Swanson, James L. 231

  Manhunt 231

  Swift, Jonathan

  Gulliver’s Travels 167

  Tacitus 125

  Talbot, Bryan 451

  Talbot, Bryan and Mary M.

  Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes 451

  Talbot, Mary M. 451

  Tartt, Donna 120, 268

  The Secret History 120

  Terkel, Studs 194

  Working 332

  Tevis, Jamie Griggs 225

  My Life with the Hustler 225

  Thaler, Richard H. 313

  Thaler, Richard H. and Sunstein, Cass R.

  Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness 313

  Theroux, Paul 366

  Thomas, Dylan 106, 125, 166, 169, 221

  Thorn, Tracey 459

  Bedsit Disco Queen 459

  Thucydides 125

  Thwaite, Anthony 177

  Selected Letters of Philip Larkin 177

  Tickle, Jack 217

  Time 389

  Toews, Miriam 159, 162-3

  A Complicated Kindness 159, 162-3

  Tóibín, Colm 311, 312, 327, 330, 331, 339, 353, 335

  Brooklyn 327, 330, 331, 353, 355

  The Master 339, 340

  Tolkien, J. R. R. 42

  The Hobbit 283

  The Lord of the Rings 104

  Tolstoy, Leo 74, 107, 110, 323

  The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories 107

  War and Peace 417

  Tomalin, Claire 81, 83-4, 86, 135, 231, 232, 235, 397, 398-9, 401, 402, 404

  Charles Dickens: A Life 397, 398

  Katherine Mansfield: A Secret Life 135

  The Invisible Woman 81, 83-4, 86

  Thomas Hardy: The Time-Torn Man 231

  Torday, Paul 251

  Salmon Fishing in the Yemen 251

  Townsend, Sue 147, 149

  Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction 147, 149-50

  Traig, Jennifer 123

  Devil in the Details: Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood 123

  Trapido, Barbara 429, 434

  Brother of the More Famous Jack 429, 434

  Trumbo, Dalton 389

  Truss, Lynn 51, 55

  Eats, Shoots and Leaves 51, 54

  Twain, Mark 137, 327, 379-80

  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 327, 329, 379-80, 384

  Tyler, Anne 23, 57, 153, 157, 210, 211, 215, 348, 390, 405, 423-5, 428

  Digging to America 211, 215

  Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant 157

  The Accidental Tourist 424

  The Amateur Marriage 57, 153, 157

  The Beginner’s Goodbye 423, 424

  Tyson, Timothy B. 159, 165, 168-169

  Blood Done Sign My Name 168-167

  Updike, John 199, 215, 303, 365, 366

  Marry Me: A Romance 365, 366-7

  Rabbit, Run 58

  Rabbit Angstrom 74

  Urrea, Luis Alberto 205

  The Devil’s Highway 205

  Vaughan, Guerra 81

  Y: The Last Man Vols 1–3 81, 85-6

  Vogler, Christopher 379

  The Writer’s Journey 379

  Vogue 41

  Voltaire 165, 166-7, 437

  Candide 165, 166-7, 172

  Vonnegut, Kurt 43, 48, 49, 197, 200-1, 205, 206, 267, 276, 340, 348

  A Man Without a Country 197, 200-1, 205

  The Sirens of Titan 43, 45, 48-49, 100

  Vowell, Sarah 126, 129, 131-2, 274, 373, 374-5

  Assassination Vacation 129, 131-2

  Take the Cannoli 126

  Unfamiliar Fishes 373, 374-5

  Waldman, Amy 415, 423, 427

  The Submission 415, 423, 427

  Wallace, David Foster 277

  Wallace, Thomas 92

  Walter, Jess 19, 159, 161, 162, 171, 175, 225, 228-9, 415, 420, 429, 431, 435

  Beautiful Ruins 415, 420

  Citizen Vince 159, 161, 162, 175, 228, 306, 415

  Don’t Eat Cat 429, 431

  Over Tumbled Graves 159, 171, 175-6

  The Financial Lives of the Poets 435

  The Zero 225, 229

  Ward, Amanda Eyre 135, 141, 145-6

  How To Be Lost 135, 141, 145-6

  Sleep Towards Heaven 141

  Ware, Chris 81

  Warren, Robert Penn 177, 179-80, 181

  All the King’s Men 177, 179-80

  Waters, Sarah 407

  Watson, Winifred

  Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day 305

  Waugh, Auberon 225

  Will This Do? 225

  Waugh, Evelyn 140

  Wells, H. G. 319, 348

  Love and Mr. Lewisham 319

  Welsh, Irvine 166, 215

  Wenger, Arsene 39-40, 42, 170, 282

  Weschler, Lawrence 265, 269-70, 271, 275

  Everything That Rises: A Book of Convergences 265, 269-70, 275

  Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees 265, 271

  Wescott, Glenway 435, 437, 438

  The Pilgrim Hawk: A Love Story 435, 437

  Wheatcroft, Geoffrey 251, 254

  Wheen, Francis 57, 60-1, 62, 240

  biography of Marx 60, 240

  How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World 57, 60-1

  Whetcroft, Geoffrey

  Yo Blair! 251

  White, Patrick 324

  The Vivisector 324

  Wiggins, Marianne 295, 298

  The Shadow Catcher 295, 298

  Wilcox, James 211, 214

  Modern Baptists 211, 214-5

  Wilkinson, Alec 295, 298-9

  The Happiest Man in the World 295, 298-9

  Wilkinson, Richard 339

  and Pickett, Kate

  The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger 339

  Willans, Geoffrey

  Molesworth books 172

  Willett, Jincy 43, 45

  Jenny and the Jaws of Life 43

  Williams, Bernard

  Philosophical Papers 461

  Williams, Esther 347

  The Million Dollar Mermaid 347

  Williams, John 334

  Stoner 334

  Wilsey, Sean 165, 167-8

  Oh the Glory of It All 165, 167-8

  Wilson, A. N. 432

  Wilson, Carl 353, 355, 357-8, 378, 411-2

  Let’s Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste 353, 357, 411

  Wilson, Kevin 403, 405, 411-2

  The Family Fang 403-6, 435, 463

  Winsor, Kathleen 454

  Wodehouse, P. G. 42, 54, 72, 113, 145, 172, 176, 264, 349

  Wooster, Bertie 176, 254

  Wolfe, Tom 56, 123, 132, 241, 340, 427

  I Am Charlotte Simmons 123

  The Bonfire of the Vanities 427

  Wolff, Michael 463

  Wolff, Tobias 51, 54, 119, 243, 290

  In Pharaoh’s Army 54, 243

  Old School 51, 54

  This Boy’s Life 35, 54, 103, 119, 230, 268

  Wolitzer, Meg 295, 347, 350-1

  The Position 295

  The Uncoupling 347, 350

  Wood, James 72

  The Irresponsible Self: On Laughter and the Novel 172

  Woodrell, Daniel 225

  Winter’s Bone 225

  Woodward, Bob

  Bush at War 37, 42

  Woolf, Virginia 42

  Wordsworth, William 340, 395

  Worrall, Simon 37

  The Poet and the Murderer 37, 41

  Wray, John

  Lowboy 313

  Yang, Gene Luen 259, 263

  American Born Chinese 259, 263

  Yates, Richard 36, 39, 42, 104, 356, 397, 410, 416

  The Easter Parade 39

  Pookie 39, 104

  Revolutionary Road 39, 410

  Yeats, William Butler 28, 42

  young-adult novels 276, 267

  Zaid, Gabriel 101, 105

  So Many Books 101, 105

  Zanes, Warren 51,

  Dusty in Memphis 51, 55, 357

  Zindel, Paul 271, 277, 280

  The Pigman 271, 277, 280-1

  Zweig, Ferdynand 307

  The British Worker 307

  Zweig, Stefan 343



  Nick Hornby, Ten Years in the Tub: A Decade Soaking in Great Books

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