Chapter 14: The Secret Meeting

  For the rest of that night, and the following day, Taris personally guarded Lannon. Mostly Taris was a silent companion who spoke only when necessary, and he refused to discuss the current situation at Dremlock. As the day progressed, Furlus dropped by now and then, and each time he and Taris went into the corner and talked quietly. The Squires assumed they were discussing the search for Lannon's would-be assassin and wished they could hear what was being said.

  At one point, Taris took Lannon to the Library to talk privately with the lad about what had happened the night before. Lannon explained how he had called forth the Eye, and how it had changed form, slowing Tenneth Bard's attack.

  "Much about the Eye of Divinity is mysterious," said Taris. "Even the most powerful of the Dark Watchmen did not know all of its secrets. Yet it appears you've already made slight use of the Body stage of the Eye, which is very remarkable for someone as inexperienced as you."

  "What more can you tell me about the Eye," asked Lannon, "that will help me use it more effectively."

  "We have one book at Dremlock," said Taris, "that specifically deals with the topic. It is a collection of the Dark Watchmens' writings. Long ago, the Eye of Divinity was more common, and the Knights who possessed it organized themselves into a special group whose goal was to unlock the mysteries of the Deep Shadow. These Dark Watchmen were successful in their task, as many secrets about our enemy were revealed, giving us an advantage. However, they probed too deeply into the affairs of the Deep Shadow, and some became possessed by it or went insane. After that, the group was disbanded.

  "Yet the Dark Watchmen--for all they learned about the Deep Shadow--knew little about the workings of their own mysterious power. Yet that is the nature of the Eye of Divinity--it is very unpredictable. Once it is unlocked, there are no established rules for using it. What works for some may not work for others. It can be very frustrating at times to try to understand it. However, as I mentioned, they left notes and letters--different techniques that can be attempted."

  "Can I see the book?" Lannon asked excitedly.

  Taris sat in thoughtful silence for a while before answering. "I don't feel you are ready yet for such knowledge. It might only make things harder for you. You will learn on your own for now--as you have done so, impressively, already. But there may come a time when you can go no further and have need of the book. The power you possess is what led the Dark Watchmen to a bad end. Always bear that in mind. We must watch you closely as your training progresses and make sure you don't meet the same fate as the others before you, that you take things slow and don't delve too deeply into the workings of the Deep Shadow. The book could be dangerous for you to read right now."

  Lannon gave a disappointed nod.

  "You're afraid," said Taris. "You think we cannot protect you, that Tenneth Bard will somehow get to you again and destroy you. Am I right?"

  "I am afraid," Lannon admitted. "Those Whispers were powerful. I couldn't even move. If the Eye hadn't come out... "

  "But it did," said Taris. "And it could do so again."

  "But it wasn't strong enough," said Lannon. "If you hadn't come along, I would have been killed."

  Taris was thoughtful. At last he said, "The Eye is a powerful force. The question is whether or not your own will is strong enough for you to wield it properly. It appears that at this time the answer is no. But that could change."

  "How?" said Lannon.

  "Age and experience is one way," said Taris. "There may come a time when you can stand against Tenneth Bard, yet I cannot guarantee it. If he actually still lives, his powers are unknown to me. But at least, with a stronger will, you would have a better chance of defeating him."

  "If I live that long," Lannon said gloomily.

  Taris nodded. "Yes, if you live that long. The Knights will do their best to protect you, but nothing is certain."

  "Kealin Lightsword didn't seem to like me much," said Lannon. "So that's someone else I apparently have to watch out for."

  Taris nodded. "I saw the gesture he made to you--as if he wanted you dead. But there is nothing to be done about it at this time. Kealin is a Green Knight, protected by our laws, and right now we lack evidence against him. Moten, the Grey Dwarf, is another suspicious character. We've been investigating those two for some time, but they are sly. If they dwelt in the East Tower rather than the North, I might have exposed them long ago for the corrupt men they are, for very little of what happens here is not known to me."

  "If that's true," said Lannon, "why didn't you know we snuck out the other night, when we went below the Temple?"

  "I did know," said Taris. "I also knew of your journey beneath Old Keep, and I got word to the Dark Knights below, which is why you were saved from that Ogre. Did you think one of the Knights just happened along?"

  Lannon stared in speechless shock for a moment. Then he said, "If you knew, why didn't you punish us?"

  "I did," said Taris. "Forcing you to view the horrors in the Dungeon was my punishment to dissuade you from ever going back into Old Keep. Nothing exists down there but the shadows of doom."

  "Then you knew I had use of the Eye," said Lannon.

  "Yes," said Taris. "But I didn't report it to the other Knights. I wanted to learn just what you were up to, Lannon. And now I know that you were acting honorably, and for a good cause--though a Squire has met his end in the process."

  "You mean..." Lannon began.

  Taris nodded. "I believe you were meant to see the Divine Essence. Therefore, I did not try to stop you when you left the tower. I wanted you to reach the Temple and see the Essence."

  "You wanted me to break the Sacred Laws?"

  "Of course not," said Taris. "But the Divine Essence must never be ignored. After all, it made the Laws in the first place. Don't try to understand what motivates me, Lannon Sunshield. I have my reasons."

  Lannon said nothing, staring at the tabletop.

  Taris chuckled. "You look stricken. But fear not, I'm on your side at the moment. I just wanted to tell you this so you would realize that the Tower of Sorcery is not ignorant of what takes place within it. There is no safer place for you in all of Dremlock than the East Tower. But no place in this world is entirely safe, and unfortunately that assassin was somehow able to get to you unseen."

  "If you know so much," Lannon said, "then why didn’t you know about Clayith?"

  "I knew he had come here," said Taris. "But I did not know why. Some things even I cannot know without further examination. Had I been able to talk with the boy, I might have realized he was possessed."

  Taris sighed. "The Deep Shadow is a tricky foe."

  "Did you really know about everything we were doing?" said Lannon. For some reason, he doubted Taris' words.

  Taris' face hardened for a moment, but then he smiled. "You don't believe me? I have spies all over this tower, including the Watcher, who cannot be seen when he doesn't wish himself to be."

  Lannon shrugged. "I'm just not sure."

  Taris grinned. "You're a smart lad. I will admit that you are right in your suspicion--but only to a point. You and your friends were trained well as Blue Squires, and with many of our Knights out on important missions, this tower is not as secure as it used to be."

  "Then I'm not as safe as you suggested," said Lannon.

  "This is the safest place for you in Dremlock," said Taris, "which is why you are here. Will it be enough to protect you from an assassin who can climb icy walls and survive a fall from the top of this tower? Sadly, I cannot say for sure."

  "I have something more to tell you," said Lannon. "It's about the Divine Essence." He explained what he'd learned to Taris--about how their god was actually just a lonesome, scared child.

  Taris smiled. "This is not unknown to me. The White Guardian was very young when it was shattered. But it still possesses wisdom beyond us mortals. It revealed that knowledge to you for a reason--one that is difficult to understand at this time. A gre
at puzzle lies before us, Lannon, and it may take a long time before all the pieces fit together and we can see beyond the haze of the Deep Shadow that shrouds our vision."