Agnes Crawford: Wife of Fullarton Crawford, mother of Peter
Alan de Groot: Colonial youngster aged 13 on landing
Arthur Knott: Farrier and inventor
Bill Armstrong: Colonial youngster aged 16 on landing, twin of Geoff
Brenda Urquhart: Colonial youngster aged 15 on landing
Brian Randall: Son of Janice and Winston Randall aged 13 on landing
Daniel Trapper: Old colonist
Emily Stanton: Colonial youngster, sister of Steven, aged 13 on landing
Francis McAllister: Rating on the WCCS Argyll
Fullarton Crawford: Animal Breeder
Geoff Armstrong: Colonial youngster aged 16 on landing, twin of Bill
Geraldine Fitzpatrick: Colonial Farmer
James Rybak: Navigation Rating on the WCCS Argyll
Janice Randall: Wife of Winston Randall and mother of Louis, Brian, Violet, Lucy and Juliet
Jean Farquharson: Mature colonial lady
Jim Cranston: Petty Officer on the WCCS Argyll
Juliet Randall: Daughter of Winston Randall aged 2 on landing
Kath Andrews: Rating on the WCCS Argyll aged 17 on landing
Laura Merriman: Leading Rating on the WCCS Argyll
Louis Randall: Son of Janice and Winston Randall aged 15 on landing
Lucy Randall: Daughter of Janice and Winston Randall aged 5 on landing
Marion Mackie: Elderly colonial lady
Mark Ampte: Colonial youngster aged 13 on landing
Mark Sullivan: Brother of Tara Sullivan who died on board the WCCS Argyll
Moira Craig: Colonial youngster aged 15 on landing
Peter Crawford: Son of Agnes and Fullarton Crawford aged 10 on landing
Robert Lutterell: Chief Petty Officer on the WCCS Argyll
Ross Quigley: Rating on the WCCS Argyll
Steven Stanton: Brother of Emily Stanton
Stuart MacIntosh: Commander and second in command of the WCCS Argyll
Tanni: Jack Russell terrier belonging to Janice Randall
Tara Sullivan: Colonial youngster aged 12 on landing and whose parents and brother Mark died during the cosmic storm
Thomas Wylie: Colonial youngster aged 14 on landing
Violet Randall: Daughter of Janice and Winston Randall aged 8 on landing
Winston Randall: Vet and husband of Janice
Yvonne Benoit: Colonial youngster aged 15 on landing
Andrew Snodgrass: Convict
Angus: Rating from the WCPS Electra and one of the away team with Captain Howard
Anne Howard: Wife of Captain Peter Howard
Brentwood: Convict
Briony: Young girl aged 16 on landing
Camilla Todd: Commander and second in command of the WCPS Electra
Carla Pederson: Daughter of Ulla Johannes Pederson aged 15 on landing
Cherry Howard: Daughter of Anne and Peter Howard, aged 9 on landing
Cracov: Convict
Gardiner: Convict
Elliot Murdoch: Convict
Gavin Quirke: Son of Lysbet aged 5 on landing
Gerry Russell: Animal Handler from the WCPS Electra
Gunnarsson: Convict
Henri Cocteau: Convict
Jenny Quirke: Daughter of Lysbet aged 14 on landing
Jessica Howard: Daughter of Anne and Peter Howard aged 14 on landing
Johannes Pederson: Chief Engineer from the WCPS Electra and one of the away team with Captain Howard
Joseph Howard: Son of Anne and Peter Howard aged 7 on landing
Lysbet Quirke: Mother of Jenny and Gavin
Mahler: Convict
Martine: Assistant Animal Handler on board the WCPS Electra
Michael Wallace: Convict
Nell Morrison: Young mother
Peter Howard: Captain of the WCPS Electra, husband of Anne and father of Jessica, Cherry and Joseph
Pierre Duchesne: Convict
Sam Baker: Convict
Shelley Lambert: Environmental Officer from the WCPS Electra
Smith: Convict
Taylor: Convict
Tom: Rating from the WCPS Electra and one of the away team with Captain Howard
Ulla Pederson: Wife of Johannes Pederson and mother of Carla
Unwin: Convict
Van Buren: Convict
Weiss: Convict
White: Convict
Afanasei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei, Susa of Lindar
Akimei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Alanya: Female Lind from pack Ranetei
Andei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Asya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Aya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Faddei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Ilyei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Inei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Jansei: Male Lind from pack Malkei
Janya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Jsei: Male Lind from pack Ratvei
Kiltya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Kolyei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Kseniya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Larya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Lililya: Female Lind from pack Malkei
Malya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Mariya: Female Lind from Gtratha, Gtrathlin
Matvei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Radya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Rozya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Savei: Male Lind from pack Ratvei
Sindya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Sofiya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Stasya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei
Talya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei, Healer
Tarmsei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Tavei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei
Ustinya: Female Lind from pack Vanya
Zanatei: Male Lind from pack Zanatei, Elda
Zhenya: Female Lind from pack Zanatei, Healer
Allst: Tall, large leafed tree of the north
Chela: Lind claw, they have five on each paw. They resemble the claws of an earth cat in that they can tract and retract
Ceja: Yes
Ctrath: Welcome (informal)
Daga: Lind den
Dedta: Welcome (formal)
Dom: Temporary pack-home
Domta: Permanent pack-home
Dugo: Small prickly, dense and fast-growing bush, prevalent in the north
Duntanvad: 12
Elda(s): Leader(s) of packs and Lind nation
Eln: Mate
Gin: Hurt
Gtran: Large vicious cat-like predators that inhabit the snowy mountain ranges of the northern continent
Gtratha: High Council of Lind, consisting of one representative from each pack
Gtrathlin: Leader of the Gtratha
Holad: Medical section of pack
Jeza: Eat
Jezdic: Zebra-like intractable animal
Kala: Caffeine drink made from the nuts of the allst tree
Kura: Docile, woolly, short-legged goat-like animal
Lai: Legendary beings of Lind folklore
Lian: Woods or forests
Lind: Peace loving wolf-like denizens of northern continent
Lindar: Warrior section of pack, it is split into three ranks, or ryz, at the front the experienced large males, in the middle the experienced smaller females and at the back the inexperienced and the older fighters
Lindling: Human word for Lind young, not often used
Lok: 3
Ltscta: Young Lind, younger than fourteen summer seasons old
Lungtrel: Multicoloured river fish
Malinon: Northern bird that sings a fine tune
Pilli: Small darting red fish
Ptatch: Ride
Rtath: Pack
Rtatha: Pack range
Rtathen: Pack-mates
Rtathlian: Pack-woods
Ruza: Hero
Ryz: Battle line, a Lindar has three
San: 4
Saneln: Family unit of four, two humans and two Lind, mated. The Elda of the Gtratha decreed that joinings of two Lind with two humans was fair and proper and would be called saneln. It was noted that a vadeln-pairing seemed to always be female to male or vice versa. It would also be decreed, after much soul searching by the Lind, that when a Lind was vadeln-paired with a human, that Lind could not pair and mate with another vadeln-paired Lind unless the human duo were also a mated partnership. Some humans would not be so amenable to the notion as it meant that short sexual flings were off limits as soon as one accepted the paired bond.
Satalrdn: Many
Smaha: Red numbing medicinal root
Susa: Commander of Lindar
Susyc: Commander of Army
Tranet: Edible freshwater flatfish
‘Unst si malinon’: Lind saying for ‘up with the lark’
Vad: 2
Vada: Cavalry (Lind/human)
Vadeln: Paired life-mate (Lind/human)
Volat: Needless slaying of any creature
Vuz: Idiot (if spoken loudly)
Vuz: Small striped river animal (if spoken softly)
Wral: Large bear-like animals that inhabit the riverbanks of the snowy mountains of the northern continent
Xrndli: Vulture-like raptor bird
Zarova: Long necked camel-like meat animal
Barindya: Cream striped pack
Hanvsei: Maroon striped pack
Helvetei: Turquoise striped pack
Jalkei: Yellow striped pack from the far northwest
Malkei: Green striped pack from the rtathlians
Msnei: Orange striped pack
Ranetei: Pink striped pack from the rtathlians
Ratvei: Purple striped pack
Vanya: Violet striped pack
Vlrnei: Black striped pack
Zanatei: Blue striped pack from the rtathlians
Tara/Kolyei: Kath/Matvei: Bill/Malya: Geoff/Sindya: Peter/Radya: Brenda/Inei: Yvonne/Tavei: Emily/Ilyei: Alan/Kiltya: Moira/Andei: Thomas/Stasya: Mark/Aya
Aoalvaldr: Male Larg, Commander
Kohort: Cohort of fighters, usually numbering around 800
Kranj: Part of kohort, numbering eight
Larg: Warlike wolf-like denizens of southern continent
Largan: Leader of all the Larg
Rudtka: Small southern burrowing animal, like a rabbit with short ears
CPO: Chief Petty Officer
PO: Petty Officer
Riga: The original destination of the colonists
WCCS: World Coalition Colony Ship
WCCS Argyll: Colony Ship
WCPS: World Coalition Prison Ship
WCPS Electra: Prison Ship
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