So, I contemplated, perhaps even from this very spot Gerald Durrell’s dream of a conservation effort to encompass a whole spectrum of rare and endangered species was formed. I allowed myself a brief moment of pride, and, I admit, a little smugness. But one must not rest upon one’s laurels (especially when one is clinging to a gently swaying tree) for there is still much to be done. The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust continues to work with the pink pigeon both in the wild and, now in a largely ambassadorial role, in Jersey. More recently, the plight of the beautiful emerald echo parakeet, the rarest parakeet in the world, has also been addressed with a successful recovery programme in Mauritius. Over thirty years of conservation expertise on the island of Mauritius means that this inquisitive and bright little bird is in very safe hands.

  Exciting new projects are constantly in development, with specialists from Jersey being sent to work alongside our local Mauritian staff. In fact, a colleague of mine will be trading a cold, wet Jersey winter for the blue skies of Mauritius as he helps to establish a recovery programme for a very delicate, rare and beautiful ‘passerine’ (that’s a little songbird to the non-birdy experts among you).

  Since this book was written, the restoration of Round Island has gone from strength to strength, with native plants being grown and translocated onto the island and, most recently, with the construction of a field station – much to the delight of the weather-beaten warden. Even the Aldabran giant tortoise has been seconded into a bit of manual labour for the greater good. On another island this close relative of the native Mauritian giant tortoises (hunted to extinction over a century and a half ago), has been found to be an excellent grazer of exotic, unwanted plants, leaving valuable native plants to grow undisturbed – much like a selective, benign, lumbering, lawn mower. If trials are successful this tortoise will soon be utilised on Round Island.

  As the first few droplets of rain fell from the sky and clung gently to the forest grime that had already laid claim to my face, I realised that the time for reflection had passed and I ought to get moving. Limited experience of the tropics told me that these droplets do not usually travel in ones and twos, and so I would be wise to begin my descent before the mountains gave up their valiant struggle to hold back the clouds. I could imagine my mosquito welcoming committee in the vegetation below tutting and looking at their watches. I felt a mixture of emotions as I looked out over the forest for one last time: a great sense of pride at what had been achieved, a tinge of sadness that human impact invariably causes such damage, but mostly an enormous sense of hope and excitement for the future. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, as part of its ongoing commitment to saving species worldwide, will continue to support the efforts of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation in its endeavours to protect and propagate the animals and plants of this unique environment. And talking of another unique environment, the keepers and staff on site in Jersey will carry on investing our skill and expertise in caring for the precious animals entrusted to us by the government and people of Mauritius.


  Gerald Durrell’s childhood efforts at zoo-keeping, which so bemused his long-suffering family, were the beginning of a lifelong dedication to saving endangered species. What he learned on Corfu from mentors such as Theo inspired his crusade to preserve the rich diversity of animal life on our planet.

  This crusade to preserve endangered species did not end with Gerald Durrell’s death in 1995. His work goes on through the untiring efforts of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.

  Over the years many readers of Gerald Durrell’s books have been so motivated by his experiences and vision that they have wanted to continue the story for themselves by supporting the work of his Trust. We hope that you will feel the same way today because through his books and life, Gerald Durrell set us all a challenge. ‘Animals are the great voteless and voiceless majority,’ he wrote, ‘who can only survive with our help’.

  Please don’t let your interest in conservation end when you turn this page. Write to us now and we’ll tell you how you can be part of our crusade to save animals from extinction.

  For further information, or to send a donation, write to

  Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

  Les Augrès Manor

  Jersey, Channel Islands,

  JE3 5BP, UK


  Email: [email protected]

  Gerald Durrell

  Gerald Durrell was one of Britain’s best loved authors and pioneering conservationists. His books, such as the bestselling My Family and Other Animals which celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2006, continue to entertain generations of children and adults alike. He founded Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, an international charity with headquarters in Jersey, Channel Islands.

  Also by Gerald Durrell

  from Pan Macmillan

  Catch me A Colobus

  Beasts In My Belfry

  The New Noah

  The Drunken Forest

  Rosy is My Relative

  Two in the Bush

  Three Singles to Adventure

  The Ark’s Anniversary

  Golden Bats and Pink Pigeons

  Menagerie Manor

  The Picnic and Suchlike Pandemonium

  Marrying Off Mother and Other Stories

  Fillets of Plaice

  Ark on the Move

  The Stationary Ark


  hidden talent rediscovered

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  First published in 1977 by Collins

  This edition published 2016 by Bello

  an imprint of Pan Macmillan

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  Associated companies throughout the world

  ISBN 978-1-4472-1416-8 EPUB

  ISBN 978-1-5098-2712-1 PB

  Copyright © Gerald Durrell, 1977

  The right of Gerald Durrell to be identified as the

  author of this work has been asserted by him in

  accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Illustrations by Gynelle Alves. Reproduced by permission of Gynelle Alves.

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  Gerald Durrell, Golden Bats & Pink Pigeons



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