Page 7 of Shame on Him

  I’ve been kissed by plenty of men in my life. They were all the same or variations of the same—polite, soft kisses that left me wanting more. Dallas doesn’t kiss me like I’m a piece of crystal. He kisses me like he wants to break me and doesn’t care if he leaves a few scars behind. My lips already feel bruised from the attack of his mouth and it’s the most delicious pain I’ve ever experienced.

  His arm tightens around my waist and my toes leave the ground as he holds me against his body, his tongue pushing against my own. One of my legs slides up around his hip and I anchor him to me, pulling him in tighter so I can feel him against me. I slide my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I can feel every inch of his hard body and it just makes me want more. I’ve never felt fire like this or passion this explosive. It doesn’t even matter that we’re standing in my parents’ driveway, leaning against the hood of my car. I want his naked body against mine and to feel him moving inside me.

  He suddenly breaks the kiss and pulls his mouth away from mine. My heart is pounding. At least I’m not alone. With our chests pressed tightly together, I can feel his own heart thudding against mine.

  When I can finally breathe again, I speak. “What the hell was that?”

  Dallas tightens his hold on me. “Do you really have a tattoo?”

  I’m sorry, what? He storms out here and kisses me like that and the first question he asks is about my tattoo?

  “Are you kidding me?” I fire back.

  “Kind of. Not really. But to answer your question, I don’t know what the hell that was, but I wish it would have happened sooner,” he admits.

  “You can’t stand me. You put me down every chance you get. And you expect me to believe you wished you kissed me sooner?”

  I feel like I just entered the Twilight Zone.

  He just shrugs. “What can I say? You drive me crazy and for some strange reason, it’s the biggest fucking turn-on. I’ve wanted to kiss you ever since you first called me a pompous ass.”

  Now this is a shocking development. I guess what they say about little boys picking on the girls they like on the playground when they’re younger is also true for adults.

  “And for the record, watching you stand up to those assholes was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. That, and hearing you say the word ‘fuck,’” he adds with a smile.

  I look away from him in embarrassment. “I think I took that a little too far. They’re probably never going to speak to me again.”

  He shrugs. “Fuck it. They’re not worth it. If they can’t see how amazing you are, they don’t deserve to have you in their life.”

  All of this insight coming from him is a little shocking. I mean, I thought he felt the exact same way about me as they did.

  I push away from him and slide away from my car. I need some distance. This is a little too much right now. I just spilled my guts to my parents and now Dallas is telling me he thinks I’m amazing. I don’t know what to think.

  “You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t exactly believe what you’re saying right now. You’ve taken every opportunity to tell me I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. You put me down left and right and I’m always second-guessing myself, wondering if I really am making a mistake.”

  He grabs my arms and pulls me back to him, bending down to look into my eyes. “Let’s get one thing straight here. I admit I’m an asshole most of the time. But I have never underestimated you. I’ve been waiting for months to see that spitfire come out of you that I knew was hiding in there somewhere.”

  “Right. So your telling me outside of Stephanie Covington’s house last week that I’m in over my head and I should go back to the courtroom was what? Tough love?”

  The words tumble from my mouth and I immediately want to take them back. Do I really want him to know I’ve been dwelling on what he said to me every single day since then?

  He sighs and pulls me against him. The warmth of his body feels so good that I instantly slide my arms around his waist even though I’m confused by what is happening.

  “Why do you have to question everything? You told your parents where to stick it and now we don’t hate each other. Much. We should be celebrating this momentous occasion, preferably by getting naked,” Dallas informs me with a grin as his arms tighten around me.

  “As much as I’m enjoying standing out here not hating you, I think we should probably leave. My parents will lose their minds if they see us out here like this. I think I’ve done enough damage for one night.”

  Dallas sighs. “You’re probably right. Tearing your clothes off and fucking you on the hood of your car would probably push them over the edge.”

  And just like that, I’m hot all over again. I never thought hearing someone speak like this to me would be a turn-on. Out of anyone else’s mouth, those words would have me smacking them across the face. But hearing them from Dallas, I want nothing more than to take him up on his suggestion.

  “Well, I lied earlier when I told you I wasn’t planning on doing any more investigating without you. I have the file for Miles Harper in my car. I was planning on stopping at his office when I left here.”

  Since he’s been so honest with me tonight, I feel it’s only right to go with full disclosure at this point.

  He chuckles and pulls away from me, grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers through mine. “Yeah, I already figured as much. That’s why I trailed your ass here. Crashing dinner with your parents was just an added bonus.”

  We walk around the front of my car and he opens my door for me.

  “So are we really doing this? Working together without killing each other?” I ask as I slide into the seat and Dallas leans his arm on top of my open door.

  “I’m not about to let you out of my sight, so that’s affirmative.”

  I bristle at his words and glare at him.

  “Don’t give me that look. I know you’re perfectly capable of handling this. It’s for my own peace of mind, all right? I don’t want to walk in on another scene like the one at Jameson’s house.”

  His words calm me somewhat and I’m shocked that I believe him. And to be honest, it will be nice to have someone with experience by my side.

  And someone who kisses so well.

  “I’ll follow you to Harper’s office. Are they expecting you?”

  I start my car and nod. “Yes. I called his secretary. He’s staying at the office late for a meeting so he agreed to speak with me.”

  Dallas leans into the car and presses his lips to mine. I immediately get wrapped up in the kiss as his tongue slowly swirls around my own. He pulls back much too soon, pressing a kiss to my cheek before backing out of my car. He closes my door for me and I watch in my rearview mirror as he walks back to his car.

  I’m working with Dallas Osborne without the need for blackmail or coercion and he just kissed me again like it was the most natural thing in the world. This is about to get very interesting. Or very messy.


  Well, if it isn’t Lorelei Warner. When my secretary told me you requested a meeting I almost couldn’t believe it.”

  On the way up to Miles’s office, Dallas gave me a few pointers. Be nice, but not too nice, and don’t let on that we’ve seen the e-mail correspondence between Richard and him. The way Kennedy, Paige, and I came across those wasn’t exactly legal and if anyone knows the ins and outs of the law, it would be Miles Harper. He graduated at the top of our class at Harvard and I found out in my research that any day now he’s going to be appointed as a judge in Indiana. Rumor also has it that he’s being positioned for a seat on the Indiana Supreme Court and that’s why he’s on such a fast track in his career.

  Obviously, someone of his caliber would have a lot to lose if word got out that he was blackmailing one of the richest men in the state. Or if he killed him.

  “Miles, it’s so good to see you again.”

  I plaster a smile on my face as he rounds his desk and takes both of my hands in his before leaning in to
kiss my cheek. My parents adore Miles, of course, and the few times we’ve seen each other, I’ve tolerated him. He throws his social standing and wealth around every chance he gets and it’s nauseating.

  “I must say, Lorelei, I like the new look,” he tells me, staring me up and down. When Dallas did it earlier in the evening, it shot a thrill through my body. When Miles does it, I want to go home and shower.

  “Hi, I’m Dallas Osborne. I work with Lorelei.”

  Dallas shoves his arm between me and Miles and I silently thank him for the interruption. Miles drops my hands and shakes Dallas’s outstretched one.

  “I thought maybe my secretary had made a mistake. When she told me Lorelei Warner was requesting a meeting as a private investigator, I nearly died laughing. So it’s true you’ve given up your legal career for something frivolous? What is it you do exactly? Take down hardened criminals?”

  Miles laughs at me mockingly and it makes my blood boil.

  “Actually, yes, that’s exactly what she does. If you don’t mind, we’re investigating the death of Richard Covington. We know the two of you worked together, so we’d just like to ask you a few questions.”

  Miles perches casually on the edge of his desk.

  “Really? So the rumors are true. Lorelei Warner has kissed her stellar legal career good-bye to follow a lifelong dream of . . . what? Pretending she’s a hard-ass among the dregs of society?” Miles says with a laugh. “Your parents must be having a field day.”

  Telling my parents off gave me such a high of satisfaction that I’m still floating on that. I would have no problem punching Miles in his smug face.

  “Speaking of parents, how is your father doing? Is he going to be up for parole anytime soon?”

  I know I shouldn’t stoop to his level, but I can’t help myself. Three years ago Miles’s father, then president of Indiana State Bank, was convicted of embezzlement. Miles has had a hard time clearing the family name and working his way back up the social ladder. I know my point hits home when I see the smile vanish from his face. In its place is barely concealed fury. Good. That’s exactly what I want. A man fueled by anger is more likely to slip up.

  “Ask your questions. I have work to do,” Miles informs me through clenched teeth.

  “How many years did you work with Richard Covington?” Dallas asks.

  Miles tears his angry gaze from mine and looks over at Dallas. “I was part of his legal team for fifteen years—attorney-client privilege,” Miles tells him, folding his arms in front of him.

  It seems as though Miles is forgetting our mutual industry.

  “Obviously we’re not asking you to divulge any of Mr. Covington’s legal confidences. But as I’m sure you are aware, the death of a client negates any previous attorney-client privilege if such information is necessary in solving a crime.”

  Miles glances over at me and sighs. “What exactly would you like to know?”

  “We’re just wondering if Mr. Covington mentioned anything to you about enemies. Maybe someone in the business world who had a grudge against him, or possibly a blackmail scheme gone wrong.”

  Dallas coughs into his hand and I know that’s his warning to stop. I know I shouldn’t have brought up that exact suggestion, but I couldn’t help it. I don’t like the way Miles is sitting here acting like he’s better than everyone. He’s the type of person who naturally assumes he’s smarter than the average person and can get away with anything he wants.

  Miles narrows his eyes at me and I can see the wheels turning in his head. He’s wondering what I know.

  “Richard made a lot of enemies over the years, naturally. A man with that kind of wealth doesn’t go through life without pissing a few people off,” Miles explains.

  “Is there anyone that stands out to you, someone who threatened him or maybe made him uncomfortable?” Dallas asks.

  Miles laughs and shakes his head. “Everyone made Richard uncomfortable. Over the years, he became suspicious of a lot of people. Everyone was out to get his money, everyone was jealous of him, everyone wanted to do him harm. It was a never-ending cycle with Richard.”

  “Did you have any problems with him?” I question.

  Miles glares at me again. “I worked for him for fifteen years. Of course we had our problems. But I’m a professional. I make sure to keep any personal feelings I have separate from business.”

  Right. Until you decide you aren’t making enough money and try to blackmail your largest client.

  “Yes, well, sometimes it’s hard to separate the two. Especially if you feel like you’re underappreciated. From what I hear, Mr. Covington was very stingy with his money. Did you ever feel like you weren’t being compensated enough for your troubles?”

  Miles stands up from his desk and advances on me. “What exactly are you trying to suggest, Lorelei?”

  He’s standing a few inches from me and I watch as his nostrils flare. Instead of arguing his innocence, he immediately took offense to my line of questioning.

  “She’s not suggesting anything. We’re just trying to get to the bottom of things,” Dallas says calmly.

  Miles continues to stare at me and doesn’t move away.

  He’s trying to intimidate me by standing so close, but it won’t work. I’m not backing down. “It must be really hard to work for someone with that kind of money. Someone who throws it away on charities and a new wife when you’ve stuck by him and gotten him out of some pretty precarious situations for so many years. It’s almost like a slap in the face. I’m sure you feel like you deserve more for all of your trouble.”

  Silence fills the room for a few minutes, and then Miles composes himself with a step back. “I think we’re done here.”

  He walks around his desk and begins shuffling papers. “Lorelei, the South Bend police department must be thrilled that you’re working with them to solve this case. I’ll be sure to tell Chief Goodson what an asset you are to their team when I meet with him this weekend for drinks. And Mr. Osborne, how wonderful of you to agree to work together with Lorelei in solving this case. Your superiors really should be made aware of the good work you’re doing.”

  Dallas wraps his hand around my arm and begins pulling me back out of the office as Miles sits down at his desk and picks up his phone.

  “If you think of anything that might be pertinent to this case, please give me a call,” Dallas tells him as we head out the door.

  “I’ll be sure to,” Miles says with a sickeningly sweet smile as he begins dialing his phone.

  Dallas and I get on the elevator and ride down to the first floor in silence. We walk quickly to our cars parked side by side in the parking garage.

  “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have pushed him so far. I made a mistake and now he’s going to talk to the chief and we’re both going to be screwed,” I complain.

  Dallas takes the keys from my hand and presses the unlock button before opening my door for me. “You didn’t screw anything up. He was egging you on and you retaliated. I would have done the same thing.”

  I shake my head. “No, you wouldn’t. You would have never slipped up like that in the first place by bringing up those stupid e-mails. I let my emotions get the better of me.”

  “I was two seconds away from punching that cocky bastard in the face. Believe me when I tell you I would have done the same thing. He realizes we know something and we’re suspicious of him. That’s why he pulled out the police card. He assumes he scared us and we’re going to walk away.”

  Leaning against the doorframe of my car, I stare up at him. “Is it wrong that I really hope he killed Richard and Andrew so he can spend life in prison?”

  Dallas laughs. “I’m right there with you. There’s just something about him that I don’t like. He’s too sure of himself. It’s like he didn’t even feel the need to justify that he didn’t do it because anyone would be a fool to accuse him.”

  He rests his hands on the hood of the car, caging me in. “Can I just say, watching you hand hi
m his ass on a plate was so fucking hot.”

  I stare up at him, my heart beating so fast I’m sure he can hear it. This morning I hated him and couldn’t stop thinking about all the ways I wanted him dead. Now that I’ve kissed him, all I can think about are his lips.

  He starts to lean toward me and I feel butterflies in my stomach, my excitement at getting to kiss him again at an all-time high.

  The sound of a car door slamming from another part of the garage cuts through the silence. Dallas shakes his head and moves away from me, the moment gone. “I better go. It’s getting late and I need to make some notes on Miles.”

  Trying to hide my disappointment, I quickly look away from him. “I have to go too. I have an early court case in the morning.”

  Why do things feel awkward now? Maybe we’re better off hating each other.

  “I’ll swing by your office later in the afternoon and we can go over our notes,” Dallas tells me as I toss my purse inside the car.

  “Are you sure you still want to work with me? If Miles goes through with his threat, you could get fired.”

  Dallas shakes his head in disagreement. “He’s not going to do anything. He’s guilty of something and he knows it. Even if he didn’t kill Richard, he still tried to blackmail him. We both know he’d be disbarred if that ever got out. I’ll meet you tomorrow and we’ll go over everything and see what we missed. You’re not getting out of working with me that easily.”

  He closes my door once I’m inside and I watch him walk over to his own vehicle. I still don’t trust that Miles won’t go right to the police and tell them what Dallas and I are doing, but for now, I’m going to trust Dallas and just hope I didn’t mess up both of our careers.


  True to his word, Dallas showed up at the office the following evening. I had almost given up hope after not hearing from him all day and was calling myself all kinds of a fool for borrowing another one of Paige’s outfits. The short black-and-white plaid skirt and long-sleeved black sweater that hangs off of one shoulder reminds me a little bit of a Catholic-school uniform. According to Paige, that’s the point. She seemed to think Dallas wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything but kissing me when he saw me wearing this. Obviously she was wrong. We’ve been sitting here for two hours poring over our notes and he’s barely looked at me.