If you are in a serious relationship, have a partner or are married, we suggest doing what Kailey and I have. I have set up Juice Plus in my name and focus on the Juice Plus and have set up World Venture Travel Club in Kailey’s name.

  We not only save thousands on travel, flights and accommodation, we then also link all our residual income from the World Ventures Travel Club directly into our investing account. Most people in their first year will make at least $25,000 from World Ventures which will go directly into your investing account. Now you each have 1 additional income stream for fuelling your travel and investments.

  Imagine your year if you apply the principles in this book:

  26 bucket list experiences

  4 trips including one overseas

  A new home / house

  Plus savings in your bank account

  WHAT a year…

  Again, it only takes 3-5 hours a week, we suggest you do this with your partner and split the workload, working together on your dream lifestyle.

  Here is a quick video with more information on the opportunity. Once you’ve watched the video please email me at [email protected] or message me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jason.grossmanpt to get started or if you have any questions.

  Here is the quick video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ_ebeUIPYQ

  If you are reading these and not implementing them you are only cheating yourself. At least for now choose one of the two residual income streams to work on and go from there. If you would like to speak with me or a coach more in depth about any of this please simply email me.

  Once you have created the habit, set up the account and are making residual income, then you can get an accountant, planner or other professional to assist you in finding the right investments.

  So there are the 7 Bank accounts. Will you go out now and set them up, start creating the habits, cut up your credit card, stop living week to week, start saving and investing and travelling more? Or will you continue with your old ways? It makes no real difference to me whether you act upon this or not, it does make all the difference in the world to you though.

  I would love to hear your success stories so please feel free to contact us anytime.

  Get up right now, go to the bank, and set these up!

  Here are some examples of scenarios of what a financial freedom plan might look like for a business owner, employee or personal trainer.

  Have you set up your accounts and actioned your financial freedom plan yet?

  If not, what are you waiting for? Get up and do it right now! How badly do you want this?

  Chapter 8

  Alkalize and Energize your Body


  Before you read the text below please take the time to watch these 4 quick videos:

  Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WBMHsI6Wns&list=UUkXzjOqvOjUZ8UH-wiTzZ0w&index=50

  Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIdr8VQ15G4&index=49&list=UUkXzjOqvOjUZ8UH-wiTzZ0w

  Video 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JsVKJKd8MI&list=UUkXzjOqvOjUZ8UH-wiTzZ0w&index=48

  Video 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MDF4307pM0&index=47&list=UUkXzjOqvOjUZ8UH-wiTzZ0w

  Did you take the time to watch the above videos yet? If not I strongly recommend watching them before reading on…

  Do you want to be the richest person in the graveyard? No one really wants to, do they? If you truly are living a dream life, that makes you have to pinch yourself daily, wouldn’t you want to live for as long as possible? To extend your lifespan by 10, 20 or even 30 or more years?

  I’m guessing the answer is yes, if you have begun to habituate all the exercises and attitudes in this book, them I’m sure you will agree that you can see more clearly than ever where you are heading in this beautiful life.

  Wouldn’t you want to live as long as is humanly and healthily possible? To see your kids walk down the aisle one day, see your grandkids being born, maybe even growing up? To live and experience the whimsical changes and advancements of our society, to travel to as many places and absorb the unique experiences as possible? If you are living a dream life, every day is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and tomorrow could be one missed.

  I believe the most important ingredient is energy. Everything is energy, even matter. The more energy we have, the better we feel and the more motivated we are to take action and create our dream life. Has there ever been a day you just wanted to lie on the couch? Has there even been a day you were so motivated that your productivity went through the roof? Imagine having abundant energy every day, living each day like it was your last and taking massive action. To maximise your energy levels we must focus on your nutrition and physical fitness.

  After 14 years in the health and fitness industry, learning about exercise science, bio-chemistry, nutrition, mindset, NLP and more, the most profound literature and research I have come across for living a happier, healthier longer life all revolves around the process of alkalization.

  A surprising number and variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by the problem of foods that are acid-producing after digestion. Today the vast majority of the populace in industrialized nations suffers from problems caused by the stress of acidosis, because both modern lifestyle and diet promote acidification of the body's internal environment.

  The current typical Western diet is largely composed of acid-forming foods (animal proteins, and processed sugars). Alkaline-producing foods such as vegetables are eaten in much smaller quantities. Stimulants like tobacco, coffee, tea, and alcohol are also extremely acidifying. Stress, and physical activity can also cause acidification.

  Many foods are alkaline-producing or neutral by nature, but manufactured processed foods are mostly acid-producing, and these are the ones most heavily advertised in the media, filling the shelves of supermarkets. It is important to consume at least 70% - 80% alkaline-producing foods in our diet, in order to maintain health. We need plenty of fresh fruits and particularly vegetables (alkaline-producing) to balance our necessary protein intake (acid-producing). And we need to avoid processed and sugary foods, not only because they are acid-producing, but also because they raise blood sugar levels too quickly - with high glycaemic index, therefore fattening and stressing our insulin response - plus they tend to be nutrient-lacking and may be toxic too.

  The body maintains correct pH in the blood at all costs through homeostasis, but it is stressful for the body's systems and resources when the diet is unbalanced in terms of acid-forming foods (the residue after digestion, that is). Within cells it's a different story. Saliva and urine tests show clearly enough the changes in alkalinity or acidity that are caused by diet and lifestyle.

  What is the body's pH?

  Water is the most abundant compound in the human body, comprising 70% of the body. The body therefore contains a wide range of solutions, which may be more or less acid. pH (potential of Hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution - the ratio between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is.  The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral.  Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic.

  Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 - 7.45). Below or above this range means symptoms and disease. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the body dies. The body therefore continually strives to balance pH. When this balance is compromised many problems can occur.

  An imbalanced diet high in acidic-producing foods such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods puts pressure on the body's regulating systems to maintain pH neutrality. The extra buffering required can deplete the body of alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, making the
person prone to chronic and degenerative disease.

  It’s important also to understand that cancer which kills over 1/3 of our population now can only exist in an environment deprived of oxygen. When cells are highly oxygenized, cancer can simply not survive, let alone thrive.

  By choosing the right foods, It's actually quite easy to eat a diet rich in alkaline-producing foods. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent choices. Red meat is not a good choice, but you can add plenty of protein to your meals by using delicious beans, legumes, and nuts such as almonds. You should eliminate unhealthy fats from your diet, but you can use good fats such as olive oil, avocado and coconut. High fat dairy products should be avoided, but you can drink almond milk as an alternative. Replace the empty calories of soda with delicious iced herb tea, green tea and lemon water. Coffee should be avoided, but you can drink hot herbal or green tea. Replace pasta with healthy whole grains such as wild rice, millet and quinoa. When sweetening your foods, focus on natural products such as Stevia. As you can see, you'll have many nutritious choices that are both delicious and high in alkalizing properties.

  Use the basic food chart below to make your lifestyle more alkaline and reap the benefits of vibrant health and abundant energy...

  Green vegetables are definitely a great start. In fact I highly recommend at least 1-2 green smoothies a day. By having it in a smoothie this allows you to compact 3-5 serves of greens into one consumable drink, with a high nutrient rich value for energizing and alkalizing.

  Here is a recipe for my favourite green smoothie:

  Jason’s Favourite Green Smoothie

  3 cups of fresh kale

  1 x celery stalk

  3 cups of spinach

  ¼ of a cucumber

  2 x oranges

  1 x carrot

  Place it all in a high speed blender and drink.

  95% of people do NOT consume a sufficient amount of nutrients in the form of at least 2-3 serves of fruit and 7-9 serves (that’s cups) of vegetables a day! How many do you eat? Do you eat 60-70 serves fruit and veg a week? If you are like most people then probably not!

  By not consuming enough micro-nutrients and phytonutrients you are at much larger risk of being diagnosed with cancer, heart related disease, diabetes and more. PLUS by consuming a sufficient amount of nutrients on a regular basis you may even increase your life span by as much as 10-20 years! What would it truly mean to be able to live a happier, healthier life?’

  Another fast and effective way that is a long term solution to ensure you always consume a sufficient amount of micro-nutrients is to do what we do and use Juice Plus. As we travel a lot sometimes it’s hard to eat enough fruit and veg. We want to avoid synthetic vitamins and multi’s so we choose Juice Plus.

  Juice Plus is also a great option if you have trouble getting your kids to eat their veggies. You can even get it free for your child 4-17 years of age. Plus there is a chewable option. Although you cannot beat real food, we highly recommend everyone takes Juice Plus to ensure you consume enough nutrients every day. You can see more or get your Juice Plus for just $2.50 a day or the complete protein here: https://jasongrossman.juiceplus.com.au/content/JuicePlus/en_au/buy/capsules/orchard-and-garden-blends.html#.U5PAWShfbFA

  An example of an Ideal day for maximum energy:

  Additional to our nutrition with food consumption, it’s also vital to drink plenty of fluid and perform regular physical activity. So below I have given an example of an ideal day with food, fluid and exercise. I strongly recommend physical exercise 5-6 times a week additional to sport or being active. And have one day a week to relax, enjoy and celebrate life. If you have a stressful job or business doing regular yoga, Pilates and meditation is highly recommended.

  As we understand everyone is different and requires different attention, if you would like any further assistance with meal plans, fitness plans or weight loss you can request a consult with one of our Online Personal Trainers here: https://quantumonlinepersonaltraining.com/free-consultation/

  Please note this is just an example and basic suggestion for an ideal day, always seek the advice of an expert with one on one consultation to ensure safety and results.

  Here is an example of an ideal day:

  5:30am Wake up and drink 1 litre of filtered water with 2 lemons

  6am 1 hour of exercise at least 30 minutes of cardio

  8am 2 cups of fruit salad and 1 x Complete Protein drink

  10am Green Smoothie and Juice Plus (Optional – 1-2 bananas)

  12pm Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad with green vegetables / salad and seeds

  2pm 500ml – 1L Coconut Water and Juice Plus

  5pm Thai Chicken Salad with plenty of greens

  8pm Complete Protein drink and / or some fresh strawberries / banana

  It’s also important to drink 2-3 litres of water throughout the day.

  Does this mean you eat like this every day? Probably not, although you can imagine how incredible you would feel after a few months of staying so hydrated and alkalizing your body consistently.

  In conclusion, I believe life is about balance. Enjoy a glass of champagne, have a chocolate now and then, just ensure that the bulk of your nutrition is alkalizing and healthy. Make sure you exercise almost every day, and be sure to drink 2-3 litres of water a day. By simply following all the above steps you can begin to dramatically and exponentially increase your energy levels, feeling more alive and invigorated than ever before. You deserve to feel amazing, you deserve to be healthy, and you deserve to enjoy the full rewards that come with living a truly healthy dream lifestyle.

  Chapter 9

  Utilise Powerful Leverage

  Archimedes once said “Give me a lever long enough and I can move the world!” Levers are used in everyday life, we cannot live or perform without them. Our musculoskeletal system uses three types of levers to perform everyday movement. We use levers in machines and equipment every day to make tasks easier and more efficient. In fact without levers we would not even exist. Leverage is what creates ease and efficiency in all aspects of this world.

  The more efficient and stronger the levers, the more power we have to achieve our desired outcome in any area of our life. Achieving our dream lifestyle is no different.

  As the body uses and has 3 types of levers for maximum efficiency, we too have 4 types of leverage at our disposal we can use for achieving our dream lifestyle. To truly achieve our dream lifestyle we must understand and use all 4 types of leverage.

  Leverage Type 1)

  People Leverage.

  Let’s say you are self-employed, the only way you can earn more money is by working longer and harder or increasing your prices, which are both forms of leverage. They are not powerful forms and it puts additional stress on the fulcrum, you. The fulcrum (you) can only perform and do so much with the leverage you have. To achieve more we need to increase our leverage.

  If you were to hire a second person you have now doubled your leverage, or have you? What if you bring on board a third person is that simply triple the output and efficiency? Does it multiply? Or increase exponentially? Exponentially right, so it also has a compounding effect.

  If you are on your own you are alone, if there’s two of you there is a partnership, but when there is 3 or more you have a team and a powerful force to be reckoned with.

  You’ve probably heard the saying; “many hands make light work!” but what about many minds?

  Here are 4 strong suggestions for increasing your leverage with a team to create your dream lifestyle.

  Create a mastermind

  A mastermind is when a group of 3 or more people work harmoniously together on a project or mission and each contribute equally to the completion of that mission. By forming a knighthood of the round table if you will, it will allow you to drastically increase creativity, ideas, knowledge, your network, resources and more. Walt Disney understood the power of a mastermind. Whenever Disney had a new idea for a ride, attraction or project, he
would dedicate an entire wall in his office for everyone from the janitor up to the CEO in his business to contribute and their ideas about how they could make the project even better, in a way even Disney himself might not have thought of.

  A mastermind allows you to tap into a much deeper resource of creativity and ideas to solve problems in a way you may never have thought. It’s also much easier for others to look at something from a different perceptual position. If you are in the trenches you can only see a few feet ahead of you. Someone on the outside can see exactly where you are heading and see it from a different viewpoint, giving you information and input otherwise not even conceived.

  If you have completed all the previous chapters and you are ready to really start taking action towards achieving your dream lifestyle, now is the time to create your mastermind team.

  Your mastermind team can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  A business or lifestyle design coach

  Your partner or spouse

  A business partner

  Legal and accounting advisors

  A group of peers meeting regularly for a casual catch up

  Build a Formal Team

  Once you have a mastermind group, a knights of the round table that meet regularly for brainstorming, ideas and how to fast track your results with leverage and ease, you really want to create a formal team. Your formal team are usually people that you pay directly or earn income because of a resource you have offered to them.

  There is a difference between a Mastermind and a formal team, and yes there are times you might have your team contribute ideas and brainstorm. But this is still slightly different as it is more formal and the intention of the Mastermind is singular, to focus on achieving the main mission, in this case your definition for a dream lifestyle. The Mastermind focus on just the big picture and ideas. Yes the team contribute to this, however the formal team are also troops, they are the ones working with you to take action and get the hard work done. The longer and harder all the formal team work, the faster you will achieve your mission. The action takers.