Hissi was dozing across several of our laps when the four travelers broke out the deck of cards. Just hearing them being shuffled was enough to get Hissi up and watching the play of cards. Though the game was a Windvera one, it didn't take the old card shark dragon long to start commenting on play, barking her laughs and hissing her disapproval of play. No doubt it was a variation of one she knew already. She knew dozens.
She gave me the eye, and a little whine to indicate that she wanted in. It'd turn to a growl if I ignored the whine, so I said, 'Gentlemen, Hissi here would like to join the game, if you can fit her in.'
'You play cards, Hissi?'
She barked an enthusiastic yes.
I gave them my now standard warnings about Hissi's abilities, and my new house rule about only one dragon in the game at one time. Siss played cards but it wasn't a passion of hers. She preferred to have her feathers arranged.
'We only play for iron coin stakes. Let's see the glint of your coins, Hissi,' said DarCe. 'And good luck finding SaLin's mind to read.'
I don't know how many iron coins the four travelers won or lost, but I suspect that they'll be able to dine out on their tale of playing cards with a dragon for many rounds to come.