Page 7 of Drantos

  She’d had enough. Dusti just wanting him to stop talking nonsense and get off her. “They threw a big ol’ orgy?” she interrupted.

  “Damn it,” he snarled. “Stop.”

  Fear hit her over the pure rage that darkened his features and she sealed her lips. Don’t piss off the insane linebacker-size guy on top of you, she silently ordered herself.

  “The male Vampires secretly plotted to impregnate as many Lycan women as possible. They wanted to form an army of half-breed children. Some believe it was so they no longer had to keep an alliance with the Lycans. They could be guarded by their own children. Others believe it was just because they finally had an opportunity to breed, and that appealed to them.

  “Some of the Lycan men started to disappear. The Lycans quickly figured out they were being murdered by Vamps so they could gain access to the widowed mates, whether they were willing or not.” Anger deepened his voice. “The Vamps were attacking Lycan women. They violated them by controlling their minds, and then their bodies. A war broke out between the two. A lot of Lycan men died but it gave the women a chance to flee. A group of them—some who were pregnant and others who had already birthed half-breeds—ended up in Alaska, since there were no major human towns here at the time. Vamps need humans to feed from. They can survive off animals but I’ve heard animal blood tastes like shit to them and weakens them over time.

  “The Lycans and VampLycans were safer here, but we still broke into four clans in case the Vampires were able to track us. It was about survival. They wouldn’t be able to take us all on at once and it would provide time for the others to flee if one clan was attacked. It helps keep our numbers in check too. It’s how we stay under the radar, by monitoring the size of our population so we don’t draw attention to ourselves, and what we are. Humans just see our clans as small towns, not a threat to them.”

  Dusti held her tongue. Drantos paused, licked his lips, and took a few breaths. The anger eased from his striking features.

  “The survivors soon discovered a clan of Gargoyles in the area. They’d fled Europe to avoid being hunted by Vampires, humans, and others of their kind. They were dying out. Gargoyles tend to breed more boy children than girls. They had so few women of their own kind that they’d fight to the death at times, killing each other to gain access to one. They needed women to breed with and the survivors of the war didn’t want another fight, this time with Gargoyles. They had lost a lot of their males already.”

  “I’ve heard enough.” She just wanted him to stop. None of it could be true. She didn’t want it to be.

  “I’m telling you the truth.” Drantos paused. “Imagine a bunch of frightened people in a desperate situation. Many of the Lycan women had been raped, in mind and body, and had birthed children sired by Vampires. These women had lost fathers and brothers who’d died fighting to give them time to escape. Some had lost their mates. They were vulnerable, so some of their single women offered themselves to the Gargoyles. They formed a new alliance. The Gargoyles swore to live side by side with us in peace and to help fight any Vampires who came after us, if the need arose to defend the clans. We had the common enemies of humans and Vampires.”

  “But according to your crazy story, the pregnant women were about to birth Vampires. Some had already. You said they were enemies. At least try to make sense.”

  “The Gargoyles were willing to become allies with the half-breeds because they were desperate for the full-blooded Lycan women to breed with. Our clans are linked by bloodlines, but only on the Lycan side. Gargoyles and Lycans had GarLycan children. The children born in our clans are VampLycans. Half Vampire, half Lycan. Over a hundred half-breed children made up the first generation of our new clans. They frightened the pure-blood Lycans. They were stronger than them and had inherited some Vampire abilities. A vast majority of the Lycans not mated to Gargoyles left when those children started to mature and those traits began to show.

  “Your grandfather is a first-generation VampLycan, Dusti—and after he matured to adulthood and took over his clan, he didn’t agree with how the clans were split into four. He’s power-hungry and believes there should be one ruler, one clan. He wants the GarLycans to help him take out the other clan leaders and anyone else who opposes him. He plans to start a civil war.”

  “Didn’t the Gargoyles take off too when these super half-breeds grew up, if they’re so scary?”

  “No. The Gargoyles were dwindling until they mated with the full-Lycan females. Their children born from that alliance filled their clan to a strong number. Aveoth is a half-breed who leads his own clan. They consist of a mixture of GarLycans and full blooded Gargoyles. His father was a Gargoyle, and his mother a GarLycan. Both Gargoyles and GarLycans are pretty damn tough. They fear no one. That’s why we can’t allow Decker to use you or your sister as leverage against Aveoth to force him into a war with us. It would be a bloodbath with few survivors.”

  Dusti just stared at him, trying to take in everything he’d said. It was possible he didn’t believe in aliens. She almost wished he did, because she was used to Greg’s world. The one Drantos had made up in his head was way more complicated and involved mythical paranormal creatures.

  His eyes…okay, she couldn’t explain that. Which unsettled her and made her nervous.

  “So you’re telling me I’m related to Vampires and Werewolves?” She didn’t want to hear any more and felt hysteria begin to rise up. It couldn’t be true. “Or am I part Gargoyle? I’m a little confused but it’s all cool. Next full moon, I’ll try to howl just to see if I sprout hair. I guess now I know why I usually get sunburned instead of tan when I lay out. I just thought it was my fair skin but now I’ll know to avoid the sun and sharp wooden stakes. I don’t think I’d like to be a Gargoyle statue though. It sounds boring.”

  The blue of his eyes darkened into near black, stopping her humor immediately as alarm spread throughout her body. It made him look evil.

  “You aren’t part of the GarLycan clan. And it’s not something to make fun of. To be a VampLycan is an honor.”

  “Couldn’t I be a fairy instead? They have sparkly magic dust and wings. I’d much rather you tell me I’m one of those.”

  He sighed. “This is how you’re going to deal with what I’m telling you? Making smartass remarks?”

  She nodded. “This is too messed up.”

  “We’re trying to avoid a war, Dusti. You need to know what’s really going on.”

  “Can you at least make your fantasy world make sense? According to you, you’re already at war with Vampires.”

  “Vampires are no longer a threat. They’ve tried to come after us a few times over the years and we’ve slaughtered them. That war ended when they realized how strong we’d become.” He hesitated. “It’s a war between the clans we want to avoid right now. That’s the threat. Decker’s clan isn’t strong enough to take on everyone else. He’d lose unless he can force the GarLycans to his side. That’s why he can’t get his hands on your sister to use against us. He’ll hand her over to Aveoth so he’ll fight us too.”

  “Why is Bat so important to this Aveoth? Why would he want her?”

  “Aveoth was once promised your grandmother’s sister. She died before that could happen. He’ll want Bat because she’s a direct descendant of the woman who should have been his.”

  “It sounds crazy. You have to see where I’m coming from.”

  His gaze lowered to the neck of her blouse. “I know, and I’m sorry I had to be the one to tell you the truth, but I can prove it. I’m dominant and you aren’t.”

  “You mean you’re stronger.”

  He glanced up, his intense gaze meeting hers before he focused lower once more. “You’re part Lycan, even if it is very minimal. I can force it to the surface.”

  She felt really uneasy over the way he studied her throat. She pushed against his chest again, futilely, unable to move his heavy bulk. He suddenly tucked his head, burying his face against her neck. She tensed.

bsp; “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you proof. I'm going to show you how you react to someone else with Lycan bloodlines.” His lips brushed the skin under her earlobe and his hot breath warmed her neck. He growled low before his mouth parted. A wet tongue licked down the side and he nipped her shoulder.

  Shock tore through Dusti as a jolt of awareness flashed through her body when his teeth nipped her. Oddly, it didn’t hurt, but it reminded her of the time she’d accidently touched a frayed cord plugged into the wall. A current of electricity zipped from where his mouth touched, all the way down to her toes. She gasped.

  He released her skin then bit her again, harder, an inch closer to her throat. The second bite made her react even stronger. He didn't break skin but she wouldn't be surprised if it left marks.

  A moan tore from her lips as her body writhed under his, sexual desire firing her blood. It confused and alarmed her. Her breasts ached painfully and her stomach muscles clenched. He nibbled and bit her again, causing her back to arch until she pressed tight against him.

  His muscular legs parted, spreading her thighs. His hips settled more firmly until the hard ridge of his cock nudged her clit.

  Dusti clawed at his shirt, horrified but unable to control the burning need he inspired. She wanted him inside her. She hurt.

  He slowly rocked his hips, rubbing against her. He bit her neck again and then did it a little harder. Her hands slid up, the desire to touch his skin overwhelming. She located the back of his neck. Her fingernails dug into hot flesh, kneading it lightly, and her legs moved of their own accord, wrapping around the back of his thighs to draw him closer.

  “Drantos,” Kraven interrupted softly. “Stop.”

  A deep, harsh growl sounded against her ear and Drantos’s mouth released her. He breathed heavily and lifted his head.

  Dusti was stunned and confused. Her eyes flew open to stare into his bright blue gaze again. His eyes were faintly glowing.

  “Mind your own business, Kraven.” Drantos didn’t glance at his brother, instead holding Dusti’s gaze.

  “You’re going to fuck her right in front of me and the humans near the fire? Think about that. There’s no privacy here.”

  Frustration tightened Drantos’s features and he snarled softly, tearing his gaze away to glower in anger at his brother. “Thanks. I may have. She…affects me.”

  “No kidding.” Kraven chuckled. “I think you showed her enough. Hell, you’ve shown me way too much. I never want to see you in action again.”

  “How is her sister?”

  “I ordered her to sleep. It was easy to do. She has no defenses. The Lycan is stronger in her than any Vampire traits she inherited.” Kraven sat up, drawing Dusti’s attention enough to make her turn her head just in time to see his grin. “Your way of dealing with yours looks more fun.”

  “Painful, more like.” Drantos suddenly released Dusti and tried to lift his entire body off her, using with his hands on the ground, but her legs were still wrapped tightly around him. It prevented him from doing little more than separating their chests. “I’m so fucking hard I could break stone.”

  Cold air got between their bodies, chilling Dusti instantly. She hated missing his heat and weight.

  What the hell is wrong with me? How could I react to a stranger this way—and this strongly?

  She didn’t voice her questions but it was tough to refrain. She blushed with embarrassment at how badly her body ached to have him finish what he’d started. Her nipples were hard and she felt soaked where her panties covered her sex. Her clit throbbed painfully.

  She scrambled to unhook her legs to release him. He lowered his head and studied her face. He softly groaned. “You’re lucky I don’t throw you over my shoulder and take you out into the woods. I’d fuck you until we both couldn’t walk.”

  “You’d break her.” Kraven chucked again. “She’s so weak-blooded the human is all I smell.”

  Dusti stared up into Drantos’s fascinating blue eyes and couldn’t look away. Her heart pounded inside her chest as if it might burst through her rib cage. She wasn’t sure if he was doing that thing he could do, paralyzing her with a look, but she held still.

  “She’d be a snack before a hearty meal.” Kraven snickered. “But you do look pretty hungry.”

  Drantos moved, sliding his body down hers. His hips pressed against her thighs until they halted at her knees. He lowered his head, his hands bracing his weight, and caused Dusti to gasp when he pushed his nose between her breasts. He inhaled, groaned softly once more and moved lower, to her stomach. He growled deeply, sounding more animal than human. His head lifted and he met her gaze.

  “She smells so damn good to me that I could totally feast on her.”

  “Shit.” Kraven suddenly was there, gripping his brother’s forearm. “Get off.”

  “I don’t want to.” Another soft sound came from Drantos and his face buried against Dusti’s stomach again, nuzzling her. He used his teeth to jerk up her shirt. He snarled when he exposed her bare navel and his tongue darted out to lick her sensitive skin. Pleasure at that mere touch had Dusti arching her back to press her stomach tighter against his face.

  Kraven cursed softly—and then Drantos was torn away from her body. Dusti’s eyes snapped open.

  Both men ended up on their knees feet from her, nearly nose to nose, gripping each other’s forearms tightly. If she didn’t know better she’d think they were about to wrestle.

  “Control yourself.” Kraven’s words were barely discernible with his snarling tone. “You’re using Lycan hormones to turn her on.”

  “I want her!” Drantos’s voice came out so deep it didn’t sound human.

  Kraven’s tan face paled. “You aren’t being rational. Drantos…you know what this means, don’t you? You poor bastard.”

  “I do.” Drantos’s gaze left his brother to focus once more on Dusti.

  “No.” Kraven shook his brother. “It’s just the stress. She’s weak and you’ve been protecting her. Your body and head are all screwed up. That’s all it is. You’re confused.”

  Dusti trembled. Her body throbbed with need unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. She could identify the source though—and what she craved was Drantos.

  Half of her wanted to crawl over to him just to touch him again, while the rational, sane side wished Bat wasn’t part of the equation so she could flee into the woods. She’d rather take her chances out in the wilderness with whatever unknown dangers lie in wait in the darkness, rather than continue spending time with the man who did things to her that shook her to the very core of her soul.

  Drantos continued to watch her with his unsettling, intense gaze. Kraven held on to him and forever seemed to pass before they broke apart. Kraven stayed between her and Drantos, though, and studied his brother closely.

  “Better? Are you under control now?”


  “You keep mine warm and I’ll hold yours for the night. The last thing you need is to touch her again.”

  Rage darkened Drantos’s features while he glared at his brother. “Don’t touch her! She’s mine.”

  “You can’t claim her! Not now and not here, anyway. And don’t attack me.”

  “Don’t touch her then.” Drantos growled deep in a threatening tone. “I won’t be able to handle it.”

  “Fair enough.” Kraven gave a sharp nod. “Oh man. This is fucked. You just had to taste her, didn’t you? Did you ever think that now might not have been a good time to do that? That maybe it could be dangerous if she were the one?”

  “It never crossed my mind.” Drantos’s voice seemed to grow less deep, returning to a more normal level. “I had no inkling of it.”

  “Her scent didn’t arouse you?”

  “Any attractive woman would do that to me.”

  “Maybe it’s the stress, as I said. And you’ve had to stay too close to keep an eye on her.”

  “No.” Fury darkened Drantos’s features again. “
I’m sure. She’s the one. As soon as I scented her arousal it became clear. I should have known when I tasted her to see what her bloodlines were. It affected me so strongly even though I only took a few drops.”

  “Fuck.” Kraven ran his fingers through his messed-up spiky hair and turned his head to stare at the survivors around the fire. “We’ve drawn a little attention. Two of the humans are watching us.” His voice lowered and he smiled. “Sit your big ass down and look happy.”

  “We need to go now.” Drantos sat.

  “I need some sleep first. We’re going to have to haul them through the woods at a fast pace.”

  “We leave now. I can’t sleep with her, and I’m going to be on you in a heartbeat if you touch her. I feel fiercely protective. I’d fight you, Kraven. They can’t produce enough body heat not to freeze during the night unless we put them closer to the fire and the other crash victims. There are a few men who might set me off if they pay any attention to Dusti. Let’s just move out. We’ll carry them to keep them warm with our body heat.”

  “We need some sleep first, brother. Try to be rational. Think.”

  Drantos took a few deep breaths. “I’m in control now.”

  “Bullshit. You just want to touch her again, and you won’t make it fifty feet without fucking her in your current condition.” Kraven turned his head to shoot Dusti a glare. “Curl up with your sister. Don’t try to wake her. Are we clear? You can keep each other warm and I can get some sleep before we have to hike out of here.”

  Dusti trembled hard. Confusion and alarm held her immobile. Her body still ached so badly it had become a deep physical pain. She tore her gaze from Kraven to stare at Drantos. She fought the desperate need she still felt to crawl to him. Her turned-on body longed to touch him and even climb onto his lap. She fought the urge hard as her nipples tightened painfully and she fisted her hands to avoid reaching out to him.

  His gaze locked with hers and he softly growled.

  Kraven suddenly moved between them to break their eye contact. “Damn it! Okay. Give me a minute to think.”