Page 61 of The Lost Star's Sea


  'I feel renewed,' exclaimed KaRaya as we made our way down the narrow track from the community after a sad final farewell to Magistrate Py. 'We've done well, haven't we Hissi?'

  She barked her agreement.

  'Well, we've mostly kept you out of trouble for over four hundred rounds - I guess, that's an accomplishment of sorts,' I said.

  'Indeed. A new record.'

  'Let's see if we can extend it, shall we?'

  'Who knows where the winds will take us? Are you still content to linger longer on the road to your love?'

  I considered that question. 'What do you say, Hissi? Are you ready to lead me to my love?'

  She barked another carefree laugh, wagging her head "no."

  'Well, in that case, I think I'll give her a little longer to forget her old life. What do you suggest we do?'

  'The fare to Quandadar from Mountain Vale, where this road will take us, as passengers will likely put a dent in our treasury with meals and all. If you're in no hurry, I'd suggest we work our way to Quandadar, or some city on the bright side, where we can get a lift up to the wide-sky port of Daedora.'

  'What type of work do you have in mind?'

  'Well, I've never been to Mountain Vale, but I gather it is a sizable mining and milling town. Gyro-barges are used to bring ore in from the remoter mines and then the refined ore out to Quandadar and even up to Daedora for export.'


  'Large fliers with several masts topped by lift propellers that are driven by the forward motion of the barge provided by a steam driven propeller or two. There's a fair chance of finding suitable work for a couple of down on their luck, but sober wide-sky sailors. Sober stokers are always rare birds, so I don't think if push comes to shove, we'd have a problem getting a berth in Mountain Vale, though it might be a while before we'd make our way to some place civilized.'

  'Well, getting some place civilized is a pretty high priority for me, but I guess I'd not mind getting paid a few coins to get there. If your ports are anything like the ones I know, I'd rather arrive with coins in my pockets - or money pouch - than broke.'

  'That's my thinking, brother. Being coin-less in port, is how I landed the slaver berth. So, we're agreed, Mountain Vale and a gyro-barge berth if one's to be had?'

  'Aye. We're agreed.'

  Part Four - The Mountain of Gold

  Chapter 18 The Shadow Bird