I woke up to the sound of my alarm around six thirty. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the pair of clothes I would be wearing for the day out of a huge pile. I opened my bedroom door and had to skip around Peaches who was waiting to get inside. She brushed past me and climbed into my bed.

  Heading for the bathroom for my morning shower, I noticed the chair that Mom had placed to keep Dad locked inside was missing and the door was cracked. I zoomed over to the door to peer inside, but their room was empty. My Dad was nowhere to be found.

  “Mom?” I called out. There was no response, so I tried again, “Mom?” Still nothing.

  I placed my clothes in a neat pile on the top of the bathroom sink and walked downstairs. They weren’t in the living room. The smells of a morning breakfast were missing too. It only left two options: Either they were gone which could be bad or something strange was taking place in the basement level of the house.


  I went through the back door a little upset since it was particularly cold outside and all I was wearing was a t-shirt and gym shorts. There was a small stone set of stairs that lead from the back yard to the door that led to the basement. I always thought it would be a strange setup if we were ever experiencing horrible weather. We would have to walk through the storm to get to safety.

  I jiggled the slightly rusty door handle but it was locked. I banged on the door, saying, “Mom? Dad?” I paused to think of something else then it came to me, “Adolphus?”

  No luck. There was no one home. “Where had they gone?” I wondered. Dad was dangerous and Mom was beginning to develop some of her own strange qualities.

  I went back into the house and got ready for the day. I took my shower and chose an excellent breakfast of cereal and chocolate milk since there was no one there to tell me to drink something healthy. Once I was done, I brushed my teeth and decided to take Peaches on a morning walk while I still had time.

  She was tough to convince as far as getting her off of my bed, but she seemed to perk up when I mentioned there would be treats involved if she would cooperate. I grabbed my coat and we set out for the neighborhood.