The bell was rung, and a servant opened the door.

  "I will go up to Mr. Conrad's room," said Rob.

  The servant knew him, and no objection was made. They went up twoflights to the front room on the third floor. Rob opened the doorwithout ceremony and entered, followed by Chester.

  He found himself in a spacious room, neatly furnished and hung aroundwith engravings, with here and there an oil painting. There was a tablenear the window with a portfolio on it. Here, no doubt, Mr. Conrad didsome of his work. There was no bed in the room, but through an opendoor Chester saw a connecting bedroom.

  "This is a nice room," he said.

  "Yes, cousin Herbert likes to be comfortable. Here, give me yourvalise, and make yourself at home."

  Chester sat down by the window and gazed out on the broad street. Itwas a pleasant, sunny day, and everything looked bright and attractive.

  "You are going to live in New York, aren't you?" asked Rob.

  "Yes, if I can make a living here."

  "I guess cousin Herbert will help you."

  "He has already. He has obtained a place for me in a real estate officeat five dollars a week."

  "I think I could live on five dollars a week."

  "I suppose it costs considerable to live in New York."

  Chester felt no apprehension, however. He was sure he should succeed,and, indeed, he had reason to feel encouraged, for had he not alreadyengaged two hundred dollars' worth of work?--and this sum seemed asmuch to him as two thousand would have done to Mr. Conrad.

  An hour glided by rapidly, and then a step was heard on the stairs.

  "That's cousin Herbert," said Rob, and he ran to open the door.

  "Hello, Rob. Did you find Chester?"

  "Yes, here he is!"

  "Glad to see you, Chester," said the artist, shaking his handcordially; "you must excuse my not going to meet you, but I was busilyengaged on a large drawing for _Harper's Weekly_, and, feeling in afavorable mood, I didn't want to lose the benefit of my inspiration.You will find when you have more experience that an artist canaccomplish three times as much when in the mood.

  "I am glad you didn't leave off for me. Rob has taken good care of me."

  "Yes, Rob is used to the city; I thought you would be in safe hands.And how do you like my quarters?"

  "They are very pleasant. And the street is so wide, too."

  "Yes, I like Thirty-fourth street. I lodge, but I don't board here."

  Chester was surprised to hear this. In Wyncombe everyone took his mealsin the same house in which he lodged.

  "And that reminds me, don't you feel hungry? I don't ask Rob, for healways has an appetite. How is it with you, Chester?"

  "I took a very early breakfast."

  "So I thought," laughed Conrad. "Well, put on our coats, and we'll goto Trainor's."

  They walked over to Sixth Avenue and entered a restaurant adjoining theStandard Theater. It was handsomely decorated, and seemed to Chesterquite the finest room he was ever in. Ranged in three rows were smalltables, each designed for four persons. One of these was vacant, andConrad took a seat on one side, placing the two boys opposite.

  "Now," he said, "I had better do the ordering. We will each order adifferent dish, and by sharing them we will have a variety."

  There is no need to mention of what the dinner consisted. All threeenjoyed it, particularly the two boys. It was the first meal Chesterhad taken in a restaurant, and he could not get rid of a feeling ofembarrassment at the thought that the waiters, who were better dressedthan many of the prominent citizens of Wyncombe, were watching him. Hedid not, however, allow this feeling to interfere with his appetite.

  "Do you always eat here, Mr. Conrad?" asked Chester.

  "No; sometimes it is more convenient to go elsewhere. Now and then Itake a table d'hote dinner."

  "I don't think I can afford to come here often," Chester remarked,after consulting the bill of fare and the prices set down opposite thedifferent dishes.

  "No; it will be better for you to secure a boarding place. You want tobe economical for the present. How did you leave your mother?"

  "Very well, thank you, Mr. Conrad. We have been very fortunate insecuring a boarder who pays eight dollars a week, so that mother thinksshe can get along for the present without help from me."

  "That is famous. Where did you get such a boarder in Wyncombe?"

  "It is a lady, the cousin of Mr. Gardener, the lawyer. She will becompany for mother."

  "It is an excellent arrangement. Now, boys, if you have finished, Iwill go up and settle the bill."

  As they left the restaurant, Mr. Conrad said:

  "In honor of your arrival, I shall not work any more to-day. Now, shallwe go back to my room, or would you like to take a walk and seesomething of the city?"

  The unanimous decision was for the stroll.

  Mr. Conrad walked down Broadway with the boys, pointing out any notablebuildings on the way. Chester was dazzled. The great city exceeded hisanticipations. Everything seemed on so grand a scale to the countryboy, and with his joyous excitement there mingled the thought: "And I,too, am going to live here. I shall have a share in the great city, andmingle in its scenes every day."

  Rob was used to the city, and took matters quietly. He was notparticularly impressed. Yet he could not help enjoying the walk, soperfect was the weather. As they passed Lord & Taylor's, a lady cameout of the store.

  "Why, mother," said Rob, "is that you?"

  "Yes, Rob. I came in on a shopping excursion, and I want you to go withme and take care of me."

  Rob grumbled a little, but, of course, acceded to his mother's request.So Chester was left alone with Mr. Conrad.

  "How do you feel about coming to New York, Chester?" asked his friend."You are not afraid of failure, are you?"

  "No, Mr. Conrad, I feel very hopeful. Something has happened to meto-day that encourages me very much."

  "What is it?"

  Chester told the story of his meeting with Prof. Hazlitt, and theproposition which had been made to him.

  "Why, this is famous," exclaimed Conrad, looking pleased. "I know ofProf. Hazlitt, though I never met him. He was once professor in aWestern college, but inheriting a fortune from his uncle, came to NewYork to pursue his favorite studies. He does not teach now, but, Ibelieve, delivers an annual course of lectures before the students ofColumbia College. He is a shrewd man, and the offer of employment fromhim is indeed a compliment. I am very glad you met him. He may throwother work in your way."

  "I hope I can give him satisfaction," said Chester. "It makes me feelrich whenever I think of the sum I am to receive. Two hundred dollarsis a good deal of money."

  "To a boy like you, yes. It doesn't go very far with me now. It costs agood deal for me to live. How much do you think I have to pay for myroom--without board?"

  "Three dollars a week," guessed Chester.

  Mr. Conrad smiled.

  "I pay ten dollars a week," he said.

  Chester's breath was quite taken away.

  "Why, I did not think the whole house would cost as much--for rent."

  "You will get a more correct idea of New York expenses after a while.Now, let me come back to your plans. You had better stay with me for afew days."

  "But I am afraid I shall be putting you to inconvenience, Mr. Conrad."

  "No; it will be pleasant for me to have your company. On Monday morningI will go with you to the office of the real estate broker who is toemploy you."

  Chester passed Sunday pleasantly, going to church in the forenoon, andtaking a walk with Mr. Conrad in the afternoon. He wrote a short letterto his mother, informing her of his safe arrival in the city, but notmentioning his engagement by Prof. Hazlitt. He preferred to wait tillhe had an interview with the professor, and decided whether he could dothe work satisfactorily.

  "Your future employer is Clement Fairchild," said the artist. "Hisof
fice is on West Fourteenth Street, between Seventh and EightAvenues."

  "What sort of a man is he?" asked Chester.

  "I don't know him very well, but I believe he does a very goodbusiness. You will know more about him in a week than I can tell you.There is one comfort, and that is that you are not wholly dependentupon him. I advise you, however, to say nothing in the office aboutyour art work. Business men sometimes have a prejudice against outsideworkers. They feel that an employee ought to be solely occupied withtheir interests."

  "I will remember what you say, Mr. Conrad."

  Chester looked forward with considerable curiosity and some anxiety tohis coming interview with Mr. Fairchild.