When Charles arrived at the palace, the war council was alreadyassembled. Several general officers, however, were necessarily absent.
A long and anxious discussion ensued, and great diversity of opinionprevailed--jealousies having sprung up amongst the commanders. Hisgrace of Buckingham hated the Duke of Hamilton, and derided his plans;but his own rash counsels were rejected.
Charles felt sure, he declared, that he should be largely reinforcedby the levies which the Earl of Derby was bringing from Lancashire andCheshire. But he cared not if his army should be inferior to that ofthe enemy in number.
"There is no fear of treachery," he said. "The loyalty of the citizensof Worcester is unquestionable. They will fight for me as bravely asthey fought for the king, my father. No defeat will subdue them. Butwhy do I talk of defeat? Let us speak of the victory, that is certain."
"The next battle must be decisive, sire," remarked the Duke ofHamilton. "We must conquer, or die."
"We will conquer," cried Charles, energetically.
"We will," cried several voices.
Having remarked that Lesley took no part in the conference, the kingdrew him aside and inquired the meaning of his sombre looks.
"Are you afraid of Cromwell?" he asked.
"I am afraid of my own men, sire," replied Lesley. "They arediscontented, and do all I can, I am unable to remove theirdissatisfaction."
"Of what grievance do they complain?" asked Charles.
"I need not remind your majesty, that nearly five thousand Scottishsoldiers have returned to their own country since we crossed theBorder----"
"Deserted, if you please, colonel," interrupted Charles.
"Well, deserted, sire. But they had this excuse. Being zealousPresbyterians, they had conscientious scruples against establishing theEpiscopal government in England by force of arms; and like sentimentsprevail, to a great extent, among the remainder of the troops. Sinceour arrival at Worcester their discontent has perceptibly increased.They do not like to fight with the Cavaliers. For this reason, they arenot pleased with the Muster about to take place to-day, neither do theydesire to be joined by the levies promised by the Earl of Derby."
"They fear that my devoted adherents may become too strong for them. Isit not so, colonel?" asked Charles, coldly.
"They deem that a preponderance of the royal party--strictly socalled--though we are all Royalists--would be contrary to the trueinterests of Scotland, and to the welfare of the Kirk."
"Ah, I see!" exclaimed the king. "The Committee of the Kirk of Scotlandhave troubled their consciences--meddlesome fools that they are! Butyou _must_ keep your men in good humour, Lesley. They _must_ fight thisbattle. Assure them that I am a zealous partisan of the Covenant, andthat when I ascend the throne I will ratify all the conditions imposedupon me."
"Humph!" exclaimed Lesley. "I may give them these assurances, but theywill not believe me. So critical do I consider the position, that ifI dared to offer your majesty a counsel, it would be to return toScotland without hazarding an engagement."
"Return to Scotland!--never!" exclaimed Charles, indignantly. "Howdare you make a proposition so dishonouring to me, Lesley. I have notadvanced thus far into my kingdom to go back again without a blow."
"I knew my advice would be distasteful to your majesty, but I deemed itmy duty to give it."
"No more!" cried the king. "Quell this mutinous spirit in your men,Lesley--quell it, by whatever means you can. Mark well what I say, andfail not to repeat it. When we have routed the rebels--and we _shall_rout them--those who have fought best for me shall receive the highestreward."
Before Lesley could make any reply, Pitscottie approached his majesty.
"Where are your Highlanders, colonel?" demanded Charles.
"Drawn up in the college green, sire. I await your orders to march themto the place of Muster."
"Have they heard that Cromwell is at hand?"
"Ay, sire; and they are eager to meet him."
"No discontent among them--ha?"
"Discontent! No, sire. They were never in better spirits. Allthey desire is to prove their zeal to your majesty, and use theirbroadswords against the foe."
"Brave fellows!" exclaimed Charles, glancing significantly at Lesley."They shall serve as my body-guard to-day."