then, as her quick eye traveled over Mabel's plump figure, Henriettaadded wickedly:

  "Was that chute built to fit?"

  Mabel flushed angrily.

  "It is I," apologized Henrietta, "that should wear those blushes.Forgive me, dear Damsel. I have an over-quick tongue and all myspeeches are followed by repentance. But I have a warm heart and I'mreally much nicer than I sound. See, I kneel at your insulted feet."

  Whereupon this ridiculous girl with the impertinent nose flopped downon her knees on the sidewalk and made such comically repentant facesthat all four giggled merrily.

  "Get up, you goose," laughed Mabel. "Your apology is accepted."

  "Come along with us," urged Jean. "We're going to have hot chocolate atour house. Mother is trying to fatten Marjory, Bettie and me."

  "She seems to succeed best with--hum--no personal remarks, please.Dear maiden, I will inspect your home from the outside, but I re
gretthat I'm strictly forbidden to go _in_side any strange house withoutmy grandmother's permission. You'll have to call on me first. Sheis _very_ particular in such matters. But," added Henrietta, with asudden twinkle, "I'm not. So, if you'll kindly rush in and make thatchocolate, there's no earthly reason why I shouldn't stand justoutside your gate and drink it."

  "Oh," cried Bettie, "is it possible that you're Mrs. Howard Slater'snew granddaughter?"

  "I am," admitted Henrietta, "but I'm not so new as you seem to think.She has owned me for fourteen years. Now, hustle up that chocolate.I've just remembered that I'm to have a dress tried on at four. It isnow half-past."