Mike walked over to her and gave her a hug. “Ummmm…you smell delicious,” he said as he put his nose to her neck and inhaled deeply. He felt her stiffen in his arms and knew he should cool it.

  “Thanks, I was making a cake and other goodies.” She smiled at him while trying to calm her nerves. His touch had done something to her. He could tell that her body was on fire from that simple act of him smelling her.

  “I hope you have some chocolate in there somewhere.” His eyes begged her.

  She laughed at him and his sweet tooth. “Only for you, I have a chocolate cake only for you.”

  His heart swelled with love for this woman. He knew that she was meant for him and only him, “I can’t wait to sample it,” he told her. Tahara didn’t know why but she got the feeling he was talking about more than the cake. That couldn’t be possible because he had his future wife and her children coming over to spend the holiday with them.

  “Come on and we will get you that sample.” He followed her to the kitchen while his eyes took in the swaying of her ample bottom. He had to get a handle on things before he messed up his plan.

  He sat in the kitchen with her while she finished up the food. He listened to her talk and let her voice comfort him. That was why he had fallen head over heels in love with her, because of her heart and her spirit. He was sure that he was doing the right thing, making the right choice.


  As the night progressed, they sat around and enjoyed their time together with them all watching Christmas movies and singing holiday songs. He knew that this was what he wanted as he took in the whole scene. They were all happy and they made a lovely team.

  The kids all wanted to open gifts that night. Tahara and Mike suggested that they wait until the morning time. Tahara asked him about the arrival of his lady friend and he brushed her off by saying she would be there later. He knew she was wondering if something had happened to their plans.

  At twelve on the dot, Mike stood up and passed out a gift to each person.

  “I thought you said to wait?” Tahara asked him while smiling. She was excited to see that he handed her a gift, he could see it in her eyes.

  “One present isn’t going to hurt. After that you guys will have to wait to open the rest.” The kids agreed because they were excited to be opening at least one.

  They each took turns opening their gifts with Lisa, Tahara’s six year old daughter, going first. Mike had gotten her a Barbie dollhouse that she had been asking about forever. Then came the boys, he had gotten each one a tablet, to their delight. Tahara looked at him.

  “You sneak you got me to pick those things out.” She said.

  He laughed out loud, “Guilty. I needed some sort of idea.”

  “So, what did you get me? I don’t think I gave you an idea for that.”

  His smile faded. “Why don’t you open it and find out?” he insisted.

  “Wait, how about you open yours first?” she suggested to him.

  He tore into his present and a big smile lit up his face when he saw the gift. It was a large portrait of them all at a picnic together last summer. The picture was his favorite by far.

  “I love it!” he exclaimed while still inspecting it.

  “I’m glad you do. Where will you put it since you are soon to be married?” She covered her mouth quickly. She had forgotten the kids were in hearing distance.

  “Married? Dad, you are getting married?” Dylan asked him. The room was silent. Everyone was waiting on Mike’s response. He didn’t respond to his son.


  Mike looked at Tahara.

  “Open your gift.” He said. His look made her nervous. The room was quiet as she ripped the paper off and opened the box. Inside that box was a smaller black box. Her heart was thumping in her chest as she pulled out the black box. She opened it slowly and gasped. Inside the box was a gorgeous 2 carat diamond ring. The ring that she always looked at when she went to the jewelry store. The ring that he convinced her to try on when he went to pick up his watch, her dream ring!

  He took the box from her hand and got down on one knee. She felt the tears stinging her eyes.

  “Tahara, my beautiful Tahara, I love you oh so much. I love the way you smile, the way you talk, the way you care, the way you love, the way you do everything. You are my light on a dark day. You are my best friend. I can talk to you about anything. I never get tired of being around you and when I’m not, I wonder what you are doing. I want to be with you, to spend my life showing you what real love is. Let me love you and make you whole again. Can we be a family? Will you marry me, baby?”

  His eyes were moist as he took the ring from the box and slid it on her finger. The kids stood around waiting for her reply.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she mumbled while trying to keep from crying.

  “Say yes.” She heard the kids scream and she laughed.

  “Yes,” she said as she looked in his eyes. He stood up and pulled her into his arms and held on to her for dear life. He leaned down and captured her lips in their first of many kisses to come. Her heart felt complete and happy.

  Tahara’s toes curled at the way his kiss made her feel. She couldn’t believe it! He loved her and he had chosen her for his wife.

  After the kiss ended he looked down at her, “I’d like to introduce you to my very soon to be wife, Tahara.”

  She blushed at the thought and caressed his cheek. “I love you, Mike.”

  “I love you too, baby.” he whispered in her ear while she was thinking that this was the best Christmas gift she had ever received.


  © 2013 Shemeka Mitchell

  He Sees You When You’re Sleeping


  D C Rogers

  For all those girls and boys who get their toys on Christmas day. They are the lucky good ones. You sicken Poor Anti with your sweetness. Even the bad ones, the ones who get nothing but a lump of coal. Somehow they’re worse as they’re just one more step away from meeting him. He’s not a big jolly creature like his metaphorical brother. No he’s thin and twisted by evil. Strange how evil can warp and twist a creature like that.

  That old tune people sing. He sees you while you’re sleeping. You wouldn’t think something so sinister would be about his jolly old brother now?

  It’s not. It’s about the Anti-Claus and he hates you vile little creatures. He comes for you, the truly bad evil children. The nasty ones, who pull the legs of insects then leave them there suffering. Oh you little devils you’re the ones that make him smile, why you ask?

  You’re the perfect specimens who make the best targets for teaching a lesson that you will never forget. Unfortunately some turn away from evil through what he does. Those saps he spits upon. Some go completely mad because of what he does. Then once in a blue moon he really manages to create a truly viscous individual. Today, for the first time, you’re going learn how.

  “Johnny, oh Johnny come in son. It’s nearly bed time, tomorrow is Christmas day!” shouted Johnny Herman’s step mother. The small boy had chipped a small hole in the ice of his father’s pond, where he was trying to poke the trapped and expensive fish beneath with a sharp stick.

  Anti-Claus viewed all this from the safety of a snow covered lamppost, how? He could go invisible like his goody two shoes counterpart. This truly repulsive specimen of a child was his first victim for tonight. Little Johnny was a terror to his folks and bane to his small sister. He was going to find a special present under his bed later tonight.

  Clapping his hands in anticipation he flew off the lamp in search of his second quarry. The evil being had only two targets in this area that deserved the Anti-Claus treatment. Besides if he did too many at any one time his goody-two-shoes brother would realise and then try to stop him.

  There she was, his second target. Anti-Claus landed quietly upon her window sill and peered in at little Sally Jenkins. She sat there, with her do
lls and teddies, playing at some kind of tea party. However, this tea party had something glaringly wrong with it and he found it so amusingly macabre. All her toys were sat there in a circle. All their heads were missing , leaving either blank rubber stumps or frayed cotton wool filled holes. This girl would seem at first certifiable until you learnt she knew exactly what she was doing; it was all in order to annoy her poor single mum. The poor mother who cried herself to sleep because her daughter destroys everything in her life, from presents bought to new relationships.

  Something quite important will come to an end tonight for your mummy, Anti Claus thought. Especially when you find the extra special present I hid under your bed Jane. He left the little girl to her devices. Flying off, he sought out little Johnny’s abode again.

  The evil little boy was sneaking upstairs to his little sister’s room. He hated that his parents loved her more. She always got better presents and more of them than him at Christmas or her birthday. He was going make her pay lots for being his parent’s favourite. Especially now it was the day before the big day. Anti-Claus loved this as Johnny genuinely was a product of bad parenting.

  The father had remarried and then, with the new Mrs Herman, had fathered a little girl. It was all a case of favouritism. Anti clapped his hands with glee, it was the most wonderful time of year after all. The evil Claus floated unseen by the window of Johnny’s sister’s room. The little girl was sat there playing with her dollies. None decapitated, how horribly cute. Anti-Claus was almost sick at the sweetness. Johnny entered the room with a truly evil look upon his little eight year old face.

  Sam his four year old sister looked up in terror.

  “Oh no Johnny please don’t."

  “Don’t be a sissy I haven’t even done anything yet you big baby." She knew what was coming though.

  “You have that look on your face Johnny, please I love you.” Anti-Claus screwed up his face in disgust. Then silently cursed as he had seen a small flicker of emotion in Johnny’s eyes.

  “Well I don’t love you, you spoiled brat,” He shouted, before grabbing the small girl by her long golden locks. He laughed as he dragged her about the room by her hair. Anti-Claus clapped to see such joy but his work was far from done. This was the distraction he needed to perform his trick.

  Floating from the girl’s bedroom to Johnny’s room he clicked his fingers making the window swing open. He floated in and could hear the young girl's screams as he went about his work. Anti-Claus even started to hum a little tune.


  “Slay bells ring, you're not listening."

  “In the lane, blood is glistening."

  “It’s a frightful sight."

  “We're dying tonight."

  “Running from a winter Terror-land."


  He even did a little butt wiggle as he danced over to the boy’s bed. The sounds of pain and anguish coming from the other room made him all the happier. Anti-Claus clicked his fingers once more and a box of matches appeared in his hand. Laughing to himself, he placed the box of matches under Johnny’s bed. He loved setting these things up.

  "Johnny what are you doing to your sister!” Came a shout from down the landing.

  "He’s pulling my hair mummy,” Cried the little girl. What a wimp she was.

  “Apologise to your sister and then get to your bedroom you naughty boy."

  “Shut up, you’re not my mother."

  “You’ll be lucky to have anything for Christmas tomorrow Johnny.” Despite his back chat, Anti-Claus heard the kid begin to make his way across the landing to his room. He quickly flew out the window and, with a click of his magical fingers, it silently closed behind him.

  Johnny walked into his room and felt a strange draft blow over him. Anti-Claus gently floated down to the kitchen window where both Johnny’s parents were arguing; Sam stood in their midst.

  "He’s a god damn terror Phillip,” Johnny's step-mother said, stroking Sammy’s hurt head.

  "I agree," Johnny's Father said, “he’s taken this jealousy thing to far. I fear this will be his last Christmas with us as a family."

  “I hope it’s not me influencing you. I wouldn’t want you to get rid of your son for me,” Sam cried. “I don’t want Johnny to go. Deep down, I know he’s nice daddy.” she began to wail. Claus hated the crying but loved the parents; they were digging their own graves.

  "Job done here," he laughed to himself, "now to set up the last one in this place!”

  “We know darling but he might hurt you bad next time,” the father said and Claus clapped with joy at the families’ misfortune. He slowly ascended into the air and, for the time being, happy at how things were going with his first victims. It was time to set up the little girl’s fate. As he flew, he tried to think of a good easy way to exact his brand of evil against her family.

  Anti-Claus soon descended upon the house of Sally Jenkins. He was drawn to the kitchen. The sounds of sobbing were like catnip to him. He viewed through the window and, inside, Sally’s mother sobbed into her hands.

  She picked up the house phone and dialled for that new guy she met down the bar last month. They had been on a few dates and she didn’t want to be alone for Christmas.

  "Hello is that Jeff? Hi it’s Nancy. Listen you said you didn’t have plans for Christmas would you like to come over here tonight? Maybe stay for Christmas dinner?” Unknown to her mother little Sally was sat upon the stairs, listening intently.

  She didn’t like Jeff, he took her mummy away from her. She would have to make both mummy and Jeff pay for hurting her feelings like that. With delight upon his soul, the Anti-Claus made his way to Sally’s bedroom. He entered by way of his usual tricks. As he floated there, trying to decide on the best tool for the job, he tapped his lip and sang a new little jingle.


  “I watch you when you're sleeping."

  “I watch when you're awake."

  “I know if you've been good or bad."

  “So don't be good for goodness sake!"


  As inspiration hit him, he clicked his fingers and a large, sharp knife materialised under the girl’s bed. With his evil fun now set up for the night, Anti Claus drifted out of the window. He would find a place where he would wait until night came and when the two children would discover the dangerous new toys he had left under their beds. He sat unseen, above the rabble, on the marble statue of some person who had died hundreds of years ago. They made him sick to his stomach as they ran from shop to shop looking for last minute gifts for their loved ones. Still, some of it gave him glee. Such as, when they came out empty handed. Sad expressions because they could not get the game little Billy wanted or the perfume some mistress had required for their elicit, Christmas fling.

  It was nearly time to view his handy work when something else caught his attention. A man looking manic had entered a jewellers shop. Anti-Claus knew the look all too well, he also knew the man to be Barry Gardner. He was one such down and out that he had dealt with on his seventh Christmas. His had been a particularly nasty case. The lake had frozen over that year, to the point where skating was being allowed. His sisters were going on Christmas day to skate there. Barry had hated them so much, so that Anti-Claus had left a strong lump hammer for him.

  The little boy had spent a good few hours that night weakening the ice with his new hammer. In the morning his sisters had gone out onto the lake to skate. The ice cracked under their weight and, unfortunately, they both drowned. Barry’s dad had left and his mother went mad with grief. He never got found out but he knew it was his fault and still harboured that grief, which seemed to had made its decision to finally manifest. Attempting to feed a drugs habit, he held up the jewellery shop. The staff were as helpful as ever yet fearful for their own lives. They filled his bag up with goodies, while repeatedly pressing the silent alarm under the desk. It informed the police, who just happened to be waiting in the parking lot, that there was an armed robbery in progress. Barry
didn’t make it out of the mall, well not standing at least. It was also found that the gun he had used was just a plastic toy. With that bit of fun over, Claus took the skies once more.

  Something suddenly frightened him. It the only sound in the world that sent shivers up his spine: jingling bells. Somewhere up above, the jolly, fat, red-clad man was riding his sleigh, ready to dispense presents to all the foul, good little children. Anti-Claus had to hide from him, lest his plans be ruined for this year.

  A few minutes later, when he sensed all was well again, Anti-Claus glided off. Floating a good few feet above the town, Anti-Claus could see both houses.

  Not that it mattered to him. He could after all project his sight anywhere he wanted; it just left his physical form somewhat unguarded. Now that the jolly red one had done his rounds, he was free to do this as soon as the suggestions had taken root.

  "Look under your bed there’s mischief to be had,” Anti whispered into his balled hands. He opened his palms that now homed two smoke filled bubbles. A gentle blow from his pursed lips sent them floating off into the night air. Away to do their damage, Anti-Claus just floated waiting.

  Little Johnny lay fitfully in bed. He hated it. He did love his little sister deep down, he just hated that his parents doted more on her than him. As he lay there, a small smoke bubble, invisible to his eyes, floated up to his ear. Once there it popped releasing its words.

  "Johnny your parents always buy more presents for Sammy every year. Wouldn’t it pay them back if you destroyed all her presents this Christmas? Well then, look under your bed and you will find the present I left you to help you do just that.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” he said as he flopped his head over the side of the bed. There in front of him lay something that he was told never to play with, matches! Fearful yet full of vigour, only a nasty boy could muster over the thought of destroying his little sister’s toys. He slowly reached for the box of forbidden items until his hand wrapped around them.

  Anti-Claus projected his sight and watched Johnny leave his bedroom. He was ready to exact his revenge on both Sammy and his parents. He knew exactly what to do. His parents had said that the presents would be under the tree. He’d set fire to their presents so only he alone would have something to open in the morning.