Page 52 of Wolves and War

CHAPTER 18 (Northern Continent)

  The Lind made quite a ceremony of the momentous day when more than three hundred men, women and teenagers paired with Lind from seven different Lindars.

  Zanatei had not been jesting when he intimated to Winston Randall on his arrival that there were many more Lind wanting to pair than humans eligible to do so.

  The human contingent gathered after the midday meal and made their way to the main pack clearing in front of Zanatei’s daga where the pairings were to take place. Like Louis, many felt apprehensive about what was to come. Tara, escorting her new big brother, tried to set him at ease. Louis was most definitely nervous and he kept talking about how unfitted he was for the honour, worrying aloud about his fears that the Lind would not like him.

  “Louis,” said Tara in exasperation. “Will you please relax? Kolyei has explained it all to you more than once. He thinks that you will be fine; anyway there is nothing you can do about it. Either a Lind will choose to pair with you or she won’t. Even if you’re not chosen today it doesn’t mean that you are not acceptable. It only means that your Lind vadeln hasn’t arrived on the scene yet.”

  “I know,” answered Louis, “but you telling me again and again doesn’t make me feel any better.” His stomach was in knots and he felt sick with fright.

  They reached the clearing, amongst the last to arrive. Tara left Louis with a sisterly and encouraging pat on his shoulder and went to join Kolyei who had found a good spot to watch. He made room for her with difficulty. There were many spectators and the clearing was packed to the gunnels.

  Directed by Afanasei who Zanatei had put in charge of the arrangements, those humans presenting themselves for pairing formed a loose circle.

  Zanatei, as resident Elda, emitted a high pitched howl, the pre-arranged signal for the pairings to begin and the Lindar volunteers began to nose around the humans, seeking exactly the right one. It was the pink-hued Lindar of pack Ranetei who were the first to make their move. Disappointed, some trotted away, not being able to sense the right thoughts, emotions and feelings from the humans. Others began to nose and sniff at individuals with more force than decorum.

  Then it happened, the first vadeln-pairing was made. In a sudden move, a young lad, who was, incidentally, Emily’s older brother Steven, took an eager step forward. He stared at the large pink-striped female standing impatiently in front of him. She nudged him in the chest and he took an involuntary step back (the nudge was a hard one). His face broke into a smile.

  “I am Alanya,” she said, then she thought at him : You wish? :

  “Steven, and I do wish, very much,” he said aloud.

  The young man stepped up beside her. She nosed him to her side.

  “Ptatch,” she ordered.

  Steven knew that word, it was Lindish for ride and he had heard it often during the trek to the domta.

  Alanya lowered herself so that he could mount. He swung his right leg over her withers and settled himself. She stood up then and with a triumphant smile, walked out of the clearing. Steven had a bemused expression on his face. His parents (and Emily) let out a whoop of joy.

  It was a wonderful day. Louis Randall need not have worried. A large violet female approached him early on in the proceedings. She had made a beeline for him as soon as she had sighted him. Louis was ecstatic. Janice was less so because this meant her son would definitely be off to the war in the summer.

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