Page 21 of Siren in Waiting

  Beth’s eyes were as wide as saucers as she looked up to him. “No, I just shaved. But that sounds real nice, Bo.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” Trev had a steady smile on his face. “Tell me something, Bo. Have you ever seen a pussy as pretty as this one? Spread those knees and show him, Beth.”

  After only a moment’s hesitation, her knees widened, and Bo had to catch his breath. Beth’s pussy was a work of art. It was plump and yet delicate. Her skin was a glorious pale ivory, but he could see the pink from her pouty folds. She was already turned on. She was already aroused, and no one had touched her. Trev was right. She needed this.

  And he needed her.

  “Wider.” The word sounded foreign coming out of his mouth. He didn’t recognize the deep tone. “I want to see more.”

  “Obey the man, Beth. He tops you. I suspect he could be convinced to spank you, as well.”

  She would want him to. Aidan teased Lexi about it all the time. Every time he mentioned spanking her, Lexi’s face would flush. Beth’s fair skin flushed now, and Bo was pretty sure it wasn’t with embarrassment.

  “Show me, or I’ll give you five,” Bo demanded.

  Trev chuckled. “A whole five? We need to talk about proper punishment, Bo.” His expression changed, and his voice took on a deep, slightly sinister tone. “That will be twenty for you, Beth. That makes forty because you already have twenty coming from lying to me earlier today. And at least an hour without an orgasm.”

  Beth’s knees spread wide really fast.

  Her clitoris was a jewel at the top of her pussy, poking out of its little hood. It was pearly and pink at the same time, shining in the low light from the moisture that already coated it. She looked primitive and tempting sitting there, presenting her pussy to him. Bo stood over her, looking down at the gift being offered to him. He felt bigger than he had before, oddly stronger. Trev had asked him a question.

  “No, I’ve never seen a prettier pussy. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman. I think this one might need two men to take care of her.”

  Trev got to his knees behind her, his palms finding her torso and skimming up until each hand held a breast. Beth’s whimper went straight to Bo’s cock. She shivered as Trev flicked her nipples with his thumbs.

  “I can tell you this pussy is tight. So fucking tight, and her breasts are very sensitive. You liked me sucking on your nipples, didn’t you, Beth?” Trev asked.

  Her eyes closed as Trev rolled her nipples. “Yes.”

  Bo watched as the fingers playing with her tightened, and Beth let out a little hiss. She seemed to understand what that little punishment meant.

  “Yes, Sir,” Beth corrected.

  Trev continued playing with her breasts, but his eyes came up to meet Bo’s. “She calls me Sir when we’re playing. Would you like her to call you Sir?”

  He shook his head. “No. I want her to call me Bo. I want to hear my name when I’m fucking her.”

  Trev nodded shortly, and then his mouth was close to Beth’s ear. “Say his name, darlin’. He wants to hear it.”

  Her mouth curved, her pink tongue coming out to wet her lips. “Bo.”

  She’d said his name a thousand times, but never with the breathy anticipation she used now. She’d transformed from the quiet little mouse he knew to something different. She was submitting, but she seemed to find strength in it.

  “Let’s get the hard part over with,” Trev announced. “On your feet. Go and grip the back of that monstrosity of a couch and present that ass to your Masters. It’s a count of forty, and then tomorrow we’ll discuss this situation further. You aren’t allowed to hide things from us. Not ever.”

  “I didn’t want Bo to get hurt.”

  Trev hugged her, his arms going around her torso. “I understand that, darlin’. I really do. But I can’t allow it. Bo, what would be worse? Being injured or knowing she was being hurt and you couldn’t do anything?”

  No question. “I couldn’t live with myself if she’d died in this house and I was driving away. My life would have been over.”

  “I feel the same way, Beth,” Trev added. “I appreciate that you don’t want us hurt, but you can’t take away our right to protect you. Protecting you, making sure you have what you need, knowing that I’m important to you—these are the things a Dom gets from the relationship.”

  “You seemed to get a little more than that last night.”

  Trev’s hand smacked her ass, but there was a smile on his face. “I’ll get that, too. You could turn into such a brat, baby. I’m going to enjoy watching you grow. Now, do as I told you. I want to get to the part of the evening where I fuck you.”

  Beth held out her hand toward him. Bo moved close and helped her up. He took the opportunity to pull her close. He wished he’d been smart enough to chuck his clothes, but he could still feel the way her nipples poked at his chest.

  “You want to get spanked?” He needed to hear her say it. He wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen, but he was a little nervous about it.

  “Yes. I know it’s weird, but I think I’ll like it,” Beth admitted.

  “No more waiting. Do as I told you.” Trev’s impatience was etched on his face. He strode across the room and picked up a leather bag. He unzipped it as Beth let go of Bo and walked to the living area of the house. It was dominated by an antique-looking sofa. It was the type of sofa that went in old-fashioned parlors, when the lady of the house would serve tea or something. Maudine Bellows would probably roll in her grave if she knew her perfectly kept parlor was being used as a place to spank her home’s new owner. Bo was pretty sure Maudine had never grasped the wooden back of the sofa and arched her back, presenting her ass high in the air the way Beth was. Of course, Maudine Bellows had probably never once had the look of anxious anticipation that lit up Beth’s face.

  Bo let his fingers find the buttons of his shirt. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. He wanted to feel that soft skin against his. He chucked off his shirt, tossing it to the floor. He noticed Trev had removed his as well, though he had folded it. Bo picked his up and followed Trev’s example, folding it neatly and making a pile of his clothes. Trev worked methodically, as though he had all night and he would take every second of it. Bo was impatient, the need to fuck riding him hard.

  “She’s sweating. Trust me, the anticipation of what we’re going to do to her is going to make it even better.” Trev was down to nothing but his jeans and even those were unbuttoned. He reached into the leather bag and pulled out a small piece of pink plastic that had been rolled in a towel. “Hold it by the base. I bought it earlier today. I was late getting home because I had to drive two towns over to find a toy store. It’s been sterilized. I don’t want to have to stop to do it again.”

  “Sterilized?” Bo held the stiff plastic by the base.

  Trev grinned. “Oh, yeah. Trust me, she’ll be very grateful I’m a deep believer in sterilization when I shove that up her ass. We have to make sure every toy is fully cleaned. Thank god. I thought I forgot the lube. That would have been embarrassing.”

  Bo felt his face nearly go up in flames. Forgetting the lube was embarrassing, but shoving a piece of plastic up his girlfriend’s ass was perfectly normal?

  “It’s the only way to prepare her. How did you think this was going to work? Did you think we would take turns? We will tonight, but eventually we’ll take her together. That’s what a ménage is, Bo. Are you sure about this? If you like, we can simply date her separately. I don’t like that option, but having let her know she could have us both puts me in a corner.”

  He’d known this would happen. He’d known what Aidan and Lucas did to Lexi. It wasn’t that he was against it. It was just not something he’d ever thought he would do. “No. I want to do this.”

  “Excellent. Then let’s get her punishment out of the way.” Trev strode forward after handing Bo the tube of lube.

  Yep, he’d fallen down a rabbit hole. When he’d woken up this morn
ing, the last thing he’d thought he would be doing by midnight was holding a butt plug and a tube of lube, getting ready to watch his best friend get her ass spanked by a former professional quarterback. Of course, he’d woken up in jail with his face way too close to Brian Nixon’s butt crack, so this was a definite upturn in his day.

  Trev stood over Beth, his big body making hers seem small and delicate. There was no way to mistake the erection the man was sporting. It matched Bo’s. Trev’s hands ran down Beth’s spine toward her ass. He cupped the globes and leaned over to kiss that place where her back flowed and curved into the cheeks of her ass.

  “Your safe word is ‘bunny.’ If you say the word ‘bunny,’ I’ll stop everything I’m doing and we’ll talk. We’re going to take this slow. We’re going to find where your boundaries are. And then I’m going to push them. You can make as much noise as you like tonight, darlin’. There will be times when I demand silence, but not tonight. We’re pushing Bo’s boundaries tonight, too. It’s a count of forty, and then I’m going to work a plug into your ass.”

  Bo could see the way it made her shiver. He looked down at the plug. It was dainty and pink. It was smaller than his cock. He would bet it was smaller than Trev’s, too. “Is this a starter plug? Because otherwise, I don’t see what good it’s going to do. It’s tiny.”

  “It looks pretty big to me,” Beth said, her eyes wide. “If it’s so tiny, maybe you should try it.”

  “Oh, you should spank her for that.” Bo wasn’t about to take a pink plug up his ass. He had standards. “That was rude.”

  Trev sighed. “You’re going to be like two kids, aren’t you? And for your information, Bo, that is a starter plug. We’ll work that little asshole open until she can handle a cock. And if she struggles, there’s always ginger root. I’ll find a nice big piece of ginger, and I’ll carve it into the shape of a cock. I’ll work it into your ass, and every time you clench, the oil will burn. I promise, after an hour of figging, you’ll learn not to fight your Master when it comes to anal sex.”

  “Who the hell figured that out? Who sits around and thinks, hey, maybe I should shove some ginger root up my ass so it won’t clench anymore?” Bo couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry. I know this is supposed to be all serious and stuff.”

  Trev grinned at him while he ran his hands along Beth’s body. “It’s not that serious, buddy. It’s sex, and it’s supposed to be fun. And Leo teaches a class. I’ve never seen anyone who could whittle a more perfect penis than that man. But I assure you, our little Beth won’t be laughing. That fucking ginger root burns.”

  “You?” Bo couldn’t imagine Trev doing that.

  “Hell, yeah. I’m not going to do anything to her I haven’t tried myself. I might laugh about this, but I take it seriously. Now, I’m going to spank her ass, and then I’m going to teach you how to plug this pretty asshole.”

  Trev’s hand arced and the sound cracked through the room. Beth gasped. Her perfectly porcelain skin went pink.

  “Oh, my god.” Beth moaned.

  “That’s not a count.” Trev held back as though waiting for something.

  “One.” Beth seemed to struggle to get that word out. Her head fell forward with the second slap of Trev’s hand. “Two.”

  Trev seemed merciless. He spanked her over and over, waiting when she didn’t give the count. Beth’s body practically vibrated with each slap of his hand. He spanked her ass, moving each time so both globes got attention, both became hot pink. Bo couldn’t turn away from the sight. He’d thought it would turn him off, but it had his cock twitching. What would Beth look like tied to one of those big Xs as Trev used a whip on her?

  Over and over, Trev slapped her ass, the only sounds in the room the heavy cadence of flesh hitting flesh and Beth’s moans.

  “Thirty-eight.” Her voice had softened. She seemed less tense than she had been at the beginning. Her body moved with each strike, but her muscles seemed more languid now, as though she’d accepted the pain. “Thirty-nine.”

  Trev’s face was as hard as rock. One more smack and he was done, but Trev stood there looking down at his handiwork.

  “Forty.” Beth’s voice came out in a little heartfelt sigh.

  “How do you feel, darlin’?” Trev’s voice was low, and he sounded as out of breath as if he’d been the one taking the spanking.

  “I’m good.” Beth sounded like she’d just run a race.

  And Bo felt like an idiot. He was just the guy holding the plug. Trev and Beth had shared something. Bo hadn’t been a part of it.

  “Come here.” Trev gestured him over.

  Bo took the place beside Trev. Beth’s backside had an almost red sheen to it. It looked rough and painful. It looked strangely beautiful.

  Trev put a hand on the small of her back, offering her to Bo. “Test her. I can see you’re fighting this. You think she shouldn’t want this, but I assure you, she does. Run a finger through her pussy and tell me she didn’t want that.”

  Bo hated the fact that he couldn’t just accept it. Watching Beth get her ass spanked had gotten him hotter than he could have imagined, but too many years of trying to fit in had him fighting his own impulses. His impulse had been to jump in. And he’d kept silent. Why did he always do that?

  He took the out Trev had offered him. He held the plug in one hand and with the other tested the folds of her pussy.

  Bo nearly groaned when his fingers slid easily through her juices. Beth was soaking wet, her cunt pulsing against his fingers. He had no doubt that if he touched her clit, she would howl as she came. Her hips moved as though trying to take his fingers deeper.

  Trev smacked her ass again. “No moving. If you steal an orgasm, we’ll start your real punishment tonight. Do you understand?”

  Beth stopped immediately. “Yes, Sir. It just feels so good.”

  Fuck, yeah, it felt good. Her cunt clenched around his fingers. She would be so tight around his dick. He gently stretched her, scissoring his fingers deep inside. There was no question about it. Beth had loved that spanking. It had her ready to go. He didn’t need to do anything else. He could force her to her knees. He could mount her and ride.

  But there were things he had to do first.

  “Show me how to work this thing.” Bo held up the plug. If he was in, he was going all the way.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mouse breathed a sigh of relief as Bo moved his hands away from her pussy. It was so hard not to move back and try to take his fingers deeper. She’d been so close, but she didn’t want to disappoint Trev, and she definitely didn’t want to start whatever punishment Trev had in mind for her tonight. Tonight was about finally being with Bo. She didn’t want anything to screw that up.

  Not even Bo himself.

  She’d been nervous leaving the two of them alone as she’d undressed, but she knew nothing she could say would make Bo comfortable. He had to see it.

  From the tent in his jeans, it looked like he was well on the way to accepting what she wanted.

  Her legs ached, but she didn’t move. It felt too fresh, too fragile, for her to do anything but pray this continued. As Trev and Bo talked, she tried to remain quiet, hoping they would form a bond. This wouldn’t work if it was only about her. Trev and Bo needed to care about each other, too. It would be the only way to really keep Trev.

  Contrary to everything she’d said, she had zero intention of allowing Trev to waltz off at the end of this year. Something had changed inside of Mouse, and it had everything to do with Trev McNamara. Mouse had loved Bo all of her life, but it had been a long, slow slide with Bo. With Trev, there was a fire inside. She wanted both, and she intended to make it happen. A year was a long time. Anything could happen.

  “I never really thought about anal sex,” Bo said, his voice tentative.

  She wanted to snort. Bo hadn’t thought about anal sex? She was pretty sure Bo had done everything with everyone.

  “So you’re a newbie?” Trev’s hands still smoothed over her. He
hadn’t stopped touching her once since he’d begun his “punishment.” He kept her sensitized, on the edge.

  “I guess I just don’t see the allure. But I’ll try it.”

  She felt Trev’s chuckle all along her skin. “You don’t see the allure? I can explain it to you. Part her cheeks. We need to make sure we get the lube all over her. Truly good anal sex should be easy. Easy in, easy out. Of course, it doesn’t feel that way on your dick.”

  She groaned as she felt hands parting the cheeks of her ass. She bit into her bottom lip. She was a girl who’d never had sex until yesterday, and now the two most important men in her world were staring at her asshole.

  She nearly jumped when she felt a touch.

  “Don’t you move, Beth. This is our time. Your time will come. For now, we want to play with your ass, and you’re going to let us.” Trev’s dark voice sent a thrill through her.

  Every time he used that deep, pitch-black voice on her, she wanted to tremble, and not from fear. There was something about his voice when it got smooth and hard all at the same time that sent Mouse into a froth. Her whole body ached, and not in a bad way.

  “It feels different than a pussy.” Trev spoke as a single finger started to rim her. Dark sensations flooded her brain as she felt that digit circle her anus. It pressed slightly in. She was almost certain it was Trev. He’d played with her ass earlier. He’d seemed determined to take her there. “The heat is different. It’s tighter. And you have to fight your way in. It grips your dick the whole time you’re fucking it. In and out. It doesn’t matter. This pretty little asshole will hold you like a fist. You’ll feel it on every inch of your cock.”

  Now there was another sensation. Something wet hit her anus, causing her to clench.

  It earned her a smack. The hard pain of Trev’s hand against her ass quickly morphed into warm pleasure.

  “I might just have to find that ginger root, darlin’. You will not keep me out of this ass. This ass is mine. It belongs to me. I’m going to fuck it because it belongs to me.”