Page 42 of For the Fallen


  “Dusty’s alive! I loved that dog! Where is she!”

  “Again with the past tense. Dusty’s fine, she’s sleeping up in your folks’ bedroom.

  Don’t you remember?”

  We went outside; the cool night air was invigorating. “It was warmer upstairs.”

  “What do you expect for October in New England?”

  “It’s March in Colorado,” I whispered.

  Beth wrapped her jacket tighter around herself. “Don’t you want to keep me warm?”

  she said as she pulled me in close.

  “Uh…” I was turned so that I could see the side of my townhome out of my peripheral

  vision. Tracy walked by the window. I quickly stepped back from Beth. “Did you see

  that?” I asked, pointing to the window.

  “Are you just messing with me now, Mike?”

  I turned to look at her. “Once upon a time, I was head over heels for you…couldn’t

  think of much else as a matter of fact. Then, slowly but surely, I began to see what

  others did.”

  “Oh? And what’s that?” she said as she released my hand.

  “That you’re a very selfish person.”

  “Why are you saying such hurtful things?”

  “I got my first true indication when my sister was working at that travel agency.

  I told you that she could get us two tickets anywhere in the Continental US or one

  ticket anywhere in the world. My first and only thought was where would we like to

  go. I remember you said to me before you had a chance to think about it that you always

  wanted to visit Egypt. If it had been your sister I’m convinced you would have gone

  to the Pyramids by yourself.”

  “That never happened,” she said indignantly.

  “It will,” I told her. “The kicker, though…the real kicker is that next year you are

  going to get an internship with an ABC affiliate and then you’re going to cheat on

  me with one of the producers. And not because you have any true feelings for him,

  but rather as a way to get your foot in the door regardless of the devastation it

  is going to cause me. I’m going to try and drown my liver in alcohol after you do

  that. I join the Marines to dry out. Do you believe that shit? Me in the Corps.”

  “I’m going to get going, Mike. Whatever you took tonight, I’m just going to wait until

  it has run its course.”

  “Okay,” I told her, not even watching as she walked away.

  Tracy was staring out the window in my general direction, but I’m pretty sure I could

  have had a roman candle shooting from my ass and she wouldn’t have seen it…or me.

  I went back into my parents’ basement; the same cellar that had seen so many get-togethers.

  “Where’s Beth?” Dennis asked, coming up to me. He was holding a cold beer that he

  handed to me.

  “Dennis, you’re alive! I’ve missed you, man.” I hugged him fiercely.

  “Dude, people are going to talk,” he said, looking around like he was hoping no one

  was witnessing the event. Odds were none of them would remember it the next day anyway.

  “Dennis,” I gripped each shoulder hard, “you need to listen to me, man. You are one

  of my best friends.”

  “Is this drunk talk, Mike? I love you too, man,” he said uncomfortably as he continued

  to look around.

  “Dude, yes I am fucking wasted beyond comprehension, but you need to fucking listen

  to me. Write this shit down if you have to.”

  “Mike, I didn’t carry a pen and paper in high school, what makes you think I’m going

  to have one now?”

  “Fine, fine…are you paying the fuck attention.”

  “Listen, man, you’re like five inches from my face, I promise I’m paying attention.”

  “How eff’d up are you?”

  “Not too bad. Stomach has been a little iffy, so I’ve only been smoking mostly.”

  “Alright, man, in your thirties—”

  He interrupted me. “My thirties? What the fuck are you talking about? I’m eighteen.”

  “Just shut up and listen, for some reason I’ll probably never figure out, I was given

  a chance here to change some shit. In your thirties you are going to get diagnosed

  with diabetes, and like the asshole that you are, you aren’t going to do anything

  about it, and it’s going to kill you.”


  “Yes! Now fucking promise me when you get that news that you will do everything in

  your power to live a long and normal life.”

  “Dude, you’re freaking me out,” he said as he tried to pull away.

  I gripped him tighter. “Promise me, man, and I’ll let you go.” I was staring at him


  He dropped his gaze and promised.

  “No, man, look me in the eye when you promise. Swear on your mother this time.” He

  was getting angry. “Do it,” I said, pulling him in closer.

  Through gritted teeth he spoke. “I promise, now let me the fuck go.” He shrugged me


  “One more thing,” I said to his retreating back, “invest in Microsoft.”

  “Hey, buddy,” Paul said as I approached the quarters table.

  “Want to see something crazy?” I asked him.

  “Love to,” he replied as he followed me to the basement stairs.

  He was a step below me, I had one foot on the plywood and the other on carpet. For

  the briefest of moments the older Paul was above me looking down and the younger Paul

  was below me looking up. Both versions of Paul had their mouths agape as they stared

  at who they once were and who they were to become.

  My next step brought me to the present; Paul was still looking past me.

  “Some killer weed, huh?” I asked as I patted his back and moved on by.

  “What the f…” He turned to follow.

  “Yeah…welcome to my world. Next time, leave your crazy marijuana at home,” I said

  as I opened the basement stairs door.

  “Shit, you almost busted my nose,” Dennis yelped from hallway.

  Now it was my turn for my mouth to drop open. “You’re…you’re alive?” I asked, stepping

  back. I probably would have gone tumbling down the stairs if not for Paul directly

  behind me.

  “I told you not to smoke that shit,” Dennis laughed at me.

  “The diabetes?”

  “Under control for like the last five years, Mike. You alright? I always wanted to

  ask you how you knew about that.”

  “What…what about Microsoft?” I asked.

  “Oh, Microsoft! That would have made way more sense. I thought you said Hasbro. Done all right with them, though.

  “It’s good to see you, man,” I said, hugging him tight, neither of us embarrassed.

  “Happy Birthday, man, may the gods shine down upon you.”

  “They already have, brother,” I told him honestly.

  Check out these other titles by Mark Tufo

  Zombie Fallout Boxed Set

  All the books you love in one easy to go e-box! Perfect for when you have to leave

  your house in a hurry! TAKE YOUR EREADER!

  Zombie Fallout

  It was a flu season like no other. With the H1N1 virus running rampant through the

  country, people lined up in droves to try and attain one of the coveted vaccines.

  What was not known, was the effect this largely untested inoculation was to have on

  the unsuspecting throngs. Within days, feverish folk throughout the country, convulsed,

  collapsed and died, only to be
re-born. With a taste for brains, blood and bodies,

  hordes of modern-day zombies began scouring the lands for their next meal.

  This is the story of Michael Talbot, his family and his friends: a band of ordinary

  people trying to get by in extraordinary times. When disaster strikes, Mike a self-proclaimed

  survivalist, does his best to ensure the safety and security of those he cares for.

  What he encounters along the way leads him down a long dark road, always skirting

  on the edge of insanity. Ensconced in a seemingly safe haven called Little Turtle,

  Mike and his family, together with the remnants of a tattered community, must fight

  against a relentless, ruthless, unstoppable force. This last bastion of civilization

  has made its final stand. God help them all.

  Zombie Fallout 2: A Plague Upon Your Family

  The Talbots are evacuating their home amidst a zombie apocalypse. Mankind is on the

  edge of extinction as a new dominant, mindless opponent scours the landscape in search

  of food, which just so happens to be non-infected humans. This book follows the journey

  of Michael Talbot, his wife, Tracy, and their three kids - Nicole, Justin and Travis.

  Accompanying them are Brendon, Nicole's fiancée and Tommy, a former Wal-Mart door

  greeter who may be more than he seems. Together they struggle against a ruthless,

  relentless enemy that has singled them out above all others.

  As they travel across the war-torn country side the Talbots soon learn that there

  are more than just zombies to be fearful of: with law and order a long-distant memory

  some humans have decided to take any and all matters into their own hands. It's not

  just brains versus brain-eaters anymore. And the stakes may be higher than merely

  life and death, with eternal souls on the line.

  Zombie Fallout 3: The End…

  As the world spirals even further down into the abyss of apocalypse, one man struggles

  to keep those around him safe. Michael stands side by side with his wife, their children,

  his friends and Henry the wonder Bulldog along with the Wal-Mart greeter Tommy who

  is infinitely more than he appears. Whether Tommy is leading Mike and his family to

  salvation or death remains to be seen...

  Zombie Fallout 3.5 - Dr. Hugh Mann – Prequel

  Before there were zombies there was the virus...

  In this Zombie Fallout prequel, Mark Tufo tells the story of the virus that started

  it all.

  Zombie Fallout IV: The End…Has Come and Gone

  “The End…has come and gone. This is the new beginning, the new world order and it

  sucks. The end for humanity came the moment the U.S. government sent out the infected

  flu shots. My name is Michael Talbot and this is my journal. I’m writing this because

  no one’s tomorrow is guaranteed, and I have to leave something behind to those who

  may follow.” - From Mike Talbot’s Journal

  So continues Mike’s journey, will he give up all that he is in a desperate bid to

  save his family and friends? Eliza is coming, can anyone be prepared?

  Zombie Fallout V: Alive In A Dead World

  Eliza turned to Tomas: “This is the end...he is no longer alive in a dead world.”

  In this installment of Mark Tufo’s action-packed Zombie Fallout series, Mike Talbot

  and his family continue their fight for survival as Eliza plots their demise.

  Zombie Fallout VI: ‘Til Death Do Us Part

  Mark Tufo’s Zombie Fallout novels have their share of memorable characters. Throughout

  the series, we have become acquainted with Michael Talbot. We’ve gotten to know Mike’s

  wife, Tracy, their children, and several other characters, including Mrs. Deneaux,

  BT, and Tommy.

  One character here, however, deserves special mention - that of Eliza. In Zombie Fallout

  2, we discovered the queen’s origins. In particular, we learned of her transformation

  from human to vampire. Subsequent novels in the series, indeed, affirm this villain’s

  bloodthirsty nature. Eliza will not rest until she sees to the destruction of the

  entire Talbot clan.

  Now, in the latest novel in the Zombie Fallout series, the moment has come for the

  final showdown. But as BT, Gary, and Mrs. Deneaux prepare to face Eliza, they have

  other worries. With Mike still missing, they cannot help but fear the worst.

  Is Mike alive? Will the Talbot’s defeat their nemesis once and for all? Readers will

  learn the answers to these questions and more in the much-anticipated sixth installment

  of the Zombie Fallout series.

  Indian Hill

  This first story is about an ordinary boy growing up in relatively normal times who

  finds himself thrust into an extraordinary position. Growing up in suburban Boston,

  Mike Talbot undergoes the trials and tribulations of all teenagers, from the seemingly

  tyrannical mother, to girl problems to run-ins with the law. From there, he escapes

  to college in Colorado with his best friend, Paul, where they begin to forge new relationships.

  It is one girl in particular that has caught Mike’s eye, and he alternately pines

  for her and laments ever meeting her.

  It is on their true “first” date that things go strangely askew. Mike finds himself

  captive aboard an alien vessel, fighting for his very survival. The aliens have devised

  gladiator-type games - games of twofold importance that they use both for entertainment

  value and to learn about human strengths and weaknesses. The aliens want to better

  learn how to attack and defeat humans, and the battles are to the death on varying

  computer-generated terrains.

  Follow Mike and Paul as they battles for their lives and try to keep the United States


  Indian Hill II: Reckoning

  Reckoning starts where the first book in the series left off. After escaping from

  the Progerian alien vessel, Michael Talbot is given the opportunity to hide in obscurity

  with the rest of the human race or rise to the occasion and once again find himself

  immersed in a battle that he wants nothing to do with.

  Mike goes home and decides to join whatever resistance force can be mustered to repel

  the oncoming invasion. As humanity gets thrust towards the abyss of extinction, two

  women in love with the same man make a desperate bid to travel across the country

  to reunite with him.

  Mike will suffer the ultimate betrayal from those he loves the most. Will mankind

  fall and be ground to dust like so many other civilizations, or will the tiny humans

  thwart a takeover? Only time and shed blood will tell.

  Indian Hill III: Conquest

  And so the end begins...Indian Hill introduced us to Michael Talbot, an ordinary boy

  thrust into extraordinary circumstances when he finds himself captive aboard an alien

  vessel and forced to battle for his very survival in gladiator-type games. As Michael

  learns, the aliens were using him to learn about human weaknesses in preparation for

  an impending invasion.

  In Indian Hill 2, Michael escaped from the alien ship and joined whatever resistance

  forces could be mustered to repel the oncoming alien invasion.

  Now in the final chapter of the Indian Hill trilogy, Michael joins forces with an