Page 14 of Dominic

  I grunted. "He knows I'm not playin' hard to get, I told him I just wasn't interested in him-"

  "Was that before or after the two times you made out with him?" she asked in an American accent.

  I growled at Branna making her laugh.

  I eventually shrugged, not being able to remember and said, "My body and my mind seem to run on two different circuit boards where Dominic is involved, much to my displeasure."

  "That much is obvious."

  I grunted.

  Branna chuckled a little and pressed on. "It's an odd situation, but there does seem to be a solution to it."

  I perked up. "Really? What is it? What is the solution?"

  "Gavin Collins." Branna grinned devilishly.

  Uh, oh.

  "Gavin?" I repeated.

  Branna nodded. "You said yourself that you could like him and the best way to get over a lad is to get under another," she paused when I snorted. "I don't mean it like that, you don't have to get under Gavin-"

  "I get the metaphor Bran, I'm just teasin'."

  Branna rolled her eyes. "Okay, good. Anyway, as I was sayin', if you get with Gavin it will help you move on, and it might just hit home with Nico that you really don't want him and that he should just move on too. Understand?"

  I shook my head. "Do you mean really date Gavin or just pretend date him, because I don't think I can do either, I hardly know him."

  Branna rolled her eyes. "You said you like him, the like starts the gettin' to know him, Bee. Besides, that's what dates are for, you to get to know one another. You have already secured one date so we can just see how it goes; you never know, you might just find yourself happy with Gavin."

  I rolled my eyes. "I don't think anyone can know whether they would be happy with someone after one date."

  Branna smiled. "I knew after my first date with Ryder."

  I raised my brows. "Really?"

  She nodded. "It was a gut feelin' that I knew I could really like him and that we could be good together. It might be different for everyone else, but I just knew."

  I whistled then gaped at her. "You don't mean you know he is the one, do you?"

  Branna just beamed, and I groaned.

  Ryder was her one.

  "Why did your one have to be closely related to my nemesis?"

  Branna snorted. "Maybe God is findin' your and Nico's situation amusin'. I am for the most part."

  I rolled my eyes skyward and spoke to my ceiling. "Can you cut me a break, Jesus? This bullshit isn't funny anymore-"

  I yelped as Branna dove on me and knocked me back onto my bed.

  "She didn't mean that, she takes it back," Branna shouted.

  I laughed at her, which made her elbow me. "Don't curse when you're talkin' to Jesus. That is like askin' to be struck down."

  I grunted. "Havin' Dominic in me life is punishment enough, trust me."

  Branna rolled off me onto her back and lay beside me. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket; I took it out and seen I had a text from an unknown number.

  I opened the text and felt myself flush.

  I said to Dominic today that I was taking you out tonight; I'm keeping good on my word. Is eight okay? ;)

  He sent me a wink face.

  What did that mean?

  "Gavin wants to take me out tonight at eight," I murmured.

  Branna clapped her hands together. "Perfect, we can start operation get over Nico by gettin' under Gavin."

  I looked at Branna and shook my head. "There is somethin' seriously wrong with you. I'm your little sister!"

  Branna rolled her eyes. "You're eighteen Bee, you aren't a baby anymore."

  I grunted. "I understand that."

  Branna smiled at me. "Where is he takin' you?"

  I shrugged. "He mentioned the cinema in school."

  Branna nodded. "Text him back that eight is great and then get up and get your arse into the shower."

  I nodded, texted Gavin back, then looked at Branna while she muttered curse words as she looked through my wardrobe.

  I walked into the bathroom when Branna turned and headed into her room.

  "What are you doin'?" I shouted.

  She grunted. "Your black jeans are good, but you have zero decent tops. I'm pickin' out one of mine."

  When she bounced back into my room with a red top that was low cut and made of lace, I stared at her with my jaw hangin' open.

  She expected me to wear that piece of cloth?

  "I can't wear that, it's practically non-existent!" I argued.

  Branna snorted. "Puh-lease, it's only a little low-cut and will look amazing under a cardigan. You need to work your best assets when goin' on a date. Your jeans will hug your arse and showcase your hips, this top will show off the fact that you actually do possess a pair of breasts even if they are small. You will be showin' off hardly any skin and yet your body will be on show, it's perfect."

  I continued to stare at Branna like she had grown an extra ear on her head.

  She shook her head at me. "I'm goin' to have me work cut out for me, go on and get your shower. I'll iron your clothes and then get my makeup and hair products for when you're done. I'll make you look even more gorgeous than you already are. Gavin won't know what hit him."

  I opened my mouth to speak then closed it again before mutely walking into the bathroom and stripping down for my shower. I was nervous; I was nervous about what Branna was going to do to me, nervous about what Gavin would think once he saw me, and nervous in general for our date.

  I honestly felt like puking.

  Is this how girls felt before every date they had with a boy or did it get worse on the actual date?

  I hope not because spitting chunks on Gavin's shoes would seriously mess with operation get over Dominic by – not literally - getting under Gavin.

  This operation needed to be a success.

  "Gavin is here Bronagh, and he looks hot! No lad notices you for years and now all of a sudden you have two hotties chasin' after you. This is so excitin'!"


  More like fucking nerve wrecking.

  I remained hidden inside the bathroom while Branna lightly knocked on the door. "Yay, lucky me," I murmured to her as I stared at myself in the full-length mirror on the bathroom wall.

  I looked like me but, at the same time, didn't. It was still my face just with some extra makeup on it. My hair was big and curly. Honestly, it was huge. My body looked the same only more outlined; skinnies always hug a person's lower half but combined with a fitting shirt up top, it made me feel naked.

  "I can't wear this Bran, you can see all my - barely there - cleavage," I groaned when I opened the door to the bathroom and let Branna come inside.

  Branna rolled her eyes at me. "Stop bein' so dramatic, you can only see a little of your cleavage which is normal in that top. You have jeans on, and the cardigan covers up your arms. Some cleavage, a little bit of your neck and face is the only skin on show."

  I grunted. "Everythin' is so fittin' and tight it feels like a second skin. I might as well be naked!"

  Branna pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "This is the wrong way around. You should be wantin' to dress like this and I should be opposed, because I'm older and your guardian."

  I snorted. "You're just excited because I'm like a doll you can play dress up with now and talk lads."

  Branna clapped her hands excitedly. "Isn't it great?"


  "The greatest," I deadpanned.

  Branna rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever, I'll be excited for you."

  I sighed; I was excited, but I was way too nervous about this date with Gavin. I mean, what the hell do I do?

  "Stop thinkin' and come on, he is waitin'."

  Before I could stall for a few more minutes, Branna took my arm and pulled me from the bathroom and down the stairs. I pulled my arm free from Branna's hold, and was about to tell her off when I caught sight of Gavin and had to stop myself from gasping.
r />   He had on grey jeans, a black tee, and a black coat. His hair was gelled upwards; I liked it because you could completely see his face with that style. I realised I was staring when Branna elbowed me in the side.

  "Say somethin'," she grumbled.

  I quickly cleared my throat. "Hey, Gav."

  He flicked his eyes up from my chest and gave me a dazzling smile. "Hey, you look gorgeous."

  I flushed.

  "Awe," Branna cooed. "I told her the same thing, but she doesn't believe me."

  What the hell did she just say? Was she trying to embarrass me?

  "I'll just have to remind her often tonight then just how gorgeous she is," Gavin smiled and winked, making me stare at him in a trance.

  Seriously, how did I not notice him growing up?

  I heard the hall door open and close and alarm shot through me. Who the hell was that and how did the person get in so easily? I had no idea why, but when I glanced over my shoulder and saw the body of a man, I shrieked and jumped in Gavin's direction. His arms went around my waist, and my head went to his throat.

  "It's just Ryder!" Branna shouted over my screaming.

  I pulled my head from Gavin's neck and looked at the man again. Sure enough Ryder stood in the hallway with his eyebrows raised and pizza boxes in his hands and a key in his mouth.

  "Really? You find me so ugly that you scream and run for cover?" he mumbled around the key.

  Branna snorted at him, and even Gavin chuckled.

  I composed myself before glaring at Ryder. "I didn't know it was you, did I? Since when do you have a key to me house?"

  I knew I was supposed to be nice to him but having him around was taking some getting used to. No man that Branna was ever seeing was in the house when I was at home. I didn't think she actually ever brought one home, so it was weird that Ryder was coming and going like he owned the place the past few days.

  "Since this mornin' when I gave him one," Branna said to me, slightly glaring.

  I glared right back at her. "Well, you should have let me know. I live here too, you know?"

  Her shoulders slumped a little, and her glare vanished. "Right, I'm sorry. I guess I forgot."

  I nodded to her then looked to Ryder, who was looking at Gavin.

  "This is Gavin-"

  "We've met." Ryder cut me off, still staring at Gavin.

  They met?

  "When did you meet?" I asked.

  "The meeting a few weeks ago when he and Dominic got into it in school," Ryder cut me off again and continued to look at Gavin.

  I widened my eyes a little; I had forgotten all about that meeting.


  This was turning out to be very awkward, and we hadn't even left the house yet.

  "So… you two, huh?" Ryder asked Gavin.

  I felt Gavin shrug. "We're goin' on a date so yeah, I guess so."

  Ryder flicked his eyes to me but didn't say anything.

  "I'm going to dish up the pizza, babe," he said to Branna, then looked back to me and Gavin. "Have a great time."

  "Thanks," Gavin and I said in unison.

  Silence fell then, and luckily Gavin cleared his throat breaking it.

  "We better go, the film starts at half eight."

  I nodded my head and said bye to Ryder - who headed into the kitchen - and Branna - who was bouncing on her toes - as I left the house with Gavin.

  "I'm… I'm so sorry about… whatever the hell that was back there," I said when Gavin and I neared his car.

  At least I thought it was his car.

  "Don't even worry about it. I remember you said in school that Nico's older brother was your sister's boyfriend. I was mentally prepared to see him." Gavin snorted.

  I snickered a little too and smiled when he opened the car door for me like a gentleman. I slid inside, buckled my seatbelt, and folded my hands across my lap.

  "Me da let me use this car since I don't have one yet. Passed me full drivin' test last week, so he is being very trustin' of me tonight," Gavin said when he got into his side of the car.

  I looked at Gavin, my face expressionless. "Please tell me you passed everythin' on your drivin' test with flyin' colours."

  He looked me dead in the eye, the corner of his lip curling upwards. "I passed me test with flyin' colours."

  I yelped. "I'm goin' to die!"

  Gavin cracked up laughing. "I'm a good driver, Bee, no worries. You're safe with me, promise."

  I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and smiled a little.

  Okay, once we got past the awkwardness in the house, this was a good start to my first date. I was feeling excited now and not nervous at all.

  As we drove to the cinema, Gavin and I talked about his football team at school and how hard Mr. Rivers makes the team's training sessions. I honestly couldn't give a hoot about football, but Gavin clearly adored the sport and loved playing it, so I was all ears while he talked. I asked relevant questions here and there making myself appear interested.

  It didn't take long to get to the cinema. After getting out of the car and walking inside, Gavin took my hand and smiled down at me. "What do you want to eat? My treat."

  I was blushing over him holding my hand, but snorted at his wording. "That rhymed," I mused.

  Gavin grinned. "I am poet, and I know it."

  I chuckled then and continued to smile as we walked hand in hand up to an open till. I wanted popcorn, M&M's, and a Coke. Gavin wanted the same, so he got us a couple's combo with extra M&M's. My face was burning, a couple's meal. Couple!

  I was giddy and sort of sick with excitement the more I thought about what it meant.

  Were we a couple or was that just the smart thing to buy for two people?

  I had no idea!

  After paying for our food - Gavin refused my money - and getting our tickets, Gavin held the drinks and M&M's while I held the big tub of popcorn. We headed down to the screen that the film we were seeing was at and settled into our seats in the middle row.

  Everything was going great until I spotted Kane, Dominic and Damien's older brother, near the back row seated between two blondes. He locked eyes with me, flicked his eyes in Gavin's direction then back to mine, and grinned. I had no idea why he was grinning, but when I noticed the light on his face and the device in his hand I groaned, then slumped down into my seat.

  "What's wrong?" Gavin asked as he settled in next to me and handed me my drink and M&M's.

  I looked at him and smiled. "Nothin'."

  He gave me a knowing look, and I found myself sighing before leaning into him a little. "The lad in the back row between the two blondes is Dominic and Damien's older brother. He looked at me and you, and then smiled and took out his phone and began textin' on it. It could be nothin', but I'd bet money that he is tellin' Dominic that I'm here with you."

  Gavin's eyes narrowed a little. "What the hell is that lad's problem? Is he obsessed with you or somethin'?"

  I blushed. "No, I just think he thinks I'm playin' a hard to get game with him."

  Gavin raised an eyebrow. "And are you playin' hard to get?"

  I gaped at him. "No! Of course not."

  Gavin nodded. "Good, I don't wanna play a game that I've no chance of winnin'."

  I frowned at him and was about to say something when the room went dark, and the screen lit up before us. The film was called The Mortal Instruments: The City of Bones. It was a good film, but I couldn't really concentrate for some reason so by the time it was over, I was a little relieved.

  Gavin and I were the first to leave the cinema house, which I was grateful for because I didn't really want to have to say hello to Kane. I thought Gavin was going to bring me home but when he suggested going for some McDonald's, I agreed, because I felt like we needed to talk about anything in order to stop the growing awkwardness after that conversation in the cinema.

  After we got our food and sat down, we dug in and began talking about random stuff and laughing at silly things. I felt happy and relaxed an
d from the look of things, so did Gavin. That was until Kane strolled in with the two girls and Dominic in tow.

  I felt my heart pump and my palms sweat.

  "No fuckin' way," I groaned and ducked my head a little.

  Gavin frowned at me, then looked over his shoulder. His entire body went rigid and when he looked back at me, I swallowed nervously. He looked pissed.

  "He is here because we're here, right?"

  We both knew it was true, so I nodded my head.

  Gavin sighed, and before he spoke I felt tears sting my eyes. I knew he was about to cut our date short and not ask me out for another one.

  "Bronagh, I like you, I really do. You're gorgeous, down to earth, and an all-around great girl, but this thing with Dominic is too much for me. If this thing between us went somewhere and we got together, I'd have to be on my guard around him and worry about what he would try and do to lure you away from me. He has it bad for you, and he obviously doesn't care about steppin' on me to get to you."

  I bit the insides of my cheeks because this hurt, and I had no idea why.

  "We can be friends; I wasn't jokin' when I said you're a great girl, you really are."

  Oh God, I was about to cry, and I didn't want to.

  "I'm goin' to go to the bathroom for a minute, be right back."

  I jumped up and moved towards the toilet.

  "Bronagh, wait-"

  Gavin's voice cut off when I closed the bathroom door. I instantly fanned my hands at my eyes and tilted my head backwards, blinking rapidly to make the tears go away. I grabbed some tissue and dabbed around my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I felt sad but also really angry. I knew Gavin had a point; Dominic would always be meddling in our relationship if we formed one, so it's not really a surprise that Gavin didn't want anything more than a friendship. It was better that he let me down now instead of after more dates when I grew to care for him instead of just liking him.

  It still hurt though.

  This was the first time something like this had happened to me and on my first date nonetheless! I composed myself, fixed my hair in the mirror, and then headed back outside. Gavin was where I had left him, but my seat was occupied by Dominic.