Page 18 of Drantos

  “Great. You know how I feel about Decker Filmore. He’s an asshole.”

  “They’ll realize that and understand you’re nothing like him.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Me too,” he muttered. “Don’t be alarmed when you spot them and remember you’re totally safe.”

  “Don’t show fear.” It sounded easy. She locked her fingers together behind his neck. She did trust Drantos to keep her safe. He’d faced off against that hell beast to protect her. People in skin, no matter how big they were, had to be tame in comparison. She took a few deep breaths. “Got it.”

  “Good.” He lowered his voice more. “They’re approaching us. I smell them.”

  She scanned the thick woods until she spotted movement at the base of a tree. One of those large, terrifying beasty creatures stalked forward. Drantos halted and squeezed her, as if reminded her that he would keep her safe.

  “It’s someone from my clan,” he whispered. “Not the enemy.”

  Dusti tried not to stare but it was impossible. The creature was big, vicious-looking, and had sharp fangs. The claws on the toes could probably tear through flesh as easily as if skin were butter. She sucked in a deep breath and tried hard to manage her hammering heart. The creature growled, sounding unfriendly. Dusti tensed, praying it wouldn’t attack.

  “They were raised in the human world and didn’t know about us,” Drantos announced, speaking to the creature. “Their mother was VampLycan but their father was a human.”

  The creature sat on its haunches, staring directly at her. It didn’t snarl or lunge forward to attack. The dark eyes freaked her out though. They did look evil. It also had a long black mane. The one she’d seen the day before hadn’t had one that nearly touched the ground.

  It growled again, paused, and made some whining noises. Drantos shook his head. “She was never told the truth since she doesn’t exhibit enough traits that would have betrayed what she was. She’s not afraid. It’s just that she’s seen only one other, and he tried to take her away from me. That’s why she’s leery.”

  It sunk in that they were having a conversation. It stunned her. “You speak growl?”

  “Not exactly but we use tones. I can guess what the questions would be according those, or guess moods by sounds, and also by imagining what I’d be thinking and feeling.”

  Drantos gently bent and placed her on her feet. He clasped her hand though and held on tight. She wondered if he did it to assure her or keep her from bolting into the woods when she caught sight of more people. They were in skin, at least.

  The beast growled again and Drantos shook his head. “Don’t change. She’ll adjust to how you look.”

  The thing ignored him by lifting up to all fours and tucking its head down—then it started to shift.

  The hair receded as Dusti stared in horrified fascination. It made disgusting noises that she guessed were bones popping as the shape started to shrink in a little. The skin tone lightened slightly as it became more humanoid. Finally a woman stood before them, stretching as she rose to her feet, seeming to work out kinks in her shoulders and arms.

  The woman was tall and lanky, and when she threw back her hair to get it out of her face, it flowed to her ass. Her nakedness didn’t seem to bother her, but it did Dusti. The woman’s perky breasts were displayed and she seemed chilly in the early dawn morning.

  “Who is her mother?” She had a husky voice.

  Drantos paused. “Do you remember Decker’s daughter who disappeared? Her name was Antina.”

  The woman stepped closer and her dark brown eyes widened. “I thought he killed her or she committed suicide to avoid her fate.”

  “She was hiding amongst the humans. She mated with one and had two daughters. This is one of them. Kraven is with the other.”

  The woman had a graceful, almost catlike way of moving as she advanced. Her nostrils flared and she jerked to a halt. Her eyes narrowed and fixed on Drantos. Anger was an easy emotion to read.

  “You fucked it? I smell you all over her.”

  “She’s mine, Yonda.”

  “No.” She shook her head, some of her long hair falling forward and hiding one breast. “That can’t be.”

  “It is.”

  Yonda paled considerably. “She reeks of human. This can’t be! You can’t accept a human. You’re the first son. She’s not good enough for you!”

  “She carries VampLycan blood. It’s faint but there. And you know it’s not a requirement.”

  The scary woman snarled and lowered her chin, glaring at Dusti. If looks could kill…I’d be dying right now. She inched closer to Drantos and even took a step back, putting part of her body behind his. It was impossible to look away from that much rage, all of it directed at her. She just didn’t know why Yonda hated her enough to look as if she wanted to tear her apart.

  “Enough,” Drantos ordered. “Don’t even think about it. She belongs to me and I’ll defend her. I’d hate to hit you but I would.”

  Dusti usually resented when he spoke possessively of her but at that moment, she was glad. The woman took a step back but she didn’t appear happy about it. Pure anger seemed to radiate off her. It confused Dusti but it was also scary. She’d witnessed that woman changing from a hellish beast. She could revert back.

  “Yonda,” Drantos snapped. “Go cool down.”

  Yonda didn’t budge. She turned her anger on him. “Does she know how important your place is with our clan? She’s weak, Drantos. You can’t do this! Did you explain your duties to her as first son?”

  “It’s none of your business. Butt out, Yonda.”

  “You’ve always been my business! I can’t allow you to make such a huge mistake.”

  Dusti glanced between the pair, a sick feeling settling in her stomach. She suspected Yonda had been one of the women Drantos had slept with. She studied her—and then a worse suspicion clawed at her. She had to ask the question that she wanted to know most.

  “Are you his girlfriend?”

  Yonda didn’t spare her a glance, her gaze locked on Drantos. “We don’t use those terms. What do you call it when he sleeps in my bed more than he does his own?”

  Dusti tried to extricate her hand from his. Drantos had a girlfriend but he’d slept with her.

  She felt betrayed and her fears became reality. She thought he might break her heart and but hadn’t expected their budding romance to come to a screeching halt so soon. It hurt far worse than she thought it would. She’d come to care about him deeper than she’d realized until that minute. The tearing pain in her chest proved that.

  He turned his head and frowned at her. “I can explain.”

  “Let me go.”

  He refused. “Dusti, you don’t understand.”

  “Were you sleeping with her before you met me? Do you live at her house?”

  “I slept there sometimes. I don’t live with her. It’s not how you think.”

  “Let me go,” she repeated, louder. She wasn’t afraid anymore. She was hurt and angry. “I don’t want you touching me. You’re a cheating bastard and you made me a part of it.” She glanced at Yonda. “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”

  “He’s too good for you,” Yonda spat.

  Now the woman was just being rude and bitchy. Dusti twisted on her hand and shoved against Drantos with her other one. “Let go.”

  “You call it a ‘fuck buddy’ in your world.” He sounded and looked furious. “We had no commitment.” He snapped his head in Yonda’s direction. “Tell her!”

  “You think that helps your case?” Dusti punched his arm, still trying to get him to free her hand. He held it tight enough it almost hurt. “We have another term in my world that applies too. You’re a man-whore. No thanks. I’m so done. Let go.”

  “What is going on here?”

  The deep voice of a man startled Dusti and she twisted her head, staring at the mid-thirty-something big guy storming out of the woods. He was dressed at least, not a creature. He wore a shirt
, faded jeans, and running shoes. His hair was a little long and she took note of the resemblance to Drantos. It was probably another cousin of his.

  “Dad.” Drantos released her and lowered his head.

  Dusti gaped. She glanced between both men, rubbing her freed hand to return blood circulation to her fingers. They only looked a few years apart. Drantos had said VampLycans aged slowly but it still came as a shock.

  “I asked what was going on.” The man halted a few feet away and sniffed. “Is this one of Decker’s associates?”

  “She’s his granddaughter.” Drantos lifted his head. “She and her sister—”

  The slightly older man snarled and lunged, attempting to grab Dusti.

  She gasped and jerked back but Drantos was faster. He put his body between them. A loud, terrifying snarl came from him. Their bodies clashed and Drantos used his chest to shove the other man back.


  “You’re protecting Decker’s kin? Get out of my way, son. That’s an order.”

  “No! Listen to me, Dad. She isn’t aligned with Decker. She hates him as much as we do.”

  “Lies,” the other man growled. “She’s his blood and I know what that means. She’s to be offered to Aveoth in exchange for the GarLycans’ help to slaughter the other clans. I’ll kill her before I allow that to happen. Is the sister dead?”

  Drantos widened his stance and lifted his arms, his claws sliding out. Dusti backed up until a tree blocked her escape. She was tempted to make a run for it but Yonda took the opportunity to creep up on the left, glaring at her. Dusti held still, afraid to move farther away from Drantos's protection.

  “No. She’s with Kraven. I know you’re furious but listen to me,” Drantos demanded. “They had no idea about us or what was going on here. Decker lured them to Alaska by letting them think he was dying. You know his daughter fled. Antina mated with a human and never told her daughters about their heritage. They had no real contact with Decker.”

  “They still pose a danger. I can’t allow a war to begin. Their deaths will end it here and now.”

  “Don’t make me do this, Dad.” Drantos didn’t budge. “You’re being unreasonable.”

  “I’m protecting the lives of many VampLycans. Two deaths are better than dozens or hundreds. It must be done. Get out of the way right now.”

  “No!” Drantos snarled.

  His father snarled back.

  Dusti gawked, horrified that it seemed son and father were about to fight. More clothed people arrived, watching both men. She glanced at the strangers, seeing shock and dismay on many faces.

  “You’re going to challenge me?” Velder hissed the words. “I gave you a direct order, Drantos. Two lives are not worth many more. We both know it.”

  “I’m not challenging you.” Drantos spoke loud and clear. “They are the granddaughters of Marvilella. Don’t forget that. She was clan. They need sanctuary.”

  Velder seemed to consider that briefly. “We’ll give them to Aveoth ourselves then, without strings. He can pick one of them. That is the best option I’m willing to afford.”

  “This one is mine.” Drantos growled low. “Aveoth doesn’t get her—and Kraven will fight for her sister. The bonds won’t be denied. Don’t ask that of us.”

  The other man stumbled back a few steps until Dusti could see his face. He appeared completely horrified. “No!”

  “It’s the truth. You’re not turning them over to the GarLycan. I’ll fight Aveoth to the death before he touches what belongs to me, and Kraven feels the same. You can ask him when he arrives, which should be soon.”

  “Tell him you forbid it!” Yonda shouted. “She’s human. Smell her. Weak!” The woman turned her head and spat on the ground. She glared at Dusti. “Not worthy of one of your sons. She’s already causing dissension in our clan. Your son is openly defying you. Kill her!”

  The older man snapped his head in her direction and his features twisted into a mask of rage. “Stay out of this.”

  Yonda dropped her head and backed away. “I’m sorry, Velder.”

  “This is a family issue. Tell the others to prepare for our journey home and keep your mouth shut about what you’ve heard. I won’t abide gossip.” He spun around, addressing the rest of the people who’d approached. “My son isn’t challenging me for leadership. This is a family disagreement. We’re leaving. Go now!”

  Yonda spun and fled, running fast. She was buck naked but didn’t seem to care. Dusti watched her until she was out of sight and saw the others follow. She turned her focus back to Drantos’s father. He seemed to be having a glaring match with his son.

  “Don’t even think about hurting either one of them,” Drantos warned. “Kraven and I will leave the clan if you make us.”

  “You just defied me in front of the others.”

  “I’m not going to let you kill Dusti or her sister. She’s innocent in this mess. Decker Filmore might be their blood relation but that’s the only tie they have. Plenty of our people have blood ties to others in his clan. It doesn’t make them our enemies.”

  “Decker will target our clan to get them back.”

  “I’m aware but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to hand Dusti over. I’ll leave with her and go somewhere else if you don’t want to fight him.”

  “I’d rip out Decker’s heart and feed it to him if he ever dares step into our territory. It’s the GarLycans I don’t want to fight with.” Velder paused, glanced at Dusti, then back at his son. “We have kept the peace since settling in this area. We have too many women and children, Drantos. I have to protect them at any cost. They are yours to protect as well, your responsibility as my son.”

  “Dusti is my one,” Drantos stated firmly. “I’m certain.”

  “We’re done talking right now. This is not over though. No one is going to forget what they witnessed here but we’ll face the consequences later. I don’t want to leave our clan unprotected, now that I know what Decker plans. He could have already contacted Aveoth to launch an attack.” Velder spun around and raised his voice. “Move out. We’re returning home.”

  Drantos turned and frowned at Dusti. He glanced at her feet. “I’ll carry you. Come here.” He reached for her.

  “Forget it.” She inched around him and avoided touching his hands. The ground was cold against her bare feet but she didn’t want him touching her again. “I can walk.”

  “Dusti.” Frustration sounded in his voice.

  She avoided his gaze. “Save it. Don’t you have a girlfriend to go apologize to?”

  “Damn it,” he snarled. “It isn’t like that.”

  “Spare me.” Despite the fact he’d protected her again, she was still mad and hurt. His girlfriend or ex situation, whatever, didn’t sit well with her. She hurried her pace, following his father. The man wasn’t friendly and he’d wanted to attack her but it beat arguing with Drantos. There was no excuse for him being involved with one woman and then having sex with her. He hadn’t mentioned anything about Yonda, and he should have.

  More people were ahead of them once they cleared a thick area of trees. A dirt road curved out of sight and two pickup trucks carefully drove along them, stopping where the group assembled. They were a rough, fit-looking bunch. Yonda walked to one of the cabs and jerked the door open. She withdrew folded clothing from inside and dressed. It stunned Dusti that she seemed unaware of all the men around her. Some of them were glancing at the bent woman putting on sweats, obviously checking out her ass.

  What kind of world does Drantos live in? It unsettled her and made her even more leery of VampLycans. Her mother had been one of them and had fled. She was starting to understand why. They just weren’t…human enough. Their modesty was nonexistent and they seemed like a brutal race.

  The sight of Bat and Kraven across the clearing, along with Red, made her feel relief. Her sister looked worse for wear but alive. She seemed to be arguing with Kraven. Velder switched directions and advanced on them. She went to follow but
Drantos suddenly gripped her arm, gaining her attention.

  “We keep some sarongs in the trucks for when we shift. Come with me and let’s get one wrapped around your legs. They’re cold.”

  “My legs aren’t your concern.” She jerked out of his grasp. “I’m going to go check on my sister.”

  He planted his body in her way. “Cover your legs first.” He glanced around and seemed mad. His voice lowered. “They are staring at them.”

  She glanced at a few of the men nearest them and noticed they were appraising her. She didn’t like it. “Fine. I’ll wear a sarong.”

  He pointed at the truck that Yonda wasn’t near. “Over there.”

  She spun and advanced on it. Drantos was the one to open the passenger door. The floor had piles of folded material. He grabbed a black one on top and turned, opening it. He even started to bend, as if he planned to help her put it on. Dusti just yanked it out of his hands.

  “I can do it myself.”

  “Dusti,” he whispered. “You need to trust me.”

  “Fat chance,” she muttered, figuring out a sarong was a lot like a thinner version of a big towel. She wrapped it around her waist and tied it in a knot so it formed a skirt that reached her ankles. “You were dating that woman before we met. That’s all kinds of messed up, Drantos.”

  “Look at me.”

  She released the soft material and threw her head back, glaring at him. “What?”

  “I told you it wasn’t like that. We were having sex.”

  “She wanted your father to kill me. She said I wasn’t good enough for you. She acts like a jealous girlfriend.”

  “It’s because you’re human. It’s difficult to explain.” He frowned. “We’ll discuss this at length once I take you to my home. Now isn’t the time. You’re still in danger and so is the clan. Just stick close to me and do as I ask.”

  She just wanted to hug her sister and go home. She was done with Alaska, her insane grandfather, the whole VampLycan thing, and especially Drantos. Her life had turned to shit ever since she and Bat had boarded that flight. She was hungry, sore, and felt miserable. They’d survived a plane slamming into the ground and then had been kidnapped from the crash site. To make things worse, she’d almost been attacked by some hell beast. The near drowning in the river and almost turning into a human Popsicle hadn’t been fun, either. Last but not least, she’d learned that her mother had been keeping big secrets from her daughters and she wasn’t what she’d appeared to be.