Page 119 of The Lost Star's Sea


  Parting with Captain KimTara was bitter sweet.

  'So you've taken a job in the shipyard.'

  'Aye, Assistant Engine Room Maintenance Supervisor.'

  She rolled her eyes. 'You realize everyone who works there is some sort of supervisor. They're all engineers like yourself, and are touchy about having a suitable title.'

  Which was almost true.

  'Perhaps. Oh, I'm sure we all get our hands greasy, but you must admit that Assistant Engine Room Maintenance Supervisor does kind of roll off your tongue rather grandly.'

  'I'm glad you're so happy, Assistant Engine Room Maintenance Supervisor Wil Litang.'

  'Thank you. And I wish you the best in your new command, Captain KimTara. I trust it will be more profitable and less exciting than the last. It was a pleasure to serve under you.'

  She looked closely to see if I was being sarcastic, and deciding I was not, said, 'Good luck, Chief,' and grasped my wrist. And then, with an effort added, 'You are my friend.'

  'Yes, Tara, I am your friend. I shall send you a letter in care of the line now and again to tell you how your friend fares.'

  She nodded. 'Yes,' and turning to Hissi, who had come to see her off as well. 'You are a friend as well. Take care of the Chief.'

  Hissi barked a laugh, and licked her nose.

  She gave Hissi a look, but said nothing more as she turned and walked up the gangplank of the Hilona Caverns, the liner that was to take her back to Tindatear and a new command.

  At the head of it she turned to look back, so I gave her my best imitation salute.

  'You're an arrogant Chief Engineer, Litang,' she called back.

  'Thank you Captain. I put my best effort into it.'

  She may've smiled. But like her questions, it's always hard to tell.

  My new job was part of the crew who looked after the engine room and electrical systems of the line's ships at the end of each voyage around the Dontas. KimTara's assessment of my assistant supervisory position was close to accurate, but I didn't mind. I had regular work, regular hours, and would be in an ideal position to catch a Temtre ship to the Assembly when the time came.

  The rest of the Lora Lakes crew and passengers had long since dispersed. Only the Captain and her mates had remained for the full inquiry. By the time they left, I'd already heard rumors of the "Soul Stone Island," as it was now whispered about. As a known member of the crew, I was asked about it. I simply said that they shouldn't believe everything they heard in harbor-side dives. I hadn't seen the headpieces encrusted with soul stones (I was in the engine room at the time). Yes, there were those who claimed the gems were soul stones. Half of them were left behind, dead. And well, good luck finding the island, seeing that the very meticulous navigator sailed for the Varenta islands and arrived in the Dontas - a soul stone would do you little good drifting lost in an endless sky.

  I suspect that the story will cost lives. Whose and how many, time will tell - or not, I suppose.

  Part Six - Blade Island Revisited

  Chapter 31 Old Friends