Page 5 of Dragonmark

  I won't let you fall, Edilyn. Remember that I've done this for thousands of years. For me, flying is as natural as breathing. Do you trust me?

  Edilyn hesitated at the sight of the clouds that obscured the ground so far below. Always terrified of heights, she'd never dreamt that she'd ever be this high above anything. "I trust you. But if I scream, don't take it personally."

  With a soundless laugh, he spread his wings wide and fell forward into the sky.

  Her stomach sank like a stone as her breath caught in her throat and strangled her with absolute terror. The winds whipped against her skin and hair, more akin to talons than some unseen natural force. It was actually quite painful. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Yet for all that, it was exhilarating.

  Spectacularly beautiful.

  The sky was far bluer up here than when she was in the fields where she worked. The sun brighter. Below her, everything was a mesh of unidentifiable greens and browns. She couldn't tell what was what. Nor could she see any people or animals. The world looked nothing like she was used to.

  Are you all right?

  "I am. But how do you know where you are? Everything's indistinguishable."

  I have magnetoreception that allows me to see the earth's magnetic fields and magnetoreceptors in my ears and snout for contour and altimeter tracking.

  That made as much sense to her as memory foam and the other nonsensical terms her brother had used. "What language are you speaking?"

  He laughed under her. My drakomai vision is different from that of a human. I can see shadows rising from the earth that allow me to know and determine cardinal directions. They guide me like phantom spirits, pointing me to the right path. Likewise, I have different nerves and senses in my ears and nose that tell me how high I'm flying and what is below me even when I can't see the ground. So even on the darkest night, during storms or fog, I know exactly where I am and what's around me. Ergo, I shouldn't accidentally fly us into the side of a mountain ... at least I hope not.

  She let out a squeak over something she hadn't considered. "Is that truly a possibility?"

  It only happened once. Most of the scarring healed ... after a few centuries.

  Her breathing turned ragged as total fear claimed her.

  Illarion laughed even harder. Relax, Edilyn. I'm jesting with you. I've never hit the side of a mountain. And while I have crashed into a few trees, it was only because I was wounded in battle and brought down from it.

  That made her feel better. At least that he'd crashed from the fight, not that he'd been injured. "Have you seen many battles?"

  Not by choice, and I've no wish to speak of it. Such discussions turn my mood sour.

  And with that, he began to lower them through the clouds toward the ground at a speed that left her gasping.

  Only this time from joy and not fear.

  True to his word, the waterfall was gorgeous. It fell like a majestic veil in the sunlight to splash down into a tranquil oasis. She'd never seen anything more beautiful. The air around her was scented with the most delicate fragrance. It reminded her of the stories her brother had told her of his fey homeland that could only be reached by his people.

  He unwrapped the leather from her body and knelt so that she could dismount.

  Impishly, she slid down his wing like a slide, to land on her feet.

  Illarion arched a brow in stunned surprise at her actions as she gave him a proud smile. No one had ever been so playful around him. At least you've conquered your fear of me.

  "Not entirely." She flounced away, toward the pond where he sometimes went to bathe.

  Beguiled by her, he followed and watched as she explored his favorite place. He still wasn't sure why he'd brought her here to share it. Not even his brothers knew about his private spot. It was his own haven that he'd reserved from everyone.

  Edilyn went to sit on a rock that jutted out over the crystal-blue water and pulled off her worn shoes. Wiggling her toes, she plunged them in, then leaned back on her arms to sun herself.

  Would you like to swim?

  She tilted her head to cast him a wistful pout. "I don't know how."

  It's not deep.

  Her look turned doubtful. "For you, the man? Or you, the dragon?"

  Point taken. He moved closer to her. I could teach you to swim. It's not hard.

  She wrinkled her nose at him. "Should I wet these, I've no other clothes to wear."

  One corner of his lips curled up into a roguish grin as he considered that. You could swim naked.

  She tsked at him. "Ah, the truth of you, now."

  Her words rang with a veracity he wanted to deny. If only he could. But he wouldn't mind watching her frolic naked in the water.

  Instead, he changed forms before he'd even realized what he'd done so that he could join her on her rock. He wanted to be close beside her and he could only do that in a human body. Otherwise, he might inadvertently harm her.

  If you wish to swim, I'll get you more clothes.

  Edilyn didn't miss the way his voice in her head had dropped an octave. Nor the light in his blue eyes as he watched her. "Why do your eyes change color when you become a man?"

  Sadness replaced the heat. When he started away, she reached out and stopped him. "I'm sorry if that hurt you. I was only curious. You really do hate your human form, don't you?"

  He nodded.

  She couldn't fathom why. He was unbelievably handsome. Far more so than any man she'd ever seen in her life. His features were perfectly sculpted. His brownish-red hair unlike anyone else's. Up close, she could see that it wasn't a single hair color. Rather it was made up of all of them. Even random strands of blond were laced through it.

  And though she'd never kissed a man before and she knew deep inside that they were supposed to be enemies, she couldn't help wondering what it would be like to taste his lips. While she'd never coveted the thought of being with a dragon before, she didn't mind being with him.

  "Teach me to swim, my dragon lord."

  He gave her an adorable grin as her clothes turned into the strangest outfit she'd ever beheld. Gasping, she tried to cover herself with her hands.

  "What is this you've done to me?"

  Put you in a wetsuit. It'll keep you warm and dry in the water.

  "It's so tight!"

  True, and it sadly covers you from head to toe.

  "But leaves no mystery!"

  I beg to differ. Should we peel it off and compare?


  Shaking his head, he redressed himself in something a lot more scandalous. While her black suit as he called it did cover her neck to wrist and ankle, his was barely more than a scandalous breechcloth.

  They're called board shorts.

  "I only understand half of what you say to me."

  With that adorable grin in place, he took her hand and led her to the water.

  She bit her lip and hesitated. "Is it cold?"

  He shook his head before he released her hand and dove beneath the small waves to swim with an ease she envied. True to his word, he was quite accomplished. That gave her more confidence to wade into the sparkling depths, which were incredibly warm. There must be a spring here to keep it heated that much.

  When the depth reached her waist, she paused to look around. Illarion had been under for quite some time. Much longer than he should have been.

  Had he drowned?

  The thought terrified her. "Illarion?"

  He rose out of the water to stand in front of her. His eyes twinkled with merriment. I can breathe underwater.

  "I cannot."

  Smiling, he brushed a strand of hair from her cheek, then gently kissed it. I know. Have no fear. I won't let anything happen to you. Now lie back in the water and I'll keep you afloat.

  Not quite trusting him, she reluctantly obeyed.

  Illarion bit back his amusement at how tense she was--as if she expected him to let go of her at any moment. Relax, my lady. Feel the water's movement. Let it carry y

  She slowly began to trust him. "It's very soothing, isn't it?"

  Normally, he'd agree. But right now ...

  All he could focus on were the parts of her body that protruded from the water. He should have put her in a bikini. Had he not feared sending her into a screaming fit of protest, he would have.

  And before he could stop himself, he placed his cheek against hers, pulled her back to his chest, and lifted his legs so that he could cradle her with his full body.

  Edilyn gasped at the sensation of Illarion pressed against her as he swam in the water for the two of them. "How are you doing this?"

  Most true drakomai are amphibious. We're even stronger in the water than we are in the air or on land.

  There was a little-known fact about his race. And as she felt his muscles rippling, she realized just how powerful and strong he was in both incarnations.

  How lethal.

  She lost track of time as he gently taught her how to swim, and while she lacked his abilities, she was rather proud when she was able to stay afloat and make progress on her own. Best of all, Illarion stayed right beside her, ensuring her safety as he'd promised.

  As the sun moved lower in the sky, they left the water. On shore, he conjured a blanket to wrap her in. Are you hungry?

  "A little. You?"

  He cast a bashful, longing look at her. Not for food.

  When he started away, she caught his hand and pulled him back toward her.

  He arched a questioning brow.

  Edilyn bit her lip as she debated the sanity of what she was about to do. It was all kinds of stupid. She knew that. And once done, there would be no going back.

  This was a major decision that would forever alter her life and she knew it. All she'd ever wanted was to be a member of the brenin's army, and she'd been thwarted at every attempt.

  The last thing she'd desired was to be bound to a dragon.

  Now ...

  It didn't seem as horrible as she'd imagined. And before she could allow her common sense to take root, she rose on her tiptoes and captured his lips with hers.


  "Where did you get this?"

  Virag glanced around the drab gray Adoni court where no color was allowed except for the vibrantly red gown that adorned the great queen bitch of the fey--Morgen. He'd always hated the duplicitous role he was forced to play. But if he didn't, both he and Edilyn would fall to their mother's stupidity. Damn her for the bargain she'd made with Morgen that had cost them all so much.

  "That I can't tell you. But if it's not enough, there's more treasure. Chambers and chambers filled to overflowing."

  Morgen le Fey, the queen of all evil, the bitchtress who'd brought down the legendary King Arthur himself, sat on her ebony throne eyeing him like her next meal. Dressed in a gown that seemed to bleed, she passed the ornate peach stone in her hand off to her most trusted servant--Narishka duFey. Every bit as beautiful as the demon she served, Narishka was blond and dressed in black--like all the other Adoni members of Morgen's Circle. "It was a dragon's lair you found, you say?" Morgen asked.


  "And this island?"

  "Hybrasil, I think."

  That set off a round of gasps through the Adoni around him. A beautiful race of fey, they were lethal and cruel to an unholy level. None of them could be trusted, except to betray and to lie.

  And kill without mercy or compassion.

  It also got Morgen's full attention and brought her to her feet. "You found the hidden lair of the son of Ares? Plundered there and lived to tell it?"

  Virag's stomach shrank at the way she asked that question. "Aye?"

  She let out an evil laugh as a slow, insidious smile spread over her breathtaking face. "Oh, I'm impressed with you, little sprite. That took great balls." Crooking her finger at him, she motioned for Virag to approach her. It seemed like a profoundly bad idea, but not approaching seemed like an even worse one.

  So he took a deep breath and obeyed.

  "You and I need to speak in private," she whispered. "There is something else of his I want. You do this and I'll give you what you want."

  Virag knew this was going to be bad, especially since Morgen and Narishka led him from the hall, down a dark, cold, eerie hallway that was lit with the glowing guts of disemboweled fey creatures.

  Something he really hoped his own internal organs didn't do.

  Morgen led him into her room, then closed the door with an ominous thud. "This dragon will have a mark on his hide. I want you to bring it to me."

  "The dragon? The mark, or his hide?"

  Morgen grimaced as if he were daft. "Kill him, you fool, and carve the mark from his body. Bring me the skin of the mark. More than that, if he's who and what I think he is ... he will be the guardian for the Halter of Epona. Find it! You bring me that, and I will grant the freedom you ask. You fail and I will feed your heart to my demons."

  Virag winced at her harsh words. Illarion had done them a favor. And how was he to repay it?

  With treachery.

  It figured.

  But what choice did he have? It was either the dragon's heart, or their heads on a pike.

  Or the worst of all ...

  Eternal slavery to this wretched bitch.


  Breathless, Illarion pulled back to stare down at Edilyn in utter disbelief of her innocently sweet kiss. One so inept that it drove home just how inexperienced she was. More touched than he wanted to admit, he smiled at her. He placed a tender kiss to her forehead, then started away.

  Once again, she stopped him.

  What are you doing?

  Biting her lip, she placed her hand on his chest. "I know what it means to be chosen by a dragon. I'm ready."

  He ground his teeth. You keep offering yourself to me like this, Edilyn, and one day I won't say no.

  "Illarion." She caught him about the waist.

  He drew his breath in sharply at the sensation of her hands on his skin. The fact that she ran her right hand up his abdomen to his neck, where the wretched scar of his captivity remained, didn't help his mood.

  "Do you really want me to leave?"

  No, he didn't. It was the first time he could remember that he craved the presence of another.

  Do not play with me, Edilyn. Dragons are fierce, unforgiving creatures. Passionate in all things. We are not like your people. If I claim you, it is eternal. I won't ever let you go. You need to understand that and be willing to accept the fact that I can't mingle with mankind. While I can agree to bring you and your brother into my world, I refuse to widen my tolerance further. This would be your life. Lonely and secluded. Forevermore.

  Edilyn brushed her hand through his damp hair as she considered his earnest words. The fact he was being patient and selflessly explaining it to her made her decision just that much easier. "I've been among my people the whole of my life and I've been lonely most every day of it. You say that I'll be giving up something I never had. If you can promise me more days like this, I swear there is nothing I'll ever miss about my village or people."

  This time, he lowered his lips to capture her mouth in the most passionate kiss imaginable.

  Edilyn sighed as his tongue swept against hers and her blood ran thick through her veins.

  With a frightening ease, he scooped her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing and carried her to a shaded spot that was softly cushioned by moss and grass. He manifested a fur blanket before he lowered her down on top of it.

  Closing her eyes, she savored the way his muscles flexed and moved beneath her hands. His skin was so soft, yet beneath that his muscles were rock hard. It was so different from her body. Especially his whiskers that scraped against her lips and cheeks, and left them tingling.

  Playfully, he nipped at her chin before he opened the front of her strange suit to expose her body. His gaze locked with hers and he watched her carefully as if waiting for any sign that she'd reconsidered. With an agonizing slowness, he slid his
hand inside to gently cup her breast.

  Edilyn hissed at the warmth of his hand that sent a strange heat through her entire being.

  A slow smile spread over Illarion's handsome face as he lowered his head to taste her. She buried her hands in his hair as he moved back and forth between her breasts, carefully laving each one until she was writhing from his exquisite torture.

  She didn't think anything could feel better. Not until he used his powers to remove her suit and kissed his way over her belly, down to the part of her that ached the most.

  Edilyn cried out loud as he began to gently tongue and tease her down there. "Illarion?"


  "Are you supposed to be doing that?"

  He used his fingers to stroke her in time with his tongue. Are you enjoying it?

  She answered with a loud, soul-wrenching moan of pleasure.

  Do you want me to stop?


  Illarion laughed at the desperation in her tone as she clutched at his hair. His little morsel was every bit as passionate as he'd predicted. She gave herself to him fully. It was the first time he'd ever taken a woman who knew who and what he really was.

  For some reason, that made her all the more dear to him. Made this more tender and intense. They weren't merely rutting as she'd called it. She was sleeping with the real him--with the full knowledge of his broken heritage and curse. And he was the first one to touch her. She'd never allowed any other this right.

  She was his alone.

  And when she came a few minutes later, he realized that that too was a brand-new experience for her.

  In fact, she pulled away from him and stared at him in utter terror. "What did you do to me?"

  That was an orgasm, my lady. It's the ultimate goal for coupling.

  Edilyn tried to catch her breath, but it was difficult. Her body was still pulsing inside. "Is it supposed to feel like that?"

  Illarion grinned at her. Aye.

  "Did you feel it, too?"

  Not yet. I wanted you to have your pleasure first, as I'm told it's often painful for a woman her first time. I was trying not to frighten you. But that plan went to hell.

  His dry tone amused her. "Sorry. I've ruined the mood, haven't I?"

  He ran his gaze over her naked body. Not for me.