Page 29 of Drantos

  Velder shook his head. “No. They are known to be more difficult to bond with and they are fiercely loyal to their own clan. Trust would always be an issue. Our clan would also have had doubts about the ability of any children I’d had with a GarLycan to lead the clan in the future. GarLycans can make cold decisions that don’t involve their hearts. It’s more about logic with them.”

  “Everyone in that clan is military minded,” Drantos explained. “We’re geared more toward protecting our family and friends.”

  “Well, there’s a bright side. I’m not a GarLycan. Score one for me.”

  Drantos chuckled.

  Velder scowled. “I don’t see the humor.”

  “I’m all about making decisions with my heart. I mated to Drantos. I also pointed out I don’t even know how to shoot a gun. I’m obviously not military minded. See where I’m going with this?” Dusti forced a smile.

  Velder closed his eyes.

  “Ease up, Father,” Drantos rasped.

  Velder opened his eyes, glowering at his son. “You need to take this more seriously and so does she.”

  “It’s her first day in the clan. Cut her some slack.”

  “Second day,” Velder corrected. “She attacked a Lycan elder on her first and made it clear she holds no respect for our laws or how they’re carried out. I cringe thinking about how day two will go once you take her from your home. Perhaps you should just keep her hidden. Out of sight, out of mind might be the best plan of action.”

  The front door opened and Crayla entered. She wore a blue sarong wrapped around her body that started just above her breasts and fell to mid-thigh. She sniffed the air, closing the door behind her. “The tension is so thick in here I can smell it. What’s going on?”

  Great, now I get to deal with Drantos’s scary mom. It was annoying how his parents just walked into their home as if they owned the place. They really needed to start locking the door. She made a mental note to bring up that subject with Drantos later.

  “Father is being rude to my mate.”

  Crayla looked amused. “I see.” She walked up to Velder and leaned against his chest, rubbing her cheek with his. She turned her head, staring at Dusti. “We’re not sure what to do with you.”

  “You’ll do nothing,” Drantos growled.

  Crayla chuckled. “Calm down. Your mate is safe. We’re worried about how the clan will accept her.”

  “She doesn’t like the sight of blood and doesn’t know how to use a weapon,” Velder muttered. “I am out of ideas.”

  “Well, that’s why this is a problem for me to sort out. She’s a female and they are mine to take under my wing.” Crayla grinned at her mate. “Stop being grumpy and annoying our son. Don’t you remember how it was when I first arrived? Be nice to his mate. We’ll figure this out. They can mingle at the roast and then I’ll come here tonight while Drantos is on patrol. I’ll talk to her and see where we stand then. She’s got to be useful in some way.”

  “Fantastic.” Dusti hoped the sarcasm didn’t sound in her voice when that word popped out.

  Crayla laughed again. “She has potential. She’s not cowering behind our son. Let’s leave them alone for now. I know you wanted him to take her out today to show her off to the clan. They can’t do that while we’re still here.”

  The couple strolled out holding hands, closing the door behind them.

  Dusti sighed, peering up at Drantos. “This isn’t going to be easy, is it?”

  “Nothing worthwhile ever is. It will be fine.”

  She wanted to believe him.

  Drantos wanted to pull Dusti into his arms and carry her to bed. The instinct to protect her was strong. The clan could go to hell, but he knew that kind of thinking was what his father feared most. Dusti would have an easier time if she were accepted by everyone.

  “It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks.” He wanted her to know she was his main concern.

  “These are the people you care about.”

  “I love you. You’re my mate. You are always my priority.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. I know you mean that. We’ll make this work. I wasn’t just blowing smoke up your father’s ass. I get that we’re in your world so I need to play nice with the natives.”

  He laughed. She always amused him with the way she spoke. “They’ll get to know you and see how wonderful you are.”

  She nodded. “I guess that means we should get ready and leave the house if I’m to be put on display.”

  “Don’t look at it that way.” He could sense she was worried. “It’s just a new place. Deep down we’re basically the same as you.”


  “We are, Dusti. Don’t let the fact that we’re not human convince you otherwise. We have bad days and good. Dreams and disappointments. You love your sister the way we love our siblings.”

  “I understand. It’s just going to take some time for me to adjust to the idea of living with a bunch of people who grow claws and fangs, but I will. I’m going to shower. Do you want to join me?”

  He would make love to her and they’d never leave the house. He admitted as much. “I’ll go eat since you already did. It will be a quick trip out and then we’ll have the rest of the day to bond. We’ll go to the gathering later this afternoon. My shift won’t start until about ten tonight.”

  “Got it. Horse and pony show first, then the good stuff. I like that plan. It’s like being rewarded after doing something that I know is going to be tough. Then we’ll face off against your entire clan at this dinner.”

  Her words made his chest hurt. “I’m sorry this is difficult for you.” He meant it. He tried to put himself in her shoes. It would be drastically different for him if he attempted to join her world. He at least knew how hers worked. She hadn’t known his existed before he’d come into her life. “You’re very brave.”

  She flashed him a grin that brightened her eyes. “It’s a good thing you’re seriously hot.”

  He laughed. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I’m counting on it. On that note, I’m going to shower.”

  He watched her disappear into his room and his mood darkened. His parents were going to be a pain the ass. It would be simpler if Kraven were home. His brother had a way of finding solutions and dealing with their parents better than he ever could. He also was mating to Dusti’s sister. It would give their parents two targets to focus on instead of just him.

  He strode over to the front door and twisted the bolts. That was one thing that would change, regardless of how anyone felt about it. He didn’t want everyone just walking into their home. A few minutes more and they would have been caught having sex on the couch. Father or not, he would have wanted to rip out the throat of any man who saw that much of Dusti.

  He fixed a quick bowl of cereal, more than aware of the sound of running water down the hallway. He wanted to go to her. His dick throbbed. It wasn’t natural to refrain from sex while their mating bond still formed. Then again, the clan was on high alert thanks to Decker’s bullshit.

  He might understand that he was needed, but that didn’t mean he didn’t regret it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dusti knew the people in the town of Howl would be curious about her, and she had to admit she wasn’t immune to the feeling either. She peered at every face they passed and noticed how closely they studied her. Drantos clutched her hand tighter. She lifted her chin to give him a worried glance.

  “Are they all VampLycans? The whole town?”

  “At night, yes, with a few Lycans thrown in. During the day like now, not always. There’s a main highway just a few miles away. There’s a sign that leads people here but not a lot of them come. Tourists visit but we refused to build a motel. We want to keep humans from staying too long.”

  “Why allow them at all?”

  He brought her to a brief halt. “A lot of travelers need food and fuel in this remote area, and that earns us a little income. It also makes humans less suspicious
of us. We’re just a boring, isolated place to them. We even have an auto repair shop for the unfortunate ones who break down. We do keep an apartment above the shop for the occasional overnight customer. There’s a guard posted to make certain they don’t wander too far. We can’t allow them to roam freely and possibly see one of us when it isn’t a good time.”

  Transformed into beast-looking creatures, she thought, translating his meaning regarding what they didn’t want a human to see. “Are they going to be worried about me walking around?”

  “No. Word has spread that you’re my mate. There’s no reason to fear anyone. This is your clan.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have come into town so soon. Your dad might have been wrong.”

  “You need clothing and shoes. While we don’t have much to offer here from our small store, it could take a week or two for your stuff to arrive from California; and the same for any packages to arrive from online orders. They don’t even deliver them this far out. We have to drive to another town to pick up mail. That’s how we mainly buy things in this remote area of Alaska.”

  “Wow. You don’t even get mail here?”

  “Nope. We won’t allow a post office to be set up in our territory. Mail is federally regulated. That means scrutiny we don’t welcome. Post offices are run by humans and we don’t wish for any to live in our town. It’s just easier if another town handles mail, and for us to send some of our men to go pick it up.”

  “I see. “ She wiggled her toes in the three pairs of socks he’d made her wear to protect her feet from the ground. “I’m okay though. I don’t want you blowing a lot of money on me. It’s not as if I’m going to be outside much. I won’t be very popular around her. It’s probably better if I stay indoors.”

  “Don’t think that way. Now, you need shoes, and my clothes practically tent you.” A grin flashed when his gaze lowered to her breasts. “Although I wouldn’t complain if you remained naked.”

  She grinned. “As tempting as that is, your family tends to drop in announced. Lead on. Just don’t leave me alone.”

  He started to walk again, keeping her hand inside his, and they entered a small tourist shop. The woman behind the counter smiled until her gaze lowered to Dusti. The twenty-something-looking woman frowned at that point.

  “Drantos.” The woman inclined her head; her silky, short black hair brushed her tan shoulders revealed by a tank top. “It is good you have returned.”

  “Peva, this is my mate, Dusti. She needs some temporary clothing and shoes.”

  “Of course.”


  Dusti turned to gawk at the six-foot-four guy with shaggy dark brown hair down to his broad shoulders who’d somehow managed to sneak up without a sound. His piercing brown gaze trained on Drantos. She guessed this had to be the guy who ran the auto shop, when she noticed engine grease smeared over his metal band T-shirt, the front of his faded jeans, and down both of his bared, muscular arms.

  “What is it?” Drantos released her to address the tall man.

  “We need to speak privately for a second.” He ignored everyone else. “I got a phone call. Can you step outside?”

  “Yeah.” Drantos forced a smile at Dusti. “Go find shoes and some clothes. Don’t worry about the price and get enough to last you a few days. I’ll be right back.” He strode out of the store.

  “So you are the human causing so much talk in the clan.”

  Dusti turned to face the woman behind the counter. A little fear inched up her spine at the unhappy expression on Peva’s features. “My father was one. I’ve been told my mother was a VampLycan.”

  “Drantos deserves to have a strong mate. That isn’t you.”

  Shock held Dusti silent until her temper flared to life. “I take it you’re attracted to him? Too bad. I’m his mate.”

  “That’s not true. He’s like family and I already have a mate. From what I hear, you rejected Drantos.” The woman moved around the counter but kept her distance. “You will make him appear weak to the clan.” She pointed to the back of the shop. “There are shoes and clothing over there. I even carry underclothes. Get them and get out. Drantos can pay up later. I hope you make his home life a happy one since he’s giving up so much for you.”

  Dusti hesitated. “What does that mean?”

  Anger burned in Peva’s glare. “He’s the first son of our clan leader. That means he’s expected to breed strong children to ensure our future. To take a weak mate is the equivalent of shirking his responsibilities to the clan. The men will lose respect for him. That’s a big deal. Do you have any idea how many women turn mating age and travel here in an attempt to get him to taste them, to see if they’re his mate? It devastated every female he turned down, and they came from strong families with good bloodlines. Their fathers were enforcers. He’s probably the most desired male in our clan, hell, in any of them. The men envied him—until you came along. Now they will pity him. They can be assholes. He’ll ignore it but it will make life hard on Drantos.”

  She let that information sink in. Drantos had lost respect? That bothered her a lot. “I don’t know how to fix this. It’s not my fault my father was human. What do you expect me to do? I love him.”

  “I see.” Peva’s anger seemed to drain somewhat. “I’m glad to hear that, at least.”

  “Do you have any advice to help us with this mess or would you rather just try to make me feel worse?” Dusti edged closer to the clothes rack in the shop.

  “Do you really care?”

  Anger burned. “He’s my mate. I deeply love him,” Dusti ground out. “You could give me advice if you’re truly his friend, since I know so little about your ways.”

  The woman appraised her. “You need to show the clan that you are worthy to be his mate. If you truly care about him, you try hard to fit in and make people like you. They might be willing to overlook your bloodlines.”

  “Do you want to share some suggestions? I’m not a mind reader.”

  Peva took a deep breath. “Be respectful to him at all times, especially publicly. Relationships work differently with VampLycans. You never contradict him in front of others. Do that at home, in private. You’re allowed to argue with your mate as much as you wish behind closed doors. Men like a woman with spirit and he’ll encourage that. Rumors are circulating that he had to plead with you to be his mate. “

  “He didn’t beg me to come home with him.”

  She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. That’s what everyone believes. You need to fix that immediately before the rumors spread to other clans.”

  “Fine.” Dusti spun around and quickly found things in her size. She got an armload of clothing, picked out a pair of canvas slip-ons, and then turned. “Do you need to add this up?”

  “I see what you’ve taken.” Peva held out a bag.

  Dusti put all the things into it. “Thank you.”

  “Make him happy. That is all I want. We grew up together. He’s been as close to a brother as I have after my own died.”

  “I’ll do my best,” she promised, before stepping out into the sunshine.

  Drantos and the taller guy stood ten feet away whispering but they noticed her immediately. She paused until Drantos motioned her over. The big man ignored her still as if she didn’t exist. He didn’t glance at her once.

  “Thank you,” Drantos said.

  “Not a problem. Let me know if you need anything.” The guy disappeared down an alley next to the store.

  “What was that about?”

  Drantos took her burden from her then cradled her against his chest with one arm. “We’ll discuss it later. Do you want to put on the shoes now?”

  “Not really. I’d just like to go home.”

  He offered his hand. “Are you okay? You appear a little irritated.”

  “I’m fine.”

  He didn’t seem convinced but he tugged her toward the walkway. “We’ll be home soon.”

  She noticed a group of five couples heading toward
them on the sidewalk. Dusti bit her lip and then released it. “Are those your clan people ahead of us in that group?”


  Now is my chance, she thought, mustering up her courage when the group drew closer. She jerked on Drantos’s hand to bring him to a halt. He turned to peer at her with a questioning gaze. Dusti took a deep breath, her heart racing, and she made sure she spoke loudly.

  “Thank you for allowing me to be your mate, Drantos. I mean it. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  She rushed on, ignoring his shocked expression and the fact that the couples had stopped to gawk. “I don’t deserve you. I’ve been so unworthy. But I swear I’ll make it up to you every day.”

  His jaw clenched and his gaze lifted over her head. Understanding dawned, quickly followed by amusement. His lips twitched. “You’ll show the clan that you’re more than worthy of being mine. They just need to see how courageous and strong you are, as I have.”

  She winked at him subtly. “You’re the best. I love you.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips, pressed a kiss on her knuckles, and then started to move down the sidewalk as he lowered it. “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  She couldn’t resist glancing at the VampLycans when they passed them. All ten of them appeared openly stunned and she resisted the grin that threatened to curve her lips. She hoped that little display of them as a couple dispelled any gossip about Drantos having to talk her into being with him.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” he said softly, once they’d cleared the town and reached the path to his cabin.

  She opened her mouth to tell him she’d done it because she cared about him.

  “But I appreciate it.”

  Dusti understood. “I’d do anything for you.”

  “My friend I spoke to heard from Kraven. He didn’t want to risk reaching out to me on the phone in case your grandfather tapped the lines to trace the call. He and Bat are somewhere safe. He knew we’d be worried.”