
  Two days later, Lannon and his friends, including Jerret Dragonsbane, were summoned to the Temple to honor Caldrek. The smell of spring was in the air, and the snows were melting swiftly, as Taris came and led them to their destination. They were the only Squires called to attend--the rest of the people present were Knights. Taris explained that traditionally Squires were not allowed to participate in honoring ceremonies for Knights, but Cordus gave them special permission this time due to their recent heroics and because Caldrek had died protecting them. Lannon got up the nerve to question Taris, but the Tower Master refused to speak of anything concerning their war against the Goblins and the Blood Legion, saying that it would all be revealed at a feast that would take place a few days later.

  Cordus, Furlus, and Taris were at the Temple, along with the rest of the High Council--save for Moten Goblinsbane. The broken lid of the altar had been replaced, and Caldrek's body lay atop it, bearing armor and sword. Cordus stood before the altar, and spoke to the crowd, telling of Caldrek's heroic deeds. Several others spoke as well, and by the time everyone was finished, Lannon and his friends were in awe of Caldrek and knew a great Knight had passed from the world. Caldrek was promoted to Green, with a unanimous vote from the High Council, and a sash bearing that Color was laid across his body.

  Then the final ceremony began, in which Cordus took a bottle of white fluid and poured it over Caldrek's body. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, but then the torches in the Temple all suddenly burned with white fire. A gasp of amazement arose from the Knights, and they bowed their heads as one.

  Confused, the Squires did the same.

  The torches returned to normal, and Cordus once again stood before the altar and spoke. "Behold!" he cried. "The Divine Essence has called upon Caldrek and blessed him, in an act not seen in more than a hundred years! His body shall be preserved for time untold for others to look upon."

  Upon the altar, Caldrek's body had become encased in crystal.