An Indian village set against the mountains with majestic waterfalls all around, was the sight that greeted my stunned eyes. There was no snow and it was sunny with colors so vibrant they were almost blinding. With many questions on what was happening, I looked around in wonder. A young man approached us and the first thing I noticed was how long and flowing and white his hair was. His clothes looked raggedy and his shoes looked as if they were on backwards. How he walked this way with comfort I couldn’t fathom. He tweaked a piece of my very unruly auburn hair and smiled happily. “My name is Elsu and I will show you around the village.” Underneath his rags he looked handsome enough. As I watched him under veiled eyes, I could see his shoes didn’t bother him in the least. He did however, walk like an old man and carried a staff like one. I kept my mouth clamped tight. It was killing me not to say something about his clothing, or the fact that he pulled my hair. Smiling at him, I followed where he led.

  Elsu showed us around and took us to the center where everyone was gathering for some sort of meeting.

  After we were all seated, Tisayac welcomed everyone to the celebration of all life that would happen tomorrow. As she spoke it became apparent to me that it was not just mine and my brother’s birthday but that it was everyone’s birthday tomorrow. This could not be a coincidence. It was by design. I had been told many stories over my life and more recently in that previous week and now I am sure it was to prepare me for what would go on in this foreign place that seemed so magical.

  I learned many things about my heritage and how we are all shape shifters. We would learn to shift into this spirit animal and with training we would protect the world of man from evil. It is already designed by The Great Spirit which spirit animal we will become. I could hardly wait to learn what my spirit animal is.

  We slept in a lodge on fur and I woke feeling as if today was special. Of course, I was finally eighteen today. There was to be a big celebration for all of us. In my mind, I went back over everything that had happened last night and was quite surprised at how I handled everything that I had learned. Shape shifters were a part of my culture. We were brought here to learn how to help keep the world of man safe. This is a place to gain knowledge and a place of training to help us keep evil out of the world of man. On this Christmas day, I will meet my destiny.

  Chapter 4

  The celebration for the Christmas birthdays started off with tables upon tables of all kinds of wonderful food. There were pies of every kind, which were all my favorites and there was venison. Several birds were cooked to perfection and there was fish and many kinds of potatoes and vegetables. Where all of this food came from, I didn’t have a clue, except we were told to give our thanks to Elsu. I couldn’t imagine that the handsome but rather awkward guy that I had met the night before could have done all of this, but I thanked him just the same and ate a little of everything, except the venison.

  In the middle of thanking him, I suddenly felt ill and my body heated up all over. “What is it Falling Rain?” Grabbing the arm of Elsu, I pinched it and said, “Don’t call me that! My name is Huyana! I’m not sure, but it is something very bad. It is more than that, it is sinister and it is coming this way…” Before he could respond, the sky cracked loudly and wind ripped through the village, tearing down many lodges. Various little whirlwinds started popping up all over the village and many people started shifting into their spirit animals all around us. I had never witnessed such a thing before and it was the most amazing sight one will ever see. There were animals and birds all around me and there I stood frozen in place beside Elsu.

  The sky darkened and the rain started just as a sprinkle at first and turned to a downpour very quickly. I tried to focus on everything that was happening when suddenly Elsu broke through the roar of the wind. “You will be the one to fight this evil Huyana. This is who you are, so do not fear the unknown of what will happen. You are about to defy all logic and you must listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it.”

  The villagers were scattering into the forest towards the mountain and some had not shifted yet. This was the evil that was spoken of in the prophecies and I knew it in my soul. Lightning ripped across the sky again and the village shone brightly for a moment. In that second there was an explosion and bright orbs scattered around us. I was pulled by my arm towards Elsu, who bent down and picked up one of these orbs. Before I had time to think, he thrust the bright object right into my hands and screamed over the howling wind. “This star was designed for you and will aid you in defeating the Ala and saving this world.”

  Chapter 5

  It grew brighter and warmer as I held it in my hands and my body felt like it was on fire. I sensed the electricity run through my entire being and suddenly my body shifted into a bright blinding light and shot straight up into the sky. This certainly wasn’t logical and I fearfully wondered what was happening. Then there was inner peace as this star flowed throughout my veins and released its energy. It was a powerful feeling but I didn’t have much time to enjoy it because the Ala was already at the village and most of it was now on fire.

  I realized that Elsu was also a glowing star beside me high in the sky and he somehow communicated with me. “This is the time of the Golden Queen Huyana; it is also the time of the Ala. There is a decision that can only come from within you. One choice will destroy the world and the other choice will break your heart.” Making up my mind, I quickly chose what appeared to be the larger of the two. From all I had learned the larger one would surely destroy all worlds. The decision would cost me dearly.

  As I looked down on the shifters below, I saw them take to the forest and I watched as this enormous cyclone started consuming everything in its path. It would destroy them all and everything here and then move on to other worlds. With my decision made, I let my star guide me. I surged forward and plunged at the Ala and entered into the very soul of this evil. The tortured cries from beings in other worlds were all around and waiting for release. It was these frantic pleas for help that led me on and I traveled further into the echoing mouth of the Ala.

  Immediately I felt I was drowning and just when I thought I might vanish forever, I felt an electrical whirring within and an explosion of the most fantastic colors burst forth. I found myself drifting back to earth with sparkling snow slowly falling all around me. The Ala was gone and the inner peace of the star still coursed through my veins. It was mine to keep and I could call on the strength of this star whenever I needed to purge evil in the world. I was now, The Golden Queen of the Ahwahneechee.


  There had been good and bad with the events of that Christmas day long ago. A boy child named Grey Wolf was born to Tisayac and Tutokanula. He would play a very important part of all of our lives in future generations to come.

  Before that blissful event though, we had to deal with the fact that my brother was lost to us. While I was taking care of one Ala, the smaller and younger one had possessed my brother and they escaped into the world of man. Together they created fires and chaos as they traveled through Yosemite National Park. Traveling throughout the world, they spawned earthquakes and tsunamis and many other disasters.

  The Dwellers of Ahwahnee were created and we changed the celebration to summer and those that have powers will come to us in this season. We still search tirelessly for my brother and the Ala and I made a vow that one day, I would bring Falling Rock home, no matter what the cost.

  Little did I know that with the vow I made that day, there would be another Christmas day in the far future, where the cost might be my own granddaughter Oria...

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  To read more about Huyana and Elsu, Grey Wolf and Oria, please read the series: Beyond Bridalveil Fall and Beyond Oria Falls (Dwellers of Ahwahnee). Their story continues…


  © 2013 Sheryl Seal

  True Heart


/>   William O’Brien

  And as the flakes

  Crisp and white

  Dance in the veil

  Mist of night

  Fed, now the boy

  Honoured in time

  Blessed and precious

  No more lies

  A man in the making

  As depths unwind

  Sincerely given

  While honestly binds

  The gift unexpected

  Could never be imagined

  Earthly goods

  Now out of fashion


  © 2013 William O’Brien

  The Christmas Heart


  Kristina Blasen

  Summer (Him)

  It was an unusually warm summer evening in Minnesota; anyone would tell you it was at least 80 degrees outside. Matt had just gotten off work. He was feeling tired and a little down from dealing with customers all day, but he rushed across the Twin Cities to keep a promise to a friend anyway.

  When he pulled up to the house in his white jeep after work, Kristina was standing there, just staring off into space. She was wearing a rumpled t-shirt and shorts with flip flops. He only noticed her clothes since they were so far removed from the professional work clothes she wore when teaching at the college.

  Her red-brown hair was clubbed back in a pony with pieces falling out every which way. He couldn’t help but notice the dark smudges under her eyes made her look a little tired and sad. Sweaty dirt had left a streak across her nose and forehead where she’d rubbed her face sometime earlier in the day. He smiled to himself because he was sure she didn’t know it was there.

  He looked around and gave her a moment to notice him. The driveway was lined with old furniture that hopefully someone would pick up soon to save her some money on the disposal fees. The yard held the random bits and overflowing garbage cans you see whenever anyone is moving.

  The aging purple minivan with its collection of dents and rust was packed to the brim with just enough room to slide into the driver’s seat. Her 10 year old son manned the front seat and his 3 year old baby sister was already locked into her car-seat in the back. Kristina had graduated from the University last month. No job had turned up around here and being a single mom stuck with a house that needed two incomes to run had drained her in more ways than just financially. He knew it as her friend, but they never talked about it.

  Surprisingly, she’d decided in the very last days of her lease on the house to drive across country to Florida, going back to her tiny hometown where she was never happy in the first place. But, happiness or no, she was going anyway. He didn’t really understand the decision, but he would support her regardless.

  She said with a brave smile that the plan was to go for the summer, to keep her options open. She was hoping for something better to turn up on the job front in a few months, something to turn around the rough patch her life had hit. They both knew she put a good face on it for the kids, but he wasn’t the only one to notice how many friends didn’t turn up to say goodbye.

  He’d come to help move, or pack. Really, he came to say goodbye, but she was tired and worried and busy, ready to be on her way. He stood there not knowing what to say, where to look. It was awkward. He’d been her friend, shared a few casual, quick hugs over the past few years, but she was distant, didn’t let people get too close. Still, there were times when they’d talk and somehow the hours would fly by for both of them.

  Finally the moment had come. Reluctantly he took her into his arms, looked down into her face, then let go, stepping back quickly, firmly back into friend territory. Goodbyes were said, half-hearted promises to keep in touch.

  Thinking back on it now—there was a moment, just a glimpse of something he saw or felt, when she looked up directly into his eyes—he wondered what might have been…if. And there was something else—she had looked back. He didn’t know what that meant, but it meant something, somewhere inside him. He just didn’t know what to do about it.

  Summer (Her)

  Summer passed slowly in the forever wet, sticky heat of Southwest Florida. Kristina sat staring out the window, watching the cars pass by on the freeway just 1000 feet from her front door. She thought about those last days in Minnesota, feeling a little sad and homesick, wishing for better days from another lifetime.

  The Universe laughed at her expense when the first week back in Florida a slow moving, no name tropical storm flooded the streets and took power out at the house for days. Just as they finally turned the power back on, some kid down the road ran his car into the power pole and it was right back off for another week. Should have taken the warning about what was to come the first time, she thought, remembering the end of that long drive to Florida with the minivan packed to the ceiling with stuff.

  She had just crossed the state line between Georgia and Florida when a semi-truck busted a steel belted tire right in front of her. It hit and caught underneath the minivan. It was all she could do in that moment to keep the minivan under control and not flip in the center of the very first mile of Florida interstate. If that wasn’t a sign leaving Minnesota was a big mistake, she didn’t know what was.

  She thought often of leaving Minnesota and she was terribly homesick. She hardened her resolve whenever it wavered, thinking of all her “friends” who couldn’t be bothered to show up and say goodbye. To them she was already gone as soon as she said she was leaving. Sometimes it seemed like the last seven years she’d been there hadn’t really mattered at all.

  Kristina’s family had never been close like some; her friends had been her chosen family for years now. She still had a few old friends in Florida, but she’d been gone a long time, they had their own lives and it was hard to reconnect. Since she got to Florida, she’d started a job, but it fizzled. She’d moved into a house, but it fizzled. She’d torn her heart out ending an on again, off again relationship that was never going anywhere. She wrote to friends, emailed, called, but most didn’t even bother to respond. Not that she tried that hard.

  I guess when things are going bad, you learn who your true friends are, she thought. Not that she really blamed all the friends who jumped ship on their friendship, no one wants to get drug down by a sinking ship and on the bad days she felt like her whole life was a sinking ship. She told herself sternly to give some credit to people, some friends had tried to help, but what was there to say? She barely made it through each day? She didn’t understand how to fix it, because she didn’t understand why it was broken?

  Fall (Her)

  Luckily, Kristina always felt better in fall. For her whole life fall brought energy, new hope, a sense of renewal. She decided to work on herself. Exercise, eating right, learning new skills, spending time writing and journalling, playing with photography, being a better mom…figuring out what was wrong with her. Some Florida friends picked her up and dusted her off. Some Minnesota friends wrote back and there was finally something good to say. Time passed.

  I don’t really know what changed, she thought, still remembering. One day she just started writing and talking to friends honestly—good, bad, didn’t matter. Sometimes they’d write or call back, sometimes not. Some wrote back and spoke from their heart either about themselves and their life, or to encourage her. Some just never wrote back or called at all.

  She smiled. Her friend Matt, he wrote back, though inconsistently. There were letters, back and forth, over time…until one day she’d told him she was coming to Minnesota to visit and asked him to lunch.

  That night, she remembered, she was happy. It was a simple kind of happy that she hadn’t felt in a long time, happy for time with a friend who wanted to see her. They talked that day about everything under the sun—parted happy. The next day they had lunch again, then dinner, then on to the bookstore—where they suddenly realized this felt a lot like a date—a very long marathon date.

  Hugging goodbye took on a new meaning. She’d wondered at that moment if they had ever really h
ugged before. Sure, they must have hugged at some point in the last three years, but this felt different.

  She’d looked up at him, pressed close against his shirt, her arms holding tight and realized that they had never really even seen each other before this moment. She’d almost gone up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek, his lips. She was not too shy, but she realized with a sinking heart that to follow that impulse would risk their whole friendship. It wasn’t fair; she was leaving the next morning, flying back to Florida to some other life.

  She let go, they parted ways. She had turned to the car, but looked back. She stood and watched him drive away until the lights of the jeep winked out of sight—only then did she wonder, what if?

  If there was one thing she’d learned about Matt in three years as his friend it was that he was a good man. He truly cared about the people in his life. He was loyal and walked with honor. She’d trusted him and welcomed him into her home from the first moment they met when her best friend brought him to the door.

  She couldn’t remember how or why she eventually told him what she’d felt that day. She thought about it in quiet moments. Remembering flashes of other times, other moments where she’d been aware of that spark, that potential for attraction and the deep comfortableness that people get when they are good friends and already compatible.

  To say sharing what she felt was out of character for her is an understatement. It was such a risk to tell him, but such joy when he said he’d felt it too. That is the real beginning of this story, it is a love story. A slow blossoming of friendship, friendship turned to caring and then to love over the course of many seasons. Like watching time lapse photography of a rose unfolding, the tiny imperceptible movements of two hearts slowly sliding together.

  In the months after that first breathless and hopeful admission, the slow sweet beginnings of love took off like a match set to dry tinder. The joy and surprise, first to find love, then to finally be together. Then there was the amazement of connecting with each other on a soul deep level.