Page 66 of Wolves and War

Jim watched the scene unfolding from the command vantage point. He could see the settlement on its shallow hill some two miles below the tree line, the land bare except for some dugo bushes around a small group of cabins, now deserted. It was from one of these cabins that Tara had left that momentous morning when she had been the first human to vadeln-pair with one of their four-pawed allies. The hills on which the Lindars and Robert’s infantry stood were steep, almost sheer in places. Outcrops of grey rocks were interspersed amongst the ochre grass and showed up starkly in the morning light.

  The ground at the base of the hills was wet. The ground had not had the chance to dry out from the winter rains and the boggy land east of the settlement down to the shoreline would make it hard going for at least the human element of the opposing army.

  In the distance, on the shore and penetrating some half a mile inland, he could make out the dark mass of what were the Larg kohorts. Their vanguard was beginning to move. They would reach the hill within the hour. Jim knew how fast they could run when the occasion warranted it. The Larg would not dilly-dally; they would want to attack as soon as enough warriors were in position but Jim would not order any of the Lindars to show themselves until the Larg began their climb up towards them.

  Murdoch’s army was halfway to the settlement. There were no Larg with them.

  The Larg vanguard slowed down then stopped. The lines wavered for a moment then surprisingly, the Larg all sat down.

  Jim knew then that he would not be facing any men in battle that day. All the convicts were making for the settlement. The infantry would be invaluable now that they would be facing only Larg. Through Larya, he passed this piece of information on. Ustinya and young Louis would pass the message on to Robert Lutterell. The commander of the infantry would adjust his tactics accordingly.

  Larya, unmoving, stood beside him. They knew the name of the leader of the Larg army, one Aoalvaldr, a well-known, brave and successful commander and canny tactician. Afanasei had met him in battle before. That time the Lind had managed to drive the Larg off without too many losses. He glanced over and saw Afanasei down to his left, hunkering down at the far edge of the pack Zanatei Lindar’s front ryz. He must have felt Jim’s eyes resting on him. He lifted his head slightly and looked up at the man. Jim waved. Afanasei lifted a paw in acknowledgement before lowering his head behind the dugo bushes again.

  By now Kolyei and Tara had arrived at the clearing behind the lines allocated to communications and found the Gtratha members already waiting for them. Tara thought it looked familiar.

  “Is this where…?”

  “We met?” queried Kolyei. “Yes, it is.”

  He looked around.

  “It has changed little.”

  “Except for downstream,” Tara pointed towards where the Holad were setting up. “Can I dismount?”

  “For the moment,” Kolyei agreed, “but not for long.”

  “I know, when the fighting begins. I don’t see why. It’s much easier to talk aloud when I’m standing beside you.”

  “It is safer so.”

  Kolyei was the pivot in the communications network. He knew what he must do. He sat down and made himself comfortable. He had practised this.

  Mariya, as Gtrathlin, came to stand beside Kolyei, the other whites ranged around her in a loose semi-circle and facing the battle lines. No Lind would stand with his or her back to the enemy by choice.

  Tara slipped into telepathic contact with Kolyei and merged with Kolyei’s initial mind-link with Mariya.

  : Good : the Gtrathlin Mariya encouraged them. Tara heard her voice in her mind. It sounded as if it was coming from a great distance and was of a lighter timbre than Kolyei’s.

  That contact established, the three pushed their awareness towards Jim, and Larya and Tara became aware of their presence also.

  The focus pivot was complete.

  It was now up to the Susas and the others to establish contact.

  Gradually the telepathic network was built up.

  Finally Emily and Ilyei joined Tara and Kolyei. The two girls sat side by side, the large map-board on their laps.

  They waited.

  Tara felt that she would do anything to end the tension.

  “Try to stay calm,” advised Emily.

  “I am trying,” answered Tara, map-pen tightly clasped in one sweaty palm.

  On the tree line Jim and his army waited unmoving and silent. Like those in the settlement, those on the ridge were about to fight for their lives and for the freedom of the northern continent.

  * * * * *