PKMY: (This will be his final attempt, but he's nowhere near the tree-)
Ashton: "Neurons draw, Astragons repel, MYSTIC SHIELD" *Swirls of bubble-like streams enveloped him, forming a shield.*
PKMY: (His shield is only strong enough to slightly knock my attack to the side-)
Ashton: (I have to put everything into this one!) *He spread his arms and yelled, causing the shield to slightly glow blue.*
Teresa: "Hoh?" (His shield is glowing, it is usually transparent.)
Ashton: "Argh-" *Grass blew back, as PKMY's attack slammed into his shield.*
PKMY: "..." *She silently watched, ignoring the echoing screeching sound.*
Ashton: *He watched the shield erode in on itself, caused by PKMY's attack.* (I can't let this shield burst!)
Teresa: (The Astragons surrounding Ashton is increasing-)
Ashton: (If I fail, she will take this ring away, rendering me useless!) *His feet scraped along the ground, as the attack pushed him backwards.*
PKMY: *She leant on her side filled with confusion.* (Why keep the shield up? What is he doing?)
Ashton: (Alright, I have to initiate the plan!) *He focused on the eroding shield, causing the aura to vibrate in front of him.*
PKMY: "Give it a rest-"
Ashton: "Harh!" *He moved to the side, causing the shield to explode.* "Argh-" *He tumbled back, as PKMY's attack blasted into the distance.*
PKMY: *She sighed, slowly walking towards him.* "Not a bad effort, but you wasted so much energy."
Teresa: "Hoh? I see, that was his intentions-" *She mumbled to herself, quickly walking away from the tree.*
Ashton: "D-Did I pass?" *He moaned, holding his chest in pain.*
PKMY: "Unfortunately no, however you did give it your all."
Ashton: *He took deep breaths and smiled, as he tried to stay on his feet.* "..."
PKMY: "Why are you smirking? You don't have a leaf, you lost? Idiot!"
Teresa: "The outcome has yet to be resolved." *She whispered under her breath.*
PKMY: *She looked over her shoulder, staring at Teresa with a frown.* "What was that Teresa-?"
*A loud thunder rumbled through the air, as a miniature explosion blasted around the tree.*
Ashton: *He panted with one eye closed, slowly raising his arm.* "..."
PKMY: "What?!" *She looked to her side and watched an eruption of leaves blow into the air.*
Teresa: "..." *She watched the leaves blow in the wind.*
Ashton: *He caught a leaf, as a gust of wind blew past him.* "Never underestimate your opponent."
PKMY: *Her jaw dropped, as she stood on the spot in disbelief.* (This guy.)
Ashton: *He looked down to the leaf, causing sweat to drip off his face.* "I did it-?"
PKMY: "Hahaha, yahoo! You pass!" *She stepped forward and flashstepped next to Ashton.*
Teresa: *She looked up and spun around, staring into the distance.* (It appears Battling Oxident has commenced already.)
PKMY: "We'll have to save the celebrations for another time."
Ashton: "What do you mean?"
PKMY: "Now it's time for the hardest part of my training."
Ashton: "No fair, I just did the exam."
PKMY: "Teresa, has Season been notified?"
Teresa: "We have made the specified deadline, they will be awaiting our arrival."
PKMY: "Heh, good work, Ashton." *She proudly smiled, hitting the leaf out of his hand.* "I'm surprisingly proud of this one, Teresa."
Teresa: "From my experiences, people like Ashton are rare to encounter."
PKMY: "Well, I'm definitely attending Battling Oxident, so don't let me down."
Ashton: "Thank you very much."
PKMY: "Teresa, I'm removing my training Rostical now."
Teresa: *She walked over to Ashton, placing his arm over her head.* "I understand."
Ashton: *He glanced at Teresa with confusion.* "What are you doing? I'm a little exhausted but I'm in no pain."
PKMY: "Dispel!"
Ashton: "Dispel-?" *He wheezed, bending forward in pain.*
PKMY: "Go now, I don't want to watch my star pupil scream like a girl-"
Ashton: (My chest! It hurts!-) "Argh!" *He yelled in tremendous pain, causing PKMY to turn around.*
*A glyph drew itself on the ground underneath Ashton and Teresa, causing the area to glow purple.*
Teresa: "Until next time, PKMY."
PKMY: *She smirked, ignoring Ashton's screams.* (Until next time.)
*A large cluster of people gathered on the peak of Gasher Hills.*
Alicia: *She watched several women in white run towards Season.* (I wonder why we have to meet on top of Gasher Hills-?)
Season: "Healing division, are you ready?!" *He spoke with a powerful voice, catching everyone's attention.*
Alicia: *She nodded her head, anxiously biting her bottom lip.* "..."
Season: *He watched the surrounding people nod their heads in response.* "You're in charge of holding him."
Guard: "Sir!"
Season: "You!" *He pointed to a woman in white, causing her to gasp.* "Ensure there is no internal bleeding."
Nurse: "S-Sir!"
Season: "I want everyone to act in a calm and quick manner-"
*Loud cheers and chants echoed from Surpreon, causing several people to look into the distance.*
Season: (Battling Oxident-)
Lance: *He listened to the cheers with a worried expression.* "It's gettin' dark-"
Season: *He looked to his side, noticing Lance's worried face.* "Hohoho, don't worry. You won't be disqualified, your match is a few battles away."
Lance: (That's not why I'm worried-) *He looked down to the sandy ground, sighing on his breath.* (Ashton, I hope he's okay.)
*A purple glyph started to draw itself on the ground, catching nearby people's attention.*
Alicia: *She raised her arm, squinting her eyes.* (I'm not sure if it's because the sun has set, but that glyph is bright-)
*Teresa and Ashton suddenly appeared in a flash of purple light, causing Alicia and Lance to gasp.*
Lance: "A-Ash-" *He smiled with excitement, before noticing his condition.*
Ashton: "Argh!-" *He dropped to the ground, thrashing himself in pain.*
Season: "Go now!" *His order-like yell caused his subordinates to rush towards Ashton, starting their work.*
Lance: *He stared at Ashton from a distance, shaking his head in disbelief.* (Where did they go? He's all banged up.)
Nurse: *She tried to get close to Ashton.* "He needs to stop moving, otherwise I can't administer the sedative."
*Two guards rushed over, holding Ashton down, allowing several nurses to clean his cuts.*
Nurse: "This syrup will help-" *She whispered to Ashton, before looking up to Teresa.* "What happened to him?"
Teresa: *She held a clump of folded clothes in her arms, staring at the people surrounding Ashton.* "He is currently enduring several days worth of pain at once."
Nurse: "A-At once?"
Teresa: "This was to be expected and Ashton unknowingly agreed to it."
Season: (I see. That means Ashton completed PKMY's training-)
Ashton: *Two rings of light materialised in the air and started to spiral around him, causing him to sigh in relief.* "..."
Season: (That also means, he's now capable of using Rostical?)
Alicia: *She concentrated on the rings of light, staring at Ashton.* (He's stopped fidgeting, and he's started to breath normally-)
Ashton: "I-? Who-? Where is Lance?"
Teresa: "Do not overexert yourself."
Ashton: "I-I think I'm fine-"
Teresa: "I believe you do not understand the severity of damage your body has endured."
Season: *He took several steps towards Ashton.* "I agree."
Ashton: *He raised his arm and moved his fingers, admiring the ring.* (Excellent, with this, I can now be of some us
e-) *His eyes rolled back, passing out.*
Nurse: *She looked up to Season, kneeling away from Ashton.* "No head trauma, confirmed."
Alicia: *She lowered her arms, causing the rings of light to disintegrate into nothing.* "All major wounds, healed."
Nurse: *She moved her hand away from Ashton's chest, causing her to stand up.* "The internal bleeding has stopped."
Season: "Excellent, I'm surprised and happy it went so well."
Lance: (He's all good-) *He discreetly sighed in relief.* (That's what I wanted to hear.)
Season: "Good work, everyone! Recovery was a success."
Lance: "Pssht, you couldn't get rid of him even if ya tried."
Season: "Move him straight to the Inn, I shouldn't be outside Surpreon any longer, especially during Battling Oxident."
Healing Division: "Sir!"
Teresa: (Due to Season's leadership and loyal followers, they were able to handle the situation with ease.) *She started to walk down the slope with an emotionless face.*
Lance: "Zzz." *He awkwardly slept on a chair next to Ashton, waiting for him to regain consciousness.*
Ashton: *He moaned, slowly opening his eyes.* "Lance?"
Lance: *He snorted like a pig, waking himself up.* "Gah? Ash?"
Ashton: "Hello."
Lance: *He rubbed his eyes, sitting up straight on the chair.* "How are ya feelin'?"
Ashton: "I feel much better now."
Lance: *He frowned with a slight smile.* "Shit nuggets, how are ya feelin'?"
Ashton: "My throat is a little dry, but that's it."
Lance: *He had a flashback of Ashton thrashing on the ground.* "Wat-" *He paused looking at his hands.* "Wat were you doin'?"
Ashton: "Teresa took me to this lady and she gave me a little experience in battle."
Lance: "You were gone for a week, why couldn't you tell me yourself?" *He spoke on his breath, staring at Ashton in a mature-like manner.*
Ashton: "Teresa made me leave right after I left the Inn-"
Lance: "Why?!"
Ashton: *He looked at Lance shocked.* "..."
Lance: "I was worried, aye."
Ashton: "Worried? What's wrong, Lance?"
Lance: "I don't want to sound like a chick, but you're the only thing I got goin' for me." *His eyes started to glaze, causing him to quickly look away.*
Ashton: "Lance, I had to do it so I could protect-"
Lance: "Pssht, wateva." *He sniffed and stood up, pretending nothing was wrong.*
Ashton: "Lance-"
Lance: "Season wants us to meet him at his place."
Ashton: "At Season's-?"
Lance: "I'll meet ya there." *He mumbled, quickly leaving the room.*
Ashton: *He sighed with an exhausted smile.* (I'm sorry, Lance.) *He moved out of bed, instantly noticing dirt marks, grazes, blood stains and tears on his shirt.* (My shirt-) *He looked up, triggering a flashback.*
PKMY: "Right! If your body doesn't shut down from the pain you'll soon experience, I want you to have this."
Ashton: "Shut down?"
Teresa: *She firmly held Ashton's arm around her head.* "Listen to what she has to say."
PKMY: *She reached into the RPG bag, sticking her tongue out in concentration.* "Where is it?" *She grunted to herself, pulling out a clump of folded clothes.*
Ashton: "Thank you, but what's so special about those?"
PKMY: "They're just as expensive and rare as the RPG bag."
Ashton: "Really?" *He sounded unsure, staring at the clothes.*
PKMY: "These clothes will not break, wear or rip."
Ashton: (Unbreakable clothing? Wow-)
PKMY: "They will not retain dirt and will not absorb odours, and to top it off, they're very comfortable."
Ashton: *He smiled with gratitude, shaking his head.* "I certainly can't accept such a gift."
PKMY: "Heh, not many people pass my training, and." *She paused and leant on her side, folding her arms.*
Ashton: "And?"
PKMY: "Well the clothes you wear, stink." *She gave Ashton a feral look.*
Ashton: "Oh?" *He watched PKMY hand Teresa the clothes.* "Well, thank you very much."
Ashton: (I guess she's right, I've worn these since I got here.) *He noticed the clothes stacked on the end of the bed.*
*Loud cheers echoed outside the Inn, rushing Ashton to change.*
Ashton: (Meeting PKMY, training with her, it all seems surreal.) *He looked down and thought to himself, smiling at his new clothing.*
?????: "Hmm? This is where Mindy last reported to the Consultants?" *She walked down a long row of shelving, running her finger along the spines of books.*
*The sounds of armour rattled from several warriors, as they closely followed the woman.*
?????: "The Library? Report number thirty three!"
Thirtythree: "Th-They were last reported at the village Inn."
?????: "What, back at AriAri village?"
Thirtythree: "No captain, there's one just down the slope that acts as an Inn."
?????: "How long would it take?"
Thirtythree: "It's about a twenty minute walk, captain."
?????: "Humph, I will meet you all there."
Thirtythree: "Captain?"
?????: *She flashstepped and instantly found herself next to Mindy.* "W-What?" *A delayed stream of dirt, rushed past her.*
Warrior: *He noticed the stream of dirt, focusing his attention to the woman.* "C-Cindy."
Cindy: "Hmm? Who dares call me by my name?"
Warrior: *He walked up to Cindy, dropping to his knees.* "I am Mindy's second in command, my number is-"
Cindy: "I don't care what your rank is, why is Mindy still left like this?!" *She took large steps towards Mindy, forming fists.*
Warrior: "Captain-"
Cindy: (Why hasn't the ice melted yet-?)
Warrior: "C-Captain-"
Cindy: "I want her taken down immediately and sent back to the Consultants."
Warrior: "Yes."
Cindy: "Also, tell my subordinates I will be heading to Battling Oxident for a little viewing pleasure."
Warrior: "Surpreon is a far-"
Cindy: "Humph." *She flashstepped, causing a pulse of dirt to fly into the air.*
Cindy: *She flashstepped into a poorly lit room and instantly walked towards a bed.* (I can't believe it-) *She hesitated, before throwing a white sheet off the bed revealing Wendy.*
Guard: "Who goes there?" *His voice echoed outside the room.*
Cindy: *She stared at Wendy's cold face, causing her to grit her teeth in anger.* "The same Neuron residue, I will break this dirty lamp's arms and legs."
Guard: *He burst open the door, noticing Cindy.* "You!?"
Cindy: *She looked behind her shoulder, staring at the guard with anger filled eyes.* "Back down or I'll kill you!"
Guard: *He unsheathed a sword, pointing it at Cindy.* "Don't you dare talk to me-"
Cindy: *She flashstepped out of the room, causing papers to scatter.* "Ougi."
Guard: "Harh?!" *He quickly turned around in shock, noticing Cindy raising her arm.* "How-?"
*Two guards casually walked together, holding long spears.*
Guard A: "It's really quiet with Battling Oxident."
Guard B: "I'm a little annoyed I couldn't patrol inside the sphere."
Guard A: "I know!-" *The side of a house exploded, blasting debris into the air.* "What?!"
Guard: "Blargh-" *He tumbled out of the house, slamming into a nearby crate.*
Guard B: "W-What happened?!"
Guard: "Sh-She possesses an Ougi-" *He coughed up blood, before falling unconscious.*
Cindy: *She stepped out of the rubble, staring at the guards with anger.* "Come at me!"
Guard A: "I-I don't know who you think you are." *He charged directly towards Cindy, point
ing the spear at her.* "But you've got another thing coming if you think you can attack us royal guards!"
Cindy: "You've got another thing coming if you think you can stop my revenge."
Guard A: "Silence!" *He ran into striking distance, jabbing the spear in front.*
Cindy: "Astragons summon thunder to my words, lightning screech and squeal, ELECTRIFYING HORROR" *She deeply inhaled and screamed out a scattered stream of lightning.*