Not Even Wrong 57, 62, 64-5

  Collins, Wilkie 22, 37, 40, 43, 194

  No Name 22, 37, 41, 43-5

  comic books 81, 84-5,

  Marvel 33

  Connelly, Michael 209

  The Poet 209, 213

  Connolly, Cyril 47-50

  Enemies of Promise 47-9

  Connolly, Michael 194

  Conroy, Frank 32, 34,

  Stop-Time 31, 32, 34

  Cooper, William 185, 188, 194

  Scenes from Life 177, 189

  Scenes from Married Life 189

  Scenes from Metropolitan Life 189, 190

  Scenes from Provincial Life 185, 189-90, 194

  Cornwell, Patricia 44, 132

  Scarpetta, Kay 88

  Corso, Gregory 319

  “Marriage” 27

  Coupland, Douglas 281

  Crowther, Bosley 303

  Cummings, e.e. 28

  Cumming, Laura 341

  A Face to the World 341

  Cunningham, Michael 437

  Cusk, Rachel 434

  Dahlberg, Edward 225

  Because I Was Flesh 225

  Daily Express 125

  Darst, Jeanne 429

  Fiction Ruined My Family 429

  Davies, Nick 313

  Flat Earth News 295

  Dawson, Jennifer 251, 256

  The Ha-Ha 269, 274

  Dean, Louise 159, 383-4

  Becoming Strangers 159

  Demick, Barbara 339, 379

  Nothing to Envy 339, 379, 383-4

  Denby, David 63, 89

  American Sucker 63

  Dexter, Pete 37, 41, 51, 81-2

  God’s Pocket 37

  The Paperboy 82

  Train 51, 81, 82-3

  Díaz, Junot 295, 298

  The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao 295, 298

  Dickens, Charles 23, 29, 34-5, 36, 44, 57, 68, 69, 70-74, 83-4, 91-92, 95, 100, 118-119, 125, 136, 137, 242, 268, 295, 312, 327, 329, 347, 348-50, 352, 356, 376, 390, 397-401, 415-6, 424

  Artful Dodger 350

  Barnaby Rudge 34, 71, 129, 158, 295, 398, 399, 306, 347

  Bleak House 34, 73, 399-400

  David Copperfield 57, 68, 69, 70-4, 100, 129, 185, 268, 306, 347

  Dombey and Son 71, 399

  Great Expectations 35, 83, 266, 268, 399, 421

  Hard Times 92, 348

  Little Em’ly 71

  Martin Chuzzlewit 399

  Mr. Micawber 71, 74

  Nicholas Nickleby 399

  Oliver Twist 399

  Our Mutual Friend 326, 327, 330, 347, 349-50, 351, 399

  Peggotty 71

  Steerforth 71, 401

  Ternan, Ellen 84

  The Letters of Charles Dickens, Vol. 1 95

  The Mystery of Edwin Drood 349

  The Old Curiosity Shop 58, 71, 72

  Quilp 71, 401

  The Pickwick Papers 71, 398, 399

  Tommy Traddles 71

  Uriah Heep 71, 401

  Doctorow, E. L. 197, 205, 206, 208

  The March 197, 205, 206, 208

  Doggett, Peter 409, 412-3

  You Never Give Me Your Money 409, 412

  Dornstein, Ken 205-7

  The Boy Who Fell Out of the Sky 205, 207

  D’Orso, Michael 265, 268, 425

  Eagle Blue 265, 268

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 58, 400

  Crime and Punishment 38, 58

  Doyle, Roddy 23, 107, 112, 137, 268

  A Star Called Henry 112

  Barrytown trilogy 112

  Oh, Play That Thing 107, 112

  Dr. Seuss 32, 141

  Green Eggs and Ham 183

  Drabble, Margaret 391

  The Waterfall 391

  Dubner, Stephen J. 205

  Dubus III, Andre 409

  Dundy, Elaine 271

  The Dud Avocado 271

  Dunne, John Gregory 302

  The Studio 302

  Dunthorne, Joe 403, 405-6

  Wild Abandon 403, 405, 406

  Dylan, Bob 123, 146, 266, 291-2, 302, 306, 318, 398, 417, 445

  Chronicles: Volume One 123, 124-6, 146, 306, 318

  Dylan Thomas: The Collected Letters 101, 106, 169, 221

  Eagleman, David 379, 380

  Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives 379, 380, 384

  Economist, the 116, 165, 167, 178, 219-20, 311, 328, 344, 361

  Edmonds, David 75

  Edmonds, David and Eidinow, John

  Bobby Fischer Goes to War 75, 79

  Edney, Ralph 51

  Egan, Jennifer 365

  Ehrhart, W. D. 57, 60

  Vietnam-Perkasie 57, 60

  Eidinow, John 75

  Eliot, George 28, 350

  Daniel Deronda 124

  Ellis, Bret Easton 215

  Ephron, Nora 377

  I Remember Nothing 377

  Erdal, Jennie 177, 187-8

  Ghosting: A Double Life 177, 185-7

  Esquire 431

  Evans, Thomas W. 373

  The Education of Ronald Reagan 373

  Farrell, J. G. 324

  Troubles 324

  Faulkner, William 52, 54, 206, 212

  The Sound and the Fury 52

  Fennelly, Beth Ann 211, 212-3

  Tender Hooks 211, 213

  “Bite Me” 212

  Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 25

  Ferris, Joshua 191, 195-6

  Then We Came to the End 191, 195

  Fielding, Helen 102,

  Fielding, Leaf 391

  To Live Outside the Law 391

  Financial Times 389

  Fine, Carla 217

  No Time to Say Goodbye 217

  Finn, Isobel 217

  The Very Lazy Ladybird 235

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott 380, 419, 424, 431

  Flaubert, Gustave 57, 60, 293

  Selected Letters 57

  Flynn, Gillian 443

  Gone Girl 443

  Flynn, Nick 129, 135, 139-40, 152

  Another Bullshit Night in Suck City 129, 135, 139-40, 152

  Ford, Mark 44

  Ford, Richard 109

  Essential Tales of Chekhov 107, 109

  Forester, C. S. 49

  Forney, Ellen 287

  Forrest, Emma 485, 403, 407-8

  Your Voice in My Head 385, 403, 407-8

  Forster, E. M. 119, 348, 349, 398

  A Passage to India 340

  Forster, John 419

  Foulds, Adam 333, 339, 345

  The Quickening Maze 345

  The Broken Word 333, 339, 345

  Fountain, Ben 435, 436-7, 440

  Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk 435, 436, 440

  Fowles, John 340

  Fox, Paula 31, 35

  Desperate Characters 31, 35

  Franklin, Tom 212, 213, 429, 432

  Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter 429, 432

  Hell at the Breech 213, 432

  Franzen, Jonathan 358

  Frayn, Michael 132, 135, 140, 153, 156, 171, 172-3

  Spies 153, 156-7

  The Trick of It 171-2

  Towards the End of the Morning 135, 140

  Fréron, Élie-Catherine 166

  Freud, Sigmund 126, 223, 323, 419

  Frommer, Harvey 333

  Frommer, Myrna Katz 333

  Frommer, Myrna Katz and Harvey

  It Happened in Brooklyn 333

  Frost, Robert 54

  Fulson, Lowell 27

  Funder, Anna 101, 251, 253-4

  Stasiland 101, 251, 253

  Gaiman, Neil 400

  Galloway, Ruth

  Clumsy Crab 217

  Fidgety Fish 217

  Gambotto, Antonella 57

  The Eclipse 57

  Garner, Dwight 438

  Gates, David 72, 74, 394

  Jernigan 394

  Gawande, Atul 259

  Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance 259

  Gay, William 268

  Gayford, Martin 295

/>   The Yellow House 295

  George, Lowell 27

  Gilbert, Daniel 415

  Stumbling on Happiness 415

  Gilman, Priscilla 391, 395

  The Anti-Romantic Child 391, 395

  Ginsberg, Allen 25

  Gladwell, Malcolm

  Blink 208

  The Tipping Point 208

  Gleick, James 37

  Gogol, Nikolai 125, 140

  Goldstein, Rebecca 423

  36 Arguments for the Existence of God 423

  Gombrich, Ernst 187, 193

  A Little History of the World 187

  Gordinier, Jeff 277, 281-2

  X Saves the World 277, 281

  Gordon, Emily Fox 339, 343-4

  Book of Days 339, 343-4

  “The Prodigal Returns” 344

  Gorky, Maxim 191

  “In The Steppe” 110

  “Malva” 110

  “The Fair” 110

  Gosse, Edmund 101, 103-4, 232, 306

  Father and Son 101, 103-4, 306

  Gourevitch, Philip 141, 143-5

  A Cold Case 141, 143-145

  Graham, Sheilah 380

  graphic novels 81, 201, 230, 263

  Graves, Robert 126

  Green, Henry 54

  Green, John 353

  Green, John and David Levithan

  Will Grayson, Will Grayson 353

  Greene, Graham 118, 286, 340, 348

  The Power and the Glory 100

  Grove, Valerie 305

  A Voyage Round John Mortimer 305

  Guanda 99

  Guardian, the 47, 77, 79, 119, 133, 151, 183, 194, 388

  Guralnick, Peter 31, 34, 76-7, 340, 399

  Feel Like Going Home 31

  Guy, John 409, 413

  A Daughter’s Love: Thomas More and His Dearest Meg 409, 413

  Haddon, Mark 63, 64-6

  The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 63, 64

  Hamid, Mohsin 459, 461-2

  How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia 459, 461-2

  Hamilton, Edith 301

  The Greek Way 301

  Hamilton, Ian 25, 27-9, 39,

  Against Oblivion: Some Lives of the Twentieth Century Poets 25, 26, 28

  In Search of J. D. Salinger 25, 26, 29

  Robert Lowell: A Biography 25, 27

  Hamilton, Patrick 60, 64, 66, 95, 99-100, 101, 104-5

  Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky 60, 95, 99, 105

  Hangover Square 63, 66, 99, 100, 104, 105

  The Midnight Bell 95, 99 104

  The Siege of Pleasure 101, 105

  Hampton, Janie 435, 437, 438

  The Austerity Olympics 435, 438

  Hard News 153, 158

  Harding, Paul 327, 333, 337-8

  Tinkers 327, 333, 337-8

  Hardy, Thomas 28, 101, 231-2, 397

  Tess of the d’Urbervilles 232

  Harmon, Katharine 153

  You Are Here 153

  Harris, John 135, 138-9

  So Now Who Do We Vote For? 138, 139

  Harris, Mark 301-4, 435, 453

  Pictures at a Revolution 301, 302-3, 453

  Scenes from a Revolution 435

  Harris, Robert 25, 127-8, 225, 277, 391

  Cicero 223, 228

  Fatherland 26, 127, 128

  Imperium 223, 225, 228, 280

  Pompeii 25, 26, 27, 29-30, 207, 228, 280

  The Ghost 277, 280

  The Fear Index 391, 393, 395

  Harrisson, Tom 309

  Hartley, Jenny 415

  The Selected Letters of Charles Dickens 415

  Hartley, L. P. 185, 191-2, 194, 199, 210, 211, 214, 216-7

  Eustace and Hilda 185, 191-2, 194, 199, 210, 214, 216-7

  The Go-Between 216

  The Shrimp and the Anemone 191, 192, 194, 216

  The Sixth Heaven 211, 214, 216-7

  Haslett, Adam 51

  You Are Not a Stranger Here 51

  Hastings, Selina 435

  Rosamond Lehmann 435

  Hawking, Stephen 118

  Haynes, Jane 321, 322-4

  Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?: The Journal of a Psychotherapist 321, 322-4

  Hazzard, Shirley 324

  The Bay of Noon 324

  Heilemann, John 360, 361, 362

  and Mark Halperin

  Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime 359, 360-2

  Heller, Joseph 25, 30

  Catch-22 303, 440

  Something Happened 25, 28

  Heller, Zoë 25, 477

  Notes on a Scandal 31, 35-6, 455

  Hemingway, Ernest 52-3, 96, 380, 424

  A Farewell to Arms 52

  Henderson, Eleanor 385, 390

  Ten Thousand Saints 385, 390

  Henderson, Emma 385, 390, 423, 428,

  Grace Williams Says It Loud 423, 427-8

  Hendra, Tony 123, 128

  Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Soul 123, 128

  Hendrickson, Paul 205

  Sons of Mississippi 205

  Hermes, Will 443, 451, 452-4, 455

  Love Goes to Buildings on Fire 443, 451, 452-4

  Heyward, Michael 25

  The Ern Malley Affair 25

  Highsmith, Patricia 130, 325

  Hill, Susan 256

  Hines, Barry 141

  A Kestrel for a Knave 141

  Hiney, Tom 283

  The Raymond Chandler Papers 283

  Hoagland, Tony 69, 75, 76, 80, 365

  Donkey Gospel 75

  Unincorporated Persons in the Late Honda Dynasty 365

  What Narcissism Means to Me 69, 75-6, 80

  Hobsbawm, Eric 272

  Hollinghurst, Alan 89, 90, 136

  The Line of Beauty 87, 136

  Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, Inc. 92


  The Odyssey 179-80

  Homes, A. M.

  This Book Will Save Your Life 251

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley 95

  Hornby, Gill 153

  Jane Austen 153, 155-6

  Hornby, Nick

  Fever Pitch 103, 222

  High Fidelity 31, 241, 369

  Hoskyns, Barney 251-2

  Across the Great Divide 251-2

  Houellebecq, Michel 136, 215

  Housman, A. E. 241

  A Shropshire Lad 241

  Hunter, Rielle 381

  Hustvedt, Siri 187, 192

  What I Loved 187

  Hynes, James 411, 414, 424

  Kings of Infinite Space 411

  Next 411, 414-15, 424

  Incredible, Violet 174

  Independent, the 128

  Index on Censorship 291

  Ingalls, Rachel 361

  Mrs. Caliban 379

  Iowa Writers’ Workshop 338, 418

  Irish Times 91-2

  James, Aaron 459-60

  Assholes: A Theory 459-61

  James, Clive 295

  Cultural Amnesia 295

  James, Henry 136, 281, 282, 319

  The Beast in the Jungle 282

  The Portrait of a Lady 230

  Jarrell, Randall 28

  Jeffers, Robinson 30

  Jenkins, Roy 142

  Gladstone 142

  Jennifer, Egan

  A Visit from the Goon Squad 365

  Jennings, Humphrey 309

  Johnson, B. S. 91-92

  Albert Angelo 91-92

  Johnson, Edgar 73

  Jones, Nigel 95, 100, 101, 104

  Through a Glass Darkly 95, 101, 104

  Joyce, James 42, 52, 91, 92, 230

  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 348

  Finnegans Wake 29

  Stephen Dedalus 180

  Kael, Pauline 303, 413-414

  Kafka 195, 344

  Kahn, Ashley 451

  Kind of Blue 451

  Kalfus, Ken 265, 271, 274

  A Disorder Peculiar to the Country 265, 271, 274-5

  Kanfer, S
tefan 365, 379, 380-1, 388

  Ball of Fire 365, 379, 380-1, 388

  Kann, Kenneth 413

  Comrades and Chicken Ranchers 413

  Kant, Immanuel 182

  Kaplan, Fred 398

  Karr, Mary 290

  The Liars’ Club 230, 268

  Kashner, Sam and Schoenberger, Nancy

  Furious Love 385

  Kashner, Sam 385

  Kazan, Elia 385, 388-9

  stage production of A Streetcar Named Desire 389

  Keats, John 341

  Kellow, Brian 409, 413, 414

  Pauline Kael: A Life in the Dark 413

  Kendal, Felicity 429

  White Cargo 429

  Kennedy, Ludovic 147

  Nelson and His Captains 147

  Kennedy, William 239, 244

  Ironweed 239, 244

  Kermode, Frank 81, 83

  Not Entitled 81, 83

  Keun, Irmgard 295

  Child of All Nations 295

  King, Carole 429

  A Natural Woman 429

  King, Owen 197

  We’re All in This Together 197

  King, Stephen 59, 118

  Kipling, Rudyard 42, 177, 183, 232

  Traffics and Discoveries 177

  Kluger, Steve 205

  Last Days of Summer 205,

  Knipper, Olga 109

  Kolbert, Elizabeth 219, 223, 225, 226-7, 228, 230

  Field Notes From a Catastrophe 219, 223, 225, 226-7

  Kosztolányi, Dezsö 409, 423

  Skylark 409, 423, 487

  Krakauer, Jon

  Into the Wild 205-6

  Kurkov, Andrey 171, 176, 185, 186-7

  Death and the Penguin 171, 185, 186-7

  Kynaston, David 307, 308-10, 312, 313-6, 339, 347, 435

  Austerity Britain 307, 308, 310, 313, 314, 347

  Family Britain 326, 357

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover 202

  trial 302, 334

  Lanchester, John 379, 381-3, 394

  I.O.U. / Whoops!: Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay 379, 381-3, 384

  Lane, Allen 91, 157

  Lane, Anthony 443, 451, 455

  Lane, Harriet 465, 473, 477

  Alys, Always 443, 451, 455-6

  Larkin, Philip 177, 178-9, 182, 188, 189, 249, 250, 403

  “Church Going” 178

  letters 178-9, 188

  Letters to Monica 403

  Lattin, Don 365

  The Harvard Psychedelic Club 365

  Lawrence, D. H. 52

  Pansies 48

  le Carré, John 129

  The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 129

  LeBlanc, Adrian Nicole 69, 75, 76-8, 363

  Random Family 69, 75, 76, 77-8, 100, 363

  Lee, Harper

  To Kill a Mockingbird 119

  Lee, Jennie 245

  My Life with Nye 245

  Lee, Laurie 397

  Lehane, Dennis 87, 88-90, 327, 329

  Mystic River 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 100

  Prayers for Rain 87, 88-90

  The Given Day 327, 329

  Lehrer, Jonah 415, 416-8, 421, 426

  Imagine: How Creativity Works 415-8, 426

  Lethem, Jonathan 31, 32-4, 35, 71, 153

  Motherless Brooklyn 33

  The Disappointment Artist 153