Page 17 of Rock My Bed

  The door opens and Aubrey steps through it. Her auburn hair styled into loose waves over her shoulders stand out against her gray sweater-dress. Even after eight hours of work she still looks amazing.

  “Hey,” she says with a smile. Her bright green eyes focus on me as she sets her bag down and plops down next to me on the couch and snuggles into my side. “I missed you.”

  I comb my fingers down her silky hair and then kiss her forehead. I don’t even want to think about how much I’ll miss her when I head back out on tour. I know distance is the true test of all relationships.

  “Do you want a break from cooking tonight?”

  I pull back and she peers up at me through her sexy, long eyelashes. “Why? Are you tired of my cooking already?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I thought maybe you wanted to take a break and we can go out to eat.”

  I shrug. “I’m okay with cooking, but if you want to go out, we can do that, too.”

  “There’s a place around the corner that I love—really low key, and has my favorite pizza in the whole world.”

  “Sounds good, Kitten. Anything you want.”

  She kisses my cheek. “I’m going to go get ready.”

  An hour later, she comes out of her room in jeans, a black top, and tall heels. She stops and grins as she does a little turn so I can check out her entire outfit. The black blouse dips down so low I can see the small of her back. “Jesus. Are you sure you want to go out. I’m sporting a half-wood just looking at you.”

  She grins. “Then this is perfect. I like making you wait because I don’t think you’re used to that.”

  I stand and wrap my arms around her, pressing myself against her. “I’m not used to anything like you.” A blush floods her cheeks. “I like that you can’t hide emotions. Your fair skin gives you away every time.”

  She giggles and kisses my lips. “I’m glad I stand out.”

  “You have no idea how much.”

  The restaurant is tiny, almost to the point that if I weren’t aware of it, I would’ve never found it. Ten small, two-person tables fill the dimly lit dining area and the rest of the space is brick ovens and kitchen. Customers picking up carryout orders stream in and out of the door in constant revolution. The heavenly aroma of melted cheese and simmering sauce surrounds us as we take out seats.

  “It smells good,” I say.

  Kitten smiles as she opens the sticky menu. “That’s because it’s awesome. Once you try it, you’ll see.”

  The dark-haired waitress wearing a red and white checkered apron pops over to our table. “What’ll it be?”

  “I’ll have a Coke,” Aubrey answers.

  “Make that two,” I add.

  The server yanks a green notepad from her apron pocket and cracks her gum. “Do you know what kind of pizza you want?”

  I glance over at Kitten. “I can eat anything, so order whatever you like.”

  “We’ll have a pepperoni with extra cheese, please.”

  The waitress scribbles the order down and says, “It’ll be out in a few.”

  The girl scurries off in the direction of the kitchen and once she’s out of earshot I turn towards Aubrey. “Did you have a good day at work?”

  She shrugs. “Same old same, you know. I did get to type up a couple memos for the Black Falcon account, so at least I was allowed to think about you all day.”

  I bite my lip and rake my eyes over her. The idea of her having dirty thoughts about me all day at work is nearly enough to make me say fuck the pizza. “What exactly was I doing in these daydreams?”

  She giggles. “Lots of things…”

  Her words trail off and that only excites me more. “Care to elaborate? I hope it’s kinky. You know I like it when you’re like that.”

  As she opens her mouth to speak, her eyes widen as she glances over my shoulder. I turn to find a guy wearing a yellow, polo shirt and pressed khakis at my left. The shirt nearly matches the color of his perfectly styled hair. He reminds me of Hailey’s perfectly plastic Ken doll only with glasses.

  “Hey, Aubrey. I didn’t know you frequented this place,” Ken doll says while completely overlooking the fact that I’m sitting right here.

  Kitten sits a little straighter in her chair. “It’s one of my favorites. Isaac, this is my…” She gestures to me but trails off unsure of what to call me.

  Things click. This is Isaac, as in her douche bag of a boss that grates on her nerves. I stick my hand out to the dude. “Boyfriend. Riff. What’s up, bro.”

  I’m not sure whose eyebrows raise higher, Kitten or Issac’s when I proclaim our relationship status for the first time to a stranger. I want people to know she’s taken. Might as well start with her boss, because I can see the way he’s looking at her. This fucker needs to know to keep his dick in his pants.

  He grips my hand and gives it a firm shake. “Good to meet you. I actually work at Center Stage. I’ve had a hand in helping out with your charity project alongside Lanie Vance. I didn’t know you knew Aubrey personally.”

  His eyes flick over to Aubrey’s face and she merely shrugs under his gaze like she’s been caught in something. “It never came up.”

  Isaac’s eyes never leave her and instantly I feel a surge to protect what’s mine come over me. I need to get rid of this joker before I lose my cool. “Okay, well, good to meet you. She’ll see you at work then.”

  Aubrey flinches at the sudden short tone of my voice and then turns back to her boss with an apologetic smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Isaac.”

  Isaac stands there for a moment like he’s debating something before he nods. “Tomorrow it is, then.”

  The minute he walks away Aubrey turns towards me with a frown. “Why did you do that?”

  I lean in further towards her. “Because I saw the way that Ken doll looked at you. I want him to know up front that he can’t have you.”

  She squares her shoulders. “I’m perfectly capable of handling things on my own, and don’t call him that.”

  “What? A Ken doll?”

  “Yes!” she snaps. “It’s rude.”

  I lean in. “Have you not seen the guy? He looks Barbie’s fake fucking boyfriend. Too perfect to be real.”

  She rolls her eyes. “He does not, besides he won’t try anything if he knows I’m with someone. He’s not that type of man.”

  I shake my head. “Sometimes guys need a little more deterrent than a polite no from a woman for the message to sink in that she’s not interested. Take us for example. That first night in the hall, your mouth said no, but your body said yes. I’m keeping things clear in this case. You’re mine, Kitten. You said so yourself. Now it’s time the world knew.”

  Admitting my feelings about claiming her out loud makes me seem a little cavemanish but I don’t give a shit. I want her. The thought of another man thinking about fucking her is enough to drive me over the edge.

  I wait for her to be pissed and tell me that I don’t own her and all that crap that I’ve seen women spout when their men try to control them, but Aubrey does quite the opposite. She smiles.

  “I hope you know that goes two ways.” She eyes me carefully. “If we’re exclusive then that means no other women for you.”

  I lean back in the chair and lick my lips. “Kitten, there’s no other woman on this planet that can compete with you, so I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

  Her smile grows wider and I can’t wait to prove to her that I am worthy of her trust because, after all, isn’t that the foundation to a good relationship?


  I watch Zach throw the last of his things in a duffel bag. “I can’t believe you have to go back already.”

  My heart sinks at the thought of not being with him every day. Believe it or not, in a week I’ve grown used to having him here all the time.

  He walks around the bed and pulls me up by both hands. “Come with me.”

  I throw my arms around his neck and squeeze against him. “I ca
n’t. I have my job here and all.”

  He sighs and rests his forehead against mine. “I know. I wish you’d quit and come on the road with me. I like having you with me.”

  “That would be better than anything in the world, but I’ve worked so hard for this degree and it’s the best company in the field. I can’t give that up.”

  He nods. “I know, but it doesn’t make the pain of leaving you here hurt any less.”

  I rub the back of his head and the stubble scratches my fingertips. “I feel the same way. But like you said, we’re only an airplane ride apart. Maybe I can come to you on weekends or something.”

  “I’ll take whatever you can give me.” He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

  A crushing weight sits on my chest knowing this will be the last kiss I get from him in a while. I close my eyes, but it doesn’t stop the burn that’s taking them over. Squeezing them tighter doesn’t work either. It merely forces a tear out of the corner of my eye.

  “Don’t cry,” he whispers, “I’ll see you again before you know it.”

  The call button on my apartment rings as someone buzzes the apartment entrance. “That’s your ride.”

  I fist his t-shirt in my hands and kiss his lips with as much force as I can muster. This week has been perfect and I’m scared to let him go. I don’t want this feeling to end, and I’m afraid that if we try this long-distance thing it isn’t going to work out. They never do.

  “I have to go.” He gives me one last peck. “I’ll call you when I board the plane.”

  I nod and pull my hands away from his shirt. I wonder if he feels this, too? The uncertainly of what lies ahead for us?

  I sniff and do my best to hide the overwhelming emotion I feel building inside of me. The brightest smile I can afford to show fills my face as he steps back.

  “This isn’t goodbye. It’s more like an I’ll see you later, okay?”

  “Okay,” I answer softly.

  He grabs his bag, takes one last look at me and then heads out of the bedroom. The minute the front door clicks shut, I fall back against my pillow and allow the breakdown I’ve been holding back to break free.

  Never in a million years did I believe that kiss backstage with a sweaty, Mohawked rock star would lead to a connection like this. This is one curveball in life I wasn’t expecting.

  Chapter 18


  I step onto the bus and Trip elbows his brother while they both sit on the love seat playing their video game. They both grin at me from ear to ear and it’s fucking annoying. “What?”

  Tyke winks at Trip. “Have a good week off? We missed you at home.”

  “Yeah, Riff. Where did you go last week, huh?” Trip asks.

  I head towards my bunk and plop my bag inside my foxhole. They’ve obviously already figured it out, so I might as well admit where I was and get their merciless teasing over with now. “You all know exactly where I’ve been, so cut the shit and let’s get this over with.”

  Trip and Tyke both howl with laughter. I roll my eyes and roll my hand, telling them to get it all out now.

  “I never thought I’d see the day when Riff Oliver falls for a girl,” Tyke says.

  “I knew it was coming. It’s about time this stubborn asshole admits he’s capable of feelings,” Trip adds. “I’m happy for you, bro. So tell us, is she walking funny?”

  “You guys are idiots. I don’t know how I’ve put up with you two this long,” I answer as I shake my head and totally avoid his question.

  “Because we’re the only ones crazy enough to put up with your moody ass,” Trip says.

  I open my mouth to answer, but quickly shut it, knowing he’s probably right.

  “She’s not coming on the bus with us too is she?” Tyke asks while pounding away on the remote.

  I crunch my brow. “So what if she does?”

  “Relax, dude. It’ll be tight is all. Noel is bringing Lanie back on the bus with him. Two chicks on this bus with us, hogging the bathroom all the time and complaining about our filth, might be more than the rest of us can take,” Trip clarifies.

  “I thought Lanie was going to her mom’s place?” Maybe he’s planning to keep her with him. I wouldn’t blame him if he did. I’d keep Aubrey here if I could.

  Tyke shakes his head. “Noel called earlier and said that she’s staying for a while.”

  All this talk about girlfriends on the bus makes me miss my Kitten. I pull out my cell and dial her number.

  “Hey,” she says into the phone. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until tonight.”

  I cradle the phone between my ear and shoulder as I grab my Oreos and a cup of milk. “Guess I couldn’t wait. So what are you up to?”

  I sit at the table and fill her in about the details of my flight home as I stack my cookies on the table. The twins instantly shut up and go busy themselves with restocking the kitchen once their game ends.

  Noel walks in with Lanie under his arm. She stretches up on her toes and kisses his cheek before heading towards the bedroom to settle in. Noel grins as he watches her down the hall.

  I sigh. Seeing shit like that isn’t going to help me to get over missing Kitten.

  Aubrey starts explaining the plot of some movie she watched on television as Tyke hands Noel a beer from across the island and distracts me from my private conversation. “Good break? I see that sappy grin.”

  It’s hard not to listen to Noel and Tyke talk too since they’re practically standing next to me and aren’t exactly quiet when they speak.

  Noel twists off the cap. “Don’t hate.”

  Tyke holds his palm hands up. “I’m not. It’s going to be weird around here with both you and Riff settled down and all.”

  Noel chokes on his drink and quickly wipes his mouth. “Riff?” I grin as shock registers on his face. “With who?”

  Tyke gives him a pointed look. “Lane’s friend, Aubrey. Who else?”

  His eyebrows rise. “Realllllly? Wow. I thought they just hooked up.”

  Tyke shrugs. “Apparently he spent the entire break with her in New York, and he’s been on the phone with her now for the last hour.”

  “Huh,” he says while he shakes his head.

  It’s official my world is officially changing and everyone around me knows it.

  “Zach? You still there?” Aubrey questions on the other end of the line.

  I readjust in my seat. “Sorry, I’m still here. The guys are all coming in. Looks like Lane’s staying on the bus with us for a while.”

  “That’s great. She and Noel need some time together to finish reconnecting.”

  I sigh. “It’d be better if you were here.”

  “I’m hoping soon. I can take a half day off work on a Friday and fly out to you for the weekend sometime this month. I don’t think I can go an entire month without seeing you,” she says.

  I know it’s twisted to enjoy someone’s misery, but I kind of like the idea that she’s missing me. It makes me feel almost downright giddy.

  I try to frown as I say, “Soon,” but I don’t think I succeed because even I can hear the smile in my voice.

  I roll my eyes. I’ve actually turned into one of those pussy-whipped pansies I always make fun of. Good god. What’s this girl doing to me?


  After three weeks of constant texting and emails I don’t know how much longer I can go without seeing Kitten. This distance thing is killer. I’d give anything to be able to hold her in my arms all night like I did back at her apartment.

  The catering area backstage at this show is pretty small. The room holds two round tables with four seats at each. Part of the road crew for Black Falcon fill one table, while the other is populated by Striker and Donovan from Embrace the Darkness. I roll my eyes and head to their table. I’d prefer to stay away from these two assholes, but I’m not going to let them bully me out of a seat to eat my dinner.

  I sit down and open my silverware packet and pill out a plastic knife to
butter my roll. The two men look up at me as I sit down without asking permission. Striker tucks a strand of his black hair behind his ear and relaxes, while Donovan smirks next to him.

  Striker eyes me as I prep my food. “Hey, mate. How’s it going?”

  His British accent is so strong at times it’s hard to understand him.

  “Good. You?” I return pleasantries before I take a bite of food.

  “Not bad. Say…” He leans in on his elbow. “I heard that little dish, Lanie Vance is staying on with Noel. Is that true, then?”

  I swallow hard. “You better be careful with that. Noel’s not messing around when it comes to her. He’s serious about her. I suggest you stay away from her if you know what’s good for you.”

  Both men laugh and my fingers curl into fists.

  “Right, well, I don’t think I’ll be taking lessons in love from the likes of you. No offense, mate, but you don’t exactly have longevity with the ladies,” Striker says.

  Donovan shakes his head next to him. “I don’t know. He’s seems attached to the red-head he’s been fucking—tries to fight me every time I tried to get a piece of that action.”

  “Watch it, dick.” Anger rages through me and I fantasize about punching this dick square in the throat.

  Donovan throws his hands up in surrender. “Easy. Take it easy. She’s yours. I fucking get that. It doesn’t mean I still don’t think she’s hot as fuck, because let’s face it. She is.”

  I uncurl my fingers and they throb as the blood begins to flow back into them. He’s right. Kitten is a sexy woman. I noticed her beauty right away, so I imagine the rest of the male and half the female population does, too. First it was Donovan, then that pencil-dick boss of hers and I’m sure they won’t be the last.

  I need to figure out a way to cool all my emotional shit before she gets tired of my bullshit.